BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES WEBQUEST I. CARBON CYCLE ... Some carbon is buried deep in the ground and forms ...

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BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES WEBQUEST I. CARBON CYCLE (1) Go to Click and complete scene 1. (2) 1.

Name 2 places on the earth we find carbon: __________________________ 2. ___________________________

(3) Go to, read about the carbon cycle and fill in the blanks below: Plants pull carbon (in the form of carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere to make food, through a process called ____________________. Through food chains animals get ____________ from the plants and other animals they eat. When plants and animals die and ____________, carbon goes back into the ground. Some carbon is buried deep in the ground and forms ________________________. When humans burn fossil fuels, ________________ is released back into the atmosphere. When humans and animals exhale, they release carbon back into the air by a process called ______________________________. (4) Go to How are oceans involved in the carbon cycle? How is the temperature of the Earth partly controlled by carbon? What role do rocks have within the carbon cycle? How are humans altering the carbon cycle?

Facts to find: How much of the atmosphere is made of carbon dioxide? By how much has CO2 increased in the atmosphere during the past 150 years? The deep ocean accounts for more than ______% of the Earth’s carbon. How much carbon does the surface ocean absorb from the atmosphere each year? True or false. When plants die and decay, they bring carbon into soil. True or False. Plants both absorb CO 2 from the atmosphere and release it into the atmosphere.

True or False. Phytoplankton are tiny plants and algae that float in the ocean and take up carbon dioxide as they grow. When carbon enters the deep ocean, how long does it stay there? II. NITROGEN CYCLE Go to the website: and answer the questions below: 1. For what three things do plants and animals need nitrogen? 2.

What are 2 ways nitrogen becomes useable to plants, humans and animals?


How do herbivores obtain the nitrogen they need?


How is nitrogen returned to the atmosphere?


What are two ways humans impact the nitrogen cycle: 1. 2.

6. What happens when there is an excess of nitrogen?

Go to the following site and answer the questions: 7. Nitrogen is the most __________________________________ gas found in the earth’s atmosphere. 8. Nitrogen is necessary for _______________ __________________ and for the survival of all ________________________________.

9. The nitrogen found in the atmosphere comes from __________________________, and _________________ and __________________________ _____________________________. 10. Bacteria that have to “________” the nitrogen in the atmosphere for all other organisms to use are called ________________________ ______________________ _________________.

11. Nitrogen fixing bacteria are found in the ____________________ and the ____________________ of certain plants. 12. When the fixing process is finished, ___________________ nitrogen is converted into _____________________, _______________________, and __________________________ which can be used by ________________________________.

13. As plants become food, the _____________________ can be used by animals.

14. Some bacteria have the job of __________________________ the soil to take the _______________________ compounds and return them to nitrogen _________ that it releases back into the atmosphere.

15. When animals eat plants containing usable nitrogen, the nitrogen returns to the soil by ______________________ ___________________________ _________________________ ______________________ and ____________________________ by decomposers.

7. Go to the following site and place a number next to the steps involved in the nitrogen cycle:

o nitrogen-fixation – (nitrogen in atmosphere converted to ammonia by lightning or nitrogenfixing bacteria) _____ o nitrification (ammonia converted to nitrates by nitrifying bacteria)_______ o assimilation (plants absorb nitrates, incorporate into proteins. Nitrogen in now in the food chain) _____ o ammonification (dead plants/animals converted to ammonia by ammonifying bacteria) _____ o denitrification (some nitrates are returned to atmosphere by denitrifying bacteria) _______

8. What type of organism do you notice is essential in nearly every stop of the nitrogen cycle?


1. 1. The ______________ evaporates _____________ from lakes and oceans. As the air rises, it cools. The water vapor condenses into tiny droplets of _______________. The droplets crowd together and form a __________. Wind blows the ______________ towards the land. The tiny droplets join together and fall as precipitation to the ____________. The water soaks into the ground and collects in ___________. The ___________ that never ends has started again! 2. Identify each number in the picture below

IV. PHOSPHOROUS CYCLE Go to: and answer these questions based on the “soil based view” of the phosphorus cycle. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

How does phosphorus initially enter the cycle? What do plants do with it? How do herbivores get it? How do carnivores get it? How do herbivores and carnivores return phosphorus to the cycle? Why do living things need phosphorus?