ADVT - MTS - Postal Careers

Ex-servicemen 3 years after deduction of service rendered in military from the actual age as on the closing date for Online Registration of applicatio...

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(To be displayed in the website and not to be given to the Newspapers) No. RE/30-13/2017(open market) dated 22nd June,2017 Government of India, Department of Posts Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001. DIRECT RECRUITMENT OF MTS IN POSTAL/RMS DIVISIONS AND CIRCLE& ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES OF ODISHA POSTAL CIRCLE Applications are invited form the eligible persons in pursuance of the Recruitment Rules 2015 framed vide Postal Directorate letter No. 37-33/2009-SPB.I dated 05.06.2015 and notified in Government of India Extra Ordinary Gazette vide GSR 383(E) dated 14.05.2015 and amended from time to time for filling up of the vacancies of MTS in Postal Divisions, RMS Divisions and Circle & Administrative offices under open market quota in Odisha Postal Circle. 2. The details of category-wise vacancies in each cadre in each of the Postal/RMS Divisions as well as Circle & Administrative offices is furnished under the link “VACANCIES” for MTS. 3. The words PH-I, PH-II and PH-III shown in the vacancy position represents Visually Impaired, Hearing Impaired and Orthopedically Impaired respectively 4. (A)

CATEGORIES OF APPLICANTS ELIGIBLE TO CLAIM PH CONCESSION. Visually Impaired: Categories of Visually Impaired persons suitable for the posts: Low Vision Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses; - c. Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degrees or worse.


Hearing Impaired: Categories suitable for the posts :: The Deaf or those in whom

the sense of hearing is non functional for ordinary purposes of life. They do not hear, understand sounds at all even with amplified speech. The cases included in this category will

be those having hearing loss more than 90 decibels (db) in the better ear (Profound impairment) or the total loss of hearing in both ears. (C)

Orthopaedically Impaired: The Orthopedically Impaired are those who have a

minimum 40% of physical defect or deformity which causes an interference with the normal functioning of bones, muscles and joints. Categories of Orthopedically Impaired applicants suitable for the posts: 1. One Arm affected 2. One Leg Affected 3. One Arm & One Leg Affected 4. Both Legs Affected 5. Muscular Weakness. The Applicants should possess valid Medical certificate in the forms prescribed by the Government issued by competent Medical authorities for the purpose of employment, as on the date of Registration. Note: The applicant can avail relaxation only for the Predominant disability. The applicant should be in possession of Original Medical Certificate for the same issued by competent medical authorities in the format prescribed by the Government at the time of Online Registration.

5. The vacancies indicated in the notification/vacancy position are likely to vary/change without any prior intimation or assigning any reason. 6. Scale of Pay:- Rs.18000/- in level 1 of the pay matrix as per 7th CPC admissible allowances as prescribed from time to time. 7.


Age limit: 18-25 years: (a) For General Category (Unreserved Applicants )

(b) Permissible relaxation of upper age limit as per Government of India orders are as indicated below:Category Age relaxation permissible beyond the Upper age limit. Scheduled Castes/ 5 years Scheduled Tribes (SCs/STs) Other Backward Castes 3 years (OBC) Physically Handicapped PH+ Unreserved 10 years. In regard to PH+SC/ST 15 years. In regard to PH+OBC 13 years


3 years after deduction of service rendered in military from the actual age as on the closing date for Online Registration of applications. Serving Govt. employees Upto 35 years of age as on the closing date for who have rendered not Online Registration of applications (40 years for less than 3 years‟ regular SC/ST and 38 for OBC). continuous service as on closing date for receipt of applications 8. Crucial date for reckoning of age limit:- The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be as on the closing date for Online Registration of applications i.e., 22-07-2017. 9. Educational Qualification:- (a) Matriculation or ITI from recognized Boards. 10. Pattern of Examination: The applicants shall be subjected to an Aptitude Test with a total 100 maximum marks covering the following subjects/topics. Aptitude Test will be comprising four parts (Part A, B, C(I) & C(II)). The duration of the Aptitude Test will be for 2 hours (120 minutes). There is no negative marking. Part „A‟ General Knowledge( 25 marks with 25 questions of 1 mark each) Part „B‟- Mathematics ( 25 marks with 25 questions of 1 mark each) Part „C(i)‟ English ( 25 marks with 25 questions of 1 mark each) Part „C(ii)‟- Regional Language- Odia ( 25 marks with 25 questions of 1 mark each)

