Australasian Marce Society Conference 2017 Program

Australasian Marce Society Conference 2017 Program Friday 27 October 2017 Time Session Speaker Presentation 7:00am REGISTRATION Location: Boulevard...

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Australasian Marce Society Conference 2017 Program Thursday 26 October 2017 Time 8:00am




REGISTRATION Location: Arbour Foyer

9:00am – 12:30pm

Room: Arbour A1

Workshop A

Chairperson: Fiona Judd

Dr Pierre Azzam, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Managing clinical challenges of substance use during pregnancy

Dr Priya Gopalan, University of Pittsburgh, USA Dr Jody Glance, University of Pittsburgh, USA

1:30pm – 5:00pm

Room: Arbour A2

Workshop B

Chairperson: Dagmar Hlincikova

Dr Joann O'Leary, Marian University, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin and Star Legacy Foundation, USA

Room: Arbour A1

Workshop C

Chairperson: Robyn Cross

Dr Camille Hoffman and Dr Jennifer Hyer, University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA

Room: Arbour A2

Workshop D

Chairperson: Dr Rebecca Hill

Dr Prabha Chandra, National Institute Interpersonal violence in the perinatal period of Mental Health and Neurosciences, India Dr Harish Kalra, Raphael Services, Ballarat, St John of God Health Care Australia

The rainbow child: Carried with hope alongside grief (pregnancy after pregnancy loss)

Integrating perinatal mental health assessment and treatment into routine perinatal care

Australasian Marce Society Conference 2017 Program Friday 27 October 2017 Time 7:00am




REGISTRATION Location: Boulevard Auditorium Foyer

7:00am – 8:15am

Gidget Foundation Breakfast

Dr Vijay Roach, the Gidget Foundation

Room: Plaza Gallery 8:30am – 8:40am

Opening Plenary

Dr Lyndall White, Australasian Marcé Welcome from Australasian Marcé Society Society President

Room: Boulevard Auditorium 8:40am – 8:45am

Songwoman Maroochy, Elder from the Turrbal tribe of Brisbane

8:45am – 8:50am

Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Australian Federal Health Minister

8:50am – 9:30am

Keynote 1 Professor Marie-Paule Austin, St John of God Health Care and University of NSW, Australia

Welcome to Country

The 2017 Australian clinical practice guidelines for mental health care in the perinatal period

Dr Nicole Highet, Centre of Perinatal Excellence, Australia 9:30am – 10:15am

Keynote 2 Dr Jody Glance, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Perinatal addiction: Building resilience and enhancing outcomes

Dr Priya Gopalan, University of Pittsburgh, USA Dr Pierre Azzam, University of Pittsburgh, USA 10:15am – 10:45am


10:45am – 12:30pm

Concurrent Session 1A Room: Boulevard Auditorium Theme: Obstetrics and Mental Health Chairperson: Dr Paul Bretz

Professor Julie Quinlivan, Professional Services Review, Australia

Preventing spontaneous preterm birth: How close are we to a solution? (10:45-11:20)

Professor David Ellwood, Griffith University, Australia

What are the unique challenges in caring for women in highrisk pregnancy? (11:20-11:55)

Dr Vijay Roach, the Gidget Foundation, Australia

More than delivering babies: Obstetricians and mental health (11:55-12:30)

Ms Chris Yelland, Helen Mayo House, Women's and Children's Health Network, Australia

Mother-Infant Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (MI-DBT): The development of a DBT group program that addresses the complex emotional and relationship challenges affecting mothers with young infants (10:45-12:30 A16)

Invited Speakers Concurrent Session 1B Room: Boulevard B1 Format: Workshop Session Title: MotherInfant Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (MIDBT): The Development of a DBT Group Program that Addresses the Complex Emotional and Relationship Challenges Affecting Mothers with Young Infants

Ms Sharron Hollamby, Helen Mayo House, Women's and Children's Health Network, Australia

Concurrent Session 1C Dr Katrina Moss, University of Queensland, Australia Room: Boulevard B2 Mia McLean, University of Format: Symposium Queensland, Australia

Effects of prenatal maternal stress: Findings from the QF2011 Queensland Flood Study

Session Title: Investigating DisasterRelated Pregnancy Stress and Child Development: Findings from the QF2011 Queensland Flood Study (10:45-12:30 A50)

Belinda Lequertier, University of Queensland, Australia

Prenatal exposure to a natural disaster: Pathways influencing toddler social-emotional and behavioural trajectories in the QF2011 Queensland Flood Study

Professor Sue Kildea, University of Queensland, Australia

Continuity of midwifery carer moderates the effects of prenatal maternal stress on postnatal maternal wellbeing: The QF2011 Queensland Flood Study

Professor Marie-Paule Austin, St John of God Health Care and University of NSW, Australia

Moderating effects of maternal emotional availability on language and cognitive development in toddlers of mothers exposed to a natural disaster in pregnancy: The QF2011 Queensland Flood Study

Concurrent Session 1D Professor Jeannette Milgrom, ParentInfant Research Institute, Austin Room: Boulevard B3 Health, and University of Melbourne, Australia Theme: Technology and Genetics Dr Carol Barber, University of Waikato, New Zealand Chairperson: Professor Jeannette Milgrom Mrs Cate Rawlinson, Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health, Australia

Prenatal maternal stress: A risk factor for child anxiety symptoms? The QF2011 Queensland Flood Study

A new national website: MumSpace for online perinatal mental health tools (10:45-11:05 A55)

Positively pregnant: Development and pilot testing of an app for stress management in pregnancy (11:05-11:25 A64) SMS messages: Mental health promotion and prevention for women with diagnosed perinatal mental illness and their partners (11:25-11:45 A72)

Dr Divya Mehta, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Genomics and epigenomics in postpartum depression: Methods and technology in research (11:45-12:05 A15)

Dr Catherine Maud, Deakin University, Australia

Oxytocin receptor gene epigenetics in infants differentiated by secure and insecure attachment behaviour (12:05-12:25 A7)

10:45am – 12:30pm

Concurrent Session 1E Associate Professor Campbell Paul, Integrated Mental Health Service, Room: Plaza P1 Royal Children's Hospital, Australia

Engaging the baby in the maternal mental illness context (10: 45-12:30)

12:30pm – 1:30pm


1:30pm – 3:20pm

Concurrent Session 2A Dr Susan Roberts, Gold Coast Eating disorders in the peripartum and impact on infant mental University Hospital, Australia health and feeding (1:30-3:20pm A71) Room: Boulevard Auditorium Dr Warren Ward, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Metro North Hospital and Health Service, University of Queensland, Australia Megan Huppert, Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health, Child and Youth Mental Health Service, Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service, Australia Joined by three speakers with lived experience Concurrent Session 2B Professor Philip Boyce, Westmead Clinical School, Sydney Medical Room: Boulevard B1 School, University of Sydney, Australia Theme: Postpartum Psychosis Dr Jasmine Mordecai, North Metro Health Service, Australia Chairperson: Professor Philip Boyce Deborah Vickers, Western Sydney University, Australia

Postpartum psychosis in the 19th and 20th centuries (1:30-2: 30 A9)

Clozapine in pregnancy: Medical obstetric and neonatal outcomes of women prescribed clozapine in pregnancy under the care of a specialist antenatal clinic (2:30-2:50 A35) Who dropped the baby? Postnatal psychosis case studies (2: 50-3:10 A67)

Concurrent Session 2C Siobhan Loughnan, Clinical Research Supporting emotional wellness and treating perinatal anxiety Unit for Anxiety and Depression and depression online (1:30-3:20 A13) Room: Boulevard B2 (CRUfAD), UNSW at St Vincent's Hospital Sydney, Australia Format: Symposium Theme: Online Therapies Session Title: Supporting Emotional Wellness and Treating Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Online Concurrent Session 2D Associate Professor Stephen Matthey, South Western Sydney Room: Boulevard B3 Local Health District, Australia

A review of antenatal clients of a perinatal mental health service: The level of bonding, their partners’ understanding, and their reasons for feeling distressed (1:30-2:10 A54)

Theme: Attachment and Dr Kristine Mercuri, Royal Women’s Bonding Hospital Melbourne, University of Melbourne, Australia Chairperson: Associate Professor Stephen Johanne Smith-Nielsen, University of Matthey Copenhagen, Denmark

The Building Early Attachment and Resilience (BEAR) study: Supporting mums and bubs (2:10-2:30 A65)

Helen Stevens, Parent Infant Consultants, Australia

Concurrent Session 2E

Vivianne Kissane, Peach Tree Perinatal Wellness

Screening for socio-emotional problems in infants: Implementation of universal screening with the alarm distress baby scale in primary care (2:30-2:50 A36)

Attachment-based interventions to achieve infant sleep (birth to three years): Achieving outcomes while promoting parentinfant relationships (2:50-3:10 A4) Peach Tree: Building resilience through peer support (1:30-3: 20 A59)

Room: Plaza P1 Format: Symposium Session Title: Peach Tree: Building Resilience Through Peer Support 3:20pm – 3:50pm


3:50pm – 5:15pm

Plenary Room: Boulevard Auditorium

3:50pm – 4:30pm

Keynote 3 Professor Jane Fisher, International Marcé Society, Monash University, Australia

4:30pm – 5:10pm

Keynote 4 Dr Matthew Roberts, Mercy Health O'Connell Family Centre, Australia Associate Professor Richard Fletcher, Family Action Centre, University of Newcastle, Australia

6:00pm – 9:00pm

Infertility, assisted conception and early parenthood (Assisted reproductive technology Prize recipient speech: Marcé Medal

SOIREE Location: Queensland Terrace, State Library of Queensland

Please join us for an evening of networking over good food and great music. The evening includes the auction of two beautiful original artworks representing our theme of resilience.

Everyone's fatherhood: Clinical and universal engagement of fathers

Australasian Marcé Society Conference 2017 Program Saturday 28 October 2017 Time




7:00am – 8:15am

Peach Tree Breakfast

Speaker Vivianne Kissane, Peach Tree Perinatal Wellness, Australia

Presentation The role of community in supporting recovery of perinatal mental illness

Room: Plaza Gallery 8:30am – 8:40am

Welcome to Day 2

Dr Lyndall White, Australasian Marcé Welcome from Australasian Marcé Society Society President

Room: Boulevard Auditorium 8:40am – 9:25am

Chairperson: Dr Caroline Keynote 5 Zanetti Dr Camille Hoffman, University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA

Council on patient safety in women’s health safety bundle on maternal depression and anxiety

Dr Jennifer Hyer, University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA 9:25am – 10:10am

Keynote 6 Dr Prabha Chandra, National Institute Mothers who suicide of Mental Health and Neurosciences, India

10:10am – 10:40am


10:40am – 12:20pm

Concurrent Session 3A Dr Elisabeth Hoehn, Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Room: Boulevard Health, Australia Auditorium Andrea Baldwin, Queensland Centre Format: Symposium for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health, Australia Theme: Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Adrienne Irvine, Queensland Centre Infant Mental Health for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health, Australia Chairperson: Dr Elisabeth Hoehn

The Perinatal Mental Health and Wellness Project: A crosssectoral collaboration (10:40-11:30 A23)

Research to practice: A collaborative perinatal and infant mental health day program for mothers with a psychiatric illness and their infants (11:30-12:20 A40)

Concurrent Session 3B Trish Wilson, Bloomhill Cancer Care, Mater Research Institute Room: Boulevard B1

An early intervention/prevention model of care for bereaved parents in a tertiary maternity setting (10:40-11:00)

