Original Article
Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2015 Sept.-Oct.;23(5):963-70 DOI: 10.1590/0104-1169.0372.2637
Anxiety in children following hospitalization: a proposal for a nursing diagnosis1 Gabriela Lisieux Lima Gomes2 Maria Miriam Lima da Nóbrega3
Objective: to describe the process of developing a nursing diagnosis regarding child anxiety following hospitalization, which is to be submitted to the international classification for nursing practice, in accordance with the guidelines set out by the International Council of Nurses and the ISO standard 18104:2014. Method: this methodological study includes a conceptual analysis that bases itself on analyzing the phenomena of anxiety and hospitalization, while identifying the critical attributes of the concept and developing an operational definition. Results: all the criteria for including a new nursing concept were followed and there was no violation of the framework of the International Classification for Nursing Practice with the proposed inclusion, since the concept of anxiety already exists in this classification system and the concept of anxiety from hospitalization would be considered a species or subclass of this concept. Conclusion: this analysis of the concept of hospitalization anxiety in children allowed its meaning to be clarified and, consequently, understanding to be constructed regarding its practical applicability. This achievement contributed in terms of providing incentive to develop new proposals for nursing diagnoses to be included in the International Classification for Nursing Practice. Descriptors: Nursing; Nursing Diagnosis; Child, Hospitalized; Anxiety; Concept Formation.
Paper extracted from master’s thesis “Anxiety of children in hospital: Conceptual analysis”, presented to Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil.
Doctoral student, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil. Professor, Departamento de Enfermagem, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, Campina Grande, PB, Brazil.
PhD, Full Professor, Departamento de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil.
Corresponding Author: Gabriela Lisieux Lima Gomes Rua Dr. Damasquins Ramos Maciel, 687, Apto. 302 Bairro: Bessa CEP: 58035-090, João Pessoa, PB, Brasil E-mail:
[email protected]
Copyright © 2015 Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (CC BY-NC). This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.
Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2015 Sept.-Oct.;23(5):963-70.
concepts that are useful in its practice, since these concepts may contribute to suitable care being applied in
In a study conducted with the objective of buil-
different scenarios of this profession. Another relevant
ding diagnostics statements, results and nursing inter-
fact is that there needs to be new reflection and updates
ventions for children in a pediatric clinic, using the In-
in relation to conceptual analysis methodologies, since
ternational Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP ),
these type of studies make exchanges between nursing
42 diagnostic concepts were developed, with the most
knowledge and knowledge from different disciplinary
frequent being anxiety from hospitalization in children,
fields possible, which in turn enables the nature of nur-
with 88.5%, ability to sleep and rest, with 74.2%, skin
sing to be explained and is helpful in defining its specific
discoloration, with 68.5%, and normal child develop-
field and scientific methodology(4).
ment, with 65.7%(1).
The consensual and suitable definition of the con-
Identifying child anxiety by nurses following their
cept of child anxiety following hospitalization will give
hospitalization, as referred to in the aforementioned stu-
rise to its specific characteristics, which include attribu-
dy, underlines the need for nursing staff to give special
tes that are background and consequential to this con-
attention whenever hospitalized children are involved.
cept, and will therefore provide the necessary foundation
Therefore, given the high prevalence of anxiety in the 0
to build a nursing diagnosis. From another perspective,
to 5 year-old age group, this study was developed with
it can assist in relation to clinical reasoning being used,
a view to deepen knowledge on this topic, while placing
for its identification and planning and for implementing
emphasis on a proposal for a new nursing diagnosis to
quality nursing care. With this notion in mind, explo-
be included in the ICNP , the objective of which, among
ring this concept is extremely important as doing so can
other things, being to make a contribution in terms of
provide solutions to problems regarding the terminolo-
the care provided.
gy/words and expressions used, particularly in nursing,
Because anxiety disorders are among the most predominant psychiatric disorders during childhood and adolescence, and that these remain undiagnosed and largely undertreated,
which are essential for proper communication and can contribute to constructing knowledge in this field(5). Thus, the objective of this article was to describe
means that the necessity for
the process of developing a proposal for a nursing diag-
professional pediatric caregivers to understand such is-
nosis regarding child anxiety following hospitalization.
