Candida glabrata Candida 1 -

Candida glabrata Candida 1 1) 2) 1) 1) 3) 1) 1) ˘ˇ˘ ˆ˘˙˝ 2) ˘ˇ˘ ˛ ˚ ˜ ! 3) ˘ˇ˘ " ˘˙˝ # $19 ˘3 %14 ˇ&ˆ’ $19 ˘3 %23 ˇ&˙...

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ῌ+e¹"¼ 2007




Candida glabrata  Candida  1 

 1) 2) 1)  1)  3)  1) 1)





#$ 19  3 % 14 &' $ 19  3 % 23 &(

)*+, 27 -./0123435

!6 Candida 7"+' 2 8

96#  Candida 7:$+,; < (1=3)-b-9-glucan >?%)' @A Candida glabrata > 2 B&'CD' EFGH()/I*)7*JK' )> LM+NO,PQA' +,-R SO#LM+, C. glabrata  Candida Q"TH(+,; 23435.UQ fluconazole /0)V1+,>' (1=3)-b-9glucan %Q)/WXYK' Z WX/ amphotericin B /072+,;  Candida /3 )H(CDPQ>4O>' "TH([\]5 ^6Q+N' _ CT Q (1=3)-b-9-glucan


Key words: disseminated candidiasis, amphotericin B, fluconazole

‚D‚D/' #xLM+, C. glabrata 

 Candida Q/' Candida cdN eI fg Candida )7*Jh'

 Candida 7"TH(+' ]D+E, )Rƒ;

Candida )7:ifg*Jj:Q;kCD ῏

NO1); +,)/' 1983l2006  23 9 16  #14 <( -R>a>2)l5)' mn 11 >op=qr3 stu/07>vQ+' 6 >3


; ?3 )/:ifg) )>4OPQ>@ wDN[A6), 7)' #xLM+, Candida 

„ 27 -' .; …†F„ G' HQ~‡ˆ‰IŠQ‹Œ4JK Ž; F„ ‹Œ4JKŽ #7 -(' ‡ˆ‰IŠ #7 -(' L‘Ž’“ #18 -(; ”F„ M‡•r–| N+O—˜OP™Oš›

/-R>SO; y,' fluconazole (FLCZ) "A 1989 Iz' non-

+' 2000  4 %QA‡ˆ‰IŠ ,J' œ)

albicans Candida {|>}c+N[A' B

tusž5Ÿ ¡ RS1T7U&¢NO,; V

)~ 1991 Iz Candida glabrata q Candida tro-

6 %A 37£ W "1Q¤x>¥”+' œ

picalis C{|>}c€a>8)' +,[O

6' piperacillin /07&¢,>¦§S¨' 

N C. glabrata  Candida / 1 -R

©!XY) 7/12 B*ZQSb,; *6' 7/17 0123435 (CVC) 7

CDNO )a ; 5)

N¯Ua°„ (±173῍8606) bcd²³c´ 2῍11῍1 {|µ5¶· ¸

 TEL: 03῍3964῍1211# 1595( E-mail: [email protected]

72 +e¹"º»

Vol. 17

No. 2


!+' 7/26 A 39£ W [\1>¥”+, (Fig. 1); 7/28 @]^A C. glabrata >&'CD' CVC .UN 37£ WV1+,; Z ªR)/'  @]^hw Candida &'/' «¬ª –|Q_ (CDNO,; 8/8 ­\ CVC 7 !+,QP®' `A 40.5£

Candida glabrata ,R‚ƒok Candida  1 –

Fig. 1.

Clinical course CVC; central venous catheter (subclavian), ABPC; ampicillin, ABPC/MCIPC; ampicillin/ cloxacillin, AMPH-B; amphotericin B, CMZ; cefmetazole, FLCZ; fluconazole, IPM/CS; imipenem/ cilastatin.

 cefmetazole 2 g/day imipenem/cilastatin 1 g/day       X $%&


!'() *!+,-.!/012

3 /045 => 8/14 

! CT 6789:6;<





8/17  8/10 [=M \],^ C. glabrata _I=M `abcde!"# X $%&6fghi>

Table 1. WBC Neu Lym Mon Eos RBC Hb Ht Plt ESR Urine protein

Laboratory findings on August 28

5,500 /ml 61 ’ 27 ’ 9’ 3’ 334“104 /ml 9.5 g/dl 30.1 ’ 57.0“104 /ml 46 mm/h (”)