Format: Symposium

Belinda Norman, Mater Mothers' Hospital, Brisbane, Australia

Bereavement care at the Mater Mothers’ Hospital (11:00-11:20 A22)

Aleena Wojcieszek, Centre of Research Excellence in Stillbirth, Mater Research Institute, the University of Queensland, Australia

Care of parents following perinatal death and in subsequent pregnancies (11:20-11:40 A24)

Associate Professor Fran Boyle, Centre of Research Excellence in Stillbirth, Mater Research Institute, University of Queensland, Australia

Respectful and supportive care after stillbirth: What do we know and what needs to happen? (11:40-12:00 A21)

Theme: Perinatal Loss Chairperson: Trish Wilson

Grace Branjerdporn, School of Health Mental health status of mothers with and without perinatal loss and Rehabilitation Sciences, The (12:00-12:20 A25) University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Australasian Marcé Society Conference 2017 Program Saturday 28 October 2017 Time




Concurrent Session 3C Dr Susan Roberts, Gold Coast University Hospital, Australia Room: Boulevard B2

Lavender Mother and Baby Unit – Baby steps: A review of the first six months of the first public mother and baby unit in Queensland (10:40-11:00 A29)

Format: Forum

Dr Nicole Reilly, Perinatal and Women Mental Health Unit, St John Of God Health Care, School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Australia

Are improvements in clinical and parenting outcomes maintained following discharge from an inpatient mother-baby unit? (11:00-1120 A46)

Dr Celeste Hoopmann and Dr Zara Zia, Monash Health, Australia

Monash Health: An integrated approach to perinatal care complex case presentation (11:20-11:40 A33)

Theme: Mother Baby Units Chairperson: Dr Susan Roberts

Dr Karen Wynter, Monash University, Fatigue, sleepiness, sleep quality and psychological distress in Australia women admitted with their infants to a residential early parenting service and men whose partners are admitted (11: Mary Williams and Gaye Foster, 40-12:00 A17) Brisbane Centre for Post Natal Disorders, Belmont Private Hospital, Evaluation of a multifaceted inpatient and outpatient program Australia for perinatal modd disorders (12:00-12:20) Concurrent Session 3D Room: Boulevard B3 Theme: Screening and Parenting Capacity

Professor Marie-Paule Austin, St John of God Health Care and University of NSW, Australia

Study protocol for a comparative effectiveness trial of two models of perinatal integrated psychosocial assessment: The PIPA Project (10:40-11:00 A18)

Professor Anne Buist, Austin Health, University of Melbourne, Australia

When is parenting good enough? (11:00-11:20 A6)

Associate Professor Stephen Matthey, Sydney South West Local Health District, Australia

A generic mood questionnaire for perinatal mood screening: How it compares to the EPDS, PHQ-2 / ‘Whooley’ and various anxiety measures (11:20-11:40 A19)

Dr Nichole Fairbrother, University of British Columbia, Canada

The Childbirth Fear Questionnaire (CFQ): A new measure of fear of childbirth (11:40-12:00 A38)

Dr Nicole Reilly, Perinatal and Women Mental Health Unit, St John Of God Health Care, School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Australia

The EPDS and ‘Whooley’ Questions: How well do these measures identify current depressive and anxiety disorder during pregnancy? (12:00-12:20 A12)

Chairperson: Professor Marie-Paule Austin

12:20pm – 1:20pm




Annual General Meeting to be held during lunch at 12:40pm

Room: Boulevard Auditorium 1:20pm – 1:50pm

Chairperson: Leanda Verrier

Keynote 7 Professor Megan Galbally, Murdoch Designing research to understand the intergenerational effects University, University of Notre Dame of maternal mental health: Insights from the MPEWS and Fiona Stanley Hospital, Australia Study (Prize recipient speech: Rampono Medal)

1:50pm – 2:20pm

Keynote 8 Terri Smith, Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA)

Barriers to perinatal mental health: Lessons from PANDA’s National Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Helpline

