ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android: Building Apps

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ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android: Building Apps Shelly Gill


Getting started



Android Runtime SDK patterns


Common functions, workflows

The Android platform

Other sessions covered Runtime SDK generally: An Introduction to the API and Architecture, Building 3D Applications, Working with Maps Online and Offline

Getting started With a tutorial, gradle, or samples

Getting started with the SDK

Sign up for free Developers testing account

1. -

50 credits a month, premium content, register apps, test tokens

Install free Android Studio IDE

2. -

Get dependencies automatically with Gradle and try it out

3. -

Write an app!

New developers - Follow first map app tutorial

Developers site > Android > Guide -


Help topics

Getting started > Develop your first map app

Step-by-step guide

Or try Dev Labs -

8 so far


Existing developers - clone samples or example apps

GitHub -

API samples -

Java, and adding Kotlin


Example apps

Clone/checkout/download, import, and run

Existing apps - add AAR dependency

Maven repository hosted by Bintray -

AARs of current and previous releases

Project build.gradle repositories { maven {

url '' } •

App module build.gradle dependencies { compile 'com.esri.arcgisruntime:arcgis-android:100.1.0' }

SDK resources

Developers site -


Doc – guide, API Reference


Downloadable SDK


Application support

GitHub for samples and example apps

GeoNet user communities -


Example apps

Real world apps based on use cases collected from users

Complete working apps with detailed instructions for getting started

Supporting documentation -

code, data creation, app workflows, customization

Open sourced on GitHub (Apache 2.0 license)

Current Android apps: -

Maps App, Ecological Marine Units, Nearby Places, Offline Mapbook

Future apps: -

Mobile data collection, Situational awareness


Vote at

Functionality •

Build apps for Android devices

Visualize geographic data – maps, scenes, layers, graphics -

feature, dynamic, tiled, raster, …

Identify features, query data, and display info pop-ups

Share maps and content across ArcGIS platform

Offline maps, data, routing, geocoding

Powerful analysis and local geometric operations


ListenableFuture pattern

Asynchronous methods use ListenableFuture -

Inherits from java Future interface


A promise to return a result


Add done listener, or call get (blocking)

Can simplify asynchronous programming -

Done called back on UI thread if listener added on UI thread


We take care of executing operations on background threads


Standard pattern for cancellation, errors

ListenableFuture Sample – identify-graphics-hittest

// Get future ListenableFuture = mMapView.setViewpointAsync(firstViewpoint, 3); // Add done listener booleanListenableFuture.addDoneListener(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { // get result of the future if (MainActivity.this.booleanListenableFuture.get()) { // Proceed with more… mMapView.setViewpointAsync(secondViewpoint, 3); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) {

// user interrupted the operation

} catch (ExecutionException ee) { } });


// a problem with executing the call or returning result

ListenableList pattern

Bind to data

Add listener to know when content changes -

Adds and removes

Implemented on -

Graphics in a GraphicsOverlay


LayerList (operational, base, reference layers)


Sublayers in SublayerList



Loadable pattern – Java implementation

Loadable resources -

Maps, layers, portal item, geodatabase, …

Does not use ListenableFuture -

Specific pattern for load errors


Has additional states


Can reload if failed

Loads dependent loadables

Map and MapView

Content and presentation are separated

ArcGISMap - separate class that defines content Listenable lists of Layer, Bookmark - MapView references ArcGISMap -


Open a map, or build in code, modify, save to portal

MapView extends android.view.ViewGroup -

GraphicsOverlay(s), LocationDisplay, …


Control visible extent of ArcGISMap using Viewpoints

Don't forget andoid.permission.INTERNET for any online layers, basemaps, portals, etc

Scene and SceneView

New in Android at v100.1

ArcGISScene – content


SceneView references ArcGISScene


Basemap, ElevationSurface, Layers, …


Build in code

SceneView extends android.view.ViewGroup -

Control view using Viewpoints and Cameras

Currently requires OpenGL2.0 -

Covers all devices connecting to Google Play

Scene and layer Code Display a scene Add elevation surface Add a scene layer

// create a scene and add a basemap to it

ArcGISScene scene = new ArcGISScene(); scene.setBasemap(Basemap.createImagery()); mSceneView = findViewById(; mSceneView.setScene(scene);

