advanced excel keyboard shortcuts excel keystrokes action excel keystrokes action data selection / navigation formatting ctrl + pg up / pg down move t...

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ADVANCED EXCEL KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS EXCEL KEYSTROKES ACTION EXCEL KEYSTROKES DATA SELECTION / NAVIGATION FORMATTING Ctrl + Pg Up / Pg Down Move to Prior / Next Worksheet Alt + E + S, then: Shift / Ctrl + Spacebar Select Entire Row / Column F, T, V Ctrl + * (Ctrl + Shift + 8) Select All Adjacent Cells E Ctrl + A Similar to Ctrl + *, Twice for All Cells S, D, M, I Shift + F8 Add to Selection Ctrl + B / U / I Shift + Alt + => / <= Group / Ungroup Selection Ctrl + 1 Ctrl + 0 / 9 Collapse (Hide Columns / Rows) Ctrl + Shift + 7 Ctrl + Shift + 0 / 9 Expand (Unhide Columns / Rows) Ctrl + Shift + Underline Ctrl + Shift + F / P Ctrl + Arrow Keys Move by Blocks of Cells Shift + Arrow Keys Select Cells Ctrl + (Shift) + Alt + Tab Ctrl + Home / End Move to Upper Left / Lower Right Alt + O, C, A Ctrl + . (within selection) Move Clockwise to next Corner Alt + O, H, R Ctrl + – / Ctrl + + Alt + ↓ Alt + (Ctrl + Tab)

Delete / Insert Selected Cells Show Dropdown List Options Navigate Menu Items / Toolbar

DATA MANIPULATION Ctrl + C / Ctrl + Insert Ctrl + X / Shift + Delete Ctrl + V / Shift + Insert

Copy Cut Paste

Ctrl + R / D Ctrl + Z / Y Ctrl + F / H

Autofill (Copy Paste Right / Down) Undo / Redo Last Action Find / Replace

Alt + = Ctrl + ' / " Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Summation (AutoSum) Copy Formula / Value Above Enter Formula as an Array

AUDITING Ctrl + [ / ] Ctrl + { / } Alt + T + U + A F5 / Ctrl + G Ctrl + Shift + O

Trace Direct Precedents / Dependents Trace All Precedents / Dependents Remove All Auditing Arrows Go To Previous Cell (Go To) Select All Commented Cells

FILE / APPLICATION RELATED Ctrl + S / O / W Save / Open / Close File F12 or Alt + F, A Save File As Shfit + F12 / Ctrl + F12 Save File / Open File Alt + E + L Delete Worksheet Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + F6 Toggle Files Within Excel Alt + Tab Toggle Applications ÿ + M or ÿ + D Minimize All, Show Desktop ÿ + Shift + M / ÿ + D Restore All (same order)

ACTION Paste Special (copy first) Formulas, Format, Value Transpose (Values only) Add, Divide, Multiple, Divide Toggle Bold / Underline / Italic Format Cells Box Selection No Border Format Font Face / Size Increase / Decrease Indent AutoFit Column Width Change Worksheet Name

EDITING F2 F4 (edit mode) F4 (non-edit mode) Ctrl + Enter Shift + F10

Toggle Edit / Navigation Mode Toggle Anchoring ($ in cell ref) Repeat Last Action (like Ctrl + Y) Fill Selection with Formula / Text Show Context Menu (right click)

Shift + F2 Shift + F3 F9 / Shift + F9 Alt + Enter

Insert Comment (Esc twice to exit) Display Formula Dialog Box Calc Entire File / Active Sheet Only Start New Line in Cell

Alt + 0150 / 0151 Ctrl + ; / : Ctrl + ` (tilda)

Insert "N" Dash "–" / "—" Insert Date / Time as Value Toggle Cell Values / Formulas

INPUTS VS. FORMULAS Change all Inputs to Blue: – Go To ("F5", Ctrl + G, Edit => Go To) – Select "Special" then "Constants", "OK" (selects all inputs) – Manually change selection to blue font color Change all Formulas to Black: – Select "Formulas" instead of "Constants" – Manually change selection to black font color INCREASE / DECREASE DECIMAL Alt + O + I / Alt + O + L Increase / Decrease Decimal Tools => Customize => Commands => Format, in list of Commands, find "Increase Decimal" & "Decrease Decimal"; click & drag both into Format menu bar on top. Right click on Decrease Decimal option and change default Name from &Decrease Decimal to Decrease Decima&l

Note: These are all built-in default Excel shortcuts. If macros or add-ins have overwritten these keystrokes, they will not work. WALL ST. TRAINING ® +1 (212) 537-6631 [email protected] Wall St. Training is a registered servicemark of HL Capital Partners, Ltd.

Hamilton Lin, CFA President