Download CorelDraw X5. C:\Program Files\Corel\CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5\Draw\GMS . NOTE For Windows 7 Users: Before installing the Tactile Macros, ...

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Presented by Seema Kapoor Provincial Resource Centre For The Visually Impaired Vancouver, BC, V6P 6G2

Table of Contents Installing the macros ................................................................................................................................... 3 Getting Started ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Styles Tab .................................................................................................................................... 7


1. Arrowheads ................................................................................................................................... 8 2. Measure Line ................................................................................................................................. 9 3.

Textured Line ............................................................................................................................... 10

4. Textured Shape ............................................................................................................................ 11 5. Geometry ..................................................................................................................................... 12 6. Scale ............................................................................................................................................. 13 7. Blank Space .................................................................................................................................. 13 8. Dot Size ........................................................................................................................................ 14 9. Outline ......................................................................................................................................... 14 10. Binding Edge ................................................................................................................................ 15 11. Other ........................................................................................................................................... 15


Qdraw Tab ................................................................................................................................ 16 1. Line Grid ..................................................................................................................................... 17 2. Number Line ................................................................................................................................ 18 3. Pie Chart ..................................................................................................................................... 19 4. Spinner ........................................................................................................................................ 20 5. Bar Graph .................................................................................................................................... 21 6. Triangle ........................................................................................................................................ 22 7. Angle ............................................................................................................................................ 23 8. Clock ............................................................................................................................................ 24 9. Dot Grid ....................................................................................................................................... 25 10. Graphics Calculator ..................................................................................................................... 26

Seema Kapoor |

Braille Tab ................................................................................................................................. 27


1. Braille Tools .................................................................................................................................. 28 2. Key List ......................................................................................................................................... 29 3. Position Braille ............................................................................................................................. 29 4. Greek Letters ............................................................................................................................... 29 5. Key Check ................................................................................................................................... 30 6. Flag Keys ...................................................................................................................................... 30 IV.

Prelims Tab ............................................................................................................................... 31

1. Preferences................................................................................................................................... 31 2. Braille Code/Type ........................................................................................................................ 32 3. Add Pages .................................................................................................................................... 32 4. Save Style Defaults ...................................................................................................................... 32 Tactile Macro Command Bar ..................................................................................................................... 33 ASCII conversion for Braille ....................................................................................................................... 35 Websites .................................................................................................................................................... 36 Notes .......................................................................................................................................................... 37

Seema Kapoor |


Installing the macros The 3 files that you require to use the macros are: 1. TactileMacrosV10_7_4.gms (the 10_7_4 is a version number): This file contains the VBA code for the macros 2. VBATemplate_Pts.cdt: This is a CorelDraw Template file that contains styles and pictures used by the macros 3. Tactile Macros.xslt: This is a CorelDraw Command bar containing a link to the Macros Main menu. • • •

Make sure CorelDraw is closed. IMPORTANT: If you already have a previous version of the macros, delete it before installing a new version. RECOMMENDED: Remove the macros that came with CorelDraw unless you use them. (CalendarWizard.gms and FileConverter.gms)

Place these 3 files into the CorelDraw GMS directory. If you have installed CorelDraw in the default location it is: CorelDraw 12 C:\Program Files\Corel\Corel Graphics 12\Draw\GMS CorelDraw X4 C:\Program Files\Corel\CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4\Draw\GMS CorelDraw X5 C:\Program Files\Corel\CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5\Draw\GMS NOTE For Windows 7 Users: Before installing the Tactile Macros, go to Corel Draw X5 folder, right click on the folder. Select properties, under "security tab" change the permissions to "full control".

Seema Kapoor | Installing the macros


Installing the Tactile Macros Command Bar • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Open CorelDraw Close the Welcome to CorelDraw dialogue box. Place your cursor over the Command Bar at the top of the CorelDraw window. Right-click Select Customize/Workspace/Import Workspaces Click the Browse button In the Import Workspace dialogue box that is displayed, browse to the gms folder where you copied the files (see above). Select Tactile Macros.xslt Click Open Click Next On the next display, make sure Tactile Macros is checked. Click Next twice, then Finish Right-click the top Command Bar again. In the list displayed, click Tactile Macros to turn on this Command Bar

You can position the TactileMacros Command Bar with the other Command Bars or at any location you prefer. The Tactile Macros Command Bar The left-most icon (TM) on the Command Bar is the main menu for the macros. The other buttons are shortcuts to some of the more frequently used macros so you can use them without opening the Menu window.

Seema Kapoor | Installing the macros


Getting Started 1. Open CorelDraw. Configure your computer according to instructions given on pages 2-3 of CorelDraw Tactile graphic booklet. Visit to download CorelDraw Tactile graphic booklet.

2. Select File from Menubar and click on New from Template


3. Click on Browse and select PRCVI template 2011. This template is created keeping in mind, needs of transcribers. This template has default for page size (11" x 11-1/2"), swell braille font, frequently used textures, lines with arrowheads, dots for graphs and maps etc.