MWX<  8/10  X $%&6jklmno Npqr5hi 8/18  (1s3)-b-9-glucan t b-9-glucan; uv#wxyz  384 pg/ml {| }  \]6 2 ~ C. glabrata _I=M

Candida antigen b-9-Glucan

•1 639.5 pg/ml

i Candida  YM€R‚ƒok Candida  „… 8/19 ,^ FLCZ 100 mg/day †‡  8/20  CVC ˆ‰ Š‹ U 



3.4 g/dl 25 IU/L 23 IU/L 387 IU/L 279 IU/L 55 IU/L 8.2 mg/dl 0.70 mg/dl 137 mEq/L 3.3 mEq/L


100 mEq/L

CRP 0.46 mg/dl Serum 39 mg/dl iron Ferritin 467 ng/ml IgG 1,510 mg/dl IgA 235 mg/dl IgM 129 mg/dl IgE 1,228 mg/dl

SŒhi ˆ‰d CVC Ž_I

\]6 &T‘hi>MWX< 8/26  —˜™š›œž

Vol. 17

No. 2

2007. 73


¨©ª«¬,>­«¨®¯­«°±‹«² Table 2.


Antifungal susceptibity test of Candida glabrata MIC ( mg/ml)

Drug 2000/07/28 a

Fluconazole 4 Itraconazoleb 1 Flucytosinec §0.12 Amphoterin B῎ 0.125 Miconazole῎ §0.06

Fig. 2.

Chest X-ray (8/28) A posterior-anterior view of the chest obtained on internal medicine admission reveals many small nodules (black arrows) in many lobes.

(S) (R) (S)

08/10 2 0.5 §0.12

(S) (R) (S) 0.25


S; susceptible, R; resistant, S-DD; susceptible-dose dependent a Sῌ8, 16§S-DD§32, R῍64 b Sῌ0.125, 0.25§S-DD§0.5, R῍1 c Sῌ4, 8§intermediate§16, R῍32 ῎ No regulation of susceptibity


! " # $ %& Ramco Laboratories,

Houston, United States' ()& b-9-glucan * 639.5 pg/ml + ,-./ 012 3 X 456* (Fig. 2) 8/10 78 9:;< =>?@ABC)DEF& 01 CT (Fig. 3) G H)I.JE ῒ῎῍῔ῐῑ KLMNOJE Candida HP *& ID32C QR STUVWXYZ' [\ ]^_=`a *& bc6d FP efg hi8j' [\& kE D* Clinical Laboratory Standards Institue (CLSI) lm nopqr\9) ]^_=st Table 2  ῕ΐ῏ῌ u v O  J E  C. glabrata w  x FLCZ  MIC * 2y4 mg/ml ^_=(/&  100 mg/day z{' |D 400 mg/day z{& 9/4 M N } 7~'  \€‚ \ ƒ„KL … & 6d*†JE |)&  \ ‡& ˆ‰& Š|D* ID32C QRH‹ŒZ Fig. 3.

Chest computed tomography (8/28) CT scanning of the chest performed one week after FLCZ administration shows many small nodular shadows in both lungs (white arrow).

C. glabrata )†JE Ž& FLCZ ‚ 3 „ ‘A\01 CT *& ;<x>?@’A*1O  *“>./G& ” ?@A†•G. /DE Fig. 4 –' H— ˜™\ b-9-glucan * 608.2 pg/ml š›ŽŽ( kED?œ|D& FLCZ *žŸ \& ampho-


tericin B (AMPH-B) 30 mg/body/48 ¡ 0.6

 Table 1  Candida  1

mg/kg ¢£' ¤¥z¦|D‚ 7~\

74 ST·¸¹ºj»¼ Vol. 17

No. 2


Candida glabrata -HIN:¦§ & Candida ^ 1 ®

Fig. 4.

Chest computed tomography (9/14) CT scanning of the chest performed three weeks after FLCZ administration shows some nodules slightly decreased in size, as compared with earlier chest CT scan, but a new lesion appeared (black arrow).

Fig. 5.


Chest computed tomography (10/12) CT scanning of the chest four weeks after AMPH-B administration shows little nodules (white circle).

