1. How did political and economic disputes contribute to a

How did political and economic disputes contribute to a ... were interested in land and the profitable fur trade. The French ... Was the French and In...

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1. How did political and economic disputes contribute to a movement toward independence in the colonies? 2. What events led the colonies into rebellion? 3. What roles did various groups of Americans play in the fight for independence? 4. What are the principles of American democracy? 5. How did leadership influence the creation of the new nation?

Objective: We are going to analyze the causes and effects of the “French and Indian War.” Why do we call it the French and Indian War. Would all participants have called that?

1754-1763 a.k.a. The Seven Years War is fought around the rest of the globe between France and England.

England and France competed for ownership of the Ohio River Valley. English settlers were interested in land and the profitable fur trade. The French wanted to protect land connecting Canada and settlements along the Mississippi. The Huron and Algonquin sided with the French while the Iroquois sided with the British.

“Hi I’m George Washington! I started the French and Indian War!”

In 1754 George Washington led Virginians in to the Ohio country to build a fort. Washington launched a successful surprise attack then lost Fort Necessity to the French. A British writer noted that he “set the world in flames.”

"The Confidence of the French in this Undertaking seems well-grounded on the present disunited State of the British Colonies, and the extreme Difficulty of bringing so many different Governments and Assemblies to agree in any speedy and effectual Measures for our common defense and Security; while our Enemies have the very great Advantage of being under one Direction, with one Council, and one Purse...."

Ben Franklin called for The Albany Plan of Union to create “one general government” to protect the colonies at the Albany Congress. (None of the colonies supported this idea.)

The British lost at Fort Dunsque, Fort Oswego and Fort William Henry. In 1757 William Pitt took over command for the British. The British captured Fort Dunsque and renamed it “Fort Pitt.” They later captured Quebec in a daring battle on the Planes of Abraham.

The conflict ended with Spain ceding Florida to the British, while receiving all French land west of the Mississippi. Britain gained all French land east of the Mississippi except New Orleans.

Before the French and Indian War

After the French and Indian War

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Who fired the first shots of the French Indian War? Who were the major participants in the conflict? What were they fighting over? Was it worth it? Why was the Albany Plan of Union important? Was the French and Indian War necessary? Could it have been avoided? Was the Treaty of Paris fair?

Objective: We are going to analyze Pontiac’s Rebellion and the “turmoil over taxation.”

English settlers tried to claim all land they won in the Treaty of Paris. Native Americans resisted the loss of their lands and fought back in Pontiac’s War. The Proclamation of 1763 stated that no British subjects could settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Was the Proclamation of 1763 fair? Who would agree or disagree with it? Why did Pontiac disagree with the Treaty of Paris? How is England going to pay for all this war? How do we pay for war in modern America?

Do Now: Examine the picture below…look for details…what do they represent? Objective: We are going to analyze taxes and legislation imposed by the British Parliament upon the colonists.



Sugar Act 1764

Lowered taxes on molasses but enforced payment

Stamp Act of 1765

Imposed taxes on legal documents, newspapers etc.

The Townshend Acts

Taxed glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea…Writs of Assistance allowed soldiers to inspect a ship’s cargo without a reason.

Quartering Act

British soldiers must be housed

Notice of the Stamp Act

Colonists formed the Sons and Daughters of Liberty to boycott British goods. They wrote petitions, hanged straw effigies, tarred and feathered tax collectors.

Which legislation by Parliament was the most offensive to the colonists? What was the most effective means of protest? What would you have done as a colonist?

Objective: We are going to analyze the “Bloody Massacre “in Boston.

What do you see in this image? How does it depict the British soldiers?

As a result of the “Boston Massacre” or the Incident on King Street the soldiers were arrested and tried in court. John Adams defended them and they were branded on their hands. As a result committees of correspondence were created to better organize protests.

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Is the “Boston Massacre” or “The Bloody Massacre” a reasonable title for the “Incident on King Street?” Why were the soldiers found to be not guilty? How did Paul Revere depict the Boston Massacre? Could this be considered propaganda?

In order to protest a tax on tea and the Tea Act of 1773 the Sons of Liberty dressed as Mohawks and threw 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor. This was later called the “Boston Tea Party.”

This iconic 1846 lithograph by Nathaniel Currier was entitled "The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor"; the phrase "Boston Tea Party" had not yet become standard. Contrary to Currier's depiction, few of the men dumping the tea were actually disguised as Indians

Was the tea party a good idea? What could be the consequenc es?

How does this cartoon depict the Edenton Tea Party?… a group of women who organized a boycott of English tea. Who’s perspective is this?

What can we tell about the geography of the city of Boston?

To punish Massachusetts Parliament:    

Shut down the port of Boston Forbade Massachusetts to hold town meetings Moved trials to England Passed the Quartering Act Passed the Quebec Act


As a result other colonies formed the First Continental Congress which agreed to boycott all British goods and create a militia.

Minutemen stored arms in Concord Massachusetts. 1775… General Thomas Gage attacked the stores and faced Minute Men in the battles of Lexington and Concord.

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What did the Tea Act of 1773 lead to… Why did it anger the colonists? Which was the worst of the “Intolerable Acts?” What did the first Continental Congress do? Was this wise? What were “the shots heard round the world?” Was war with England inevitable?