4. Click on icon TM from tactile macros command bar.

Seema Kapoor | Getting Started


5. There are four tabs on the TM (Tactile Macros main Menu): Styles, QDraw, Braille, Prelims.


Seema Kapoor | Getting Started



Styles Tab

These macros work on a selection that you make before clicking the macro button.

Seema Kapoor | Styles Tab



: adds arrowheads to selected line or lines... Draw a line by selecting Bezier tool from the toolbox.

Bezier Tool

Left click on the drawing page and drag the mouse to the point where you want the line to be and left click again. You can draw a straight line by holding on the Ctrl key.

Click on and select the type and direction of the arrowhead from the window which pops up. Click Apply and close.

You can get the following type of lines with arrowhead. The macro applies the correct arrowhead style for the outline width of each line in the selection

Seema Kapoor | Styles Tab



: replaces the selected straight line with a dotted measurement line. Draw a line by selecting Bezier tool from the toolbox. Left click on the drawing page and drag the mouse to the point where you want the line to be and left click again. You can draw a straight line by holding on the Ctrl key.

Bezier Tool

Click on . We use measure line to show the distances between the objects, length or width of an object.

You can also draw measure line from the Tactile Macros Command Bar.

Seema Kapoor | Styles Tab



: draw lines for graphic calculators, measure line. Draw a line by selecting Bezier tool from the toolbox. Left click on the drawing page and drag the mouse to the point where you want the line to be and left click again. You can draw a straight line by holding on the Ctrl key.

Click on Click close.

and select the line type from the pop-up window .

You can get the following type of lines.

Seema Kapoor | Styles Tab



: applies a texture or colour to a shape. Draw any shape from rectangle tool, ellipse tool, polygon tool, basic shapes tool from the toolbox.

Click on . Select a colour or a texture from the pop-up window and click on apply and close.

You can fill any object with these textures.

Seema Kapoor | Styles Tab



: applies angle signs, hatch marks, parallel marks to any geometric shape . •

Draw a triangle, rectangle, parallel lines etc.

• • • •

Click on . Select angles or sides from the tab on the pop-up window Click angle signs, hatch marks, chevrons on the selected shape. Another dialogue box that comes up that reminds you that you can do doubles and triples. You can get out of the add marker using the ESC key. If there is no click for 30 secs the Add marker terminates automatically. You can also add labels to the selected shape.


Seema Kapoor | Styles Tab




: scales shape in selection maintaining positions. •

Select the objects.

Click on

: use blank space between textures and lines and also around Braille font that is near or over a texture.

You can also add blank space from the Tactile Macro Command Bar.

Seema Kapoor | Styles Tab



: changes the size and outline of all ellipses in the current selection to the specified size and outline. Draw a circle and click on size and click ok.

. From the pop-up window, select the dot

Plotted points, cities, large scatterplot Grid dots, small cities, small scatterplot

: Redo last dot size on selection. You can also apply current dot size from the Tactile Macro Command Bar.


: sets corners and line caps to rounded. The up/down arrows change the outline width by ½ point. •

Draw a line, square or rectangle. Click


Seema Kapoor | Styles Tab



: use this macro to place marks on the page to indicate the side that is to be bound. Click the Left or Right buttons to add or move the marker. The Remove button deletes the marker from the active page.


There are two other buttons in this group: the up arrow at the bottom left-collapses the menu, and the Close button.

Seema Kapoor | Styles Tab



Qdraw Tab

These macros create a diagram or part of a diagram, based on parameters that you fill in on a form. NOTE: some of the macros on the QDraw tab will start in modify mode if you have selected a drawing previously created by the macro. With Qdraw, you can make graphs (Cartesian, line and bar graph), pie chart, spinner, triangle, angle, clock, dot grid, graphics calculator.

Seema Kapoor | Qdraw Tab



: makes cartesian graph or line graph.

Click on . From the pop-up window make your selection for type of graph and enter numbers for x-axis, y-axis and labels. Click on OK.

Graph on section of a page: Draw a rectangle and then click on , if you want to draw a graph within selected section of a drawing page. After graph is drawn by the macro, delete the rectangle.

Cartesian Graph

Line Graph Seema Kapoor | Qdraw Tab



: draws a number line.

Click on . From the pop-up window, select the type of line and enter numbers for ticks and labels. Click OK.

Seema Kapoor | Qdraw Tab



: draws a pie chart. •

Draw a circle by selecting ellipse tool from the toolbox on the drawing page.

• •

Click on . On the pop-up window, enter the values in percentage or amounts for the pie chart. Click OK.

Seema Kapoor | Qdraw Tab



: draws a spinner. •

Draw a circle by selecting ellipse tool from the toolbox on the drawing page.

• •

Click on . On the pop-up window, select number of segments for spinner. Select to have untextured or textured segments. You can add labels and pointer on spinner. Click OK.

