Combine like terms and Distributive property, WS #1.ks-ia1

©E v290x192a zKBuetTay mS7obfMtvwrawr2e8 sLlLqCj.k g jAHlPlp jreiUgzhst6sF trHeGspeZrjvReidp.9 f jMaaldxeI iwUiVtchH AIanJfFirnHiwtweE ZAYlNgXeWbYr0aO...

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ID: 1

M114, Algebra 1


Combine like terms and Distributive property, WS #1

Date:________________ Period____

©u 02m011829 BK7u4tkaf ySGogfftvwtaJrReT HLOLLCM.v t NAulBlI GrKikgOhDtds9 1r4e9sUeCrfvHe6dd.R

Simplify each expression. 1) m

2)  x

3) bb

4) bb

5) rr

6)  x x

7) ( x)

8) ( x)

9) (a)

10) (k)k

11) ( x)

12)  p( p)

©E v290x192a zKBuetTay mS7obfMtvwrawr2e8 sLlLqCj.k g jAHlPlp jreiUgzhst6sF trHeGspeZrjvReidp.9 f jMaaldxeI iwUiVtchH AIanJfFirnHiwtweE ZAYlNgXeWbYr0aO t19.c


Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC


13) (r)

14) (m)

15) (n)

16) (k)(k)

17) ( x)( x)

18) (n)(n)

©G 12A051X21 4KIuxtFar xSGo5fZtkwKaPrhem 4LqLzCu.J B wAGlKlG zr2ifgNhGtxsC mr3eYsBenrzv4e1dy.Z 8 LMOaDd3eG XwvimtEhn kIjnufFiInOiktbez oAylTgqeMb1riad x18.H


Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC


Answers to Combine like terms and Distributive property, WS #1 (ID: 1) 1) m 5) r 9) a 13) r 17)  x

2)  x 6)  x 10) kk  14) m 18) n

©g B2o0d1921 MK5uUt7a8 FSSoIfqtJwNaIrWed LL6L9CE.F l IA6lKlp TrEiEgih6t8sa krle4s8egrRv3eBdG.e T oMMa6dxeV iwWiAt2hq CIInafliPnQintfen NADlLg0ewborNa0 K1y.N

3) b 7)  x 11)  x 15) n


4) b 8)  x 12)  p   p 16) k

Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC