Cash Flow Statement: Preparation Techniques with MS Excel

Cash Flow Statement: Preparation Techniques with MS Excel 2 How to apply? Please complete the registration form online at our web site:

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Cash Flow Statement: Preparation Techniques with MS Excel Who should attend  Accountants  Financial analysts.

Objectives  To familiarize participants with the requirements of IAS 7 Cash flow statement Duration 2 days / 16 academic hours / 16 CPD-units / 14 CPE credits

 To discuss different methods of the preparation of Cash flow statement and the area of their application  To exercise the direct and indirect methods of the preparation of Cash flow statement  To prepare the express-analysis of Cash flow statement using different methods.

Required level of preparation Good background knowledge of IFRS, US GAAP and the fundamentals of financial statements consolidation. Prior to this training we recommend the participants first attend our trainings “Conceptual Framework and Presentation of Financial Statements (IFRS/US GAAP)”, “Presentation and Measurement of Working Capital Elements (IFRS/ US GAAP)”, “Recognition and Measurement of Income and Expenses (IFRS/US GAAP)”

Training methodology Training participants are provided with specially designed training materials in Russian. The theory is illustrated by practical examples on personal computers. Training participants are provided with practical examples in electronic format that can be used in their practical work.

Cash Flow Statement: Preparation Techniques with MS Excel

Training outline Day 1  The role of the Cash flow statement and its importance for the business  IAS 7 Cash flow statement: fundamental

requirements  The purpose of Cash flow statement

 The structure of Cash flow statement:  Operating cash flows  Investing cash flows  Financing cash flows

 The direct method of the preparation of Cash flow statement.

Day 2  The indirect method of the preparation of Cash flow statement  Complex examples of the preparation of Cash flow statement using the “worksheet” techniques  The express-analysis of Cash flow statements prepared by different methods  The presentation of operations in foreign currency  The requirements for the information disclosure in the Cash flow statement


Certificates Certificates of the EY Academy of Business.

Place and time Open trainings are conducted at EY Academy of Business from 9:30 to 16:30.

In-company training  Preliminary analysis of clients’ training needs, identification of aims and goals  Training adaptation industry  Flexible approach to training location and schedules  Report on the training results on request.

Recommended training scheme  Conceptual Framework and Presentation of Financial Statements (IFRS/US GAAP)  Presentation and Measurement of Working Capital Elements (IFRS/US GAAP)  Recognition and Measurement of Income and Expenses (IFRS/US GAAP)  Cash Flow Statement: Preparation Techniques with MS Excel  Planning and Budgeting I-II  Financial Analysis I-II

 The presentation of the income tax in Cash flow statement.

How to apply? Please complete the registration form online at our web site: