Cheque Book Request Form

I/We hereby acknowledge receipt of the cheque book(s) specified above. Signature of Recipient. For Bank Use Only. Signature Verified and Data Input Ch...

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To: The Manager The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (Bangkok Branch) Date ___________________


Account Name (s)

Type of Cheque Book

Account Number

Number of Books

Cheque Book(s) to be Collected at HSBC Bangkok Branch

Corporate 20 Leaf Bearer -THB A/C Corporate 100 Leaf Bearer -THB A/C

by me/us _________________________________

Payment Method of the Commission Fee

by (Name) ________________________________

Debit from Account Number ______________________ Paying by cash on requested date

Others _________________

I/We agree to be bound by the conditions subject to which cheque books are currently issued printed on the inside back cover of the cheque book. I/We hereby acknowledge the need to exercise care when drawing cheques and agree that I/we will not draw cheques by any means which may enable a cheque to be altered in a manner which is not readily detectable. I/We agree that I/we will collect the cheque book request from HSBC within 60 days from the date specified in the cheque book request form. In case that I/we do not collect the cheque book from HSBC within that period of time, I/we agree and acknowledge that HSBC is entitled to cancel my/our cheque book request. I/We hereby accept that HSBC has the right to charge/ debit my/our account with the cost of issuing the cheque book.


(Identification) _____________________________ Mailed to me/us (to the statement address of the account) I/We hereby acknowledge receipt of the cheque book(s) specified above.

Signature of Recipient For Bank Use Only Signature Verified and Data Input Checked and Additional Information Date input by Verified/Approved by Low Cheque No.