AMPH-B ƒ„…; 1,301 mg/body 6C  2 † 16 ‡ b-9-glucan 28.8 pg/ml 

 CT  ;ˆI‰ ŠŠ

AMPH-B  4  CT  (Fig. 5)


  b-9-glucan 104

 Ž} AMPH-B 8‘’ 3/6 -“”




&'()*+,-./01 . CT, 234

“” 3/16 '• b-9-glucan –— 49.0 pg/

5/016789:;&<'() *+=>

ml ˜8+,; FLCZ 600 mg/day 8 8 ™

? @AB$+,#>6"C

Ap 5/11 - 11.0 pg/ml qr FLCZ 


8‘’ b-9-glucan 6/8 -$–˜ (48.2

;PQR 1.36 mg/dlS 0TUV1WXY6Z

pg/ml) ; 2Fš›œž-

[\]N^ MPR 1.6 mEq/LS ;_` 4 a

2002 Ÿ-  _€¡< M6.5 pg/ml ¢£S -

bc8de6f=> Z[\]0TUV1W,

 <¤– 6f2F‰I

-ghZ[\]ijklVmnoUTAp$9: ; NOZ[\] qr6"C AMPH-B 

NOZ[\]stuvwxyz- CVC

¥”- 1999 Ÿ"# 2006 ŸŠ-¦§ Can-

8{|}~ {| 5 u- Staphylococcus au-

dida ^8¨ <'©ªD«¬ ­^®

reus (penicillin G € S %N^8 ^,

¯ x° ±N( C. tropicalis -HI ²

CVC 8‚

῍³ῌ8´ 1 ^®œˆC10) ­µ¶·¸¹º»¼

Vol. 17

No. 2

2007. 75

µ¶®¯·°]±²¸·µ³´ ¸·µ¹ z·¶







R“*\g=>K* b-9-glucan xM


CT B1J ”€•t AMPH-B BdY]

!"#$ !"#

%$”€ b-9-glucan –\gK- .‚ 

&'(%&)*+,- .'(/  0

FLCZ +ƒ :k FLCZ *3B+

123)*45+6,,7#3-8. Can-

, *MN=>,- 3~ ^Ž,


dida /9!":;<=>,11)- 0


FLCZ  400 mg/day BK* 3^ IDSA

albicans 6?1@ C. glabrata *A3B+


? C2&DEFDGH  3IB*4

Ž azole ^  2 a 3 )  x  , C …  *   C.

ƒ„B —B+? C. albicans „

JK, 45 6L CVC 78 012

glabrata x,  !chK MN

3)*MN=>,- 96:O  PQ

=>,- †˜ ‡LK FLCZ 600 mg/

&H;R6,<#$=> 0123)5

day B b-9-glucan –\g ,- U7B

+?S<@3TAUB!"6? bacterial

C. glabrata a3B FLCZ 800 mg/day 

translocation *CVK: DEW>,-

 pK AMPH-B c candin ^2a3)

 Candida  FGHI1JX

*DvW> ,16)- ~ ^Ž,


K, *L J> ,- 1JMYNOP

B Candida  wVdmhK* 

Q (82Z)  (66Z) R (61Z)  (51Z)

Candida  Candida *W=bmKUˆB

 (50Z) [ (41Z) \ (28Z) ST]^ (18Z)

+? Candida ‰3x 3Š!2a3)B+

_UV (18Z) `W (8Z) XaW> ,- 1

, FLCZ 5+ ‹ŒB+hKy*+,- !

b B 94Z [B 75Z [B1J*L

k : h4l ™32a3)*Žp

7), 12)- c 0dYZ[B Ref1J


\g=>!chK- ]^K Candida  Xa $

bi,_j6,:*Lk C

3Z[0 $

`P 4l a3


*4JK, AMPH-B 4 5‘’iKKg š“!Q&›œ6S! k)B6L4l/9”K •g!-

bmUn*o!, MN=>,- pK0A3

xM CT Iž b-9-glucan *z–”€žK 

* C. glabrata B q3rs=tc#cW

B FLCZ @—Œ?˜N ‡L StuŸ:

> :uv ,cc:>!-


0Z[ dew xM CT *y(B

c~  Candida  _jBZ[*™B

+hK- pK b-9-glucan f xM CT J zg

+?d): =>Z[ d*¡š*B+hK- ¢

 h4{i  j,k+B+hK- b-9-

›B CT gKdYZ[œ£ b-9-glucan !

