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Carrying Capacity - An Old Concept: Significance for the Management of Urban Forest Resources DIMITRIOS


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well beyond the boundaries of urbanizing areas (Dwyer et ai., 2000). The main land-use of urban and forests in most countries at least during the last 30 - 40 years has been recreation, due to factors such as more leisure time, higher income and greater mobility. The increased participation in recreation has caused concern among planners and managers of these forests, which stems from the evidence that recreational use causes damage to the resource and from the consideration that increasing demand results in possible visitor dissatisfaction. Information, therefore, is sought on what action should be taken to prevent these problems. This kind of information relates to the concept of carrying capacity, which is the link between deand supply of recreational

Human life depends on In most countries, urban forests have been mainly used for recreation, at least, healthy ecosystems, during the last 30 to 40 years. The information on the actions to be taken to these problems is related to the concept of carrying capacity - a basic which supply life-sustain- prevent issue in resources management - that is the link between demand for outdoor ing resources and absorb recreation and supply of recreational opportunities. A great many definitions wastes. The industrial rev- have been proposed, but four approaches are clearly recognised; ecological, olution stimulated the sociological or perceptual, physical, and economic carrying capacity. The congreatest human migration cept is multidimensional, and it is used as a planning and management framework. It can be judged only against the management objectives for a specific in history. This migration area. Urban forests are the first recreation resources that accept pressure from is still in the process of the city and town dwellers, thus the need to organize management around the transforming many parts capacity idea is essential. The relevance of the concept to that of sustainabiliof the world, through the ty adds to its value. The review revealed a limited research work on the varimass movement of people ous aspects of carrying capacity. Feedback with reliable research information is essential to sustain the urban forest resources and their benefits over the long from farms and rural vil- term. lages to cities. The seemResume ing abandonment of the Ces 30 a 40 dernieres annees, l'utilisation principale des Jorets urbaines dans countryside is creating an la plupart des pays est la recreation. L 'information sur les actions qu 'on doit urban world. Eighty per entreprendre pour prl3venir ces problemes est liee au concept de capacite de cent or more of the peo- charge - une question majeure dans la gestion des ressources - c 'est-a-dire la ple in some so-called in- connexion entre la demande de recreation en plein air et I 'o/Jre d 'opportunites dustrialized countries de recreation. On a propose de multiples definitions, mais quatre approches now live in towns and c- peuvent essentiellement etre cernees: la capacite de charge ecolog ique, sociologique ou perceptuelle, physique et economique. Le concept est multidimenities (Rees, 1996). sionnel et il est utilise comme un soubassement de la gestion. Il peut etre eUrban forests are signif- value seulement par rapport aux objectift d 'amenagement de la zone speciicant and complex ecosys- fique. Les Jorets urbaines sont la premiere source de recreation et elles sont tems with intricate links exposees a la press ion des citadins. Par consequent, if est necessaire d'axer among their physical, bio- I 'amenagement sur la notion de capacite. La pertinence de ce concept par rapport a celui de durabilite en augmente la valeur. Notre etude montre que la logical, and social compo- recherche sur les diverses aspects de la capacite de charge est limitee. Voila nents, as well as with oth- pourquoi if Jaut integrer toutes les inJormations disponibles pour soutenir les er elements of urban and ressources des Jorets urbaines et garantir leurs bienfaits a I 'avenir. natural resource systems. Urban forests are also dynamic systems strongly influmand for outdoor recreation enced by the relatively slow growth and development of opportunities. trees in the context of rapidly changing urban environments. To sustain forest structure, health, and benefits 2. Evolution of the concept of carrying throughout urban ecosystem over the long term, comprecapacity hensive and adaptive management approaches are needed. Carrying capacity is a basic issue in resources manageThe management of urban forests has important implicament. It has a biological origin and it has been strongly tions for the health and well-being of the residents of urlinked with the concept of sustained yield. It is not a new ban and urbanizing areas, with its influence extending concept. For example, between the 13th and 16th centuries Germany regulated timber cutting and thereby in* National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF), Forest Re- troduced sustained yield (Bernhagen, 1974). search Institute, Thessaloniki, Greece.


