© Technical Information Systems, 2010 Table of Contents

P1 © Technical Information Systems, 2010 Table of Contents Man3000 Installation Manual (Windows Server2003/XP, Vista and Windows 7) 2 Running Man3000 ...

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© Technical Information Systems, 2010

Table of Contents Man3000 Installation Manual (Windows Server2003/XP, Vista and Windows 7) Running Man3000 for the first time. Password Protection Edit Menu Serial Port Settings Importing a Predefined PABX Format PABX Format Wizard - Incomming PABX Format Wizard - Outgoing PABX Format Wizard - Unanswered Registration Man3000 Buffer Wiring


2 6 8 9 11 15 16 26 35 42 47

© Technical Information Systems, 2010

Man3000 Installation Manual (Windows Server2003/XP, Vista and Windows 7) Installation Procedure - CD: 1. 2.

Insert CD. Autorun will start wizard. 2.1 If the Man3000 Wizard does not start automatically follow the following procedure: 2.1.1 Click START on your Desktop 2.1.2 Select Control Panel 2.1.3 Double click ADD/REMOVE Programs 2.1.4 Select ADD NEW Programs 2.1.5 Select "Add a program from a CD-ROM" 2.1.6 Follow the screen prompts

2.1.7 As seen in the figure below, select your browse button to find your CD Rom location.

2.1.8 Your browse window will open, search for My Computer and your CD Rom Drive.


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2.1.9 Once you have selected the Man3000 Setup.exe, you will be taken back to your install wizard.

2.1.10 Click on Finish to run your installation. 3.

The Install Shield Wizard will guide you through the rest of the setup.

Read through the installation procedure and click on the appropriate selection: Click “Next”. Fig.1.1


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Software Licence Agreement If you agree on Licence Agreement terms and conditions, click “I accept” to continue with Installation. Fig.1.2

Destination Location  The MAN3000 software will be loaded in the C:\User\User\AppData\Roam ing\Man3000 subdirectory (This is standard destination for Windows Vista OS). Fig.1.3

 

Other Window operating systems will load to the C:\ProgramFiles\Man3000 subdirectory Click ‘Next’.

Review Options before copying  Review Installation Options and if correct, click “Next” to begin the Man3000 Software Installation. See Fig.1.3. Fig.1.3 P4

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 

Files will now be decompressed into your C:\User\User\AppData\Roaming\Man3000 (Vista) C:\Program Files\Man3000 (Other Windows OS) Subdirectory. Setup will automatically create an icon on your Desktop.

Man3000 was successfully copied to your customer’s computer.


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Running Man3000 for the first time. On new installations a warning will occur (Fig.1.6 & Fig.1.7) the first tim e the Man3000 program is run.  This forces the technician to run the XY.EXE file and create the cost tables.  This also gives the system an exact location, to calculate distances and costing from. i.e. local, national and international. Fig.1.6


NB!! XY.EXE also needs to be run on upgrades to overwrite old cost tables. Complete all the information in the XY.EXE file to create the Cost Tables: 1. Enter dialling code – Area code in which customer is situated eg.011 (Johannesburg). 2. Enter client’s main number in full. 3. The “Build Telkom Prime Net Tables” should only activated once the client has the prim e net feature activated on their Telkom lines. Fig.1.8



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NB!! Once XY.exe has completed building your Standard Code Book it will ask you if you would like to setup Additional Code Books for example a specific code book can be built for Neotel, VOIP and Premicell packages if needed.


© Technical Information Systems, 2010

Password Protection Password protection has different levels of access. Default Passwords (Used on Buffer and Scanner)

   

TIS = Technician Password - access to all features. (Should not be given to customers). BOS = Management Password - allows features like: ‘Deleting’, etc. PIN = Allows PIN code adding/changing when using the Scanner. OPP = Operator Password - allows normal operating features.

New Passwords can only be added/changed with the ‘TIS’ password. Fig.2.1

Password for Closing Password Access Levels are available to limit the Man3000 Program being closed down. Password for Reports Password Access Levels are available to limit Reports on the Man3000 Program being pulled. Thus fig.2.1 “OPP” = Operator “PIN” = Forced Pin “BOS” = Management “TIS” = Technical


© Technical Information Systems, 2010

Edit Menu Following activities are available under the Edit menu: Edit Extension Information  “Edit Extension Information” Allocate a name to an extension number that has been created in the list according to the extension number sent out by the PABX and then to allocate each extension to a department. How to enter.  Click on the Add button to create a new extension number, and then double click in the field next to the extension number to add the extension name. Each extension must be allocated to a department by using the drop down menu. Prevision is made for a budget per day entry, which allows the customer to allocate and generate reports on budgets. Tip: First set-up the departments under ‘Edit Department Name’ before entering your extension information, it will eliminate the need to go back into Edit Extension Inform ation afterwards to allocate your extensions to a department. Edit Department Name  “Edit Department Name” Used for creating new departments and allocating each departm ent to a specific telephone call charge rate.  Editing of your department names should be entered before entering extension nam es.  By assigning departments to extensions, the software is further customised to the customer’s requirements.  Select the Standard Unit Cost rate for standard call charges and the High or Extra High options when charging departments (e.g. office rental, guest, hotel, etc) for their telephone calls at a unit rate higher than that of the standard telephone rates. How to enter.  Select the department number required and in the column next to the number, enter the department name in the block labelled Department Name, e.g. Administration, Rented Office, Sales, Technical, etc.  Once that has been entered, move to the next block (Mark Up %) in line with Department Name and click on the arrow for the drop down menu to appear, there you can select from three options: Standard, High or Extra High. Edit Highlight Values

  

“Edit Highlight Values” Set the Highlight Value of telephone call records, for Cost, Duration and Ring Time.

An Automatic Email can now also be implemented; when the Highlight Values have been exceeded an email will be sent to the stipulated email address below.

The Email settings can now be via Outlook or SMTP.

If any of these values are exceeded, the call record will be highlighted in the database. A report/s of these calls can be generated under Extension Detailed Report, Department Summary Report, Top 40 and Exchange Line Summary Report.


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Edit Client List  “Edit Client List.” Click “Add” to create a new Client nam e and number.  There are 20 000 Client telephone number entries available.  The client’s name will be displayed on the main screen and in the database, as well as on the reports. The name will be displayed in place of the telephone number.  The client list can be enabled or disabled from the main screen via speed buttons or the ‘view’ menu. This will be available immediately on the sc reen.  When entering a client to the list or editing an existing client, you can allocate the client to 1 of 20 categories i.e. Private or Business.  If the unauthorized feature is used and a call is dialled or received to/from that number, an email or SMS will automatically be sent to the designated receiver via Microsoft Outlook 2000 or SMTP. This call is then classed as an unauthorized call. Edit Exchange Line Telephone Numbers  “Edit Exchange Line Telephone Numbers” First establish the port/line numbering scheme for your PABX.  Select the “Add” button to enter the number range.  An associated telephone number is now required per port/line number e.g. 0114335621 > 201, 0114335622 > 701, etc .  Now allocate the appropriate carrier to the telephone numbers i.e. Telkom, Neotel, varies VOIP packages or Least cost routing via Vodacom, MTN, Cell “C” or Virgin Mobile packages.  These lines will now be costed at the applicable carrier call rates. Edit Client Category Selection  Client Categories 1 - 20 can be edited to suit the client’s business needs.  By having client categories, reports can be generated by groups. Edit Account Codes  “Edit Account Code Information.” Man3000 has the capacity to store up to 20 000 account codes (2-8 digits in length).  The supply of account codes to Man3000 is PABX dependant.  An “Import” facility is available to import account code lists from other packages.  Reports can be generated on these account codes. All these options except for Edit Highlight Values can be printed from these menu ’s for easy reference.


© Technical Information Systems, 2010

Serial Port Settings When opening your Serial Port Setting

TX Setup This option allows the technician to manually transmit the PC date and time as well as the setup to the buffer box.

TX Fox(This is to be Demonstrated to the Trainee) This option is used for testing of the PC’s serial ports. When activated, this option will transm it a message “The Quick Brown Fox Jumped 0123456789” through the PC’s TX pin. To test the PC serial port, the technician should short the following pins on either the DB 25 or DB 9 m ale connectors (serial ports) on the PC:


PC DB 25 (male)

PC DB 9 (male)

PC 0 Volt



PC TX Data



PC RX Data



When the TX (transmit) and RX (receive) pins are shorted on the PC (whether it is on the DB 25 or DB 9 connector), the “THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPED 0123456789” “The Quick Brown Fox Jumped 0123456789” message should run on the screen, this im plies that both the TX (transmit) and RX (receive) pins are working properly. If this “The Quick Brown Fox Jumped 0123456789” message does not come back (run on PC P11

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 

screen), then either the TX or RX pins are not working properly. Then a second test should be conducted and that is to see whether the PC serial port is earthed. To do this test, the technician should short pins 2 & 3 and make sure that the “The Quick Brown Fox Jumped 0123456789” message is running on the Sc reen. Once this message is running on the screen the technician should short pins 2,3 and 7(pin 5 on DB 9 connector). The “The Quick Brown Fox Jumped 0123456789” should stop because the signal was shorted to ground. If this message “The Quick Brown Fox Jumped 0123456789” still runs on the PC screen, then the PC serial port is not earthed and you do not have full two-way communication.

Clr Disp This option clears the display area. RX_Beep PC beeps when the PC receives data. Box Beep Buffer box will beep when data is received by the PABX. Telm Err See end of Chapter. Reset This option allows the technician to reset the buffer via the Man3000 software. All the calls in the buffer box will be deleted when the reset button is pushed and a self-test in the buffer box will be run.

PC Connection

Buffer Type According to what type of Man3000 Hardware you are using for the Installation you will select the relevant Buffer Type from the list. Com Port Select available Com Port. When characters are pulsing on the display area, we refer to this as a heartbeat between the Hardware and the Software, this means that there is proper communication between the Man3000 software and the buffer box. P12

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PABX Connection

Baud Rate This is the baud rate of the PABX. Bits Data bits = PABX Data Bits Gap Time This will decrease the record TX time from the buffer to the PC, if PC is slow. Pre Processor If the PABX requires a pre processor, select the pre processor here. (20 = None)

Advanced Settings


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Soft Sorter If the PABX requires a soft sorter, select the require soft sorter here. (0=No soft sorter) Telm.Err If the buffer box is connected correctly, any RAW data com ing from the PABX will be displayed on the Serial Port Settings screen. To view this RAW data, put a ‘ ’ in check box ‘Save all Telephone Calls to the Telm.Err File’. This will enable the technician to view this file. To read the information off your Telm.Err file, click on the Telm.Err bar and then on ‘Add XX Markers’. Once the PABX format is set up, the technician should take the ‘ ’ out of the check box ‘Save all Telephone Calls to the Telm.Err File’, to avoid raw data (call records before being processed) being saved which is not used. NOTES_________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


© Technical Information Systems, 2010

Importing a Predefined PABX Format STEP 1  Type in password ‘TIS’.  Go to ‘Settings’ on main screen.  Go to ‘PABX Format 1’.  To select appropriate PABX Format, click on “Import” on ‘Set PABX Format 1’ screen.  A list of known PABX Format’s will appear of which an appropriate format may be selected, you will also see two folders named Micro and Soft these are formats for the relevant hardware. Fig.2.2

Click on “Open” and you will return to the PABX Format 1 screen, with new changes.

Click “Save ” to keep settings. NOTES_________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________


© Technical Information Systems, 2010

PABX Format Wizard - Incomming Using Man3000 PABX Wizard to setup Incoming Format To access the Pabx Wizard you will need to select SettingsPABX Format 1 in your PABX Format 1 window, click the following


Please note you must have call records in your Telm.Err to set up your PABX Format. When first accessing your PABX Wizard you will see on the bottom half of the screen Busy Check....

The bottom half of the Screen will change, using your Up and Down arrows on the lefthand side of your screen select an Incoming call record. By default the tick box in the lefthand side of the screen to Enable Dialled Number is ticked, untick the check box as we are setting up PABX Form at 1 for Incoming calls only.

The next field is your Exchange Line, which does need to be setup. Using your Red Marker, highlight your Exchange Line Number, and confirm that the com plete number has been highlighted as seen below. Click


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As previous highlight your Extension Number using your Red Marker, increase or decrease the length on the Extension, to cover the Extension Number. Click

Meter Pulse are only used if you are using a 16 KHz 4x4 Scanner or an older PABX; we have left this option available so you will be able to accommodate a client if they have meter pulses. The tick box by default is not ticked Click


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You do not have Account Codes Enabled for Incoming Calls that is by default is not ticked. Continue Click

From the drop down menu select the Format that your Time is sent out in, then using your Red Marker highlight the Time that the call was m ade, on this example the Format is HH:MM and the Red highlight field covers the Time of the Call. Click


© Technical Information Systems, 2010

To set your Date in your PABX Format, you select the Format of the Date as see in the example above, the Date format in the Telm.Err file is (2010/01/01) = CCYY/MM/DD. Making sure that the full Date is highlight, click

The next Tab highlighted is your Duration of Call Tab, with the setting you do not have to enter a length; you need only to select the format that your Duration is sent out in. In the example above the format is MM:SS. Click


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Your Ring Time Tab also does not require a length to be entered, as with your Duration, you need only to select a format that corresponds. Click

For Incoming Calls you can setup your Calling Number if CLI is activated and if your PABX sends the number, you would use the same length as your number dialled to accommodate international numbers.