// create an elevation source, and add this to the base surface of the scene

ArcGISTiledElevationSource elevationSource = new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(getResources().getString(R.string.elevation_source)); scene.getBaseSurface().getElevationSources().add(elevationSource);

// add a scene service to the scene for viewing buildings ArcGISSceneLayer sceneLayer = new ArcGISSceneLayer( getResources().getString(R.string.buildings_service)); scene.getOperationalLayers().add(sceneLayer);

// add a camera and initial camera position

Camera camera = new Camera(48.378, -4.494, 200, 345, 65, 0); mSceneView.setViewpointCamera(camera);

Display device location •

Uses Android platform location providers -

GPS and network location, if enabled

Customizable appearance

AutoPan behavior – pan, rotate


Navigation (car)


CompassNavigation (waypoint)


Recenter (no rotation)

LocationDisplay -




Only Position

Position & Heading

Position & Course

LocationDisplay top tips

Don’t forget -

android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION +



User interactive navigation cancels auto-pan -

MapView.addNavigationChangedListener – when isNavigating returns to false, re-set the AutoPanMode


Or disable interactive navigation…

User interactive navigation can also change scale -

Again can use addNavigationChangedListener and re-set map scale if required

Can create own LocationDataSource if required

Handling touch on the map

Default navigation gestures -

Swipe to pan


Double-tap = zoom in, two-finger-tap = zoom out


Pinch to zoom and rotate


Tap and hold then swipe up/down for continuous zoom

Change interactive navigation by creating custom touch listener -

Inherit from DefaultMapViewOnTouchListener


Implement View.OnTouchListener

Handling gestures Sample – identify-graphics-hittest

Integration with the ArcGIS Platform using Portal API

Portal -

Connection to ArcGIS Online or an on-premises Portal


Authenticated and anonymous access

PortalUser -

Current authenticated user or other users

PortalItem -

Represent any item type


Create, update, delete items and PortalFolders


Share publicly, organization, or PortalGroup


Provide offline maps so users can be productive when network connectivity is poor or nonexistent

MobileMapPackage class -

Desktop pattern -

maps, layers, data, locators, transportation networks Create MMPK in Pro

Services pattern -

Use OfflineMapTask

ArcGIS Runtime SDKs: Working with Maps Online and Offline 2pm - B 07 - B 08

Offline Mapbook Example App Offline Mapbook Example App

Authentication – default challenge handler

Cross-platform security pattern -

Challenges, challenge handlers, OAuth2, tokens

DefaultAuthenticationChallengeHandler -

Out of the box UX for challenges


Network credential: HTTP secured service / Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA).


ArcGIS Tokens: proprietary token-based authentication


PKI certificates


Self signed certificates

Create own handler if required -

Implement AuthenticationChallengeHandler

Security pattern – OAuth 2.0

Used by ArcGIS Online



Provides challenge handling specifically for OAuth


Uses default Android browser app to display login UX

Set this up -

Create Application - Developers site account


Set DefaultAuthenticationChallengeHandler


Create OAuthConfiguration

Authentication code Maps App example app: • AuthenticationManager • DefaultAuthenticationChallengeHandler • OAuthConfiguration

Android Platform

Android Platform

Android platforms: connections to Google Play store 2nd Oct 2017

Runtime SDK supports minimum Android API 16 (“Jelly Bean” Android 4.1) defaultConfig { minSdkVersion 16 }

Nougat + Oreo

No need for separate JDK


What about your deployments?


API 16 (Jelly Bean)?


API 19 (Kit Kat)?


API 24 Nougat or forward


KitKat Jelly Bean Older

Android Studio 3

Significant update to Android Studio -

IDE - Parameter hints, semantic highlighting


Tooling – Debugging, Instant Apps templates, Android Profiler, new gradle plugin + optimizations

Release Candidate 2 – Oct 19th Final released last night!

Java 8 language features as standard

Migrate projects forward from 2.3.3 release

Supports Kotlin


New official language -

Interoperable with Java, Java standard types


Open source, by JetBrains -

Modern language features -

Null safety/nullable types, default parameter values


Lambdas, inferred properties, higher order functions + function types, auto-casting

Support in Runtime SDK -

Migrating samples


Future plans for documentation


Example apps -

ask at

In conclusion

Free to get going -

Android Studio


Free Developers account for testing


ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android

Runtime SDK support for wide range of functionality and workflows

GeoNet – questions, discussions, suggestions

Feedback in the conference app

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