Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics - KVG Dental College

Feb 4, 2016 ... Reader. Conservative dentistry &. Endodontics. 5 years 1 month. Dr N K Prabhakar. MDS. Reader. Conservative dentistry &. Endodontics. ...

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K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics 1.

Name of the Department DepartmentConservative Dentistry and Endodontics.


Year of establishment 1991


Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Yes,It is the department of the college, which is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore.


Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) The programmes offered are: UG: BDS-1991 PG: MDS –Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics-1998


Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Presently, the department has interdisciplinary programmes as scientific forum with other departments. Date 03-11-2015 03-11-2015 06-12-2016

Topic PRF Application in endodontics-A Case series Biodentine –A man made dentine Endodontic-periodontal lesion - A Clinical Dilemma

PG Name Dr.Mohit Khandelwal Dr.Rakesh R Nair Dr Drisya Soman


Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Presently, the department does not conduct any courses in collaboration with any other university, industry or foreign institution.


Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons None


Examination System: Annual/Semester/Trimester/Choice Based Credit System The BDS programme follows the annual system.(as per RGUHS and DCI) The MDS examination is conducted at the end of three years.(as per RGUHS and DCI)


Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments Presently, the department does not participate in any course offered by other Departments

10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sanctioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 2 2 2 Associate Professor/Reader 4 6 6 Asst. Professors 3 1 1 Others 7 7 7

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K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

11. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualific Designation Specialization No. of Years of No. of ation Experience Ph.D./M.Phil/M DS students guided for the last 4 years Dr.Krishna M.D.S. HOD and Conservative 17 yrs 2 months Prasada .L. DNB Professor dentistry & 8 MBA Endodontics Dr.Moksha Nayak


Dr.Karthik J.


Principal and Senior Professor Reader

Dr.Sandeep R.



Dr.Vaishak Kustagi



Dr. Naveen Kumar



Dr.Ramya M.K.



Dr N K Prabhakar



Dr.Rakesh Nair



Senior Lecturer

Dr. Sukumar Gowda M.P. Dr Pavithra K





Dr. Disha Shetty Dr Mohammed Mufeed Dr Deyol Augustine


Lecturer Lecturer



Conservative dentistry & Endodontics Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics Conservative dentistry& Endodontics Conservative dentistry & Endodontics Conservative dentistry & Endodontics Conservative dentistry & Endodontics Conservative dentistry & endodontics -

Dr Manjusha .U Rai BDS Lecturer Dr Keerthana BDS Lecturer 12. List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors The department currently does not have any senior visiting faculty.

24 yrs 05months


10 yrs 01 months 06 yrs 05months 5 yrs 11months

5 yrs 12 months

5 years 1 month

4 years 7 months 11 months

18yrs 08 month 2years 7 months 11 months 2 Years 7 Months 2 Years 4 Months 2 months 3 Month

13. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information

NAAC Self Study Report 2017


K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

All classes are taken by permanent faculty. 14. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio UG-7:1 PG-3:7 15. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual Cadre SANCTIONED ACTUAL FILLED Technical staff 2 2 2 Administrative staff Others Nurses 2 2 2 Attenders 2 2 2 16. Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies Nil. The department currently has no research projects undergoing. 17. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. Nil. There is no research projects. 18. Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received a) National collaboration b) International collaboration Nil . 19. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC-SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. Presently, there are no projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC-SAP/CAS, DPE, DBT, ICSSR, AICTE etc. 20.   

Research facility / centre with state recognition national recognition international recognition The research facility of the department does not have State, National or International recognition

21. Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies Presently, the department does not have any special research laboratories sponsored by or created by industry. 22. Publications:  Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) -77

NAAC Self Study Report 2017


K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

2012 1.

Shareef Z,Nayak M,Prasada K. MTA as a root end filling material in retreatment cases.KSDJ. Jan. 2008;Vol.27:12-15. 2. Nayak M,Hedge M N,K J Kishore N. Molecular Diagnostic methods in Endodontics Endodontology. July 2005. Vol. 31: 35-42. 3. Thomas J,Nayak M,Shetty R. Fully injectable calcium phosphate cement – in the repair of a large periapical lesion – A case report.Endodontology. Dec. 2007; Vol. 19 :48-51. 4. Shetty B D,Nayak M,Prasada K.Management of nonvital, immature teeth using single visit apexification procedure – A case report.KDJ. April 2008;Vol.31: 27-28. 5. Divakar H D,Nayak M,Shetty R.Changing concepts in fracture reattachment of teeth – case series. Endodontology. June 2009; Vol. 21: 46- 52. 6. Divakar H D,Nayak M,Shetty R.Rehabilitation of advanced endoperio lesions – a case report .KDJ; Vol. 32; July 2009; 152-153. 7. Nayak M,Kumar J,Prasada K.Dens evaginatus (Talon Cusp) of anterior teeth – A case report .Endodontology Dec. 2009 : Vol. 21 :89-92. 8. Nayak M,Prasada K,Shetty D.Fracture Resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with custom cast post core using non uniform and uniform ferrule length luted with two different cements; In vitro study.Endodontology Jun 2010: Vol. 22: 78-86. 9. Nayak M,Kumar J,Prasada K.A radiographic Correlation between systemic disorders & pulpstones; in Indian Journal of Dental Research Jul 2010; Vol. 21: 369-373. 10. Nayak M,Prasada K,Hegde P,Madhavan S.Combating furcal perforation with MTA : Two case reports Journal of IDA branch 2009, Puttur, 13-14,. 11. Madhavan S,Nayak M,Shenoy A,Shetty R,Prasada K.Dentinal hypersensitivity:A Comparative clinical evaluation of CPP-ACP F,sodiumfluoride,propalis,and placebo-J of Conservative dentistry. Dec 2012,vol 15( 4) :315-318 12. Nayak M,Kotigadde S,K Shetty H,K M Ramya.Diabetes mellitus & apical periodontitis. Endodontology. Dec. 2012.vol 24( 2): 102-108, 13. Shetty R R,Nayak M,Thomas J.Fracture resistance of endodontically treated roots filled with resilon and gutta-percha – a comparative in-vitro study. J ICDRO.2009; vol 1( 3): 37-48. 14. Prasada K,Prasada A K.Chlorhexidine in Dentistry – A review .KSDJ Jan. 2005. vol. 24: 24 – 26. 15. M Gururaj,Prasada K.Management of traumatized and grossly carious anterior teeth with esthetic posts A report of two cases.KSDJ Aug. 2006. Vol. 25: 89 – 92. 16. Shamsuddin J,Singh P,Prasada K.Management of a case with horizontal crown-root fracture by surgical extrusion.KDJ Oct. 2006; Vol. 29: 31 – 33. 17. Management of a case with horizontal crown – root fracture by surgical extrusion – A case report.KSDJ Oct. 2006; Vol. 25: 117 – 119. 18. C N Kumar V,V P Singh P,Prasada K. Management of palatogingival grove – A case report.KDJ Oct. 2007; Vol. 30: 21 – 22. 19. Shareef Z,Nayak M,Prasada K.MTA as root end filling material in retreatment cases KSDJ Jan. 2008; Vol. 27: 12 – 15. 20. Shetty B D,Nayak M,Prasada K. Management of nonvital, immature teeth using single visit apexification procedure – A case report.KDJ; Vol. 31; April 2008 : 27 – 28 21. Fracture Resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with custom cast post core using non uniform and uniform ferrule length luted with two different cements; In vitro study.Endodontology. June 2010: Vol. 22: 78-86. 22. Nayak M,Kumar J,Prasada K.A radiographic Correlation between systemic disorders & pulpstones; in Indian Journal of Dental Research. Jul 2010. Vol. 21 :369-373. 23. Nayak M,Kumar J,Prasada K.Dens evaginatus (Talon Cusp) of anterior teeth–A case report .Endodontology Dec. 2009. 21( 2): 89-92

