DIRECTORY OF MICHIGAN HEALTH DEPARTMENTS . In general, health care providers should seek consultation regarding communicable disease prevention and co...

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2015: REPORTABLE DISEASES IN MICHIGAN – BY CONDITION A Guide for Physicians, Health Care Providers and Laboratories

Report the following conditions to the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS) or local health department (see reverse) within 24 hours (unless otherwise noted) if the agent is identified by clinical diagnosis, direct examination, culture, serology, molecular techniques or histopathology.

Report the unusual occurrence, outbreak or epidemic of any disease or condition, including healthcare-associated infections. Amebiasis (Entamoeba histolytica) Anaplasmosis (Anaplasma phagocytophilum) Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) Arboviral encephalitides, neuro- and non-neuroinvasive: California serogroup, Chikungunya, Eastern Equine, Powassan, St. Louis, Western Equine, West Nile Babesiosis (Babesia microti) Blastomycosis (Blastomyces dermatitidis) Botulism (Clostridium botulinum) Brucellosis (Brucella species) Campylobacteriosis (Campylobacter species) Chancroid (Haemophilus ducreyi) Chickenpox / Varicella (Varicella virus) Chlamydial infections (including: trachoma, genital infections, LGV) (Chlamydia trachomatis) (3) Cholera (Vibrio cholera) Coccidioidomycosis (Coccidioides immitis) Coronavirus infection (SARS, MERS-COv) Cryptosporidiosis (Cryptosporidium species) Cyclosporiasis (Cyclospora species) Dengue Fever (Dengue virus) Diphtheria (Corynebacterium diphtheriae) Ehrlichiosis (Ehrlichia species) Encephalitis, viral or unspecified Escherichia coli, O157:H7 and all other shiga toxin positive serotypes (4) Giardiasis (Giardia species) Glanders (Burkholderia mallei) Gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) (3) Guillain-Barre Syndrome (1) Haemophilus influenzae, sterile sites only; submit isolates for serotyping for patients <15 years of age Hantavirus Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) Hepatitis, viral: Hepatitis A virus, (Anti-HAV IgM) Hepatitis B virus, (HBsAg, HBeAg, anti-HBc IgM, HBV DNA Nucleic Acid Tests (PCR), HBV genotype), especially in pregnant women Hepatitis C virus, (Anti-HCV, HCV RNA Nucleic Acid Tests (PCR), HCV genotype) Hepatitis D virus, (HDsAg, anti-HDV IgM) Hepatitis E virus, (Anti-HEV IgM) Histoplasmosis (Histoplasma capsulatum) HIV, (Tests indicative of HIV infection including reactive immunoassays (e.g. WB, EIA, IA), detection tests (e.g. VL, NAAT, p24), CD4 counts/percents, genotypes, and all tests related to perinatal exposures) (2) Influenza virus (Weekly aggregate counts) Pediatric mortality, report individual cases Novel Influenza viruses, report individual cases Kawasaki Disease (1) Legionellosis (Legionella species) Leprosy or Hansen’s Disease (Mycobacterium leprae)

Leptospirosis (Leptospira species) Listeriosis (Listeria monocytogenes) Lyme Disease (Borrelia burgdorferi) Malaria (Plasmodium species) Measles (Measles/Rubeola virus) Melioidosis (Burkholderia pseudomallei) Meningitis: bacterial , viral, fungal, and parasitic Meningococcal Disease (Neisseria meningitidis, sterile sites) Mumps (Mumps virus) Orthopox viruses (including: Smallpox, Monkeypox) Pertussis (Bordetella pertussis) Plague (Yersinia pestis) Polio (Poliovirus) Prion disease (including: CJD) Psittacosis (Chlamydophila psittaci) Q Fever (Coxiella burnetii) Rabies (Rabies virus) Rheumatic fever (1) Rubella (Rubella virus) Salmonellosis (Salmonella species) Shigellosis (Shigella species) Spotted Fever and Typhus Group (Rickettsia species) Staphylococcus aureus, (MRSA), outbreaks only Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin intermediate/ resistant (VISA/VRSA) Streptococcus pneumoniae, sterile sites Streptococcus pyogenes, group A, sterile sites, including Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS) Syphilis (Treponema pallidum) Tetanus (Clostridium tetani) Toxic Shock Syndrome (non-Streptococcal) (1) Trichinellosis (Trichinella spiralis) Tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex) (5) Tularemia (Francisella tularensis) Typhoid Fever (Salmonella typhi) Vibriosis (Non-Cholera species) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Yellow Fever (Yellow Fever virus) Yersiniosis (Yersinia enterocolitica)

LEGEND (1) Reporting within 3 days is required. (2) Reporting within 7 days is required. (3) Sexually transmitted infections for which expedited partner therapy is authorized. See www.michigan.gov/hivstd for details. (4) An isolate, if available, or the non-culture positive broth and/or stool specimen must be submitted to MDHHS laboratory (5) All preliminary tuberculosis test results are to be reported to appropriate local health department and isolates submitted to MDHHS laboratory. Blue Bold Text = An isolate, diagnostic specimen, or serum sample, where appropriate, must be submitted to MDHHS or other laboratory designated by MDHHS.