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Once your masking has been completed, the next step is to setup your record test, this is an extremely important step as your masking can be correct but if your test is not setup correctly Man3000 will not recognize the record as an Incoming Record. Within your Incoming record look for a character that is unique to that type of call, in som e cases the PABX will send out an (I) as seen in the example below. Using your marker highlight the Unique character (I) then in your test select the first option "Test for this Exact Character in Marker Position" and click your "Read Marker" button the Unique character will be automatically entered.

Select the Save Tab, Man3000 PABX Format Wizard will then check your masking and test for the Incoming Call Record.


© Technical Information Systems, 2010

If everything in setup correctly you will see an Incom ing Call Record appear in your sample download screen as seen below.

If your Incoming Call Record does appear in the sample screen, you can use the sam e masking if you would like to show Incoming Transferred Calls and dependant that your PABX sends out the record, using your up and down arrows select an Incoming Transferred Call Record. Once you have highlighted the Unique character in the example below seen as an (S) using the Incom ing Transfer Test 1 read your marker (S).


© Technical Information Systems, 2010

Select the Save Tab, Man3000 PABX Format Wizard will then check your masking and test for the Incoming Transferred Call Record.

If everything in setup correctly you will see an Incoming Transferred Call Record appear in your sample download screen as seen below. Once you are satisfied that both records are setup correctly click "Save PABX Format"


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In your confirmation screen select "Yes"

You will see you are directed back to your PABX Format 1 Screen, all masking's and tests that have been setup in your PABX Wizard will show in your Screen as seen below, you can now close your screen and go to PABX Format 2 to set up your Outgoing Call Records.


© Technical Information Systems, 2010

PABX Format 1 Number dialed Exchange line Extension Meter Pulse Account Code Time of Call Date of Call Duration of Call Ring time Calling Number In Test 1 In Test 2 In Trans Test 1 In Trans Test 2 Out Test 1 Out Test 2 Unanswer Test 1 Unanswer Test 2 Out Trans Test 1 Out Trans Test 2

_ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _

NOTES_________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _________


© Technical Information Systems, 2010

PABX Format Wizard - Outgoing Using Man3000 PABX Wizard to setup Outgoing Format To access the Pabx Wizard you will need to select SettingsPABX Format 2 in your PABX Format 2 window, click the following


The bottom half of the Screen will change, and you have a tick box in the lefthand side of the screen to Enable Dialled Number, which by default is ticked. Using your Red Marker highlight your Number Dialled standard length is 16 to cater for International num bers.

The next field is your Exchange Line. Using your Red Marker, highlight your Exchange Line Number, confirm that the com plete number has been highlighted as seen below. Click

As previous highlight your Extension Number using your Red Marker, increase or decrease the length on the Extension, to cover the Extension Number. Click


© Technical Information Systems, 2010

Meter Pulse are only used if you are using a 16 KHz 4x4 Scanner or an older PABX; we have left this option available so you will be able to accommodate a client if they have meter pulses. The tick box by default is not ticked Click

If your PABX uses Account Codes you are able to accommodate and record them. You have a tick box on the lefthand side of the screen to Enable Account Codes that by default is not ticked, using your Red Marker highlight your Account Code increasing or decreasing the length as required. Click


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From the drop down menu select the Format that your Time is sent out in, then using your Red Marker highlight the Time that the call was m ade, on this example the Format is HH:MM and the Red highlight field covers the Time of the Call. Click

To set your Date in your PABX Format, you select the Format of the Date as see in the example above, the Date format in the Telm.Err file is (2010/01/01) = CCYY/MM/DD. Making sure that the full Date is highlight, click


© Technical Information Systems, 2010

The next Tab highlighted is your Duration of Call Tab, with the setting you do not have to enter a length; you need only to select the format that your Duration is sent out in. In the example above the format is MM:SS. Click

You do not setup Ring Time for Outgoing Call Records.