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K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

24. Prasada K,A Lata D. A comparative study of retrograde apical seal using dentin bonded light cure composite resin, light cure glass ionomer and silver amalgam – An in vitro study.Endodontology 2011: Vol. 23( 1): 24-32. 25. Madhavan S,Nayak M,Shenoy A,Shetty R,Prasada K.Dentinal hypersensitivity:A Comparative clinical evaluation of CPP-ACP F, sodiumfluoride, propalis, and placebo-J of Conservative dentistry. Dec 2012. Vol. 15(4):315-318 26. Kumar CN V,Gururaj M,Paul J,Prasada K,Divyashree R.A Comparative Evaluation of Curing Depth and compressive strength of Dental composite Cured with Halogen Light curing Unit and Blue light emitting diode : An in vitro study.Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Nov.-Dec. 2012:13(6):834-837. 27. Kumar J,Nayak M,Prasada K,Gupta N.A comparative study of the clinical efficiency of chemomechanical caries removal using Carisolv® and papacarie® - A papain gel.Indian Journal of Dental Research, 23(5), Sept.-Oct. 2012, 28. Hegde P,Hegde M N,Kumar N.Evaluation of Coronal Microleakage of Access Cavity Restorative Materials – An in Vitro study.JIADS, Oct-Dec 2011.vol 2(4): 27. 29. Nayak M,Kottigadde S,K Shetty H,K Ramya M.Diabetes mellitus & apical periodontitics. Endodontology Dec. 2012. Vol 24( 2):102-108. 30. Kustagi V.Diabetes mellitus & apical periodontitis Endodontology, Volume 24, issue 2, p. 102108, Dec. 2012 31. J Karthik Effect of four different placement techniques on marginal microleakage in class II composite restorations : An in vitro study World Jr. of Dentistry, April-June 2011;2(2):111-116 32. J Karthik. Fracture resistance of endodontically treated premolars with direct resin restoration using various corono-radicular retentive techniques : An in-vitro study 33. J Karthik. Effect of night guard vital bleaching agents on the microhardness of enamel and remineralization potential of saliva – An in vitro study RGUHS J Dent. Sciences, sept. 2011/Vol 3/issue 3

2013 1. Nayak M,Kottigadde S,Shetty H,Vineet R V,Antony B.Impact of Peptostreptococcus on type 2 diabetes mellitus related secondary root canal infections.International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2013. Vol. 4, Issue 10 2. Nayak M,Kottigadde S,Pushpanathan N,K Shetty H.Quality control using Nano Drop 1000 in PCR molecular diagnostic method to measure enterococcus faecalis from Secondary Endodontic Infections. Endodontology. June 2013, Vol 25, issue 1:100-106, 3. Sandeep R,Nayak M,Babshet M,Mohamed S.Rehabilitation following radicular cyst enucleation – the role of fibre and vacuum splint.KDJ July 2013;Vol. 36( 3) 4. Gururaj M,Nayak M,Shetty S,Kumar CN V.Fluoride releasing and uptake capacities of esthetic restorations.The journal of contemporary dental practice. September-Oct. 2013;14(5):887-891 5. Nayak M,Kottigadde S,Shetty H,Vineet R V,Antony B.Impact of peptostreptococcus on type 2 diabetes mellitus related secondary root canal infections.International Journal of Pharmaceutical sciences & research, 2013, Vo. 4(10): 4001-4009 6. Prasada K,Nambiar J M.A Comparative evaluation of the Efficacy of two oral medicatin on post operative pain following single visit root canal therapy – An in vivo study.IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences Mar. – Apr. 2013;.Vol. 5, Issue 2: 1-4. 7. Prasada K,L Pramod,Jose S,Kumar V.New Developments in intracanal medmedicaments : A critical appraisal RGUHS J Dent. Sciences, Jan 2013.vol.5;Issue 1 8. Prasada K,Kumar V,Jose S.A comparative study of flare-ups in nonvital molars in single-visit versus multi-visit endodontic treatment .Endodontology Dec. 2013, vol. 25, issue 2. 9. Pramod J,Bhandary S,Kavitha P,Prasad K, Lata D A.An In vitro Assessment of Anticariogenic property of three fluoride containing restorative materials using artificial caries model. RGUHS J of Dental sciences,april 2013.vol 5;issue2

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K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

10. Rahman F,Prasada K,Nayak M. The radix entomolaris in mandibular first molars-An Endodontic challenge:2 case reports,JIDAS april 2013.vol 5(2) 11. Naveen,Prasada K,Vijay Kumar,Ramya.The present paradigm of endodontic restorative interface-A review,JIDAS Jul 2013,vol 5,no 3, 12. Rahman F,Prasada K,Nayak M.Amelogenesis imperfect :A challenge to restore esthetics and function ,JIDAS July 2013,vol 5,no 3, 13. Bhavsar B,Kumar N,Acharya B L G,P Uthkal M,Abdool Y F.Endodontic Management of curved root canals in molars and premolars – a short case report.Elixir International journal.Elixir Dentistry 2013. 63:18163 – 18165 14. Naveen,Prasada K, Kumar V, Ramya.The present paradigm of endodontic restorative interface : A Review JIDAS July 2013. Vol. 5; No. 3 15. J Karthik. Differentiation of isolated and characterized human dental pulp stem cells and stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth : An invitro study Jr. of Conservative Dentistry; Sep-Oct 2013;Vol16;Issue 5 16. Sundaresh KJ ,Sandeep R, , Endodontic management of middle mesial canal of the mandibular molar .BMJ case report 2013 17. Rajalbandi S, Sandeep R Aberration in palatal root of the maxillary first molar BMJ case rep 2013, 2014 1. Nayak M,Noronha G F,Prasada K,Pai P. Interdisciplinary approach in conservative management of hypoplastic teeth restoring esthetics and function,Journal of Interdisciplinary Dentistry,Sep-Dec 2014.Vol-4.issue -3 2. Acharya B L G,Nadiger R,Shetty B,Gururaj G,Kumar N,Darshan D D.Brushing-Induced Surface Roughness of Two Nickel Based Alloys and a Titanium Based Alloy: A Comparative Study – In Vitro Study. J International Oral Health 2014; 6(3):36-49 3. Gunjalli G,Kumar N,Jain S K,Reddy S K,Shavi G R.Total Salivary Aniti-Oxidant Levels, Dental Development and Oral Health Status in Childhood Obesity. Journal of International Oral Health 2014; 6(4):64-67 4. Bhanwal U,Nadig R R,Jagdish K,Pai V,Yashwanth.Effect of Different base materials and techniques on microleakage in class II composite open Sandwish restorations : An in vitro study.World Jr. of Dentistry, April-June 2014;5(2):87-91 5. JKarthik . Effect of Different base materials and techniques on microleakage in class II composite open Sandwish restorations : An in vitro study World Jr. of Dentistry, April-June 2014;5(2):87-91 2015 1. Noronha G F,Nayak M,K Ramya M,Nambiar J,Mohan M M. Spectroscopic Evaluation of Enterococcus Faecalis and Streptococcus Species in Secondary Root Canal Infection of Type-2 Diabetic Patients Indian Journal of Applied Research. July 2015. Vol 5, Issue 7 2. V Vineet R,Nayak M. Sialometric And Sialochemical Analysis in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient: A case Report. Vinnet Et Al. European Journal of Biomedical And Pharmaceutical sciences. 2015. Vol: 2, Issue: 4, p-608-619, 3. Prasada K. Stressed pulp-A Diagnostic dielemma in Restorative – Endodontic treatment. IDJ Sept 2014-Feb 2015.Vol 65,issue supplement S1:76. 4. Ramya, Nayak M M,Prasada K.Evaluation of Resin Dentin interface of a self-etch adhesive in comparison with a total Etch Adhesive Using confocal microscopy. Jr. of International Oral Health 2015;7(11):24-27. 5. Ramya M, Nayak M Creating Illusion in Mild Anterior Teeth Proclination: An in-vivo study Indian Jr. of Applied Research May 2015. Vol. 5, Issue 5, 6. Ramya M, Nayak M Spectroscopic Evaluation of Enterococcus Faecalis, and streptococcus species in secondary root canal infection of type – 2 Diabetic patients Indian journal of Applied Research