This reporting is expressly allowed under HIPAA and required by Michigan Public Act 368 of 1978, 333.5111 MDHHS maintains, reviews, and revises this list at least annually, for the most recent version please refer to: www.michigan.gov/cdinfo Michigan Department of Health and Human Services • Bureau of Laboratories • Bureau of Disease Control, Prevention, and Epidemiology

REV. 04/15

Updated April 2015

COUNTY Al cona Al ger Al l ega n Al pena Antri m Arena c Ba ra ga Ba rry Ba y Benzi e Berri en Bra nch Ca l houn Ca s s Cha rl evoi x Cheboyga n Chi ppewa Cl a re Cl i nton Cra wford Del ta Di cki ns on Ea ton Emmet Genes ee Gl a dwi n Gogebi c Gd. Tra vers e Gra tiot Hi l l s da l e Houghton Huron Ingha m Ioni a Ios co Iron Is a bel l a Ja cks on Ka l a ma zoo Ka l ka s ka Kent Keweena w

HEALTH DEPT. Di s tri ct 2 LMAS DHD Al l ega n County Di s tri ct 4 Hea l th Dept. of NW MI Cent MI DHD Wes tern UP Di s t Ba rry-Ea ton DHD Ba y County Benzi e-Leel a na u DHD Berri en County Bra nch/Hi l l s /St Jo Ca l houn County Va n Buren-Ca s s DHD Hea l th Dept. of NW MI Di s tri ct 4 Chi ppewa County Cent MI DHD Mi d-MI DHD Di s tri ct 10 Del ta-Men Di s t Di ck-Iron Di s t Ba rry-Ea ton DHD Hea l th Dept. of NW MI Genes ee County Cent MI DHD Wes tern UP Di s t Gra nd Tra vers e Co Mi d-MI DHD Bra nch/Hi l l s /St Jo Wes tern UP Di s t Huron County Ingha m County Ioni a County Di s tri ct 2 Di ck-Iron Di s t Cent MI DHD Ja cks on County Ka l a ma zoo County Di s tri ct 10 Kent County Wes tern UP Di s t

AREA 989 906 269 989 231 989 906 269 989 231 269 517 269 269 231 231 906 989 989 989 906 906 517 231 810 989 906 231 989 517 906 989 517 616 989 906 989 517 269 231 616 906

COUNTY La ke La peer Leel a na u Lena wee Li vi ngs ton Luce Ma cki na c Ma comb Ma ni s tee Ma rquette Ma s on Mecos ta Menomi nee Mi dl a nd Mi s s a ukee Monroe Montca l m Montmorency Mus kegon Newa ygo Oa kl a nd Ocea na Ogema w Ontona gon Os ceol a Os coda Ots ego Ottawa Pres que Is l e Ros common Sa gi na w St. Cl a i r St. Jos eph Sa ni l a c School cra ft Shi a wa s s ee Tus col a Va n Buren Wa s htena w Wa yne (out-Wa yne) Detroi t Wexford

CO. OFFICE AREA PHONE Ba l dwi n 231 745-4663 La peer 810 667-0448 La ke Leel a na u 231 256-0200 Adri a n 517 264-5243 Howel l 517 546-9850 Newberry 906 293-5107 St. Igna ce 906 643-1100 Mt. Cl emens 586 783-8190 Ma ni s tee 231 723-3595 Nega unee 906 475-7844 Ludi ngton 231 845-7381 Bi g Ra pi ds 231 592-0130 Menomi nee 906 863-4451 Mi dl a nd 989 832-6666 La ke Ci ty 231 839-7167 Monroe 734 240-7832 Stanton 989 831-5237 Atl a nta 989 785-4428 Mus kegon 231 724-4723 Whi te Cl oud 231 689-7300 Pontia c 248 858-1286 Ha rt 231 873-2193 Wes t Bra nch 989 345-5020 Ontona gon 906 884-4485 Reed Ci ty 231 832-5532 Mi o 989 826-3970 Ga yl ord 989 732-1794 Hol l a nd 616 396-5266 Rogers Ci ty 989 734-4723 Prudenvi l l e 989 366-9166 Sa gi na w 989 758-3887 Port Huron 810 987-5300 Three Ri vers 269 273-2161x0298 Sa ndus ky 810 648-4098x162 Ma ni s tique 906 341-6951 Corunna 989 743-2356 Ca ro 989 673-8114 Ha rtford 269 621-3143 Yps i l a nti 734 544-6700 Wa yne 734 727-7078 Detroi t 313 456-3347 Ca di l l a c 231 775-9942 Bureau of Laboratories Ph: 517-335-8063 Fax: 517-335-9631

