Book And Disk epubs

Falcon 3.0: The Complete Handbook/Book And Disk epubs. The accessible, authoritative guide to the popular flight simulator comes with a complete...

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Falcon 3.0: The Complete Handbook/Book And Disk epubs

The accessible, authoritative guide to the popular flight simulator comes with a complete demonstration disk and fold-out keyboard template. Original.

Paperback: 652 pages Publisher: Waite Group Pr; Har/Dskt edition (October 1992) Language: English ISBN-10: 1878739298 ISBN-13: 978-1878739292 Product Dimensions: 1.2 x 7 x 9.2 inches Shipping Weight: 2.3 pounds Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item Best Sellers Rank: #5,555,271 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #96 in Books > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Gaming > Strategy #10078 in Books > Humor & Entertainment > Puzzles & Games > Video & Computer Games #12078 in Books > Computers & Technology > Games & Strategy Guides

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