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K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

July 2015. Vol. 5, Issue 7 7. J Karthik. Sealing ability of mineral trioxide aggregate and giodentine as the root end filling material, using two different retro preparation techniques – An in vitro study International Jr. of contemporary dental and Medical reviews (2015), Article ID 150115 8. Kustagi V, Efficacy of MTAD with shortened irrigation time on smear layer removal afterrotary canal instrumentation : An invitro study Jr. of Dental Research and Review 2015;2:117-9 9 . Kustagi V, Creating Illusion in Mild Anterior Teeth Proclination : An in-vivo study Indian Jr. of Applied Research, Vol. 5, Issue 5, May 2015. 10. Kustagi V, Spectroscopic Evaluation of Enterococcus Faecalis, and streptococcus species in secondary root canal infection of type-2 Diabetic patients Indian Jr. of Applied Research,Vol. 5, Issue 7, July 2015 11 Kustagi V, Evaluation of Resin Dentin interface of a self-etch adhesive in comparison with atotal Etch Adhesive Using confocal microscopy Jr. of International Oral Health2015;7(11):24-27 2016 1. V Vineet R,Nayak M. Diabetes Mellitus: It’s Effect on Endodntic Infections, Journal Of Dental Health, Oral Disorders & Therapy Volume 4, Isuue 1 – 2016, Received: January 01, 2016, Published: February 04,2016 2. Vineet R V,Nayak M,Kottigadde S.Association of endodontic signs and symptoms with root canal pathogens: A clinical Comparative study 2016 Saudi Endodontic Journal, Published by Wolters Kluwer – Medknow, Saudi Endodontic Journal. May-Aug 2016. Vol. Issue2, p-82-83 3. Vineet R V,Nayak M. Enterococcus faecalis: An Enigma in root canal infections, International research Jr. of Pharmaceutical and bioscieneces (IRJPBS)3(1)2016 4. Prasada k,V Vasundara,Khandelwal M. Surgical management Of Radicular Cyst and use of Pre and bone graft for endodontic regeneration : case report Jr. of advanced medical and dental scieneces research; Vol.4; issue 4; July-August 2016. 5. Prabhakar N.K. Efficacy of 17% EDTA with shortened irrigation time on smear layerremoval after rotary canal instrumentation – An in vitro study IJPCDR July – Sep 2016; Vol. 3; issue 3 6. Kustagi V Efficacy of 17% EDTA with shortened irrigation time on smear layer removalafterrotary canal instrumentation – An in vitro study IJPCDR July – Sep 2016; Vol. 3; issue 3 7. J Karthik, Esthetic Makeover – A Multidisciplinary approach : A case report International Jr. of Applied Dental Sciences 2016; 2(3):23-25 8. L Krishna Prasad, Bhagat S Tanwar, K Naveen Kumar- Comparison of CalciumHydroxide and Triple Antibiotic Paste as Intracanal Medicanment in emergency painreduction ; In Vivo Study, International Journal of oral care and research – oct-dec 2016issue 4 , 244-246 9. L Krishna Prasad , Rajana Reghunath- assessment of the influence of vegetarian and non vegetarian diet on the occurance of dental caries in sullia , Karnataka , india International Journal of oral care and research – oct-dec 2016 issue 4, 247-250 10. L Krishna Prasad , Alka Shukla- Supernumary root in mandibular first molar : Radix Entomolaris – A case Report International journal of advanced research 4(12), 1926-1929 11. L Krishna Prasad, Alka Shukla –Prevalence of dental caries among smokeless tobacco chewers in dakshina kannada district population – A cross sectional Study International journal of current research vol 8 isuue 12 Dec 2016 2017 1. Dr. Krishna Prasada L,Rajana Reghunath. Restoration of fractured teeth with customizable GC Everstick Glass Fiber post and composite crown : 2 case reports International Journal Of Current Research. Vol 9 Issue 01, pp 45687-45691, January 2017 2. Dr. Krishna Prasada L, Dr. Purnima Kumari Penta, Dr. Ramya MK. Determination of Accessory and Lateral Canals through Dye Method, Decalcification and Histological Sectioning in Permanent Mandibular First Molar. Saudi Journal of Oral and Dental ResearchVol-2, Iss-2(Feb, 2017):55-58

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K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

3. Dr. Krishna Prasada L, Dr. Purnima Kumari Penta, Dr. Ramya MK. Evaluation of Effect Of Various Interim Storage Media On The Bond Strength Of Coronal Fragments.Reattached With Flowable Composite Resin.Asia Pacific Journal of Research.Vol: I. Issue L, April 2017 4. L Krishna Prasad, Bhagat S Tanwar, K Naveen Kumar, Dr. Ramya MK. Knowledge attitude and practice in emergency management of avulsed and fractured tooth in K VG Medical College among Post Graduate Students and Staff members- A cross sectional study. International Journal of Current Research Vol 9 Issue 06, pp 52586-52590, June 2017

Monographs -Nil Chapters in Books – Dr MOKSHA NAYAK - Contributor in Text Book Of Endodontics Mithra N Hegde Chapter: Restoration of Endodontically treated Teeth


Edited Books - Nil

Books with ISBN with details of publishers - Nil

Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) - Nil  Citation Index – range / average  SNIP  SJR  Impact Factor – range / average  h-index Faculty Prof(Dr.)Krishnaprasad L Prof(Dr.)Moksha Nayak Dr. Naveen Kumar Dr Ramya M K

h-index 2 4

No. of Citations 23 60

TOTAL SCORE OF THE DEPARTMENT – 6 23. Details of patents and income generated SL.No



































