1 Body Organization and Terminology ASSIGNMENT: 1. Introduction

Body Organization and Terminology. ASSIGNMENT: 1. Introduction to Anatomical Terminology. Use the human torso model, textbooks and each other to compl...

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Body Organization and Terminology ASSIGNMENT: 1. Introduction to Anatomical Terminology Use the human torso model, textbooks and each other to complete the questions in the worksheet. Turn in to your T.A. for credit, or correct your own by using the posted answers. (Recommended: Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining Forms by Donald J. Borror.) Learning Objectives: 1. Recognize and define the terms used to describe relative positions, body sections, body regions, and normal and pathological states in human health. 2. Describe the locations of the major body cavities; describe the bilayer organization of serous membranes, and describe the organs associated with each cavity. MODELS: Human torso model (manikin) DEMONSTRATION: none WEB LINKS (suggested): http://training.seer.cancer.gov/anatomy/body/functions.html http://training.seer.cancer.gov/anatomy/body/terminology.html 1. Explore some of the organ systems of the human body using PAL. Open the Human Cadaver section, click on the appropriate organ system, then click on Show Labels and find: a. External abdominal oblique muscle (Muscular System) b. Sciatic nerve (Nervous System) c. Pancreas and Thyroid gland (Endocrine System) d. Inferior Vena Cava (Cardiovascular System) e. Lymph Vessel (Lymphatic System) f. Middle lobe of right lung (Respiratory System) g. Fundus of gallbladder (Digestive System) h. Ureter (Urinary System) i. Ductus deferens (Male Reproductive System) and Fundus of uterus (Female Reproductive System)

Name __________________________ Lab time: _________


Place a check mark √ when you can correctly identify the following body regions.

____ antebrachial

____ epigastric

____ occipital

____ aural

____ femoral

____ palmar

____ axillary

____ frontal

____ pectoral/mammary

____ brachial

____ gluteal

____ plantar

____ buccal/oral

____ gonadal

____ popliteal

____ cervical

____ inguinal

____ sacral

____ digital

____ lumbar

____ umbilical

____ dorsum

____ nasal

Name __________________________ Lab time: _________


Note: You may search for a specific structure within a module of PAL (e.g. Human Cadaver)

Try it… Find the medial border of the scapula. For future reference, list the steps you took to find the medial border of the scapula:



Identify the body region labeled __C___. 2. Complete the worksheet on the following pages. Name __________________________ Lab time: _________


Understanding Anatomical Terminology a-,an-, not ab-, away from ad-, bring toward adeno-, gland aero-, air or gas af-, toward -algia, pain angio-, vessel ante-, before arthro-, joint -ase, enzyme astr-, starlike aur-, ear bi-, both, two bio-, life -blast, developing blasto-, embryonic brachio-, arm brady-, slow broncho-, airway carcin-, cancer cardio-, heart cephalo-, head -cele, herniation -centesis, puncture cervico-, neck chole-, bile chondro-, cartilage chrom-, color -clast, breakdown corn-, horn corp-, body cranio-, cranium cusp-, projection cysto-, bladder cyto-, cell derma-, skin di-, two dia-, between diplo-, double dis-, apart dors-, back -dynia, pain dys-, bad,difficult ecto-, exterior -ectomy, removal -emia, blood endo-, interior entero-, intestine

epi-, upon erythro-, red fasci-, band fore-, before gastro-, stomach -gen, producing -glia, glue glyco-, sugar -gram, recording hem-, blood hemi-, half hepato-, liver hetero-, different histo-, tissue homo-, same hyal-, glass hydro-, water hyper-, above hypo-, below -iasis, condition idio-, peculiar ileo-, ileum im-,in-, not infra-, beneath inter-, between intra-, within is-, equal -itis, inflammation juxta-, near to later-, side -lemm, rind or peel leuko-, white lipo-, fat -lith, stone -logy, study of lun-, moon -lysis, breakdown mal-, bad,difficult man-, hand medi-, middle mega-, large melan-, black meso-, middle morpho-, form myco-, fungal myelo-, bone marrow myo-, muscle neo-, new nephro-, kidney

neuro-, nerve oculo-, eye odont-, tooth -oid, a thing like oligo-, few -oma, tumor oo-, egg oro-, mouth ortho-, straight -osis, condition osteo-, bone oto-, ear -otomy, cut para-, beside patho-, abnormal -pathy, abnormal pedi-, foot peri-, around phag-, eat phlebo-, vein -plegia, paralysis pneumo-, lung podo-, foot poly-, many post-, after pre-, before prox-, nearest pseudo-, false pulmo-, lung pyo-, pus quadri-, four rect-, straight reticulo-, net retro-, backward rhino-, nose -rrhea, discharge -sect, to cut semi-, one-half -stomy, opening supra-, above syn-, together thoraco-, chest -tomy, cut into trans-, across -troph, well fed tympano-, eardrum uni-, one uro-, urine vas-, vessel

Name __________________________ Lab time: _________


Common Medical Abreviations AB abortion ABG's arterial blood gasses ac before a meal ad lib as desired AD right ear ALL acute lymphocytic leukemia AML acute myelogenous leukemia AP anteroposterior AS left ear Ba barium bid twice a day BM bowel movement BP blood pressure Bx biopsy CBC complete blood count CHF congestive heart failure CK creatine kinase CNS central nervous system CPK creatine phosphokinase CSF cerebrospinal fluid CT computed tomography CV cardiovascular CVA cerebrovascular accident CXR chest x-ray D&C dilation & curettage DM diabetes mellitus DVT deep vein thrombosis Dx diagnosis EBV Epstein-Barr virus ECG electrocardiogram EEG electroencephalogram EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy EKG electrocardiogram EMG electromyogram ENT ear, nose, throat FB foreign body

FBS fasting blood sugar FEF forced expiratory flow FEV forced expiratory volume FVC forced vital capacity Fx fracture GC gonorrhea GIgastrointestinal GTT glucose tolerance test Hb hemoglobin (HGB) HBV hepatitis B virus Hct hematocrit HIV human deficiency virus hs at bedtime Hx history I&D incision and drainage Ig immunoglobulin IM intramuscular IV intravenous IVP intravenous pyelogram KUB kidney, ureter, bladder LLL left lower lobe LLQ left lower quadrant LMP last menstrual period LP lumbar puncture LUL left upper lobe LUQ left upper quadrant MI myocardial infarction MRI magnetic resonance imaging npo nothing by mouth OD right eye OS left eye PA posteroanterior pc after meals pH hydrogen ion concentration PMH past medical history po orally pp after meals prn as required q2h every 2 hours qam every morning qd every day qh every hour qid four times per day

qpm every night R/O rule out RBC red blood cell Rh Rh factor (+ or blood) RLL right lower lobe RLQ right lower quadrant RML right middle lobe RUL right upper lobe RUQ right upper quadrant Sig. let it be labeled SOB shortness of breath stat immediately TIA transient ischemic attack tid three times per day UA urinalysis UGI upper gastrointestinal ung ointment URI upper resp. infection UTI urinary tract infection WBC white blood cell

Name __________________________ Lab time: _________


BODY ORGANIZATION & TERMINOLOGY WORKSHEET The four elements used to form words include:  word root (e.g. cardi, derm, nephr): the base in a scientific word, often from Gr. or L.  combining form (e.g. cardio-, derma-, nephro-): word root with connecting vowel  prefix (e.g. epic-, poly-, an-): word root ending with a hyphen  suffix (e.g. –ectomy, -ology, -scopy): word root preceeded by a hyphen (Recommended: Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining Forms by Donald J. Borror.) 1. Underline the word root and record the meaning of each of the following words. anatomical terminology, the word root designates a body part.

In most

nephritisarthroscopyphlebotomygastrectomyhepatomacardiologyileostomymyogramcystoscopyhepatitisarthrocentesisneuropathy2. Look at the meaning to the right, and complete each of the following words using the appropriate suffix. mast-

surgical removal of the breast


incision of tympanic membrane


an opening into the trachea Name __________________________ Lab time: _________


(Suffixes, cont'd) rhino-

surgical repair of the nose


cutting intestinal adhesions


abnormal condition of gallstones


forming or producing cancer


excessive formation (of an organ or tissue)


inflammation of the stomach


pain along the course of a nerve


enlarged liver

3. Place a slash separating the prefix from the rest of the word, and define the prefix. adhesion























primigravida Name __________________________ Lab time: _________


4. Complete the following statements which refer to human body positions, sections, and membranes. Use the numbered terms listed below. _____ a. Divides body into front and back portions. _____ b. Divides body into unequal right and left halves. _____ c. Divides body into equal right and left halves. d. The elbow is _____ to the hand and _____ to the shoulder. e. In anatomical position, the thumb would be _____ to the little finger. f. A slice through the small intestine which shows the hollow tubular nature of this organ is called _____. _____ g. Serous membrane attached to the surface of the lung. _____ h. Serous membrane attached to the thoracic body wall. _____ i. Double layered membrane that holds the abdominal organs loosely in place. _____ j. Fibrous membrane which forms a loose-fitting sac around the heart.

1 anterior 2 caudad 5 dorsal 6 inferior 9 posterior 10 proximal 13 frontal 14 transverse 17 mesentery 19 visceral pericardium 21 visceral peritoneum 23 visceral pleura

3 cephalad 4 distal 7 lateral 8 medial 11 superior 12 ventral 15 midsagittal 16 parasagittal 18 parietal pericardium 20 parietal peritoneum 22 parietal pleura

5. Locate on your lab partner each of the body areas or parts listed below. axillary hepatic inguinal plantar buccal cervical

temporal sacral popliteal antebrachial lumbar frontal

renal mammary umbilical palmar epigastric hypogastric Name __________________________ Lab time: _________


6. Locate the following features on the torso manikin: dorsal cavity ventral cavity thoracic cavity abdominopelvic cavity diaphragm mediastinum oral cavity

parietal pleura visceral pleura pleural cavity visceral peritoneum parietal peritoneum peritoneal cavity retroperitoneum

orbital cavities middle ear cavity parietal pericardium nasal cavity visceral pericardium

7. Using the prefixes and suffixes provided in this handout and in your textbook, describe the meaning of each of these terms. a. unilateral ___________________________________________________ b. hypodermic__________________________________________________ c. interdigital _________________________________________________ d. histology ____________________________________________________ e. peritonitis __________________________________________________ f. cervical _____________________________________________________ g. bronchoscopy ________________________________________________ 8. Match the organs contained in the cavities in Col. A with the body cavities in Col. B. Column A ______ liver ______ stomach ______ lungs ______ brain ______ spleen ______ tongue ______ gall bladder ______ trachea ______ eye ______ spinal cord ______ rectum ______ ear ossicles ______ heart ______ mediastinum ______ ovaries ______ pancreas ______ kidneys (retroperitoneal)

Column B A. abdominal cavity B. cranial cavity C. middle ear cavity D. oral cavity E. orbit F. pelvic cavity G. spinal cavity H. thoracic cavity I. mediastinum

Name __________________________ Lab time: _________


Name __________________________ Lab time: _________