Australasian Marcé Society Conference 2017 Program Saturday 28 October 2017 Time

2:30pm – 4:10pm



Concurrent Session 4A Dr Lucinda Smith, St John of God Healthcare, GLOW Perinatal Room: Boulevard Emotional Health and Wellbeing Auditorium Clinic, Australia


Embedding, evolution and efficacy of Watch, Wait and Wonder® intervention in a community-based perinatal and infant mental health service (2:30-4:10 A57)

Format: Symposium

Adaobi Udechuku, GLOW Perinatal Emotional Health and Wellbeing Theme: Watch, Wait and Clinic, St John of God Healthcare, Wonder® Australia Dr Denise Guy, Incredible Families, Otago University, New Zealand Dr Belinda Freake, St John of God Healthcare, Three Seas Psychology Group, Australia

The struggle is real: Parallels in the Watch, Wait and Wonder® intervention therapy and process

Dr Jessica Kuc, St John of God Like father, like son? Watch, Wait and Wonder® intervention in Healthcare, Eastern Health, Australia a father-son dyad Dr Lucinda Smith, St John of God Healthcare, GLOW Perinatal Emotional Health and Wellbeing Clinic, Australia Dr Denise Guy, Incredible Families, Otago University, New Zealand

“I need my baby more than my baby needs me": Using Watch, Wait and Wonder® intervention in a mother sensitive to rejection.

The trainer’s perspective: Support, supervision and sustainability

Concurrent Session 4B Katrina Flora, Women's Alcohol and Drug Service, Royal Women's Room: Boulevard B1 Hospital, Australia

A practical guide for providing multidisciplinary clinical care to women and babies exposed to substance use in pregnancy (2: 30-3:30 #5)

Theme: Substance Abuse, Gambling and Screening

Gambling harm and dyadic relationship (3:30-3:50 #31)

Monya Gangemi-Murch, New South Wales Institute of Psychiatry, Australia

Tanya Connell, University of Sydney, Psychosocial assessment and depression screening in private Australia obstetric care (3:50-4:00 #14) Concurrent Session 4C Dr Alka Kothari, Redcliffe Hospital, Forgotten fathers (2:30-2:50) Australia Room: Boulevard B2 Clare Whitcombe, beyondblue, The effectiveness of a peer-to-peer model addressing stigma Theme: Fatherhood and Australia related to postnatal depression in the maternal and child health Service Provision services setting (2:50-3:10 A30) Dr Zara Zia, St John of God and Monash Health , Australia

Implementing a parent-infant therapy group in an Australian perinatal service: A literature review of parent-infant therapy groups (3:10-3:30 A32)

Dr Adaobi Udechuku, St John of God, Australia Elizabeth Spry, Deakin University, Australia

Preconception predictors of expectant and new fathers’ mental health: A prospective analysis spanning two cohorts and two generations (3:30-3:50 A56)

Le Ann Williams, Tweddle Child and Family Health Service, Australia

Working out dads: Engaging and connecting (3:50-4:10 A60)

Concurrent Session 4D Dr Nichole Fairbrother, University of British Columbia, Canada Room: Boulevard B3 Theme: Perinatal Anxiety, Surrogacy and Trauma Chairperson: Narelle Dickinson 4:10pm – 4:40pm

Perinatal anxiety and related disorder prevalence, incidence, and relation to new mothers’ thoughts of infant-related harm (2: 30-3:20)

Narelle Dickinson, Queensland Reflections from a Churchill Fellowship investigation of Fertility and Family Support, Australia international gestational surrogacy: Implications for working with families contemplating gestational surrogacy (3:20-3:50 A3) Dr Catherine Acton, Western Health, Australia

Trauma exposure and resilience in perinatal mental health (3: 50-4:10 A66)

AFTERNOON TEA Plenary Room: Boulevard Auditorium

4:40pm – 5:00pm

Closing Address

Dr Lyndall White, Australasian Marcé Farewell and introducing President Elect Society President