Total amount generated up till 31/12/2016: 475350

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K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

24. Areas of consultancy and income generated The department participates in patient care, check up camps offering free services. a.Bellare clinic b.Govt. Hospital, Sullia c.Govt. Hospital, Puttur All consultancy is free of cost. 25. Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad Examination duties of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka: Dr. Krishnaprasada . L  Dental material exam at Dayanand sagar Dental college on 23-10-2003  Dental material exam at Krishna Devaraya Dental college on 29-10-2003  Preclinical Conservative Dentistry exam at Maruthi Dental college on 01-04-2004  Dental material exam at Al-Badar dental college,Gulbarga on 19-04-2004  Preclinical conservative dentistry exam at V S dental Collegeon 10-10-2004  Dental material exam at maruthi dental college on 21-10-2004  Conservative Dentistry exam at KGF College of Dental sciences ,Kolar on 06-04-2006  Conservative Dentistry exam at Vydehi dental college ,bengalore on 17-09-2006  Dental material exam at Dayanad sagar dental college on 10-03-2007  Preclinical Conservative Dentistry exam at GDC Bangalore on 20-08-2007  Preclinical Conservative Dentistry exam at Krishna Devaraya dental college,Bangalor e on 15-022008  Conservative Dentistry exam at Krishna Devaraya Dental College on 16-02-2008  Dental material exam at GDC Bangalore on 11-08-2008  Preclinical Conservative Dentistry exam atDr.Shyamala Reddy dental college Bangalore on 1908-2008  Dental material exam at GDC Bangalore on 27-01-2009  Preclinical Conservative Dentistry exam at GDC Bangalore on 28-01-2009  Conservative Dentistry exam at GDC on 29-01-2009  Conservative Dentistry exam at Dayanand sagar Dental college on 15-07-2010  Conservative Dentistry ,final BDS exam at Oxford Dental College,Bangalore on 03-01-2012  Conservative Dentistry MDS Exam s at Bangalore institute of Dental Sciences on13-08-2012  Preparatory exam of MDS at Coorg institute of Dental Sciences ,Virajpet on 20-02-2014  Preclinical Conservative dentistry exam at Maruthi dental College on 09-01-2014  Conservative dentistry exam of MDS at A J Institute of Dental Sciences ,Mangalore on 23-052014  Conservative dentistry exam for final BDS at NSVK Dental College ,Bangalore on 16-01-2015.  Dental material exam at GDC Bangalore on 14-07-2014  Conservative exam for final BDS on 16-01-2015 examiner at NSVK Bangalore.  External Examiner for Preparatory post-graduation exam at Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences on 04-03-15 and 05-03-15.  External Examiner for MDS University Practical Examination in Maruti Dental College Bangalore on  On 28th& 29th july- External Examiner for final year BDS University Practical Examinations at B R Ambedkar Dental College Bangalore  Preparatory exam for MDS atCoorg institute of dental sciences on 4 th and 5th may 2015  MDS exam at Maruthi Dental College ,Bangalore on 19-05-2015  Conservative Dentistry exam at MR Ambedkar dental college on 28-07-2015

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K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

On 12-01-2016: Sharavathi Dental college and Hospital , Shimoga as external examiner for final year Conservative University examination  Conservative Dentistry exam at MR Ambedkar dental college on 28-07-2015  Preparatory exam for MDS atCoorg institute of dental sciences on 4 th and 5th may 2015  Conservative Dentistry exam for final BDS at GDCRI Bengaluru Examination duties of other Universities:  Conservative Dentistry MDS exam at GDC Calicut in 23rd and 24th August 2007.  Dental material exam at Century Dental College ,Kannur university on 02-11-2007  Conservative Dentistry MDS exam at GDC Calicut in 14th and 15th may 2008  Conservative Dentistry MDS exam at GDC Calicut in 10th and 11th may 2010.  Preclinical Conservative Dentistry exam at YDC,Yenepoya universityMangalore on 27-07-2010  Preclinical Conservative Dentistry exam at A B Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental sciences ,nitte University on 16-12-2010  PG Diploma in Dental materials exam at MCODS Mangalore on 15-04-2012  MDS exam at GDC Trivandum of KUHAS university on 05-07-2013  Conservative Dentistry exam for final BDS at Malabar Dental college,of KUHAS university ,Kerala on 25-02-2015  Conservative dentistry MDS exam at Azeezia Dental College ,Kollam of KUHAS university on 16-06-2014  External Examiner for final year BDS at MES Dental College, Kuttipuram, Kerala on 25 th feb 2015  On 29th and 30th2016 had been to JSS Mysore as examiner for second BDS Dental Materials  On 14th and 15th June 2017 MDS Exam at Amrita School of Dentistry Kochi Kerala Miscellaneous Duties: 1. Member of Local inspection committee of RGUHS on 2 nd,3rd and 4th January 2006, for SDM Dental College,Dharwad,Maratha mandal dental College Belgaum,PMN Nadagowda Dental College,Bagalkot. 2. Member of Local inspection committee of RGUHS on 02-06-2006 for Al-Badr Dental college,Gulbarga. 3. Member of Local inspection committee of RGUHS for Krishna Devaraya dental college,KLE Dental College,Bangalore and M R Ambedkar Dental College on 26 th,27th, 28th october 2006. 4. Member of Local inspection committee of RGUHS on 15-06-2011 for SJM Dental College,Chitradurga,CODS Davangere,Bapuji Dental College ,davangere. 5. BOS meeting on 13-4-2010 at RGUHS,Bangalore 6. BOS meeting on 22-11-2010 at RGUHS,Bangalore  Member of LIC Inspection of RGUHS to Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences ,Bangalore on 1806-2012  BOS member of dental UG studies of RGUHS for 2012-2014  DCI inspection of Sree Mookambika Dental College,Kulashekaram on 05-01-2013  DCI inspection of Adesh Institute of Dental sciences ,Bhatinda on 05-06-2012  Evaluation of Dissertation of MDS of RGUHS ,May 2013 Exam going batch  Evaluation of Dissertation of MDS of RGUHS ,May 2014 Exam going batch  LIC inspection of RGUHS for Hasanmba Dental college on 07-01-2014  Evaluation of Dissertation of MDS of KUHAS ,May 2014 Exam going batch  E C member of IACDE for 2013-2014  BOS meeting of UG studies of RGUHS on 05-06-2013  BOS meeting of UG studies of RGUHS on 07-10-2013  Editor of ISPRP journal ,Journal of Interdisciplinary Dentistry for jan 2013-dec 2014  Evaluation of Dissertation of MDS of RGUHS ,May 2013 Exam going batch  Governing council member of A J Institute of Dental sciences

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K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

                      