Topics: Indian Geography, Freedom struggle, Culture and Sports, General Polity and Constitution of India, Indian Economy, General science, Current affairs and Reasoning & Analytical ability of tenth standard. Topics: Number systems, Decimals and Fractions, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Profit and loss, Simple interest, Average , Discount, Partnership, Time & work, and Time & distance. Topics- Articles, Prepositions, Conjuctions, Tenses, Verbs, Synonyms & Antonyms, Vocabulary, Sentence structure, Proverbs, Phrases& question from a small unseen passage. Topics- Mishra o Sanyukta Vakya, Vakya ra Rupantara, Swara Sandhi, Alankara, Rudhi o Lokakatha, Ashuddha Vakya Suddharupa, Padhinathiba Gandyansha-

11. All eligible Applicants belonging to various categories who have the educational qualification of Matriculation or ITI from a recognized Board shall be invited for appearing in Aptitude test. No weightage for marks secured by

the Applicants Merit Lists.

in Matriculation or ITI will be given while preparing the

(11.1) Total number of applicants as per the total number of vacancies in each category i.e., OC, SC, ST, OBC, etc shall be declared qualified in descending order of merit based on the marks secured by them in the Aptitude Test. The minimum qualifying marks to be obtained in each part of the Aptitude Test is prescribed as under:Parts A and B Part-C( Two segments)

Minimum 10 marks for OC, 8 marks for SC/ST and 9 marks for OBC candidates in each part. Minimum 10 marks for OC, 8 marks for SC/ST and 9 marks for OBC candidates in each segment

40% marks for OC, 33 marks for SC/ST and 37 marks for OBC candidate in aggregate. (11.2) The merit list for the whole Circle shall be prepared in respect of all categories of posts put together. For the said purpose, the candidates shall indicate their preference of the posts of MTS and also indicate their reference (limited to five Divisions/ Circle& Administrative offices) in the online application. The details of posts is given in the vacancy position for information the applicant. Thereafter, the candidates will be allotted to the posts and divisions/units as per their preference based on their position in the merit list and availability of vacancy. Such candidates who are not able to get the allocation in any of the post of his preference because of his/her performance, such candidates might be allocated to the post/division where the vacancies exist. The candidates will have to give an undertaking that in the event of his/her not getting the post in his preference, he/she is willing to accept the appointment in any category of the post to which he/she is allotted. The candidates who do not indicate their preference, it will be presumed that they have equal preference for all the posts and may be allocated to the post to the division/ circle & administrative offices where vacancy exists at the discretion of the Competent Authority. 12. Cost of Application Form Registration: -Rs. 100- for all categories of applicants who have registered. 13. Examination Fee: - The Examination fee prescribed for all male applicants in General and OBC categories is Rs. 400/-. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes / Physically Impaired/ Women are exempted from payment of Examination Fee.

14. (i) The applicant can register his/her application for once only and if an applicant registers more than one application on-line, his/her candidature is liable to be rejected without any communication. (ii) The Applicant is required to indicate his preference for 5 (five) Postal/RMS Division and Circle & Administrative offices to which he/she is intending to apply and examination venues. (iii) The vacancies for each category of post in Postal Divisions and RMS Divisions and Circle &administrative offices under Odisha Postal Circle is displayed under the link “VACANCIES” on the website The Examination Cities/Venues and the details of Postal/RMS Divisions/Circle &administrative offices in the Circle are also displayed in the website for facilitating the applicants for indicating his preference of posts/division while submitting their online application. (iv)The Applicants are clearly informed that the allotment of Examination City in the Postal Circle applied for is the prerogative of the Department and requests received for any change in examination centre/venue will not be permitted under any circumstances. Exam City is allotted as per the Preferences marked by the applicant. However depending upon of the candidates volume of the exam city other exam cities of this Postal Circle may also be considered out of other city options. (v) The applicants have to access the regarding detailed information on the recruitment process from portal in PDF Format. The applicant has to fill the inputs including standard information i.e. Name, DOB, community, sex, educational qualification, etc. 15.