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In traditional ecological usage, carrying capacity is a complex concept broad in meaning, but it can be defined in a general way as the total number of individuals of a species that can live in an ecosystem (or habitat) under certain conditions (Knight, 1965). The "certain conditions" causing the complexity include individual, population, and environmental interactions and feedback mechalllsms. In range management and game management, the term has come to mean the number of a species the environment can support on a sustained yield basis (e.g. number of cattle per Ha per year). It has been given quantitative expression in such widely varying environments as the moorlands and crofting areas of Scotland and the "public" rangelands of western U.s.A. (Tivy, 1972). Carrying capacity has also been inherent in man: land ratios, defined in subsistence economies as "the maximum number of people that a given land area will maintain in perpetuity under a given system of usage without land degradation setting in" (Allan, 1949). There are, however, other contexts in which carrying capacity has been used. It has been used to refer to the ability of foundations, materials or structures to accommodate a given load, in terms of either weight or volume and to the numbers of cars a freeway can carry smoothly. In zoning terms carrying capacity is easily determined as, for example: one house for every residential zone unit, one car for every three customers. in the store, one parking space for every three seats in the restaurant, and enough impervious road surface to access the properties, etc. In recreation planning and management, carrying capacity has received much attention only since the 1960's, but the concept is much older. Ohmann (1973) states that overcrowding in National Parks in the U.S.A. and consequent loss of wild land values were noted in the 1930's by Adams (1930). He also notes that Wagar (1964) recognised the same concept in the restriction of hunting rights to the nobility during the reign of Charlemagne (768 - 814 A.D.). As early as 1960 the Californian Public Outdoor Recreation Plan stated as one of its basic hypotheses "that each recreation resource type within a region has a maximum user carrying capacity (number of users per acre per day and season); when used beyond this capacity the character and quality of the resource are altered or destroyed". Within the U.S. Forest Service research workers had by 1964 struggled to define and assess the implications of the concept of carrying capacity for either recreational land or wilderness areas. Wagar (1964) defined recreational carrying capacity as "the level of recreational use an area can withstand while providing a sustained quality of recreation". Lime and Stankey (1971), taking earlier attempts at defining recreational carrying capacity into account, defined it as " .... the character of use that can be supported over a specified time by an area developed at a certain level without causing excessive damage to either the physical

environment or the experience of the visitor". Recreational carrying capacity has been the subject of study by scientists from different disciplines. Geographers, sociologists, psychologists, economists, foresters, biologists and engineers have been dealing with the problem. As a result, a great many definitions have been proposed each reflecting the background of its author. In international bibliography, four approaches to carrying capacity are recognised. One is an ecologically determined capacity (ecological carrying capacity). _ second one is a sociologically or perceptually determined capacity (social, perceptual, psychological, aesthetic carrying capacity). _ third one is the planner's approach (physical carrying capacity), and a fourth one is the economist's approach (economic aspects of carrying capacity). A frequently used indicator to assess the price competitiveness of a country's foreign trade is given by the relationship between export prices and import prices, expressed in the same currency, known as the exchanging price ratio. For the purposes of this study, the following formula has been adopted to express the price ratio between Turkey and the EU:

3. Ecological carrying capacity Ecological consideration of carrying capacity determination includes the impact of recreational activities upon the environment. Ecological studies have been concerned mainly with the need to prevent or limit damage to natural or semi-natural habitats that may include areas of great intrinsic ecological interest, while still allowing some limited, or at least controlled, recreation use. These enquiries adopt a practical approach to specific ecological problems, and many conclude by drawing up a series of recommended management proposals for the area studied. In doing this, the existence of a capacity figure is implied, this capacity representing the desired level to which use should be limited according to each author's individual set of priorities. In these ecologically oriented studies, the figure is related to the level of ecological change and physical damage associated with a given level of recreational use (Burton, 1974). The problems to be solved when making any estimation of ecological carrying capacity are: (1) to understand the nature of recreational use and its distribution in space and time; (2) to understand the nature of the ecosystem with which recreation use interacts; (3) to quantify the amount and type of recreation use which will bring about an unacceptable degree of change; (4) to define what constitutes an unacceptable resource state. The last one is an evaluative decision and the question arises as to whose values must prevail. Brotherton (1973) has answered this question considering the primary land use of the area. He points out: "Even in the unlikely event of two areas having precisely the same ecological conditions, different criteria will be needed to determine acceptable ecological


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change if primary land uses, which determine the overall management aims, are different". Planners and managers of recreation areas want to know from ecologists the amount of change that will occur under specific levels and types of use and they require advice on the level of change which, from an ecological viewpoint, could be regarded as acceptable in different habitats which are used for recreational purposes. Work by ecologists relating to carrying capacity and making contributions to satisfy the needs of planners and managers, has been mainly of four kinds: (i). descriptive work of the impact of recreational activities upon the environment; (ii). work relating quantitatively the effects of recreational pressure in field situations; (iii). controlled experimental work on the effects of trampling (in the field or laboratory); (iv). work on the recovery or recolonisation of damaged sites. Ecological studies have undoubtedly contributed towards a better understanding of the effects of recreational use upon different ecosystems. Foci of recreational activity are the first parts of an area to be affected, and can be used to forecast changes likely to occur elsewhere in the event of increasing intensity of use. Speight (1973) has comprehensively reviewed the literature up to 1972 on the ecological effects of outdoor recreation in natural! semi-natural areas. Burton (1974) states that the most obvious results of recreational use appear to be a decrease in the height of the vegetation, a decrease in the number of species present and a marked increase over the normal percentage of bare ground. In Poland, Kostrowicki (1970) applied geobotanical methods in appraising fitness of areas for purposes of recreation and rest. He gives an index of the maximum number of people who for eight hours might be permitted to move about freely without causing irreparable damage to the vegetation cover. In Finland, Kellomaki (1973) carried out experiments on the trampling tolerance of forest vegetation in a Myrtillus site type, using a trampling simulation method. He based the trampling estimation on coverage and biomass determination and found that trampling tolerance of the bottom layer of vegetation is greater than that of the field layer, and grasses and dwarf scrubs have a higher tolerance capacity than herbs. He states that despite certain deficiencies, the simulated trampling gave parallel results to those obtained from real trampling. In another study (Kellomaki 1977) he investigated the trampling tolerance of forest ground cover of the Calluna, Vaccinium and Myrtillus site types and found positive correlation between the site fertility and trampling tolerance of plant communities. Annual trampling at a level of about 16,000 visits per hectare decreased the biomass of the ground cover to almost half the original amount, and annual trampling of about 160,000 visits per hectare com-

pletely destroyed the forest ground cover irrespective of site fertility. He states that comparisons made between herb and grass cover showed that herb and grass cover is in the long run the best alternative for the management of ground cover in intensively used recreation areas. Recent research, again in Finland, has among its objectives the production of information about the minimum size of ecologically sustainable forest patches, and the ecological effects of fragmentation and consequent increasing recreational use on vegetation and forest structures. Furthermore, the knowledge derived from this research on the effects of trampling on different types of urban forests (different biotopes, site types, soil fertility et c.) can be used to predict the susceptibility of various kinds of forests and biotopes to trampling. This information will be included as variables when developing methods that will take forest biodiversity into consideration in the best way in the planning procedures (1. Lofstrom, pers. comm., 1999).