BOS meeting on 17-09-2014 of RGUHS DCI inspection of ACPM dental college on 13-01-2015 DCI inspection of GITAM Dental college,Vishakahapatnam on 23-12-2014 DCI inspection of Sree Sai Dental College,Srikakulam on 24-12-2014 Evaluation of Disseratation of April 2015 exam going MDS batch of RGUHS Organized and conducted preparatory exam for the final year PG students in KVGDC sullia. 13th April- Member of Local Inspection Committee for inspection conducted by RGUHS at AJ institute of Dental Science, Mangalore. DCI inspection in Dhule on 13/01/15 DCI inspection in Hazaribagh on 31-01-2015. DCI inspection to Chhattisgarh Dental College and Research Institute on 14-09-2015 DCI inspection at Beed, Maharastra on 14-12-2015 On 10-09-2015, attended RGUHS PG Board of Study meeting RGUHS -LIC inspection of A J institute of Dental Sciences on 13-04-2015 BOS meeting of PG at RGUHS on 04-05-2015 Evaluation of dissertation of KUHAS june 2015 exam going MDS batch DCI inspection of Chhatisgarh Dental college on 10-09-2015 Evaluation of dissertation of RGUHS of April 2016 exam going MDS batch Attended Election commitee meeting of IACDE held on 3 rd APRIL 2016 ISPRP in Bhopal. DCI inspection at NEW Horizon Dental College ,Bilaspur on 28-07-2016 DCI inspection at KMCT dental College on 29th and 30th August 2016 DCI inspection at Bhojia Dental College,Baddi,Himachal Pradesh on 09-09-2016 Attended BOS meeting of PG studies of RGUHS on 10-09-2015 DCI inspection of Chhatisgarh Dental college on 10-09-2015

DR MOKSHA NAYAK  BITS – P G Exam  Examination duties of other Universities:  Conservative dentistry MDS exam at Goa Dental College , Goa Goa university on 18 th and 19th June 2015  Conservative dentistry MDS exam at Dr D Y Patil Dental College & Hospital Deemed University on 20th to 21th April 2015  MDS examiner at AIIMS on May 2015 Miscellaneous Duties:  DCI inspection at Sudha Rustagl College of Dental Sciences & Research , Kheri More, Village Bhopani , Faridabad on 16th& 17th August 2012  DCI inspection at Terna Dental College & Hospital , Sector 22 Nerul, Navi Mumbai on 1 st December 2012  DCI inspection at Mamata Dental College , Khamam on 17 th December 2012  DCI inspection at KMCT Dental College , Mampetta Calicut on 3rd& 4th May 2013  DCI inspection at Saveetha Dental College & Hospital Chennai on 29 th& 30th July 2013  DCI inspection at Panineeya Mahavidyalaya Instsitute for Dental Sciences & Research Centre, Hyderabad on 1st January 2014  DCI inspection at Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College & Hospital, Navi Mumbai on 3 rd January 2014  DCI inspection at AME Dental College , Gujarat on 27 th and 28th October 2014  DCI inspection at Late Shri Yashwatrao Chavan Memorial Medical and Rural Development Dental College & Hospital Ahemdnagar on 17th December 2014  DCI inspection at Haldia Institute of Dental Science & Research Education on 7 th January 2015

NAAC Self Study Report 2017


K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

 

DCI inspection at KMCT Dental College , Mampetta Calicut on 12 th December 2015 DCI inspection at SRM Kattankulathur Dental College & Hospital, on 18 th January 2016

Dr NAVEEN KUMAR  Dental Materials Exam for second BDS at Ambedkar Dental College , Bangalore on August 2015  Dental Materials Exam for second BDS at Maruti Dental College , Bangalore on August 2015  Exam for Final BDS at NSVK Dental College , Bangalore on December 2015  Pre- clinical Exam for second BDS at Ambedkar Dental College , Bangalore on December 2015 Examination duties of other Universities:  Exam for Final BDS at Century Dental College , Kasargod on January 2016  Pre- clinical Exam for second BDS at Yenopoyya Dental College ,Mangalore on July 2016 26. Faculty serving in a) National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Boards d) any other (please specify) Dr. Krishnaprasada . L  Member of academic council-UG of RGUHS 2008-10,2012-2014.  Editor of ISPRP,2010-2013  Editor of Impressions,official journal of IDA Puttur branch ,2008-2012.  Vice president of IACDE ,2015-2016  Treasurer of ISPRP,2015-2017  External BOS member UG MAHE university  Member BOS PG RGUHS -2015-17 Dr. Moksha Nayak  Senate member South Zone India-Pierre Fauchard Academy 2017  International member of Pierre Fauchard Academy  Vision Committee Member Yenepoya University  Organizing Chairman- ISPRP 2010  Conference Secretary ISPRP 2011  Member Academic RGUHS Council 2007  President- Indian Society of Prosthodontics, Restorative and Periodontics 2013-14 (ISPRP)  Member board of studies, KMC Mangalore-2014-15  Member board of studies, NITTE University. 2013-2014  Member BOS- GOA University. 2012-14  E C Member ISPRP 2014-16  EC memberIES 2012-2013  E C Member IES 2013-14  Federation of Operative Dentistry  Indian Endodontic Society  Indian Association of Conservative Dentistry And Endodontics  Indian Society of Prosthodontics, Restorative and Periodontics  Society for Basic Medical Sciences  Indian Dental Association Editorial Board Reviewer  Endodontology  Journal of Conservative Dentistry  Journal of interdisciplinary dentistry  Karnataka State Dental Journal

NAAC Self Study Report 2017


K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

27. Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher / orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). The department conducts regular CDE programmes, hands-on workshops,seminars, symposiums etc. to update the knowledge and skill of faculty. They arealso deputed to such programmes held outside the college.






NAAC Self Study Report 2017







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NAAC Self Study Report 2017


K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

Sl No.

Topic Date

Delegates Feedback


NAAC Self Study Report 2017


K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia



Anterior Esthetics With Composites Dr B Mohan




Composite Veneers: Fast ,Furious & Fabulous


Fibre Posts & Cores: Why,When &How? Dr Deepak Mehta

Concepts Of Achieving Good Esthetics And Shade Selection Introduction Of Veneers , Use Of Fiber Posts & How To Go Ahead With Crown & Bridge Placement

A Full Circle Approach To Crown & Bridge Dentistry Prof (Dr ) Rohit Shetty Esthetics With Proportion Prof (Dr) Reshma Hedge 03


Endodontic Diagnosis Dr K C Ponnappa


Ct In Dentistry Dr Jayaprasad Anekar







The First Impression Prof(Dr) Vivekananda Pai How To Design & Select A Research Study Dr Sagar Borker Ceramics In Restorative Dentistry-Material & Clinical Aspects Prof(Dr) Aravind Shenoy



80 Remineralisation –Is It Forever? Dr Shishir Shetty





NAAC Self Study Report 2017

Amalgam Vs Composite Panel Discussion Dr. Sunil Jose, ,Dr.Moksha Nayak,Dr.L.Krishna Prasada And Dr. Prabhath Singh V P Irrigation &Irrigation Devices Prof (Dr ) Harish Shetty


Importance Of Diagnosis In Endodontics & How It Affects The Treatment Outcome Was Well Understood. Use Of Ct In Dental Practice Was Better Understood Steps In Designing A Study….Criterias To Be Noted Was Well Explained

Clinical Aspects , Different Recent Materials …..Procedure Wise Description… All About Remineralization & Methods Were Dicussed Panel Discussion On Amalgam Vs Composite