How to Apply:-

(i) The Applicant has to access the website or go through the detailed Notification/Advertisement issued by the Department and the Instruction Sheet/Information Brochure. (ii) Before starting Registration of his/her application on the website, the Applicant should read the notification, instruction sheet and FAQs carefully. He/she has to evaluate his/her eligibility for the category. His / her eligibility will be evaluated during the registration process and the process shall terminate for ineligible applicants and reasons there for would be prompted. (iii) Before starting his registration of his application on-line, the applicant should be ready with the soft copies of passport size photo (not more than 20 KB in .JPG/JPEG format) and signature (not more than 10 KB in .jpg/jpeg format) which

are required to be uploaded after filling up of the inputs and uploading the application on-line. (iv) One applicant has to submit only one application. If more than one application is registered, it will lead to rejection of all the applications registered by the applicant. (v) Applicant should fill the details/inputs in the On-line Application at the appropriate places very carefully and click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the Registration of On-line Application Form. Before Pressing the SUBMIT button, the applicants are advised to verify carefully every field/inputs mentioned in the application. Name of the Applicant or his/her father name etc. should be spelt correctly in the Application as it so appears in the Matriculation/ITI Certificates/mark sheet. Any change/alternation found/detected later on may lead to his disqualification of candidature. (vi)The applicants will kindly note that the particulars mentioned in the On-line application will be considered as final and no change/alteration/modification will be allowed/entertained after submission of the On-line application under any circumstances. (vii) After successful registration, a provisional Unique Registration Number (URN) will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. The registration number shall be sent to the applicant to the given email ID and SMS to given Mobile Number in the application. The Applicant has to use the registration number and DOB for log in into the website where he/she can generate the challan in triplicate to enable him to pay the fee. Applicant has to take out a print out of the system generated Fee Payment Challan. The Applicant has to retain this number and password for future references. (viii) The Applicant is further advised to fill in the On-line Application Form in one go and save the data. The Applicant can edit the particulars if needed before final Submission of the Application Form. Once the application is filled completely, the applicant should submit the data. (ix) Mode of Payment:- The Cost of Application Form and Examination Fee are already prescribed in Para No. 12 and 13 above of this notification. The applicants have to approach their nearest active e-payment Post Offices, (listed under epayment link of and to produce Fee Payment Challan printed by him & to pay the FEE in CASH (INR) only. Once the fee has been paid, the Registration process is completed. The Applicant can check his/her status of payment on the(website after 3 working days after payment of the fee. In case of Non-payment the application registered will not

be considered for further process. The applicants who have registered the applications on the closing date of registration are permitted to pay the FEE till 27th July, 2017. 16. The Applicants after successful registration of the On-Line Application are advised to keep print out of the “PREVIEW” of his Application, copy of fee challan, receipt issued by the Post office and Registration slip for any future reference. 17. The Applicants are advised not to enclose/upload copies of any certificates/documents. The application Registered on-line will be treated as Provisional and it will be subject to Verification of respective Certificates/documents. The Applicant has to furnish a Declaration to the effect that the inputs furnished by him/her are true, complete and correct to best of his/her knowledge and they will be supported by the original documents/testimonials as and when required/demanded. Any false/incorrect information found/detected at any stage, his/her candidature/appointment will be summarily rejected/terminated. Therefore it is mandatory for the applicant to Tick the Check Box about this Declaration at end of the Application form, before saving and uploading the application. 18. Closing Date for Registration of Application. The registration of on-line application will commence on23-06-2017 at 00:00hrs and closes on 22-07-2017 by 23:59hrs. Asst. Director(RE) For Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001.