3rd Degree Catechism - harmonie699.org

the whole of the Masonic ritual system. • There is no record of a three degree ... 3rd Degree Catechism • Structurally the ritual is more of the same...

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3rd Degree By. Bro. Daniel J. Di Natale Harmonie Lodge No. 699

History Of the 3rd Degree • The 3rd degree is the newest edition to the whole of the Masonic ritual system. • There is no record of a three degree system until well into the 1700s.

History Of the 3rd Degree • Important Precursor – The Mason’s Word or Master’s Word • This finds historical mention before the existences of a 3rd degree. • First mentioned in 1672 in The Rehearsal of Transpros’d by Andrew Marvell. – Only mentioned in passing.

History Of the 3rd Degree • Edinburgh Registry House Manuscript (ERHM) 1696. • Quest 2 How many points of the fellowship are ther – Ans: fyve viz foot to foot Knee to Kn[ee] Heart to Heart, Hand to Hand and ear to ear. Then make the sign of fellowship and shake hand and you will be acknowledged a true mason. • ‘…youngest mason must advance and put himself into the posture he is to receive the word and sayes to the eldest mason in whispering’

History Of the 3rd Degree • The center of Speculative Masonry seems historical based in Scotland. • With the formation of the Grand Lodge we find the proto-third degree. – First find evidences of being preformed in Scotland by Bro. Desaguilers. • This was the ritual in its first recorded performances.

Proto-Third Degree • The drama as we know it came out of nowhere in the Lodges of London. – Limited evidences of a drama in the Scotland conferrals of the late 1600s. – First appears in Samuel Prichard’s Masonry Dissected (1730). • What happened to make the drama?

Proto-Third Degree • The first Grand Lodge made the 3rd Degree landmark. – Yet, • 1st Ed Andersons Constitutions (1723) – Tells us that King Hiram sent to Solomon This namesake Hiram or Huram, “the most accomplished Mason upon earth.”

• 2nd Ed (only 15 years later) Andersons Constitutions (1738) – “sudden death of their dear Master Hiram Abif whom they decently interred in the Lodge near the Temple, according to ancient usage.”

The Drama • The first reference of the Hiramic Legend in dramatic form is not Masonic. – Voyage en Orient (1843) by Gérard de Nerval. • The Drama grows out of a cultural context. – Competing degree- Graham Manuscript (1726) » The use of a story the was that same but used Noah.

3rd Degree Catechism

3rd Degree Catechism • Structurally the ritual is more of the same. • What is different is the size and depth of the obligation.

3rd Degree Obligation • The bases of all Masonic Law. • This Obligation covers the core of “Masonic” living.

Preamble • Exactly the same as the preamble for the 2nd Degree. • Explains the manner and nondisclosure agreement the Master Mason is obligated to.

Obligation First Charge • Duty to the Grand Lodge of New York. • Edicts– Are stated by the order of the Grand Master. These are exceedingly rare orders. • Sec 113. Article 14. – “To do such other things as are inherent in and pertain to his office and are not in conflict with these Constitution.”

• It is your obligation as a Master Mason to read, know and learn about the By-laws of your Lodge and those of Grand Lodge. – The “word” of a Brother no matter how well informed does not make it law.

Obligation Second Charge • It is your obligation to make it to all your Lodge meetings. – If you cannot make it due to “the length of your cable-tow” it is Masonic courtesy to inform the Master. – If it is a summoned communication, you should use all of your ability to make the meeting.

Obligation Third Charge • Your ability to help those in need but especially those Brothers in need. – This is exactly the same in context as the 2nd Degree except • The addition of not hurting your family by adding others. – Use reason and remember family is always first.

Obligation Forth Charge • It is your duty to keep the secrets of a Master Mason. – Keep this in context with the rest of the obligation. – They must be commutated as such and he must be a worthy Master Mason.

Obligation Fifth and Sixth Charge • Very self expletory, don’t do it! • Uphold their proper usage and do not violate the landmarks.

Obligation Seventh Charge • DO NOT STEAL FROM THE LODGE. • It was once very hard to identify other Masons in public. – Far dealings between Mason to Mason. – Stop or warn about those that would defraud a Brother. • You should do this to all of the human family but a Brother most importantly.

Obligation Eighth Charge • The violation of chastity implies rape or unwanted advances. • It also impels a level of respect due to women. – This is not saying you cannot date Master Mason’s female relatives but the due respect you owe her if you do. • It is very common for Master Mason’s to be married to relatives of other Master Masons as long as this would not bring disharmony to the Craft.

Obligation Ninth Charge • Do not violate the landmarks of membership. • IRRELIGIOUS LIBERTINE – Originally meant those that identify themselves as deist. • This contextual does not meaning the same thing it did in the 1700s. Alluding to men of litigious habits. – This is a throwback statement during a time of conflict in the Craft. Not found outside of work based on the Ancient Masons. – Used without understanding the context of the 1700s.

Obligation Tenth Charge • Do not violate the landmarks of Degree conferral. – Clandestine Lodges• Those Lodges not recognized has having Masonic authority by the Grand Lodge.

– Suspension • Members can be punished by rejection of membership of suspension. Do not engage in Masonic intercourse with them.

Penalty • Very similar to those used world round. • This penalty is more standardized world round.