4. Perceptual carrying capacity Sociological factors limiting carrying capacity are those dependent on the attitudes or social behaviour of recreationists that is on the characteristics of the visitors. Perceptual carrying capacity has been defined as "the maximum level of recreation use, in terms of numbers and activities, above which there is a decline i.n the recreation experience from the point of view of the recreation participant. Different users could have a different view of the perceptual capacity of the same area according to their activity" (Countryside Recreation Research Advisory Group, 1970). In much of the existing research work, the concept is related to the effect of crowding on the level of satisfaction derived by the recreationist from the use of the recreation areas. Tivy (1972), in her review on the determination of recreational carrying capacity in the U.S.A., reports that social limits to carrying capacity are dependent on a variety of characteristics and mentions a few of them, such as age group, income levels and educational standards. Brotherton (1973) gives curves, which relate the satisfaction derived by an individual at different situations (types of recreation use, such as country park, fun fair) to the level of use (Figure 1), and argues that, since all individuals do not have the same reaction to crowding, in order to determine the aggregate benefit derived from the use of each type of area the individual satisfaction curves should be plotted. It seems reasonable to take the levels of recreation use that maximize aggregate benefit to participating individuals as the perceptual capacity. Veal (1973) sees perceptual carrying capacity as contributing to the recreationist's decision-making - on whether to enter, visit, leave or move about in a recreation site - and as contributing to his enjoyment of or satisfaction with, the recreation experience. He also points


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standards (Burton, 1974). Physical capacity figures are found in outdoor recreation literature and recreation management and development plans but a. Country Park b. Urban fun-fair they have little or no scientific basis. They have mainly been decided by trial and error because of the difficulties inherent in any obSatisfaction jective assessment of carrying capacity. derived by an appreciating Most standards of capacity have been based user on American experience and particularly related to intensive use of land and water in managed recreation areas. In a 1959 nationwide survey of recreation resources in the Level of use Level of use U.S.A., the Forest Service attempted to develop guidelines by which the capacity of recreational areas could be estimated. Efforts were directed at creating "converting factors" which represented the acreage of a recreation Aggregate resource needed to satisfactorily accommosatisfaction date one man-day for that resource. In rederived from use of the site sponse to the growing demand for assistance in the establishment of "space standards" that could be used by planners, the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation published a survey of Level of use Outdoor Recreation Space Standards in Level of use 1965, which was revised in 1967. It included out (Veal, 1974) that for most users of most outdoor the most reliable and comprehensive examples of guiderecreation sites it is likely that increasing numbers of oth- lines currently available for use in providing adequate er users leads to reduced satisfaction. But it should be recreation areas and facilities. It lists acreage: population borne in mind that for many recreation activities, in- ratios recommended by a variety of private and public acreasing numbers of other participants, up to a certain lev- gencies for facilities in certain types of areas and for difel, increase satisfaction. Examples are fairgrounds and ferent types of activity. The Wisconsin Outdoor Recreation Plan of 1966 also lists four though not mutually exmost spectator or audience events. Recent research in the Urban National Forests of Cali- clusive types of standards: design standards, use standards, fornia (USDA Forest Service, 2001a) revealed that at some health and sanitation standards or codes, facilities stansites in these forests there are so many visitors that sites dards or acres per unit of population (Tivy, 1972). In the U.S.A. again, the National Recreation and Park are closed to additional visitors who where hoping to Association (2001) recognizes the importance of establishrecreate at those sites. One area, located on the Angeles ing and using park and recreation standards as: National Forest in southern California, is frequently • A national expression of minimum acceptable facilities closed to additional visitation because of the crowded confor the citizens of urban and rural communities. ditions. Data were collected from visitors to this forest in • A guideline to determine land requirements for various order to learn more about recreation patterns and the of park and recreation areas and facilities. kinds preferences of visitors for handling crowded conditions. • A basis for relating recreational needs to spatial analysis Managers must consider all the options available to them within a community-wide system of parks and open including teaming with other agencies and groups to serve space areas. the populous and diverse southern California. • One of the major structuring elements that can be used to guide and assist regional development. 5. The planner's approach to carrying ca• A means to justify the need for parks and open space pacity with~n the overall land-use pattern of a region or comPlanners need capacity estimates that will guide them in mumty. their effort to achieve the goals set for a specific area. It apThe purpose of these guidelines is to present park and pears to have become accepted among many planners that recreation space standards that are applicable nationwide once capacity standards have been defined, the process of for planning, acquisition, and development of park, recrerelating demand and supply of resources will become a ation, and open space lands, primarily at the community more straightforward task than without the use of any level. The standards should be viewed as a guide. Fig. 1 Satisfaction curves derived from Brotherton






