Download promotion of “Scottish Smoked” products as the primary benefit producers would be ... products. • Establish Scotland as the world-leader in...

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A proposal for collaborative marketing and promotion of Scottish Smokehouses

Scottish Smoked

Scottish Smoked Introduction

The Benefits of Collaboration

Scotland’s smokehouses contribute strongly to Scotland’s fine foods

Amongst the many potential benefits of collaborative working,

offer, supplying a wide range of unique, world-renowned speciality

initial exploratory discussions have highlighted marketing and

products including fish, meat, game and cheese.

promotion of “Scottish Smoked” products as the primary benefit

Scotland Food and Drink, working with Co-operative Development

producers would be interested in.

Scotland and Jump Marketing, would like to engage the smokehouse

Specific strategies and activities would be decided by the

sector in exploring the possible opportunities and business advantages

group, but it is envisaged that any collaborative marketing and

of collaborative working.

promotion would target both consumer and trade, and have the

A number of formats, structures and strategies are feasible. Primary

following objectives and benefits:

focus would centre around delivery of bottom-line benefits for individual

• Raise awareness and understanding of smokehouse

producers and the industry as a whole, but without: • Significant investment from individual businesses

products. • Establish Scotland as the world-leader in smoked foods, with

• Compromising the independence and freedom of members

Scottish Smoked an identifiable mark of quality trade and

• Significant financial or reputational risk

consumer alike will search out. • Drive sales (consumer and trade; direct/online and through retail/distribution channels). • Develop and grow new markets (international), demographics (non-traditional smoked food consumer) and purchase occasions (away from Christmas, special occasions etc).

Explore an authentically Scottish taste Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus tincidunt mi in risus rutrum facilisis. In in vulputate lorem. Fusce viverra risus id mauris ornare vitae faucibu Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus tincidunt mi in risus rutrum facilisis. In in vulputate lorem. Fusce viverra risus id mauris ornare vitae faucibu Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus tincidunt mi in risus rutrum facilisis. In in vulputate lorem. Fusce viverra risus id mauris ornare vitae faucibu


Scottish Smoked

Scottish Smoked Initial Marketing and Promotion Activity Proposals for initial/launch activity are intended to provide a

Scottish Smoked about







solid platform for future initiatives, and to start delivering bottom-line benefits from day one: • Create an identifiable brand (including a ‘Quality Mark’ to be used by member producers) for Scottish Smoked. • Create a website, an online hub, to include: Directory of all member producers (profile, images, contact details, links to individual websites etc). • Interactive/search-able map.

Explore an authentically Scottish taste Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed et urna a lorem porta scelerisque vel vitae nibh. Maecenas mattis volutpat ante nec pretium. Cras cursus commodo odio, vel vehicula nibh viverra vitae. Sed euismod vehicula sapien bibendum facilisis. Nam auctor imperdiet rutrum. Nam orci libero, vestibulum quis rutrum et, fringilla consequat massa. Integer volutpat hendrerit eros in mollis. Integer vitae lectus ac neque varius tempor. Duis in risus et nibh mattis euismod. Donec sed tortor leo, nec sagittis metus. Suspendisse a ante nisl, vel tincidunt justo. Morbi sollicitudin nisl.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus tincidunt mi in risus rutrum facilisis. In in s

• Online Scottish Smoked store, selling entire range of products from member producers. • Recipe, serving and drink-matching suggestions. • Travel/tourism ideas.

Scottish Smoked about





• Media Relations • Create media interest and exposure to raise awareness of Scottish Smoked and drive people to the website. Activity to include, inviting journalists to visit/tour smokehouses, running tastings and events, providing recipes to magazines (possibly in association with a ‘name’ chef). All launch activity, as well as ongoing and long-term strategies and initiatives would be discussed, decided and directed by the group.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed et urna a lorem porta scelerisque vel vitae nibh. Maecenas mattis volutpat ante nec pretium. Cras cursus commodo odio, vel vehicula nibh viverra vitae.

Rannoch Smokery

Sed euismod vehicula sapien bibendum facilisis. Nam auctor imperdiet rutrum. Nam orci libero, vestibulum quis rutrum et, fringilla consequat massa. Integer volutpat hendrerit eros in mollis. Integer vitae lectus ac neque varius tempor.

Scottish Smoked about







Explore an authentically Scottish taste Loch Fine Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed et urna a lorem porta scelerisque vel vitae nibh. Maecenas mattis volutpat ante nec pretium. Cras cursus commodo odio, vel vehicula nibh viverra vitae. Sed euismod vehicula sapien bibendum facilisis. Nam auctor imperdiet rutrum. Nam orci libero, vestibulum quis rutrum et, fringilla consequat massa. Integer volutpat hendrerit eros in mollis. Integer vitae lectus ac neque varius tempor. Duis in risus et nibh mattis euismod. Donec sed tortor leo, nec sagittis metus. Suspendisse a ante nisl, vel tincidunt justo. Morbi sollicitudin nisl.

Scottish Smoked

Scottish Smoked The Collaboration Model

Jump Marketing


Jump Marketing Ltd have been involved in the development of

The current proposal is for smokehouses to consider the Consortium

Scottish Smoked alongside Scotland Food & Drink.

Co-operative model as a suitable format for collaboration.

Jump is a full-service creative communications agency, with

Scotland Food and Drink are co-ordinating this current consultation

experience in the food and retail sectors.

phase of the initiative, alongside Co-operative Development Scotland,

It is envisaged that Jump will provide design, marketing,

who specialise in supporting collaborative/co-operative models. CDS

promotion and advertising support to the consortium, and

do not charge for their services and can provide examples of other

potentially individual members, as required.

consortium co-operatives.

All aspects of the consortium’s marketing and communications, from the brand/corporate identity to advertising campaigns (and


everything inbetween), will be directed by the members.

There are three key funding stream options:

This document shows just some elements of one potential

Membership Fees • A small annual membership fee would cover the core activity of the consortium (website, media relations etc.) • Fee levels would be set by the founding group. • As an initial target/guide, 20 founding members each paying £600 pa (£50 per month) would provide a budget of £12k to fund the launch activity outlined above.

Opt-In Initiatives • Initiatives could be delivered by the consortium for smaller groups of members and funded on an ‘opt-in’ basis. This might apply to opportunities such as international tradeshows, where only a small number of producers might want to share a stand under the Scottish Smoked banner to promote their individual.brands

Grants & Sponsorship • Despite the spending cuts there are still sources of funding and support from the public sector and other bodies. A consortium would be eligible for far more of these sources than individual producers, and be able to devote the time and energy needed to identifying and securing them.

design route, including how individual member brands might sit within a consortium website. It is by no means set in stone, and one of the first tasks for the consortium would be to work with Jump to confirm a name and brand identity, and develop a marketing and communications strategy.

Next Steps This paper is offered for consideration and comment by Scottish smokehouses. Your initial comments, questions and notes of interest are invited, and should be addressed to Daniel MacIntyre at Scotland Food & Drink by 15th December 2010 (contact details below). Regional meetings will then follow, at which interested producers will be able to discuss the opportunity in more detail with Scotland Food & Drink, Jump and Co-operative Development Scotland. These are planned for January 2011. If you are interested in attending one of the meetings, or have any comments or questions on this initiative, please contact Daniel MacIntyre, Scotland Food and Drink [email protected] 0131 524 8640 07795 025105