glucan 0lB m+W> ,* n7a3


k+!opZ[  |q}fB:PkewW>~

Z[*y!h  ,d b  : c ~ AMPH-B c P+ 

~+,13)j  Candida d~

azole ^2a3)ctuŸ !chK* |qB

r  C 2  €  (Infectious Diseases Society of

0lB: candin ^2a3) AMPH-B ¤ ¡¢

America; IDSA) ‚

¥!"™3B23 ¦2a3)*5+y

ƒ„B sztu)

 AMPH-B 0.6…1.0 mg/kg/day pK FLCZ

!h  ,- >=£§)¥ AMPH-B w

400…800 mg/day *DvW> ,- w‚


¤2a3¨k!*=:|s+*©W> b

„B C. glabrata x FLCZ “susceptibili-

?17), 18) e36?:]‡Šdª« d¬’*

ty-dose/delivery dependent (S-DD)…resistance”


W> ,14)m Candida  FLCZ AMPH-B  y†‡B lˆz{k‰Š !k |s

0 ¦(® s 487 ¯›0@°€u§¨© b ª«K-

+ !4B FLCZ *}, XaW> ,15)- 


c ‹Œ C. albicans gKy†‡B+ , 7‰ŽB+S76 ›0y»C¼€»¼ Vol. 17


No. 2



±² 2001. mQ„³´ ­1

Candida glabrata $£‰ ³´µT Candida 6! 1 3










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Zaoutis, T. E., H. M. Greves, E. Lautenbach, et al. 2004. Risk factors for disseminated candidiasis in children with candidemia. Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 23: 635ῌ641. Brook, R. G. 1989. Prospective study of Candida endophthalmitis in hospitalized patients with candidemia. Arch. Intern. Med. 149: 2226ῌ2268. Ostrosky-Zeichner, L., B. D. Alexander, D. H. Kett, et al. 2005. Multicenter clinical evaluation of the (1²3)b-9-glucan assay as an aid to diagnosis of fungal infections in humans. Clin. Infect. Dis. 42: 654ῌ659. Peter, P. G., J. H. Rex, J. D. Sobel, et al. 2004. Guidelines for treatment of candidiasis. Clin. Infect. Dis. 38: 161ῌ189. Anaissie, E. J., S. E. Vartivarian, D. Abi-Said, et al. 1996. Fluconazole versus amphotericin B in the treatment of hematogenous candidiasis: A matched cohort study. Am. J. Med. 101: 170ῌ 176. John, E. B. 2004. Candidiasis. p. 1185ῌ1188, In: Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 16th ed. (L. K. Dennis, B. Eugene, S. F. Anthony, et al., eds.), McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing. Mora-Duarte J., R. Betts, C. Rotstein, et al. 2002. Comparison of caspofungin and amphotericin B for invasive candidiasis. New Engl. J. Med. 347: 2020ῌ2029. Cagnoni, P. J., T. J. Walsh, M. M. Prendergast, et al. 2000. Pharmacoeconomic analysis of liposomal amphotericin B versus conventional amphotericin B in the empirical treatment of persistently febrile neutropenic patients. J. Clin. Oncol. 18: 2476ῌ2483.

A Case of Disseminated Pulmonary Candidiasis Caused by Candida glabrata Toshimori Yamaoka,1) Sayoko Kawakami,2) Mariko Yamamura,1) Ryuichi Fujisaki,1) Yasuo Ono,3) Hajime Nishiya1) 1) 2) 3)

Department of Internal Medicine, Teikyo University School of Medicine Department of Central Laboratory, Teikyo University Hospital Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Teikyo University School of Medicine

Twenty-seven year old woman was admitted to our surgical department because of abdominal pain. Several days after an insertion of a central venous catheter she had a candidemia, followed by disseminated lesions in the both lungs of candidiasis 2 weeks-after. The high levels of serum (1²3)b-9-glucan, two times of episodes of Candida glabrata from blood and localized lesions in the lung with no other foci evaluated with radiological findings supported her disseminated candidiasis localized in both lungs, the candidiasis localized in the lungs by Candida glabrata being the first reported case in Japan. After a removal of the catheter, administration of fluconazol brought defervescence, but the serum levels of the b-9-glucan and the ®¯789

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No. 2

2007. 77



disseminated lesions showed little improvement, which improved after administration of amphotericin B. Many cases with disseminated candidiasis were diagnosed after their death. The serum levels of the glucan and radiological evaluation present useful information in diagnosing and monitoring the disseminated candidiasis.


! Vol. 17

No. 2