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Table 1. Examples afcarrying capacity sta ndards N


3 4 5


Capacity sta ndards

Reso urce ancVar activity


Detroit parks around fringes 10 person s/ acre

Patmor e (1970)

a Family picnicking

4 - 8 fam ily uni ts/acre

b. Gro up p icnick ing

10 - 25 units/ac re

Smith and M atth ews (1972)

a Grassy areas in parks

100 - 200 person!i"ha

Sidaway (1974)

b. Fo rest area of park

10 - 20 person s/ha

Stati c ho lid ay caravan sites

60 - 75 carava n s! h a

a Park areas near cities

40 person s/ha

b. Pinewood s or moors outside urban areas Carriage road s cJ Acadia Nation al Park ( USA)

3 p ersonsih a

a A two-hour visit in the

Visitors than:

peak zone

Spon Ltd (1974) Heytze (1976)

Jacobi and Mann ing (1999) shoul d experien ce



Urban forests are mainly for people, so planning professionals must integrate the art and science of management of this kind of forests in order to balance the various resource values. Carrying capacity standards related to urban forests can be found in many sources, such as Patmore (1970), Smith and Matthews (1972), Sidaway (1974), Spon Ltd (1974), Heytze (1976), Jacobi and Manning (1999), and some selected examples from these sources are presented in Table 1.

6. The economist's approach to carrying capacity

Economists seem to have approached carrying capacity in various ways. Brotherton (1973) states that economic capacity relates to situation of multi - purpose usage (recreation ... co nt/d 2 dogs off l eash plus some other land use), and depends upon b. A two-ho ur visit in the no Visitors should experience no mare the economic interaction between different peak zon e than: intensities of two or more uses on the same 1 bicycl ist travelling at excessive speed It can be viewed as defining the intensisite. 1 b icycl ist passing from behind withou t ties of the different uses at which maximum warning aggregate benefit accrues from the use. 1 vi sitor obstructi ng the road Bury (1976) explains how financial carrying o dogs off leash b. A two-hour vis it in the no Visitors shoul d experien ce no more capacity could be viewed: financial capacity peak zone than: may be the point at which management cost 1 bicycl ist travelling at excessive speed per visitor served begins to increase marked1 b icyc l ist passing from behind w ithout ly. If accurate cost records for development w arning and operation are available this point can be 1 vi sitar obstru cti ng the road determined rather well. Alternatively, finano dogs off l eash cial carrying capacity might be set as that In Holland absorption capacity standards have been es- number of visitors that can be accommodated with the tablished based on the assumption that the various envi- approved level of program funding under accepted criteronments to which the standards refer retain their poten- ria for maintenance and operations. Or it could be the tial properties. These standards are expressed in terms of point at which income from visitor fees would equal costs number of persons per hectare of park areas near cities, plus reasonable profit - or it might be the point at which pinewoods and moors outside urban areas, etc. (Heytze, the cost of minimizing adverse environmental impacts be1976). gins to rise steeply. In Britain, Hockin et al. (1977) gathered information on In an urban context, economic aspects of carrying cathe minimum physical standards required by a number of pacity have found application, where optimal levels of use outdoor recreation activities (minimum user require- take into account the distribution of benefits and costs to ments) and on the possible constraints of each activity. resident populations (Canestrelli and Costa, 1991). The requirements serve as design standards to guide the Recent research related to economic aspects of carrying development of a site for local recreation purposes in capacity and organized around the concept of Sustainable t~rms of the space needed, layout, number and type of faUrban Ecosystems, includes the Cooperative Regional cility required. Research Project in the USA (USDA Forest service, There is no doubt that capacity standards are valuable 2001b). In this project "sustainable urban ecosystems" are to planners and managers and should be used when prac- defined as landscapes that are designed and managed to ticable. But it is evident that they have only local value. In minimize impact on the environment and maximize the a repetitive landscape or in relation to sports facilities, it value received for the money expended in the long term. is possible to arrive at standards that can be applied from The main objectives of this study focus on the benefits, one place to another. But landscapes are rarely repetitive, costs, and sustain ability of ecosystems, including: identifiso each site must be evaluated individually to determine cation, designation, and promotion of practices that maxits capacity. imize net benefits and minimize adverse effects on urban 2 bicycli sts travel ling at excessive speed