sues is critical, since identifying child anxiety following
This proposal shall then be submitted to the Internatio-
hospitalization requires critical thinking, which in turn
nal Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®). The pro-
requires deeper theoretical and practical knowledge.
posal will be based on analysis of the concepts of anxiety
These aspects, combined with the perception that there
and hospitalization and guidelines from the International
is a lack of understanding regarding this concept, espe-
Council of Nurses and the ISO standard 18104:2014.
cially when it is referred to as a possible consequence of hospitalization, indicate that clarifying this concept is vi-
tal. A thorough analysis is required in order to overcome this shortcoming that can then enable its understanding
Walker and Avant’s framework for concept analysis
and be useful for the working systems that are involved
was the methodology employed in this study, the aim of
in pediatric nursing.
which was to clarify the meaning of the terms anxiety
Building understanding in nursing is known to need a structure of concepts, which makes it possible
and hospitalization, to identify the attributes of these concepts and to structure a nursing diagnosis(6).
to develop research and contribute to the building of
The concept of child anxiety following hospitaliza-
theories. Thus, studying the concept of child anxiety
tion was selected based on it being identified, as a diag-
following hospitalization makes analyzing unusual phe-
nosis, in the practice of nursing care by the researcher.
nomena in pediatric nursing care possible, such as an-
The frequency of this diagnosis in a pediatric clinic was
xiety and hospitalization, in addition to enabling con-
what aroused the interest to conduct this study, and
cepts that are essential for nursing development to be
made it possible for the following question to be arrived
continuously improved.
at: why perform an analysis of the concept of anxiety in
Based on the understanding that conceptual analy-
children following their hospitalization? The sole purpose
sis is directly linked to the development and expansion
of answering this answer was to clarify this phenomenon
of knowledge in nursing, its operation aims to clarify the
in the nursing field, as well as expand the understanwww.eerp.usp.br/rlae
Gomes GLL, Nóbrega MML.
ding of such, reach consensus regarding its definition
these being from the LILACS database and 171 from the
and structure a nursing diagnosis according to the rules
MEDLINE database. Published articles that were consi-
set out by the ICNP®.
dered for inclusion in the study were those that cove-
A literature review was conducted, using the field
red the subject from 2008 to 2012, however, due to an
of health as a foundation, in order to identify possible
insufficient number of articles being extracted for this
uses of the concept with a view to structure the literary
period, it was extended to eight years, i.e. from 2006
corpus for analysis in the study. During this step, the
to 2013. The exclusion criterion regarding articles that
widest possible range of applications of the concept of
were not suitable to be used in this study included ar-
child anxiety following hospitalization was selected, whi-
ticles that specified anxiety related to that given by the
ch was designed to consider all of its uses in the field’s
mother or guardian following hospitalization, or those in
literature. To achieve this, various uses of the concept in
which the researcher could not access the piece, namely
study from the literary corpus were analyzed, namely:
in terms of him/her finding it difficult to obtain some
theses and master’s dissertations, scientific articles that
scientific articles for reading in full.
had been published in the seven years previous to this
Given the large number of articles that were iden-
study (2006 to 2013, a period selected given the increa-
tified in the databases, only publications that were re-
se in the number of publications in the last decade) that
levant to the research were selected. In order to reach
dealt with the subject, chapters from books and dictio-
this objective, while taking the aforementioned inclusion
naries that revolved around the different methods and
and exclusion criteria into account, the published arti-
approaches of the concept.
cles were thoroughly read to identify instances of the
The theses and dissertations were extracted by con-
anxiety phenomena and/or hospitalization in children.
sulting a database of theses from the Coordenação de
This was done in order to highlight their particularities
Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
and thus extract the characteristics of the concepts: de-
(Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education
finitions, attributes, antecedents and consequences. At
Personnel). The scientific articles were obtained by per-
the end of this process, there were 10 articles from the
forming searches in the Virtual Health Library (VHL). In
LILACS database and 9 relevant articles remaining for
order to identify the literature indexed in the Medical Lite-
analysis from the MEDLINE database. No publications
rature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE),
were identified from the SciELO database that had the
the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and the
proposed descriptors for this study, which is not unex-
Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature
pected given the absence of methodological descriptions
(Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da
in this databases’ search function.
Saúde - LILACS) databases, in Portuguese, English and
As regards the collection of theses and disserta-
Spanish, the key words anxiety, hospitalization and child
tions, 24 abstracts were identified that were based on
were used. The chapters from the books and dictionaries
discussion related to hospitalization anxiety in chil-
were obtained by searching the collections at the BIREME
dren. For the analysis, the material identified was read
(Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Scien-
and data extracted referring to those relating to the
ces Information) library, the Central Library at the Federal
study theme, in the 17 pieces. The other publications
University of Paraíba and the sectoral library of the Health
did not meet the established inclusion criterion in the
Sciences Center at that same institution.
corpus analysis.
A previously structured instrument was used for
For the search performed in non-indexed databa-
the data collection, which contained characterization of
ses, such as in chapters of books and dictionaries, a
the literature (type of literature, year of publication, au-
survey was performed of data that is inherent to the
thor, language, and area/discipline) and concept-specific
concept of child hospitalization anxiety, highlighting the
data (definitions, backgrounds, attributes, consequen-
greater frequency of definitions for the term anxiety and
ces and other relevant information). It is worth noting
isolated forms of hospitalization. This fact did not mean
that this same instrument was used for determining the
it was impossible to analyze the characteristics of the
critical, essential or defining attributes and for identi-
concept, it mainly allowed definitions of this concept to
fying the antecedents and consequences of the concept,
be extracted, as well as other factors that made the cla-
since these steps happened at the same time.
rification of its meaning possible.
The search of the indexed literature made it possi-
Regarding the source from where the data were ob-
ble to extract 190 scientific papers in total, with 19 of
tained, 19 articles (representing 41% of the total), 17
Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2015 Sept.-Oct.;23(5):963-70.
dissertations (37%), five book chapters and five dictio-
library that to refer to anxiety, such as anxiety to dental
naries (11% for both) were used, resulting in a corpus
treatment, performance anxiety and separation anxiety.
of 46 pieces for analysis. In relation to the year of pu-
Based on the definitions found in the literature on
blication for these pieces, most were published between
the subject, anxiety can be defined as “an emotional sta-
2009 and 2011, which accounted for 39% of the total,
te that involves physiological and psychological behaviors
which may be related to the increased interest of resear-
that include feelings of fear, insecurity and apprehensive
chers, from that period, to enhance their knowledge on
anticipation, an inability to escape ideas of disasters or
this subject. In contrast, there was only one publication
personal incompetence, an increased state of vigilance,
made in 2012, which may be related to a decrease in the
tension and muscle pain, sensation of respiratory difficul-
number of publications made in this area. As regards the
ty, shaking and uneasiness”(8). The condition is one orien-
language, Portuguese
was the most common, with it
ted towards the future, characterized by apprehension
being used in 37 of the pieces (80%), since most of the
referring to the perception of not being able to control or
analyzed material originated from Portuguese language
predict potentially aversive events; bodily symptoms of
theses, chapters of books and dictionaries. With regard
physical tension; and diverting the focus of attention to-
to the knowledge aspect, most of the studies were in the
wards these potentially aversive events or affective res-
area of nursing (56%); this is because it is nursing pro-
ponses that are elicited by them(9).
fessionals who are closest to children who may develop anxiety in the provision and continuity of care.
Other responses that are considered representative of a condition of anxiety can be listed using descrip-
Defining attributes, which are also known as criti-
tions found in the Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de
cal attributes, are characteristics that act as elements
Transtornos Mentais - (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
for differential diagnosis, i.e., to distinguish an expres-
of Mental Disorders) (DSM V)(10), such as: increased he-
sion that is from the concept from one that is not .
artbeat rate, changes in breathing and blood pressure,
Considering that the attributes can vary according to
sweating, tremors, shortness of breath or choking, chest
the context in which they are inserted, at this stage,
pain or discomfort, nausea, abdominal discomfort, dizzi-
the attributes were identified that are most often asso-
ness, feeling faint and tingling sensations.
ciated with the concept of child anxiety following hos-
A study performed with a view to clinically validate
pitalization in the most distinct contexts in which it is
the nursing diagnosis of anxiety corroborate such fea-
inserted. In order to reach this aim, there was a cut in
tures in patients with chronic heart failure, which evi-
the analyzed reading material, which was considered
denced the following characteristics as defining aspects
necessary so as to determine the essential characte-
of this diagnosis, namely the affective areas (irritabili-
ristics of those that were used with more frequency in
ty, apprehension, worry and uncertainty), the cognitive
the literature. Based on the identification of the attribu-
areas (confusion and difficulty concentrating), the beha-
tes, a definition was developed regarding the concept
vioral areas (agitation, insomnia and nervousness), the
of hospitalization anxiety and a proposal was structu-
physiological areas (increased stress), the parasympa-
red for a nursing diagnosis of hospitalization anxiety in
thetic areas (fatigue and tingling of the extremities) and
children, which was performed in accordance with the
the sympathetic areas (palpitation, breathing difficulties
guidelines set out by the ICNP®.
and anorexia)(11).
Results and discussion
anxiety and/or fear that is disproportionately elevated
However, in some cases an individual may show relative to the situation or in situations to which such Due to there being no descriptor on record for an-
individual’s fear or anxiety are not capable of adap-
xiety from hospitalization, the concepts of anxiety and
ting. The individual often continues in this state and
hospitalization were analyzed separately, taking the di-
thereby lose the ability to function, which is a condi-
fferent perspectives of the same definition into account
tion that characterizes Anxiety Disorders (AD)(9). The-
and considering the Health Sciences Descriptors (Descri-
refore, pathological anxiety occurs when the limits of
tores em Ciências da Saúde - DeCS) from the BIREME .
normality are exceeded and there is interference in
The term anxiety is therefore defined as a “feeling or
the individual’s physical, psychological and social well-
emotion of fear, apprehension and impending disaster,
-being. This individual may occasionally be confused
albeit not as crippling as in conditions of anxiety disor-
with feelings of fear and generate a feeling of constant
ders”. However, there are additional terms found in the
threat to him/herself(12).
Gomes GLL, Nóbrega MML.
Based on the aforementioned, given that its defi-
in relation to internal aspects of the child, and the beha-
nition favors the concept’s understanding, in order that
vioral processes that they produce. Therefore, it is still
there is an proper judgment of anxiety, clinical profes-
necessary that nursing professionals possess knowledge
sionals and academics have to have instruments avai-
on how to identify this diagnosis, since there is a close
lable that are suitable for evaluating anxiety, both for
relationship between the peculiarities of this with emo-
measuring the symptoms, and for screening and diag-
tional and characteristic aspects that are also identified
nosing AD. It is worth noting that when it is previously
in other health care situations.
diagnosed, evaluated and properly treated, the better
The term hospitalization is included as a descriptor
the prognosis and the lesser the damage is for children
in the BIREME, with its definition written as “Being in a
with AD. Proper diagnosis of AD improves the prognosis,
hospital or being placed in a hospital”(7), without con-
by providing further information about its course, preva-
fusing this with patient admission or readmission, with
lence and treatment possibilities
these instances being listed as different descriptors at
AD are therefore recognized as a public health pro-
this library.
blem, which have harmful effects on human develop-
Considering children’s greater susceptibility to ill-
ment, at all stages of life. In Brazil, there is no record
ness, it should be noted that there are many risk fac-
of there being any review studies that focus on AD pre-
tors mentioned in the literature that are associated with
vention at the universal level. These studies would be
child hospitalization in the early stages of their lives,
important not only in order to understand a way to pre-
such as: being male; low socioeconomic status; high
vent nationally this highly prevalent problem, but also to
number of children under 5 years of age living in the
expand knowledge regarding the use of evidence-based
same household; exposure to smoke, cold and humi-
interventions and verify the existence of possible gaps in
dity; malnutrition; early weaning; having a young mo-
national action to be filled on the subject
ther; low education level of the mother; and high num-
Given the high prevalence of anxiety disorders in
ber of people living in the same household. There are
childhood and their significant social consequences, the-
other risk factors that are associated with the point of
re is clearly a necessity to study the etiology of anxiety
interest; these are referring to the child’s health condi-
tions at birth, such as being underweight and having a
. It is vital that nurses’ understand the risk
and management factors of anxiety disorders, which is fundamental in order to develop effective prevention and intervention strategies.
