BUS 101 Introduction to Business - online

Business A Changing World, 9th edition, ... BUS 101 Introduction to Business - online. ... important component of a successful career in business,...

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BUS 101 Introduction to Business - online

Term: Place: Time: Credits: Instructor: office email phone office hours

Spring 2013 Blackboard online 3 Stacey Emery, Assistant Professor of Business & Accounting 310 Normal Hall [email protected] 207-768-9603 Tuesday 11:00 - 1:00 pm Thursday 11:00 - 1:00 pm

Course Materials:

Business A Changing World, 9th edition, by O.C. Ferrell / Geoffrey A. Hirt / Linda Ferrell McGraw-Hill Irwin ISBN # 978-0-07-802313-2

Course Description:

This course is intened to help first year business management students clarify their business education and career goals. Basic concepts of management, marketing, operations, finance, and human resource management will be surveyed.

Course Objectives:

*Understand the role of business in our society *Identify ethical and social responsibilities in business *Classify and understand the different legal forms of ownership *Identify the role of management in business *Identify the role of Human Resources in business *Identify marketing concepts in business *Understand the financial aspects of business


Exams Business Plan Assignments Peer Evaluations

50% 25% 15% 10%

ETS Proficiency Profile (ETSPP) In order to meet regional accreditation standards, UMPI must assess student learning in our General Education program. One way we do that is by administering the ETS Proficiency Profile test to all incoming freshmen and all graduating seniors. It is absolutely imperative that UMPI have a representative sample of its students complete the Proficiency Profile each year. Therefore, as a graduating student in this course you will be expected to complete the assessment at a designated time this semester. It is an expectation that you will complete the assessment before the end of the semester. The ETSPP will be administered to all seniors on May 10, 2013 at 1:30 pm in 105 Folsom Hall

Week Beginning Tuesday- ending Monday 22-Jan 28-Jan

Topic Blackboard Content tab Weekly Outline Jan 22 thru 28

29-Jan 4-Feb

Blackboard Content tab Weekly Outline Jan 29 thru Feb 4

5-Feb 11-Feb

Blackboard Content tab Weekly Outline Feb 5 thru 11

12-Feb 18-Feb

Blackboard Content tab Weekly Outline Feb 12 thru 18

vacation vacation

no assignments

26-Feb 4-Mar

Blackboard Content tab Weekly Outline Feb 26 thru Mar 4

5-Mar 11-Mar

Blackboard Content tab Weekly Outline Mar 5 thru 11

12-Mar 18-Mar

Blackboard Content tab Weekly Outline Mar 12 thru 18

19-Mar 25-Mar

Blackboard Content tab Weekly Outline Mar 19 thru 25

26-Mar 1-Apr

Blackboard Content tab Weekly Outline Mar 26 thru Apr 1

vacation vacation

no assignments

9-Apr 15-Apr

Blackboard Content tab Weekly Outline Apr 9 thru 15

16-Apr 22-Apr

Blackboard Content tab Weekly Outline Apr 16 thru 22

23-Apr 29-Apr

Blackboard Content tab Weekly Outline Apr 23 thru 29

30-Apr 6-May

Blackboard Content tab Weekly Outline Apr 30 thru May 6

PROFESSIONAL DEMEANOR: The faculty in the Business Administration program is committed to helping each student be successful in his/her career. To reinforce the concept that behaving like a member of the business profession is an important component of a successful career in business, we will be including “Professional Demeanor” as a grading criterion in each of our BUS-designated courses. The philosophy of this policy is to encourage students to develop competencies that will help them be more successful in the job market and in their careers. The intent of the policy is to hold students accountable for classroom behaviors that demonstrate lack of professionalism in their classroom work. WHAT Professional Demeanor Entails Students demonstrate PD by engaged and respectful participation in class. Some guidelines around this standard are: •         Engaged participation requires that students are prepared for class •         Rude, disrespectful behaviors, inappropriate language (including body language) whether directed at other students or the instructor are unacceptable •         Listening as well as speaking is a way to demonstrate engagement; although you may disagree with a statement, take time to articulate your opposing position in a way that’s appropriate and focused on the issue, not the person. Body language like rolling one’s eyes is not helpful to a productive exchange •         Attendance means coming to class on time prepared to commit one’s full attention for the entire class session with an attitude that conveys a willingness to learn in a classroom environment where each student contributes to the overall effectiveness of the learning experience. Respect for the person, even when you disagree with their viewpoint/analysis is demonstrated during all class activities. While we do not wish to create an exhaustive list of “do not’s,” examples of unacceptable classroom behavior include: •         leaving during the classroom without letting the instructor know in advance unless there’s an emergency •         using an electronic device for non-class related work during the class (including checking the time) •         participating in extended side conversations while the class is engaged in discussion, listening to a presentation, etc. •         interrupting classroom lectures without being called upon •         engaging in unnecessarily distracting behaviors after being requested by the instructor to stop.

HOW This Policy Will Be Implemented Each business faculty member will include this policy in his/her syllabus. Faculty members are free to make additions and modifications which are specifically noted in the syllabus for a particular course.

As always, student performance on the assessment instruments for the course (graded tests, quizzes, projects, etc.) specified in the course syllabus will be the basis for the course grade. If the student has complied with the PD policy, this will be the student’s grade for the course. If the instructor finds that the student has continued, after being individually notified of unacceptable behavior(s), this grade will be multiplied by a factor from 0.85 to 1.0 reflecting a reduction in final grade for behaviors that reflect the lack of readiness for professional level positions. Instructors are committed to implementing this new policy in a way that is fair (gives a student notice about problematic behaviors) and objective (articulates clearly what the unacceptable behavior is). Student concerns (whether general concerns or individual concerns) about the policy will be discussed and considered by faculty.