2 bicycl ists passing from behind without warning ... co nt/d 1 vi sitar obstru cti ng the road


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Urban forestry is an essential and highly valued component of large-scale, long-term environmental and community s~sta~nability. In developing management programs to m~llltalll th~ res~>urce and enhance important forest benefIt~, the dIverSIty, complexity, connectedness, and dynamlCs of urban forests must be considered. These features have ~n array of management implications, particularly regardlllg t~e. s~ale of p~licies and programs, types of management actIvltles, duratlOn of efforts and links with a wide range of urban initiatives and individuals and groups involved in the planning and management of urban forests (Dwyer et aI., 2000). Urban forests are the first recreation resources that accept pressure from the city and town dwellers almost every day, w?ich reaches its peak during the ~eekends and bank hohdays. The need therefore to organize management of these forests around the capacity idea is necessary. The relevance of the concept of carrying capacity to the concept of sustain ability adds to its value as an organizing management ~ramework. Implementing the sustainability concept, envIronmental values should not be used up faster than they are produced. The capability of the resource base to continue to provide for recreational use is generally viewed through the concept of carrying capacity (Papageorgiou and Brotherton 1999). In a European context, management of urban forests for carrying capacity means management that it is in accordance with the resolutions on sustainable forest management, use and protection of forests, and on the conservat~on of forest biological diversity of the Helsinki Ministenal Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe as they. appear in the Progress Report of the Conferedce, pubhshed by the Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture, Rura~ Development and Fisheries in 1996. In this report sustalllable forest management is defined as the stewardship and use of forests and forest lands in a way, and at a rat~, tha~ ~aintains t~eir productivity, regeneration capacity, vItahty and theIr potential to fulfil, now and in the future, relevant ecological, economic and social functions at local, national and global levels, and that does not caus~ damage to other ecosystems. To facilitate comprehensive and adaptive management to h.elp sus~ain the entire urban forest ecosystem, the fol10Wlllg topIC areas need to be emphasized in the years ahead (Dwyer et aI., 2000): • Improving inventory and monitoring • Impro~ing dialogue among owners, managers, and users • Fosten~g collaboration a~ong agencies and groups • I?Ipr~vlllg the understandlllg of how forest configurations lllfluence forest use and benefits • Increasing knowledge about factors that influence urban forest health • Improving dissemination of information about urban forests and their management. As urbanization continues and urban populations in-

the use of regionally native plants for landscaplllg; and the development of demonstration and extension projects.

