4640 Barger Drive Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: (541) 689-3280

Faculty vs Wolverine Pageant Contestants basketball game. ... Remie Calalang is available for questions. ... Williams, Keirsten...

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4640 Barger Drive  Eugene, OR 97402  Phone: (541) 689-3280 Fax: (541) 689-0719  www.bethel.k12.or.us

BETHEL SCHOOL BOARD MEETING District Office – 4640 Barger Drive Monday, January 25, 2016 7:00 p.m. Executive Session Per ORS 192.660 (2)(e) – Toward the end of the meeting. At the end of the Executive Session the Board will call the Regular Session to order and open to the public.

AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance

Alan Laisure, Chair Rich Cunningham, Vice Chair

3. Approval of Minutes 4. Superintendent’s Report A. Student Presentation, Clear Lake Elementary B. Student Representative Report, KHS and WHS C. Health Center Update, Brooke Cottle and Amy Tidwell D. Legislative & School Finance Update E. Open Enrollment, Pat McGillivray F. G. 5. Delegations and Visitors 6. Consent Agenda Personnel Action

Resolution No. 28

7. Action Items A. Approve the 2014 – 2015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report B. Adopt Policy JFG C. Adopt Caps for Open Enrollment for School Year 2016 – 17

Resolution No. 29 Resolution No. 30 Resolution No. 31

8. Information and Discussion A. B.


9. Board Activity Update A. B. 10. Review of Next Meeting: Monday, February 8, 2016 A. Student Presentation, Meadow View B. Student Representatives Report, WHS and KHS C. KITS Presentation, Chris Parra D. January Financial Report, Simon Levear E. Board Policies Up for Periodic Review F. Legislative & School Finance Update G. Construction Excise Tax 11. The Board will meet in Executive Session per ORS 192.660 (2)(e) to discuss real property. 12. Return to Regular Session 13. Adjournment

MINUTES Bethel School District #52 Board of Directors January 11, 2016 ATTENDANCE Board Members: Greg Nelson, Rich Cunningham, Debi Farr, Paul Jorgensen, Ginger Poage, and Chair, Alan Laisure. Absent: Dawnja Johnson

District staff, students, and community members identified: Colt Gill, Chris Parra, Hanna Rodriguez, Alondra Duran, Pat McGillivray, Simon Levear, Amy Tidwell, Remie Calalang, Brian Flick, Nancy Porter, Jane Kammerzelt, Mindy LeRoux, Pat Farr, Robin Hansen, Barry Bokn, Ginny Ward, and Sascha Cosio. CALL TO ORDER Chair Laisure called the January 11, 2016 meeting of the Board of Directors to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice Chair Cunningham led the Pledge of Allegiance.

ACTION ON MINUTES Chair Laisure presented Minutes from the December 17, 2015 Board Meeting and asked for additions or corrections. Hearing none, the Board approved the Minutes as submitted.

SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Oregon Community Foundation Grant Award Joan Kammerzelt, a volunteer with Oregon Community Foundation, presented Bethel Health Center with a grant award. School Board Appreciation Proclamation This being School Board Appreciation month Superintendent Gill read a proclamation recognizing the dedication and hard work of the Bethel School Board Directors.

Student Presentation, Willamette High School Culinary Team Culinary teacher Martha Humphries introduced the Pro Start Culinary Team; Ruth Perez, Desiree Maring, Braxton Shipman, Parker Hansen, Alex Gilbert, and their mentor chefs, Bruce Cameron and Erin Emmert. They prepared and served dessert to the Board in honor of School Board Appreciation month. Kalapuya High School Student Representative, Hanna Rodriguez Ms. Rodriguez discussed easing back into school after winter break. Students continue working on wind turbines and the Bethel Farm Project.