Seema Kapoor | Qdraw Tab



: draw horizontal or vertical bar graph. • • • • •

Click on . On the pop-up window, enter the values in percentages or amounts for the bar graph. Select to have a texture or untextured bar graph. Add labels if labels are in print. Click OK. On the second pop-up window, select the chart type and enter the values for axis labels. Click OK.

Seema Kapoor | Qdraw Tab



: draws a triangle. • •

Click on . On the pop-up page, follow the instructions written on the "TRIANGLE SPECIFIED PAGE".

• •

Click on . Follow the instructions on the second "TRIANGLE SPECIFIED PAGE".

Seema Kapoor | Qdraw Tab



: draws an angle. •

Type the size of an angle on the drawing page and then click

Draw the angle then click . Macro will calculate the angle size. This macro only works with angles drawn with a continuous line.

Seema Kapoor | Qdraw Tab




: draws clock. • •

click . On the pop-up window, enter the values for the clock and click OK.

Seema Kapoor | Qdraw Tab



: draws dotted grid. • • •

Click Enter values for dotted grid on the pop-up window. Select or deselect Isometric Dot Grid and click OK.

Isometric Dot Grid

Dot Grid

Seema Kapoor | Qdraw Tab



: draws graphs shown on graphic calculator. •

Draw a rectangle.

Click on . Enter values of horizontal axis and vertical axis for graphics calculator on the pop-up window. Select or deselect arrowheads for axis lines. Click OK.

• •

Seema Kapoor | Qdraw Tab



Braille Tab

These macros add, fix or position Braille Braille tab corrects braille, makes numbers in braille, aligns position of braille, makes key list, adds Greek letters.

Seema Kapoor | Braille Tab



: On the pop-up window, select or deselect options from actions, range and page area and click OK. Check for Braille Errors appears if the document is Nemeth. It performs a number of checks to find some of the more common Nemeth errors. • • • • • •

Non Nemeth parenthesis Opening Nemeth parenthesis followed by a number sign Upper numbers Contractions in keys Invalid contractions Opening TN followed by a contraction

Seema Kapoor | Braille Tab



Key List: makes a list for a key, reformats a key and finds symbols used in the key.


Position Braille: aligns braille horizontally to the centre of the drawing page, vertically or align braille to a tick on the graphs. The Braille and the tick must both be selected.


: Adds Greek letters outside the drawing page. • •

Click on . Select Greek letter from the pop-up window. Select or deselect "add deadzone".

Seema Kapoor | Braille Tab



: will compare the keys in the selected textbox to the diagram on the specified Corel page.


: • • •

This macro can be used on Nemeth documents in conjunction with the Nemeth Checker macro (the Check Braille macro on the Braille tab). When you create keys with an Upper Number, select them and click the Flag Keys macro. When you run the Check Braille on your document, these numbers will not be flagged as errors. NOTE: If you do not flag the keys using this macro, you will be given the opportunity to do so the first time you run the Braille Checker.

Seema Kapoor | Braille Tab



Prelims Tab

These macros are used primarily when creating supplements, although the Braille Code/Type also applies to inserts. Preferences also applies.


: The Preferences macro on the Prelims tab stores information in your document for future use of all the macros.

Seema Kapoor | Prelims Tab



: sets the braille code and type for the document. • • •

Click on On the pop-up window, select the braille code, braille type, braille font for the document. Click OK.


: adds drawing pages to document. You would only use this if you want to add multiple pages at one time.


: The Save Style Defaults macro on the Prelims tab can be used to make the tactile styles the default for every new document that you create. This is optional. If you use CorelDraw for work other than Tactile Projects you probably do not want all your documents to contain the tactile styles.

Seema Kapoor | Prelims Tab


Tactile Macro Command Bar


TM: opens up Tactile Macros main menu.


: adds a new page after the currently active page. It also creates “dummy” Print and Braille page numbers .You can also add a new page from the Tactile Macro Command Bar.


Adds narrow deadzone (blank space) and wide deadzone (blank space) around an object.


You can increase or decrease outiline width of a line or a shape.

Seema Kapoor | Tactile Macro Command Bar



: fix swell braille font size (24 pt) in selection. You can also fix the braille font size from the Tactile Macro Command Bar.


You can also create measure line.


Apply current dot size.


You can centre braille horizontally from the tactile macro toolbar.

Seema Kapoor | Tactile Macro Command Bar


ASCII Conversion for Braille

Seema Kapoor | ASCII Conversion for Braille


Websites • to download CorelDraw Tactile graphic booklet for creating tactile graphics for on-line tutorials for creating Tactile Graphics using CorelDraw

Go to Learning center at to look at PRCVI Tactile Graphic catalogue.

Corel Draw files from this catalogue are available in a CD upon request from PRCVI. (No longer available through our website).

CorelDraw X5 – available from for about $89.00 (educational price)

Seema Kapoor | Websites



Seema Kapoor | Notes



Seema Kapoor | Notes