7. Other approaches to carrying capaci-

ty Burton (1974). introduces the term landscape capacity and states that It could be defined as the ability of the landscape to absor? recr:ational use. There are landscapes that may be very llltenslvely used (in terms of people or c~rs per acre), but, because of their physical characteristiCS, .they may not appear to be so; in such landscapes a r~latIvely low number of cars or people can be seen at any time. On the contrary, there are landscapes that could appear relatively intensively used, even though the actual level of use was low. Most forest, woodland and scrub environments could be classified as high-capacity landscapes, whereas open woodland and down land are low-capacity landscapes. R~lated to the above aspect of carrying capacity is the envIronm~ntal capacity mentioned by Patmore (1970), and Hardlllg et al. (1972), and defined as "the maximum number of cars/persons that a site may carry without detracting from the visual amenity of the area".

8. Conclusions All aspects and approaches mentioned above are integral parts of the capacity idea, which has not an absolute ~alue, and there is ~o generally accepted approach of how It sho.uld be determlll~d. !he criteria for defining carrying capacIty are very subjective and vary from location to 10catio~ depending upon the sensitivity of the resources, and differ fro?I individu~l to individual based upon their own expectatlOns. Carrylllg capacity is a multidimensional concept, which is used as a framework around which recreati~n plannin~ and management are organised. The bIbhographlc and other work presented in this paper leads to the following main conclusions: • Carrying capacity is a complex concept. It relates to many aspects of use in addition to numbers of users. • Carrying c~pacity can be judged only against the management. ~bJectives for a specific area. Without explicit and sp~cIflC m~nagement objectives, carrying capacity is an elUSIve notion. • Apart from management objectives two other factors are equal~y important. These factors are the impact on the phYSIcal resource and visitor attitudes. All factors are equally important but their significance varies from one opportunity to another. • The physical extent of an area and economic considerations. ha,,:e also been i.dentified as factors affecting the determlllatIon of carrylllg capacity. • Carrying capacity is a management system directed to,,:,ard ma~~tenance. or restoration of ecological and soCIal condItions defllled as acceptable and appropriate.


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planning of outdoor recreation activities. Department of Geography, Universlty of Reading. Geographical papers, no. 54. Jacobi C., Manning R. 1999. Crowding and conflict on the carriage roads of Acadia National Park: An application of the Visitor Experience Resource Protection Framework. Park Science 19 (2) Kellomaki S. 1973. Ground cover response to trampling in a spruce stand of Myrtillus type. Silva Fennica, 7 (2), 96 - 113. Kellomaki S., 1977. Deterioration of forest ground cover during trampling. Silva Fennica, 11 (3), 153 - 161. Knight C. B., 1965. Basic concepts of ecology. Macmillan Co., New York. Kostrowicki A. S., 1970. Application of geobotanical methods of appraising fitness of regions for purposes of recreation and rest. Przeglad Geografiezny, 644 - 645 (English summary). Lime D. W., Stankey G. H., 1971. Carrying Capacity: Maintaining Outdoor Recreation Quality. In Recreation Symposium Proceedings, North-eastern Forest Experiment Station U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Upper Darby, Pa., 174 - 184. Ohmann L. F. 1973. Ecological carrying capacity. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report NC-9, 24 - 28. Papageorgiou K., Brotherton 1., 1999. A management planning framework based on ecological, perceptual and economic carrying capacity: The case study of Vikos-Aoos Natrional Park, Greece. Journal of Environmental Management, 56, 271-284. Patmore J. A. 1970. Problems in modern Geography - Land and Leisure. David and Charles Newton Abbot. Rees W. E., 1996. Carrying capacity and ecological footprints - A new imperative for urban - rural sustain ability. Paper prepared for the Second International Training Session, Leadership for Environment and Development. Okinawa, Japan 16-27 October 1996. University of British Columbia, School of Community and Regional Planning, Vancouver, BC, Canada.! okinawa/papers/ rees.htm Smith J. H. G., Matthews J. R., 1972. Environmental tolerances and visitor preferences for some forest recreation habitats in British Columbia. Forestry Chronicle, 48 (3), 133 - 137. Speight M. C. D., 1973. Outdoor recreation and its ecological effects. Discussion paper in conservation no.4, University College, London. Spon Ltd E. & F. N., 1974. Spon's Landscape Handbook. Specifications and prices (eds Lovejoy D & Partners). Second Edition. E & FN Spon Ltd, London. Tivy J. 1972. The concept and determination of carrying capacity of recreation land in the U.S.A. Countryside Commission for Scotland, Occasional Paper no. 3. Veal A. J" 1973. Perceptual capacity: A discussion and some research proposals. Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, University of Birmingham, Working paper no. 1. Veal A. J., 1974. Environmental perception and recreation. A review and annotated bibliography. Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, University of Birmingham, Research Memorandum no. 39. USDA Forest Service, 200la. Wild land Recreation and Urban Cultures. Recreation Research Update, July 2001 No. 37. recreation/ ujul2001.html USDA Forest Service, 2001b. Cooperative Regional Research Project. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station ( Wagar J. A., 1964. The carrying capacity of wild lands for recreation. Forest Science Monograph no.7.

