Chapter 3 Section 1 Notes - Eagle Mountain-Saginaw

Chapter 3 Section 1 Notes I. Indo European Migration ... A. Upanishads are Hindu teaching that explain answers to life’s major ... Chapter 3 Section 3...

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Chapter 3 Section 1 Notes I. Indo European Migration A. Group of seminomadic people from the Caucasus between the Black and Caspian Seas 1. Language of modern Europe and Southern Asia 2. Aryans were one of the major groups II. Hittites Blend Empire and Technology ( 1650 B.C.) A. Occupied Anatolia or current day Turkey B. Hattuas was capitol city C. Conquered Babylonians D. Own code of laws more forgiving than Hammurabi’s E. War machine developed iron weapons used chariots F. First treaty in history with Egyptians III. Aryan Invaders Transform India A. Aryans invade India B. Sacred text, the Vedas 1. Collection of prayers C. Rig Veda were hymns to Aryan gods 1. Shiva was main god D. Developed the Caste system 1. Grouping based on skin color a. Aryans were light skin b. Original Indians called Dasas or Dravidians were dark skinned E. Mahabharata was India’s first great Epic 1. About blending of Indian culture

Chapter 3 Section 2 Notes I. Hinduism Develops over Centuries A. Upanishads are Hindu teaching that explain answers to life’s major questions B. Brahman is the world soul that unites all atman (living beings) C. Perfect understanding is called moksha D. One life is not enough to understand the process so the idea of Reincarnation occurred 1. The rebirth of the soul over and over until moksha is understood E. Dharma is the path of each caste (scoreboard) F. Karma is the individual good and bad acts G. gods of Hinduism 1. Brahma the creator 2. Vishnu the protector 3. Shiva the destroyer H. Mahavira the founder of Janism believed everything had a soul 1. Promoted non violence

II. The Buddha Seeks Enlightenment A. Siddhartha Gautama born into royal family in Nepal B. Even though born into royalty , he left his palace and family searching for religious truth C. After sitting 49 days in meditation under a fig tree he found enlightenment or wisdom and became known as the Buddha D. Four Noble Truths 1. Everything in life has suffering and sorrow 2. The cause of all suffering is people’s selfish desire for the temporary pleasure of the world 3.The way to end all suffering is to end desire 4. The way to overcome such desire and attain enlightenment is to follow the Eight Fold Path

Right View, Right Resolve, Right Speech, Right Conduct, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration E. Buddhism spread to China and Southeast Asia but was absorbed by Hinduism in India F. Buddhism Spirit world is Nirvana Stupas and Pagodas religious buildings Chapter 3 Section 3 Notes I. Minoans Trade Far and Wide 2000-1400 B.C. A. From island of Crete B. Capitol city was at Knossos C. King Minos was the ruler and the civilization became known as Minoan Civilization D. Legend of the Minotaur 1. Body of man head of bull 2. Lived under the city of Knossos in labyrinth 3. Theses was the hero who killed the minotaur a. Given a ball of thread by the kings daughter b. Saved the six boys and girls from the mainland II. Phoenicians Spread Trade and Civilization A. Phoenicia is located in current day Lebanon B. Founded many city-states around the Mediterranean 1. Carthage located in current day Tunisia C. Two major cities 1. Tyre 2. Sidon D. Phoenician alphabet 1. Alpha and Beth E. Built two story houses F. Fired glass

Chapter 3 Section 4 Notes I. The Search for a Promised Land A. Hebrews lived in the land of Cannan also called Palestine B. First five books of the Old Testament were called the Torah, the holy book of the Hebrews C. Abraham was the father of the Hebrew and lived in the Mesopotamian city Ur around 2000 B.C. D. Around 1650 B.C. his descendents decided to move to where they became slaves E. Hebrews had one God named Yahweh, monotheism F. Covenant was where Abraham promised to obey God and God promised to protect Abraham and his descendants G. Ark of the Covenant 1. Where Yahweh lived 2. Ten Commandments 3. Moses staff H. Hebrews became enslaved in Egypt 1. Forced to do hard work 2. Hebrews flee Egypt between 1500- 1200 B.C. 3. Moses leads them out called the Exodus 4. Passover 5. Mt. Sinai he receives the Ten Commandments from God I. Judges would govern in times of emergency 1. One women judge named Deborah J. Religion teachers called prophets interpreted the Torah II. The Kingdom of Israel A. The Hebrews were threatened by the Philistines B. One of the large tribes was from Judah thus the Hebrews became known as Jews or Judaism C. Three strong kings of Israel 1. Saul chosen because he drove out the Philistines 2. David establishes Jerusalem as the capitol of the Hebrews 3. Solomon a. Built trading empire b. Built a large temple 1. Which held the Ark of the Covenant D. Discontent divides the kingdom with Israel in the north and Judah in the south III. The Babylonian Captivity A. In 738 B.C. both Israel and Judah began paying a tribute to the Assyrians B. In 722 B.C. all of Israel and Judah fell to the Assyrians C. Babylonians conquered Syria and Palestine by 586 B.C.


1. Babylonian Captivity 2. Time of Nebuchadnezzar D. Persian king Cyrus the Great conquered the Babylonians and eased control over the Hebrews