Willamette High School Student Representative, Alondra Duran Ms. Duran reported the wrestling team placed at the Oakridge Invitational. January 12 is the annual Faculty vs Wolverine Pageant Contestants basketball game. The annual Senior Citizens Breakfast starts at 7:45 am Wednesday January 13. WHS is looking for families to host the students visiting from Australia for a weekend in April. Seniors took their LCC placement tests Monday, January 11. 1 of 3

MINUTES Bethel School District #52 Board of Directors January 11, 2016 Financial Statement, Simon Levear Business Services Director Simon Levear introduced auditors from Grove, Mueller & Swank, PC. Director Levear summarized the financial audit for the 2104 – 2015 fiscal year. The District received an “unmodified” opinion. The financial statements are fairly presented in conformity with Government Auditing Standards.

Fall Sports Review, Barry Bokn Willamette High School Athletic Coordinator, Barry Bokn, reviewed the successes of Bethel’s fall sports teams. This autumn over 300 students participated in athletic programs. A first-year football coach had a great year with the program and they qualified for the state playoffs. Playworks / PE Specialist Update, Brian Flick Director of Teaching and Learning Brian Flick discussed the new elementary PE program including the development of the PE curriculum aligned to the Oregon standards. Brian also introduced Playworks, a new recess program designed to engage students at recess. Playworks’ goals are to improve social skills, fitness, school culture, student learning, and active problem-solving. Teachers and students are seeing the benefits of Playworks extend into the classroom. Financial Statement, Simon Levear Business Services Director Simon Levear reviewed the November financial statement showing an estimated Ending Fund Balance of: $6,323,556.

Legislative & School Finance Update Superintendent Gill updated the Board on the new Federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Oregon must maintain college–ready standards. New funding comes July of 2016. Accountability regulations will not apply until 2017-18 school year. Title IV funds are returning and may be used for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), arts, health, and college credit bearing classes. Division 22 Assurances Superintendent Gill addressed the Board regarding the annual process where the District ensures compliance with Oregon’s Division 22 Standards. The District is compliant in all areas.

Construction Excise Tax Review The intent of the resolution passed in 2007 was for the rates to change annually but the increases were not implemented from 2011 to the present. The Board directed Superintendent Gill to bring a resolution to the next Board meeting adjusting to the current Construction Excise Tax rates and making it clear that rates would align annually with Oregon Department of Revenue rate changes and limitations. Policy Update, First Reading Superintendent Gill reported on the following Board Policies: CBA – School Superintendent No changes CCG – Licensed Evaluations – Administrators No changes CD – Team Management No changes GBDA – workplace Provision for Nursing Mothers Updated to reflect new language 2 of 3

MINUTES Bethel School District #52 Board of Directors January 11, 2016 IGBC – Title I/ Parental Involvement No changes JFG – Search and Seizure Updated to reflect new language KN – Cooperation with Law Enforcement Agencies No changes DELEGATION AND VISITORS None

CONSENT AGENDA Resolution No. 25 – Personnel Action Greg Nelson moved, Rich Cunningham seconded, to approve the Consent Agenda as specified below: 1. 2.

Wolfram, Josh Wade, Ben

Hire for 2015 – 2016

Motion Passed, 6-0 Director Johnson was absent.

Hire for 2015-2016

Offer Extra Duty Contract for Track Co-Coach @ WHS Offer Extra Duty Contract for Track Co-Coach @ WHS

ACTION ITEMS Resolution No. 26 – Adopts the 2016 – 2017 Budget Calendar Motion: Debi Farr moved, Paul Jorgensen seconded, to approve the 2016 -2017 Budget Calendar Motion Passed, 6-0 Director Johnson was absent.

Resolution No. 27 – Adopts CBA, CCG, CD, GCDA, IFCA, IGBC, IIAA, KN Motion: Greg Nelson moved, Ginger Poage seconded, to adopt the above policies. Motion Passed, 6-0 Director Johnson was absent.

INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION A. Director Farr attended the State of the County address. Director Farr stated Commissioner Bozevich did a great job of highlighting the important issues facing Lane County. B. Director Farr and Superintendent Gill attended the State of the City address. Bethel School District was recognized as a leader in the community. Director Farr stated it was the best yet. BOARD ACTIVITY UPDATE A. Director Cunningham reminded the Board of the upcoming annual LCOG dinner. The “Get Acquainted” portion begins at 5:00 pm Friday February 26, and dinner is at 6:00 pm. B. Superintendent Gill shared that the next NAACP dinner is Friday, February 26, the same night as the LCOG dinner. C. Director Farr will be in Tucson for the first Board meeting of February.

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MINUTES Bethel School District #52 Board of Directors January 11, 2016 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to bring before the Board, Chair Laisure adjourned the meeting at 9:23 PM.

____________________________ Clerk – Colt Gill

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___________________________________ Chair – Alan Laisure

4640 Barger Drive  Eugene, OR 97402  Phone: (541) 689-3280 Fax: (541) 689-0719  www.bethel.k12.or.us

January 25, 2016



RESOLUTION: CONSENT AGENDA/PERSONNEL ACTION The Board of Directors, School District No. 52, Lane County, approves personnel action involving licensed

employees and extra duty contracts at each regularly scheduled School Board meeting. If the Board of

Directors would like to discuss any of these recommendations in executive session, the employee should be

identified by the number preceding the name and it will be withdrawn pending further instruction from the Board. Remie Calalang is available for questions.

RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the School Board approve the Consent Agenda as reflected in this resolution and any addendum presented along with this resolution. # 1. 2.

Name Williams, Keirsten

Aumack, Stefan

Type Hire for 2015 - 2016

Leave of Absence for 2016 2017

Description Offer Extra Duty Contract for Assistant Cheer Coach @ WHS. Approve 1.0 FTE LOA for school year 2016-17.

Recommended by: Remie Calalang, Human Resources Director

ATTEST _______________________________ Clerk MOVED BY _________________________________


SECONDED BY ______________________________ DATE _____________________________________ RESOLUTION:

Passed /


________________________________________ Chair _


BOARD MEMBERS Rich Cunningham Debi Farr Dawnja Johnson Paul Jorgensen Alan Laisure Greg Nelson Ginger Poage





4640 Barger Drive  Eugene, OR 97402  Phone: (541) 689-3280 Fax: (541) 689-0719  www.bethel.k12.or.us

January 25, 2016



BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Directors, School District No. 52, Lane County, hereby accepts the 20142015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report as submitted by the firm of Grove, Mueller, and Swank, P.C.

ATTEST _______________________________ Clerk MOVED BY _________________________________


SECONDED BY ______________________________ DATE _____________________________________ RESOLUTION:

Passed /


________________________________________ Chair

_ __

BOARD MEMBERS Rich Cunningham Debi Farr Dawnja Johnson Paul Jorgensen Alan Laisure Greg Nelson Ginger Poage





4640 Barger Drive  Eugene, OR 97402  Phone: (541) 689-3280 Fax: (541) 689-0719  www.bethel.k12.or.us

January 25, 2016



BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Directors, School District No. 52, Lane County, hereby

adopts the following Board Policy:

Search and Seizure




MOVED BY ________________________________________ SECONDED BY _____________________________________ DATE ______________________________________________ RESOLUTION:

Passed /


Chair BOARD MEMBERS Debi Farr Dawnja Johnson Paul Jorgensen Alan Laisure Greg Nelson Ginger Poage Rich Cunningham







Search and Seizure

Policy Number:


Effective Date: 4/14

Date of Original Policy and Revisions: 11/87, 9/95, 5/00, 12/07, 3/10 Cancels Policy: Date of Next Review:

Dated: 4/17

POLICY SEARCH OF SCHOOL EQUIPMENT Equipment such as lockers and desks are the sole property of the district. Students are allowed to use this equipment as a convenience, and are required to properly care for it. Students may not use school equipment for the storage of dangerous or illegal items, or items prohibited by district policy. A general routine inspection of school equipment used by students may be conducted by school personnel with the authorization of the principal or designee. A special inspection of an individual locker or desk may be made when there is a reasonable suspicion that illegal or dangerous items or items that are evidence of violation of a school policy are contained within this equipment. The search will be conducted by the principal or designee and an additional staff member. At the beginning of each school year, students will be informed of the policies outlined in this statement. SEARCH OF A STUDENT’S PERSON OR PERSONAL PROPERTY The search of a student's person or personal property, including automobiles, may be made at any time there is reasonable suspicion that the student is secreting evidence of an illegal act or in violation of a school policy. The search will be conducted by the principal or designee and an additional staff member. The degree of intrusion of a student's person or personal property shall be consistent with the objectives of the search. Factors to be considered in making the determination include but are not limited to the following: (l) the student's age or gender, (2) the nature of the infraction, and (3) risk presented to the student and/or others. NOTICE TO STUDENTS AND RIGHT TO ATTEND SEARCH In any search of school equipment assigned to a student, or in any search of student property, the student shall be given the opportunity to be present when the search is conducted, unless the student is not in attendance and/or there is a reason to believe that the student’s presence would endanger his or her health and safety or that of others. SEIZURE OF ILLEGAL ITEMS, STOLEN PROPERTY, AND OTHER ITEMS School official may seize: 1. illegal items such as firearms, dangerous weapons (any weapon the purpose of which is to injure other persons or property) 2. illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia 3. other possessions reasonably determined by school authorities to be a threat to the safety or security of the possessor or others 4. stolen property 5. items that may be used to materially disrupt or substantially interfere with the education process 6. items that constitute evidence of a violation of school rules or regulations.

Search and Seizure – JFG Page 1 of 2


Any dangerous weapon or other prohibited items, the purpose or effect of which is to injure person or property, shall be turned over to a representative of a law enforcement agency. Other items that may be used to substantially disrupt or materially interfere with the education process may be returned upon completion of a conference with the parents or guardians of the student believed to be the owner or possessor of such items. Parents or guardians will be notified whenever any illegal item is removed from a student's possession or locker, unless the notification would unduly interfere with the investigation of the law enforcement agency. SEARCHES BY CIVIL AUTHORITIES School officials are obligated to cooperate with civil authorities who allege they have probable cause to conduct a search or when presented with a properly executed search warrant. The principal or designee will witness searches by civil authorities unless disallowed by law. REPORTS None. ATTACHMENTS None. END OF POLICY REFERENCES / COMMENTS ORS 332.107 OAR 581-021-0050 to -0075 New Jersey v. T.L.O., 469 U.S. 325 (1985)

Search and Seizure – JFG Page 2 of 2

4640 Barger Drive  Eugene, OR 97402  Phone: (541) 689-3280 Fax: (541) 689-0719  www.bethel.k12.or.us

January 25, 2016



BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Directors, School District No. 52, Lane County, hereby open the following grade-level bands to out-of-district students in 2016-2017 under the provisions of House Bill 3681 and Bethel Board Policy JECB.

The following grade-level bands are open to out-of-district students in 2016-17: Grade-Level Band

Elementary Level (K-5th Grade)

Middle Level (6th-8th Grade) High School Level (9th-10th Grade)

Schools open to new out-of-district students for 2016-2017 Clear Lake Elementary School Danebo Elementary School Fairfield Elementary School Irving Elementary School Malabon Elementary School Meadow View K-8 School Prairie Mountain K-8 School Cascade Middle School Shasta Middle School Meadow View K-8 School Prairie Mountain School

Grade-level bands open to new out-of-district students for 2016-17 At kindergarten through 5th grade Bethel will open enrollment to new out-of-district students through this process to a maximum of 124 students. At 6th through 8th grade Bethel will open enrollment to new out-ofdistrict students through this process to a maximum of 77 students. At 9th , 10th , and 11th grade Bethel will open enrollment to new outof-district students through this process to a maximum of 70 students.

Willamette High School

This resolution allows for the enrollment of additional students at nearly every grade level and all but one school in Bethel School District. Actual enrollment numbers at each grade level and school will vary based on the latest projected enrollment and space available on April 1, 2016. District and school acceptance of individual students will follow Policy JECB.



MOVED BY ________________________________________ SECONDED BY _____________________________________ DATE ______________________________________________ RESOLUTION:

Passed /


Chair BOARD MEMBERS Debi Farr Dawnja Johnson Paul Jorgensen Alan Laisure Greg Nelson Ginger Poage Rich Cunningham