creasingly dominate the social and political structure of many countries, understanding and managing urban forest resources will be a critical mechanism for connecting people with ecosystems. Choosing the best management approach involves judgment and is dependent upon good information about desired conditions, current conditions, and the consequences of alternative management actions. Attention should be focused on critical problems at specific locations, and the public should be involved throughout the planning process. Monitoring is necessary to provide feedback to periodically modify management actions or, in some cases, standards or objectives. By carefully organizing management of urban forests within the framework of carrying capacity, managers should be able to avoid restricting and regulating visitors when and where it is truly necessary. At the European level, and internationally, research on the various dimensions of carrying capacity is very limited. As an organizing framework for recreation planning and management, it needs feedback with reliable information derived from research. In this respect, investigating even selected aspects of carrying capacity would be very useful.

References Adams J. T., 1930. Diminishing returns in modern life. In: Ohmann, L. F. 1973. Ecological carrying capacity. U.S.D.A. Forest Service General Technical Report NC-9, 24 - 28. Bernhagen W. R., 1974. Outdoor recreation in the Lake Superior area. A study of recreational carrying capacity, resource allocation and control measures. Ph.D. Thesis, the University of Wisconsin. Brotherton D. 1., 1973. The concept of carrying capacity of countryside recreation areas. Countryside Commission. Recreation News Supplement, 9, 6 -10. Burton R. C. J., 1974. The recreational carrying capacity of the countryside. A research report presenting the methodology and the results of ecological and psychological surveys of Cannock Chase, Staffordshire. Keele University Library, Occasional Publication no. 11. Bury R. L., 1976. Recreation carrying capacity. Hypothesis or reality? Parks and Recreation, 11 (1), 22 - 25 and 56 - 57. Canestrelli E., Costa P., 1991. Tourism carrying capacity: a fuzzy approach. Tourism Research, 18,295-311. Countryside Recreation Research Advisory Group, 1970. Countryside Recreation Glossary. Countryside Commission. Dwyer J. F., Nowak D. J., Noble M. H., Sisinni S. M., 2000. Connectingpeople with ecosystems in the 21st century: an assessment of our nation's urban forests. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-490. Harding D. M., Smith P. M., Humphrys G., Edwards A. G., Jones A. D. 1972. A recreation and amenity study of the Uyn Brianne area. A report of an investigation carried out by a Study Group at the Department of Geography at the University College of Swansea, Wales, U.K., for the West Glamorgan Water Board. Heytze l c., 1976. Non-wood producing functions of the forest and man's demand for them. Paper presented to the U.N. Economic Commission for Europe - F.A.O. symposium on forests and wood, their role in the environment. Supplement 4 to Vol. XXVIII of the Timber Bulletin for Europe, Part Il, 124 - 132. Hockin R., Goodall B., Whittow J., 1977. The site requirements and