HEALTH DEPT. Di s tri ct 10 La peer County Benzi e-Leel a na u DHD Lena wee County Li vi ngs ton County LMAS DHD LMAS DHD Ma comb County Di s tri ct 10 Ma rquette County Di s tri ct 10 Di s tri ct 10 Del ta-Men Di s t Mi dl a nd County Di s tri ct 10 Monroe County Mi d-MI DHD Di s tri ct 4 Mus kegon County Di s tri ct 10 Oa kl a nd County Di s tri ct 10 Di s tri ct 2 Wes tern UP Di s t Cent MI DHD Di s tri ct 2 Hea l th Dept. of NW MI Ottawa County Di s tri ct 4 Cent MI DHD Sa gi na w County St. Cl a i r County Bra nch/Hi l l s /St Jo Sa ni l a c County LMAS DHD Shi a wa s s ee County Tus col a County Va n Buren-Ca s s DHD Wa s htena w County Wa yne County Detroi t Ci ty Di s tri ct 10


Communicable Disease Division Ph: 517-335-8165 Fax: 517-335-8263


PHONE FAX 724-6757 343-1894 387-2297 387-2224 673-5411 673-2163 356-4507 356-3529 533-8670 547-0460 846-6541 846-0431 524-6142 524-6144 798-4152 517-541-2666 895-2039 895-2083 882-4409 882-0143 926-7121 926-8129 279-9561x0198 278-2923 969-6370 969-6488 782-0064 782-0121 547-6523 547-0460 627-8850 989-356-3529 635-1566 635-7081 539-6731 539-4449 224-2195 227-3126 348-7800 348-5346 786-4111 786-1962 774-1868 779-7232 541-2641 541-2666 347-6014 547-0460 257-1017 257-3247 426-9431 426-6952 667-0200 667-0020 995-6100 995-6126 875-3681 875-1032 437-7395x0398 437-0166 482-7382 482-9410 269-9721 269-4181 887-4308 887-4379 527-5341 527-8208 362-6183 362-5211 265-9913 265-4174 773-5921 773-4319 768-1662 788-4256 373-5267 373-5060 258-8669 258-2805 632-7228 632-7085 482-7382 482-9410

Immunization Division Ph: 517-335-8159 Fax: 517-335-9855

CO. OFFICE Ha rri s vi l e Muni s i ng Al l ega n Al pena Bel l a i re Standi s h L'Ans e Ha s tings Ba y Ci ty Benzoni a Benton Ha rbor Col dwa ter Ba ttl e Creek Dowa gi a c Cha rl evoi x Cheboyga n Sa ul t Ste. Ma ri e Ha rri s on St. Johns Gra yl i ng Es ca na ba Ki ngs ford Cha rl otte Petos key Fl i nt Gl a dwi n Bes s emer Tra vers e Ci ty Itha ca Hi l l s da l e Ha ncock Ba d Axe La ns i ng Ioni a Ta wa s Ci ty Iron Ri ver Mt. Pl ea s a nt Ja cks on Ka l a ma zoo Ka l ka s ka Gra nd Ra pi ds Ha ncock

In general, health care providers should seek consultation regarding communicable disease prevention and control services through their local health department.

DIRECTORY OF MICHIGAN HEALTH DEPARTMENTS FAX 745-2501 667-0232 256-7399 264-0790 545-9685 293-5724 643-0239 493-0075 723-0150 475-4435 845-9374 592-9464 863-7142 837-6524 839-7908 240-7838 831-3666 356-3529 724-1325 689-5295 858-0178 873-4366 343-1899 884-2358 832-1020 343-1895 231-547-0460 393-5767 356-3529 366-8921 758-3888 985-4340 273-2452 648-5276 341-5230 743-2362 673-7490 621-2725 544-6706 313-967-3044 456-4427 775-4127