low Apgar score(17). One study, which evaluated the risk factors present when children are hospitalized, pointed to prematurity,
Nursing staff are faced with the most varied situa-
severe asphyxia and the presence of congenital anoma-
tions of anxiety when caring for children who have been
lies, suggesting children to be a population at risk for
hospitalized. It is therefore important that the family
problems at birth. The results did show that there are
play an active role in the care process, working with the
other factors associated with the risk of hospitalization
health team to reduce the levels of anxiety that result
for children during their second year of life, such as: lack
from hospitalization and, consequently, to prevent an-
of exclusive breastfeeding up to the sixth month of life,
xiety disorders that are triggered by this process.
maternal morbidity reported in the previous year and a
Based on this idea, it should be emphasized that
hospitalization event in the first year of life(18).
pediatric care must value and recognize the family as an
In the midst of a pathological condition that requi-
integral part of the multidisciplinary health team; this
res hospitalization, it is understood that children and
is because every single hospitalization experience is di-
their family are affected, due to family life being distant
fferent for every child, which modifies the family dyna-
and having to stay in hospitals. Hospitalization tends to
mics and those of all its members. Thus, it is the nurse’s
be a traumatic and exhaustive experience, which is a
responsibility to acquire specific knowledge about child
fact related to including the child and his/her companion
development and to provide holistic care that is custo-
in a situation that is different from their routine, the
mized to each child, while involving the family in the
experience is also traumatic as a result of the lack of
entire process of treatment and cure
knowledge regarding the child’s health, treatment and
During the process of pediatric nursing there are
how long recovery will take.
many events the can be described by children or their
These aspects mean that reflecting on the quality
guardians regarding some kind of anxiety. However, the
of health promotion practices and disease prevention is
term ‘anxiety’ can refer to a wide variety of events, both
a matter of great importance, since hospitalizations are
Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2015 Sept.-Oct.;23(5):963-70.
very expensive for health systems and tend to be even
it is necessary to take the criteria, presented by ICN,
more expensive when it is young people and children
for including a new nursing concept into consideration:
under 5 years of age whom are hospitalized. It is the-
The concept must 1) be within the nursing domain; 2)
refore vital that there be investment in primary health
be usable and useful in professional practice; 3) not be
actions with a view to reduce the necessity of hospital
redundant with other ICNP® concepts; 4) be supported
cases, and thus improve the quality of care offered to
by scientific evidence found in literature or validation
this vulnerable population(19).
studies; and 5) have a definition(20).
The process of hospitalization can mean that there
In the ICNP®, in order to formulate definitions of
are consequences suffered for child development, these
terms, the method of definition by class and difference
include feelings of anguish, apprehension, fear, impul-
was used, which defines a concept, while specifying the
siveness, agitation, dread, sadness and anxiety. It is
main class of objects to which it belongs, and defines the
known that the longer the length of time spent hospita-
characteristics that distinguish it from all other members
lized, the greater the chances there is of characteristics
of the class. This definition method also implies placing
appearing that can negatively affect the normal course
the terms in ascending order – class as a superior term
of development, the result of which being the need for
and species as an inferior, subordinate term. When the
special attention by health professionals in order to re-
terms are placed in superior and subordinate positions, it
duce the levels of stress to which these children are
creates a hierarchical relationship between the concepts.
subjected, which can mitigate the negative consequen-
The results of this study show that all the criteria
ces suffered following hospitalization and contribute to
for inclusion of a new concept of nursing were obeyed
the recovery process(1).
and the proposal for a new concept with its definition
The data collected during this study allowed the
does not violate the ICNP® structure, since the concept
phenomena that surrounds the concept of anxiety in
of anxiety (class) already exists in this classification
children following hospitalization to be discussed, which
system and the concept of anxiety following hospita-
is made possible through theoretical analysis of its at-
lization would be considered a species or subclass of
tributes, and which helped the concept’s meaning to be
this concept.
understood and consolidated.
For developing the nursing diagnosis statement for
The attributes, which make up the essential cha-
child anxiety following hospitalization, based on the con-
racteristics of the concept, allowed the conceptual de-
cept of hospitalization anxiety, the guidelines contained
finition of child anxiety following hospitalization to be
in the ICNP®, in line with ISO 18104 were taken into
constructed, namely: a multidimensional phenomenon,
account: integration of a nursing reference terminology
characterized by biological and psychological aspects,
model that emphasizes the obligation to include a term
triggered by a stressful and threatening process of being
from the focus axis, which is an area that is relevant to
inserted in a hospital environment, where the child stays
nursing, and a term of the judgment axis, which is an
away from their normal family and social environment
opinion or clinical determination that is related to the
and goes to live with strangers, whilst being subjected
focus of the practice of nursing, and may include additio-
to invasive and painful procedures, in addition to their
nal terms wherever necessary, from the focus, judgment
recreational activities being partially interrupted.
or other axes. Using the ISO reference terminology model for nur-
Structuring the anxiety hospitalization in children
sing diagnoses, the diagnosis would be built in accordance with Figure 1:
Based on guidelines from the International Council of Nurses (ICN), participation in the incorporation of terms and concepts for the ICNP® classification system is open to academics and clinical professionals in the field of nursing and health communities. The objective of this is to achieve a clinically relevant classification
Figure 1 - Schematic representing the construction of
that is valid and useful in the practice of nursing, which
the nursing diagnosis of child anxiety following hospita-
produces data that is sensitive to cultural variation and
lization, according to ISO reference 18104. João Pessoa,
local circumstances. For this incorporation to happen,
PB, Brazil, 2014 www.eerp.usp.br/rlae
Gomes GLL, Nóbrega MML.
The defining or critical attributes of the concept
strangers, whilst being subjected to invasive and painful
constitute its definition within the ICNP , which would be
procedures, in addition to their recreational activities
as follows: hospitalization anxiety: anxiety with the follo-
being partially interrupted.
wing specific characteristics: sympathetic stimulation
The results from the conceptual analysis allowed a
(superficial vasoconstriction, pupil dilation)/tachycar-
proposal for a nursing diagnosis to be developed, which
dia; tremors; changes in appetite; dyspnoea; insomnia;
met the criteria for including a new nursing concept in
the ICNP®. It is necessary that this concept be tested in
insecurity/powerlessness; feeling of guilt, bodily harm
practical nursing, which is a way to bring the knowledge
or aggression; apprehension; feeling of abandonment/
found during the concept’s analysis together with pro-
loneliness; tension; nervousness; preoccupation; irrita-
fessional practice.
bility; sadness; crying; and lack of concentration.
It is hoped that this study will play a role in clarifying
Given that the theoretical survey of the listed data
of the concept of anxiety in hospitalized children in such a
used only literature as a reference, it is worth highli-
way that its component interfaces can be easily identified
ghting the importance of empirically testing the data
in child health care and, consequently, promote quality
as a way to bring the knowledge extracted in the the-
in the process of developing pediatric care. The need to
ory together with practice. In this design, synthesizing
continue this study it a point that deserves highlighting,
the elements of the concept, the final product of this
with such study possessing the scope to clinically assess
study, can serve as a guiding instrument for measuring
the data collected in this theoretical analysis, while me-
anxiety of hospitalization in children in a health care
eting the criteria set out by the ICN and including a new
context. Complementing this knowledge with empirical
nursing diagnosis in the ICNP®. Effectively, should this
data is required so as to support the use of the con-
be achieved, it is hoped that a contribution will be made
cepts in the formulation of theories as foundations to
to the understanding of the concept’s meaning and its
guide the profession’s activities, both in its practice,
applicability in various areas of pediatric nursing, as well
research or teaching.
as knowledge be added to the profession as a science.
Analyzing the concept of anxiety from hospitaliza-
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Received: Aug 8th 2014 Accepted: Apr 22nd 2015