Various Irrigation Devices… .Recent Advances… Method Of Effective


K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia





Now Everyone Can Smile! Workshop : Microscopes In Endodontics Dr George Jacob


80 Basics Of Esthetics And Its Application Dr Vinutha



Adhesion In Restorative Dentistry & Introduction To Cention N


Importance Of Adhesion….. .Introduction To New Material…. Cention N…With Demostration


Demonstration On Composite Restoration Was Worth Watching Recent innovative techniques were discussed

Dr Naveen Kumar 12




Successful Esthetic Restoration Dr Pallavi Patil “Recent Advances in Restorative Dentistry” Dr Mithra N Hegde

Irrigation… All About Esthetic Dentistry Were Touched…..How To Go About Using Microscopes Were Beautifully Described By The Speaker….. Applications Of Materials For Esthetics….. Techniques…


28. Student projects  percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects100% post graduates have done in house projects. Dissertation Submitted To Ragiv Ghandhi University Of Heath And Sciences, Karnataka And Research S. Clinical Comparative Evaluation Of Biofilm Formation By Enterocccus Faecalis And Streptococcus Species From Root Canals Requiring Endodontic Retreatment In Non- Diabetic And Diabetic Patients

Comparative Evaluation Of Surface Roughness And Texture Of Polished Nanofill And Nanohybrid Composites Using Profilometer And Scanning Electron Microscope- In – Vitro Study

A Comparative Evaluation Of Cytotoxicity And Genotoxicity Of Two Bioceramic Sealers On Fibroblasts Cell Line- An In Vitro Study

NAAC Self Study Report 2017

Dr.Shanklesha Rinku Ramesh


Dr.Jyothsna S. Jathanna


Dr .Anoop.V. Nair



K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

Detection Of Microcracks In Enamel And Dentine Using Infrared Thermography :An In Vitro Study  A Comparative Study To Determine And Quantify The Differences Between Inter-Disciplinary And Individual Speciality Approach; A Case Control Study.  Prevalence, Severity And Risk Indicators Associated With Dental Traumatic Injuries Amongst 10-16 Year Old School Going Children In Dakshina Kannada District. An In-Vitro Study To Find The Incidence Of Mb2 Canal In Permanent Maxillary First Molars Using Three Different Methods  Analysis Of Instrument Separation In Root Canals: A Retrospective Study. Pcr Evaluation Of Three Anaerobic Bacteria In Endodontic Periodontic Lesions Among Dibetic And Non Diabetic Subjects  Pre-Diagnostic Assessment: Are We Comfortably Ignoring? Comparative Evaluation Of Efficacy Of Protaper Universal Rotary Retreatment System For GuttaPercha Removal From Single Root Canals, Obturated With Two Different Techniques: In Vitro Cone Beam Computed Tomography Study  Caries Risk Assessment: A Cross Sectional Study In Dakshina Kannada District.  Evaluation Of Existence Of Anthropometric Proportions In Dentitions Of Females Who Are Satisfied With Their Smile: A Cross Sectional Study. A Comparative Evaluation Of The Gc Everstick Post, Glass Fiber Post And Custom Cast Post System On Root Fracture: An In Vitro Study.  Assessment Of The Influence Of Vegan And Non-Vegan Diet On The Occurance Of The Dental Caries In Sullia Taluk Population.  Assessment Of Prevalence And Pathways Of Fear And Anxiety In Endodontic Patients: A Survey. Esthetic Comparison Of White Spot Lesion Treatment Using Resin Infiltration (Icon), Sodium Fluoride And Bioactive Glass Using Spectrophotometer- An In Vitro Study.  Effect Of Storage Media On Bond Strength Of Reattached Fragments.  Determination Of Accessory And Lateral Canals Through Dye And Histological Sections.

NAAC Self Study Report 2017

Dr Mohit Khandelwal


Dr V. Vasundhara


Dr.Rakesh R Nair


Dr Alka Shukla


Dr Rajana Raghunath


Dr P.Purnima Kumari

2015- 2018


K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

ComparativeEvaluation Of Antibacterial Efficacy Of 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite, Microcyn Superoxidized Solution, And Arimedadi Ayurvedic Preparation As Endodontic Irrigants Against Porphyromonas Gingivalis In EndodonticPeriodontal Lesions.  Prevalence Of Caries And Non-Caries Lesions In Smokeless And Smoking Form Of Tobacco Users In Sullia Taluk  Occlusion: What's Behind A Bite? Study Of The Knowledge And Attitude About Principles Of Occlusion Among General Dental Practitioners ,Conservative Dentists And Other Specialties AComparative Evaluation Of White Mta And Biodentine As A Direct Pulp Capping Agent In Management Of Deep Carious Lesion- An In Vivo Study.

Dr. Drisya Soman

2015- 2018

Dr Bhagat Singh

2015- 2018

A Scanning Electron Microscopic Evaluation Of Smear Layer Remaining Following The Use Of Rotary Retreatment Instruments In Curved Root Canals Obturated With Thermoplasticized GuttaPercha - An In Vitro Study.  Evaluation Of Antibacterial Activity Of Vitex NegundoAgainst Endodontic Pathogen Peptostreptococcus - An In Vitro Study.

Priyanka R.I


A Comparative Study To Evaluate The Accuracy Of Cbct, Digital Radiography And Intra Oral Periapical Radiography For The Assessment Of The Anatomy Of The Maxillary Second Premolar Root Canals: An Invitro Study.  A Radiographic Correlation between Smokeless Tobacco And Pulp Stones.

Elizabeth Issac




 Knowledge, Attitude Practise In Emergency Management Of Avulsed, Fractured Tooth In Kvg Medical College Among Post Graduate Students And Staff Members. A Cross Sectional Study.  Calcium Hydroxide And Triple Antibiotic Paste As Intracanal Medicament In Emergency Pain Reduction- An In Vivo Study.

Comparative Evaluation Of Microleakage Between Resin Modified Gic, Flowable Composite And Cention N In Class V Restorations- A Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Study Long Term Effect Of Tobacco On Unstimulated Salivary Ph And Buffering Capacity

NAAC Self Study Report 2017


K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

 Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities / industry / institute 29. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by  Faculty 1. Dr Krishna Prasad L -TOBIP award by JCI, Puttur- Best paper award at Karnataka state dental conference -University gold medal award -Scientific committee chairman of 40th and43rd Karnataka State Dental Conference -Organising committee member of ISPRP conference ,Mangalore, 2012 2.Dr Moksha Nayak - Organizing chairman of ISPRP 2010 - Organizing secretary- ISPRP 2011 -Advisor of 5th National ISPRP conference 2012 3.Dr. Ramya M.K- Secured 3rd rank in MDS university exams 2012 Secretary of IDA Sullia branch  Doctoral / post doctoral fellows-1  Students –

MDS RANKS Dr. Ramya M.K Dr.Sankleshwar Rinku Ramesh

Secured 3rd rank in MDS university exams 2012 Secured 4th rank in MDS university exams 2014-15

Dr.Anoop V. Nair

Secured 6th rank in MDS university exams 2014-15

BDS RANKS Year 2011 – I BDS 2013- II BDS

Name M. Chaitra Raghi Joesph K

Rank 9 Rank in Dental Materials 2ND Rank in Dental Materials

2013- II BDS

Jitha Elsa Philip

8th Rank in Dental Materials

2013- IVBDS

Geethu George

8th Rank in Conservative Dentistry

2014- II BDS

Hena Mariyam Muneer

4TH Rank in Dental Materials

2014- II BDS 2014- II BDS

Divya Padmanabhan Harsha Nair

6TH Rank in Dental Materials 5TH Rank in Pre-Clinical Conservative Dentistry

NAAC Self Study Report 2017



K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia


2014- II BDS 2014- II BDS

Divya Padmanabhan Anu Raphael

8TH Rank in Pre-Clinical Conservative Dentistry 10TH Rank in Pre-Clinical Conservative Dentistry

2014- II BDS 2014- IV BDS

Saranya S Sunil Martin Stevens

10TH Rank in Pre-Clinical Conservative Dentistry 2ND Rank in Conservative Dentistry

2014- IV BDS

Kiran B.