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You do not setup Calling Number for Outgoing Call Records.

Once your masking has been completed, the next step is to setup your record test, this is an extremely important step as your masking can be correct but if your test is not setup correctly Man3000 will not recognize the record as a Outgoing Record. Within your Outgoing record look for a character that is unique to that type of call, in som e cases the PABX will send out an (O) as seen in the example below. Using your marker highlight the Unique character (O) then in your test select the first option "Test for this Exact Character in Marker Position" and click your "Read Marker" button the Unique character will be automatically entered.


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Select the Save Tab, Man3000 PABX Format Wizard will then check your masking and test for the Outgoing Call Record.

If everything in setup correctly you will see an Outgoing Call Record appear in your sam ple download screen as seen below.


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If your Outgoing Call Record does appear in the sample screen, you can use the sam e masking if you would like to show Outgoing Transferred Calls and dependant that your PABX sends out the record, using your up and down arrows select a Outgoing Transferred Call Record. Once you have highlighted the Unique character in the example below seen as an (T) using the Outgoing Transfer Test 1 read your marker (T).

Select the Save Tab, Man3000 PABX Format Wizard will then check your masking and test for the Outgoing Transferred Call Record.

If everything in setup correctly you will see a Outgoing Transferred Call Record appear in your sample download screen as seen below. Once you are satisfied that both records are setup correctly click "Save PABX Format"


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In your confirmation screen select "Yes"

You will see you are directed back to your PABX Format 2 Screen, all masking's and tests that have been setup in your PABX Wizard will show in your Screen as seen below, you can now close your screen and go to PABX Format 3 to set up your Unanswered Call Records.


© Technical Information Systems, 2010

PABX Format 2 Number dialed Exchange line Extension Meter Pulse Account Code Time of Call Date of Call Duration of Call Ring time Calling Number In Test 1 In Test 2 In Trans Test 1 In Trans Test 2 Out Test 1 Out Test 2 Unanswer Test 1 Unanswer Test 2 Out Trans Test 1 Out Trans Test 2

_ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _

NOTES_________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _________


© Technical Information Systems, 2010

PABX Format Wizard - Unanswered Using Man3000 PABX Wizard to setup Unanswered Format To access the Pabx Wizard you will need to select SettingsPABX Format 3 in your PABX Format 3 window, click the following


The bottom half of the Screen will change, using your Up and Down arrows on the lefthand side of your screen select a Unanswered call record. By default the tick box in the lefthand side of the screen to Enable Dialled Number is ticked, untick the check box as we are setting up PABX Format 3 for Unanswered calls only.

The next field is your Exchange Line. Using your Red Marker, highlight your Exchange Line Number, and confirm that the com plete number has been highlighted as seen below. Clic k

As previous highlight your Extension Number using your Red Marker, increase or decrease the length on the Extension, to cover the Extension Num ber, remember in Unanswered Call Records cater for the full length of the Standard Extension Number. Click


© Technical Information Systems, 2010

Meter Pulse are only used if you are using a 16 KHz 4x4 Scanner or an older PABX; we have left this option available so you will be able to accommodate a client if they have meter pulses. The tick box by default is not ticked Click

You do not have Account Codes Enabled for Unanswered Call which by default is not ticked. Continue Click


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From the drop down menu select the Format that your Time is sent out in, then using your Red Marker highlight the Time that the call was m ade, on this example the Format is HH:MM and the Red highlight field covers the Time of the Call. Click

To set your Date in your PABX Format, you select the Format of the Date as see in the example above, the Date format in the Telm.Err file is (2010/01/01) = CCYY/MM/DD. Making sure that the full Date is highlight, click

The next Tab highlighted is your Duration of Call Tab, with the setting you do not have to enter a length; you need only to select the format that your Duration is sent out in. In the example above the format is MM:SS. Click


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Your Ring Time Tab also does not require a length to be entered, as with your Duration, you need only to select a format that corresponds. Click

For Unanswered Call Records you can setup your Calling Number if CLI is activated and if your PABX sends the number, you would use the same length as your number dialled to accommodate international numbers.

Once your masking has been completed, the next step is to setup your record test, this is an extremely important step as your masking can be correct but if your test is not setup correctly P38

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Man3000 will not recognize the record as an Unanswered Record. Within your Unanswered record look for a character that is unique to that type of call, in som e cases the PABX will send out an (U) as seen in the example below. Using your marker highlight the Unique character (U) then in your test select the first option "Test for this Exact Character in Marker Position" and click your "Read Marker" button the Unique character will be automatically entered.

