Christmas Stockings -

Christmas Stockings . Morning Star Baptist Church has collaborated with Salvation Army’s Holiday Stuff -a-Stocking program for children in need this C...

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Christmas Stockings Morning Star Baptist Church has collaborated with Salvation Army’s Holiday Stuff-a-Stocking program for children in need this Christmas. The Salvation Army’s volunteers will distribute the stuffed stockings to children between the ages of infant to 12 years old during their annual Christmas Assistance Distribution. When filling your stockings, we ask you to follow these guidelines: • Unwrapped new gifts: No edibles, candy, money, notes or sharp objects • For children under 3, items must be marked age appropriate • Please submit stuffed stocking by Wednesday, December 6, 2017




Infant - 1 yr

Sleepers, socks, bibs, t-shirts, pampers, travel-size shampoo, lotion, rattles, stuffed animals, soft books

Sleepers, socks, bibs, t-shirts, pampers, travel-size shampoo, lotion, rattles, stuffed animal, soft books

2-3 years old

4-5 years old

6-8 years old

9-12 years old

Trucks, blocks, books, toothbrush, flash cards, comb, brush, socks Toy cars, coloring book, crayons, markers, cooks, comb, brush, gloves, socks, games, small action figures

Action figures, cars, stuffed animals, travel-size game, books, coloring books, ear muffs, gloves, markers Electronic games, balls, key chains, books, pens, pencils, caps

Dolls, blocks, books, toothbrush, toothpaste, flash cards, comb, brush, socks, barrettes

Dolls, dishes, coloring books, crayons, markers, books, comb, brush, gloves, socks, games Dolls, stuffed animals, travel-size games, books, coloring books, ear muffs, gloves, markers Stuffed animals, diary, books, nail polish, make up, hair accessories

INTERESTED? Contact Roslyn Kelly at 410-903-0450 or [email protected]