Rank in Conservative Dentistry


2014- IV BDS 2014- IV BDS 2014- IV BDS 2014- IV BDS 2015- II BDS 2015- II BDS

Manjucharan M Deepthi Hena Mariyam Muneer Divya Padmanabhan Ms. Aparna K. Salma Majeeda Ottakath

6 Rank in Conservative Dentistry 7TH Rank in Conservative Dentistry 9TH Rank in Conservative Dentistry 10TH Rank in Conservative Dentistry 6TH Rank in Dental Materials 9TH Rank in Dental Materials

2015- II BDS 2015- IV BDS

Ms. Aparna K. Salma Majeeda Ottakath

9TH Rank in Pre-Clinical Conservative Dentistry 6TH Rank in Conservative Dentistry

2016- IV BDS 2016- IV BDS

Ms. Sreelekha Ravikumar Ms. Thushara Kumari

9th Rank in Conservative Dentistry 10th Rank in Conservative Dentistry

Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any Departments conducts regular CDE and workshops to update knowledge and skills of faculty

S No 1

Date 16/07/2012

















NAAC Self Study Report 2017

Scientific Programme Anterior Esthetics With Composites Dr B Mohan Composite Veneers: Fast ,Furious & Fabulous Fibre Posts & Cores: Why,When &How? Dr Deepak Mehta A Full Circle Approach To Crown & Bridge Dentistry Prof (Dr ) Rohit Shetty Esthetics With Proportion Prof (Dr) Reshma Hedge Endodontic Diagnosis Dr K C Ponnappa Ct In Dentistry Dr Jayaprasad Anekar The First Impression Prof(Dr) Vivekananda Pai How To Design & Select A Research Study Dr Sagar Borker Ceramics In Restorative Dentistry-Material & Clinical Aspects Prof(Dr) Aravind Shenoy Remineralisation –Is It Forever? Dr Shishir Shetty Amalgam Vs Composite Panel Discussion Prof(Dr) Sunil Jose Prof(Dr) Prabhath Singh V P Irrigation &Irrigation Devices Prof (Dr ) Harish Shetty Now Everyone Can Smile! Workshop : Microscopes In Endodontics


K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia









Dr George Jacob Basics Of Esthetics And Its Application Dr Vinutha Adhesion In Restorative Dentistry & Introduction To Cention N Dr Naveen Kumar Successful Esthetic Restoration Dr Pallavi Patil “Recent Advances in Restorative Dentistry” Dr Mithra N Hegde

On the occasion of Cons & Endo week celebrations, the Department conducted various programmes 1. Organized and attended CDE programme on “Recent Advances in Restorative Dentistry” at K.V.G Dental College on 6th March 2017 2. Organized Smile competitionon 6th March 2017 3. Organized Dental Awareness Lectures on 7th, 8th March 2017. 4. Organized Quiz competition on 7th March 2017. 5. Organized Table clinic competition on 10th March 2017.

31. Code of ethics for research followed by the departments The institutional ethics committee examines and approves proposals for research. 32. Student profile programme-wise: Name of Year Applications the received Programme



2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017

141 144 148 117 34 39 34 32


Pass percentage





25 24 25 10 17 12 11 12

75 76 75 47 13 19 18 13

17.73 16.66 16.89 8.54 50 30.76 32.35 37.50

53.11 52.77 50.67 40.17 38.23 48.71 52.94 40.62

Selection of students are made by KEA,which conducts entrance tests for both UG and PG courses 33. Diversity of students Name of the % of students Programme from the same (refer to question university no. 4)

NAAC Self Study Report 2017

% of students from other universities within the State

% of students from universities outside the State

% of students from other countries


K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) MDS 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

% of students from the same university

% of students from other universities within the State

33 33 33 33 33

33 33 -

% of students from universities outside the State

% of students from other countries

33 33 66 66 66


34. How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. BDS and MDS being professional courses, the students either progress to higher studies or take up professional practice and teaching. The central council does not prescribe NET, SET, as requirement for teaching. 35.Student progression Student progression UG to PG

PG to M.Phil. PG to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed  Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurs

Percentage against enrolled 2012- Nil 2013- Nil 2014- Nil 2015- Nil 2016- Nil More than 90% 1%

36.Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates (2+4+8) of the same university from other universities within the State from universities from other States from universities outside the country

86% 14% Nil Nil

37.Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period Dr Moksha Nayak was awarded with PhD in2016 38.Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to a) Library -57 text books SL. AUTHOR TITLE No 1 Degrange Michel Minimally Invasive Restoration With Bonding 2 James L Gutman Problem Solving in Endodontics 3 Gerald T. Charbeneaul Principles & Practive of Operative

NAAC Self Study Report 2017





02 03

0765 1112


K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Stephen Cohen Stephen Cohen William H. Gilmore L.I. Grossman R.J.Grundy John Ide Ingle John Gtyn Jones E.A.M. Kidd E.A.M. Kidd Baum Lioyd M.A. Marzouk

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Nicholls E. C.M. Sturdevant Richard T Walker Edward Besner T.R. Pittford J.J. Messing Weine F.S. Orstavik Beena Rani Goel

24 25

James L Gutman Serene Thomas P.




Haga Michio


Dietschi Didier

29 30 31 32 33 34

John J. Murray Gerald Mclaughlim Goldstein Ronals E. K.J. Anusavice Richard Van Noort Robert G Craig

35 36

Masahiro Kuwata Barry G Dale


Ronald E Jordan

38 39 40 41

Robert G. Craig McCabe Roberson T.M

NAAC Self Study Report 2017

Dentistry Pathways of Pulp Pathways of Pulp Operative Dentistry Endodontic Practice A CA of Clinical Operative Dentistry Endodontics SAPT Operative Dentistry Pickard’s Manual of Operative Dentistry Pickard’s Manual of Operative Dentistry Text Book of Operative Dentistry Operative Dentistry: Modern Theory & Practice Endodontics The Art & Science of Operative Dentistry SAPT’s in Endodontics Practical Endodontics: A Clinical Guide Hatey’s Endodontics in Clinical Practice A CA of Endodontics Endodontics Theraphy Essential Endodontolgy Restorative Dentistry in Daily Practice Gutman’s Surgical Endodontics Nickel Titanium Instruments Applications in Endodontics Glass Ionomer Dental Cement the Materials & Their Clinical Use Dental Techniques Series: Techniques for Porcelain Laminate Venares Adhesive Metal Free Restorations Current Concepts for the Asthetic Treatment Posterior Teeth A Color Atlas of Acid ETCH Technique Color Atlas of Tooth Whitening Complete Dental Bleaching Philips Science of Dental Materials Introduction to Dental Materials Dental Materials: Properties & Manipulation Color Atlas of Ceramo-Metal technology Esthetic dentistry: a Clinical Approach to Techniques & Materials Esthetic Composite Bonding: Techniques Materials Restorative Dental Materials Applied Dental Materials Stedmans Medical Dictionaries Strudevant Art & Science Operative Dentistry

06 04 04 11 02 04 01 06 07 03 01

1555 0657 1239 1117 0793 1172 1303 1944 1207 1941 1931

03 03 01 01 04 01 05 01 01

1110 1205 1306 1316 1323 1332 1549 1560 1683

01 01

1771 1343







01 01 01 10 01 04

2053 2077 1457 1737 2021 0536

01 01

2049 0997



09 07 26 04

1118 1145 1440 2607


K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

42 43 44

Vimal K. Sikri Ingle John I Anusavice K.J

TB of Operative Dentistry Endodontics Philips Science of Dental Materials

01 05 11

2653 2662 2817

45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Weine F.S James L. Gutman Manappallil J.J Cohen S. J.B.Summitt K.Syamalan Robert G.Craig Linda Greenwall

06 03 02 08 01 01 11 01

3001 2449 2798 2599 2590 3078 3085 3117

53 54 55

Sathish Chandra Ramya Raghu Stephan Cohen

01 01 09

3181 3182 3216

56 57

John M.Powers T.M Roberson

12 05

3192 3213

58 59

Suresh Chandra B Kenneth M Hargreaves

Endodontic Theraphy Problem Solving in Endodontics Basic Dental Materials Pathways of the Pulp Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry Dr.Syamalan’s Statistics in Medicine Restorative Dental Materials Bleaching Technique in Restorative Dentistry TB of Operative Dentistry Clinical Operative Dentistry Pathways of the Pulp Craigs Restotretive Dental Materials Strudevants Art and Science of operative Dentistry Grossman’s Endodontic Practice Cohen’s Pathways of the Pulp

12 10

3781 3709

b)Internet facilities for staff and students-yes, department has 3 computers with internet facility c)Total number of class rooms-5 with AV aids d)Class rooms with ICT facility-1 seminar room with ICT facility e)Student’s laboratories-2 f)Research laboratories- Nil a)Library: The department library has 57 text books. other learning materials include seminars,library dissertations . b)Internet facilities for staff and students –Internet facility with computers is available in the department. In addition the college has a computer centre with systems with high speed interent connection for usage among the faculty and students. c) Total number of class rooms-The department has class rooms available in the college which are allocated year wise for the undergraduate teaching.The department has an airconditioned seminar room with A-V aids for the purpose of seminar presentation,group discussion,video presentations etc for the postgraduate training.The department also makes use of the conference hall of the college which has the seating capacity of 100. d) Class rooms with ICT facility- Seminar rooms are equipped with ICT facilities with computer and LCD Projector. e) Students’ laboratories – The department has UG and PG laboratories equipped with modern equipments. The department has well equipped ceramic lab.

39.List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates a) from the host institution/university -Nil b) from other institutions/universities -Nil 40.Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university. -Nil

NAAC Self Study Report 2017


K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

41.Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. Department has not developed any new programmes. 42.Does the department obtain feedback from a. faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? b. students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning-evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes. Term wise Feedback from student on staff on a structured questionnaire with respect to curriculum. The feedback is analyzed and important suggestion are discussed at department meeting for course correction issues which require the attention of college is forwarded to principal for further action. a. alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? Alumni are involved in CDE programmes conducted by the department. 43.List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) 1.Dr.Aju wilson Instructor of endodontics in india and middle-east 2.Dr.Prabhath Singh working as Professor and HOD at Amrita Institute of Dental sciences,Kochi 3.Dr.Vijay Kumar working as Professor and HOD at Subbaiah Institute of Dental sciences,Shivamogga. 4.Dr Deepu Jacob serving as a army officer 5. DrRamya M K Secured 3rd rank in MDS university exams 2012 and currently working as Reader in K V G Dental College & Hospital Sullia 6. DrSapna C. M working as Professor at Amrita Institute of Dental sciences,Kochi 8. Dr.Sankleshwar Rinku Ramesh Secured 4th rank in MDS university exams 2014-15 9. Dr.Anoop V. Nair Secured 6th rank in MDS university exams 2014-15 10. Dr Gurudath Nayak working as Professor and HOD at Kanti Devi Dental College & Hospital, Mathura. 44.Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving external experts. CDE Programme for UG and PG students, Hands on workshop on Postgraduateand Undergraduate, Paper and poster presentation at state, National and International conferences by Students. 45.List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. In addition to conventional didactic lecture method the faculty members use quiz,seminar, panel discussion, small group discussion, chair side discussion symposia,one to one discussion ,video demonstration, power point presentations as methodsof teaching 46.How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? The department/ institution has a policy and practice of formative and summativeassessment. Formative assessment is designed with a view to ensure that learningobjective are met and learning outcomes are

NAAC Self Study Report 2017


K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

monitored. The formative assessmentis through quiz, class test, chairside examination. The department also has thepractice of gettimg regular feedback, analysed and used for corrective action. 47.Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities The college has 3 rural dental satellite centres which are managed by a qualifieddental surgeon and paramedical staff. The centre treats patients for routine oraldiseases and the college hospital provides advanced treatment. The services of thespecialists from the respective departments are available on a regular basis. TheBDS interns, undergraduate and post graduate students are posted to the ruralcentre for training. 48.Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. The students are encouraged to participate in seminars, workshops etc. The postgraduate students are required to compulsorily publish atleast one paper inindexed journal during their training period. GREAT DEAL TO SEE WITH THE RIGHT TOOL…….. Procedures are done on a day to day basis using dental operating microscopes specially in problem solving cases. REVASCULARIZATION…..A REVOLATIONARY TECHNIQUE Revascularization technique is carried out most frequently in the department by both post graduates and faculty members so as to explore scientifically the potential benefits of regeneration. REGENERATION USING PLATELET-RICH FIBRIN……. During the surgery, 10 mL of blood is drawn from the patient’s antecubital vein and collected in a sterile tube without anticoagulant and immediately centrifuged in centrifugation machine at 3000 revolutions per minute for 10 min. PRF results from a natural and progressive polymerization which occurs during centrifugation 49.State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. Nil, Dept is not graded by other agencies 50.Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. Articles and research papers are published in peer reviewd journals. 51.Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Well qualified faculty State of the art equipment Student friendly environment Large number of patients Weakness  researchactivities and projects in the department Clinical audit of the case Opporunity Develop as department with international collaborations Large no. of clinical research data can be generated. Challenges Establishing training centre for local dental practitioners Anhancing the space for future expansion and courses To get external funds for research projects

NAAC Self Study Report 2017


K V G Dental College and Hospital, Sullia

52.Future plans of the department.  Develop research activities  Minimal intervention dentistry for undergraduates  Esthetic fellowship courses

NAAC Self Study Report 2017