Select the Save Tab, Man3000 PABX Format Wizard will then check your masking and test for the Unanswered Call Record.

If everything in setup correctly you will see an Unanswered Call Record appear in your sam ple download screen as seen below. Once you are satisfied that the record is setup correctly click "Save PABX Format"


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In your confirmation screen select "Yes"

You will see you are directed back to your PABX Format 3 Screen, all masking's and tests that have been setup in your PABX Wizard will show in your Screen as seen below.

PABX Format 3 Number dialed Exchange line Extension Meter Pulse Account Code Time of Call

_ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ P40

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Date of Call Duration of Call Ring time Calling Number In Test 1 In Test 2 In Trans Test 1 In Trans Test 2 Out Test 1 Out Test 2 Unanswer Test 1 Unanswer Test 2 Out Trans Test 1 Out Trans Test 2

_ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _= _

NOTES_________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _________


© Technical Information Systems, 2010

Registration How to Register your Man3000 Software   

Registering of your Man3000 Software is password protected. The “Technical” Passwords allows editing of the registration form as well as entering the registration code. The “Management” Password only allows for the entering of the registration code.

STEP 1 - Location of Form

From the Help Menu: “Technical Support ” to access the Man3000 Software Registration Form.

If the copy of Man3000 was not registered and a report was to be run, a warning message appears to inform the user that the program is not registered and a will be placed on the main screen from where the technician or client can access the registration form and enter the registration key. No password is required to access this


quick access button and will reset

the password back to after registration key was entered. This option can only be used for entering the registration code and not for editing of the registration code.

STEP 2 - Accessing Registration Form 

Once you have opened the registration form, select the option. A warning message will be displayed as soon as the edit button is clicked, this is only to warn the individual that any alterations to the registration form will affect the registration and if changed need to be re-registered. Continue by clicking " Yes".


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 

Confirmation Warning appears. Continue by clicking " Yes".

STEP 3 - Completing of Registration Form   

You have now accessed the Man3000 Software Registration Form, please complete all the fields found within the form in detail. Once completed the form must be Saved before the Print or Online Registration option will appear. If the Print button does not come up, please make sure that the buffer and PC has proper two-way communication.

STEP 4 - Submitting the Registration Form P43

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Manual  Once the Technician has completed the Registration Form, submit the form along with an Official Purchase Order (if required) from the Support Company to Technical Information System via fax to be processed. Automatic  For automated registration options, use the Online Registration option and follow these steps:

1. Select your taken to the following Screen.

button on your Registration page and you will be

2. When in your Online Registration Screen select


3. Once connected you will see the online verification, then enter your cell number in the international format +27736666666 and select your One Time Password.


to receive

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4. If you are a registered technician with Man3000, the system will automatically send you an SMS with the One Time Password. 5. The One Time Password is only to be used once and is valid for two hours.

6. You will receive your One Time Password, once received you will need to enter the OTP twice. 7. Then select your SMS.

you will then receive your Unlock Key via


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This process should be repeated when another registration is to be done. Complete Online Registration as follows: o Enter technician cell phone number. o Enter One Time password obtained from sms. o Confirm One Time Password. o Enter Job number if required. o Request Unlock Code. o Enter Unlock Code obtained from sms in Registration Form. NB!! Ensure the details completed above are correct to ensure successful registration.

STEP 5 - Entering Registration Code Technical Information Systems will in return send the Support Company the Registration Code, which needs to be entered into the Registration Form, so that full functionality of the Man3000 Software may be accessed. To enter the Registration Code, you will need to access the Registration Form, once in the form:  Click the “Registration ” button, which will allow you to edit the Registration Code field.  Enter your 16 digit Registration Code. NB Please make sure that you have entered the code correctly.  Save the changes to the Registration Form and Close.  Your Man3000 Software is now a Registered Version of Man3000 Telephone Management Software.


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Buffer to PC Wiring Buffer Box DB15 Female

PC DB 25



11, 12, 13, 14









PC TX Data




PC RX Data




RS232 Positive(+) Volt Can be used as CTS on some PABX's. RS232 Negative(-) Volt Some PABX's require a negative voltage to enable the PABX to transmit.


PABX to Buffer Wiring (Standard SMDR) Buffer Box








NOTES_________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
