Daughters of the American Revolution Miller Administration

Kentucky Society . Daughters of the American Revolution . Miller Administration . State Information Packet (SIP) OFFICER’S Packet . 2016-2017...

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Kentucky Society Daughters of the American Revolution Miller Administration State Information Packet (SIP) OFFICER’S Packet 2016-2017

State Regent

Leslie Rogers Miller 840 Lake Forest Parkway, Louisville, KY 40245 [email protected] 502-551-9626 The Miller Administration is launched and your newly installed State Officers, District Directors, and State Chairmen are already at work for you. Thank you for the trust you have placed in me and the entire team. We have begun to Chart Our Course by meeting at Pine Mountain State Park for training in Board responsibilities and duties. We look to our past for inspiration and keep in mind the ever relevant goals of our society; Education, Historic Preservation, and Patriotism. Our symbol the Compass Rose reminds us that we stay faithful to God, Home, and Country as we Plan for the Future. The Dillon Administration recognizes the importance of training and there are two new opportunities for both new members and for members wishing to assume leadership roles within their chapters. Check for details from the Membership Committee. Our focus on Service continues with the Service to America Committee, formally the Celebrate America! initiative during the Young administration. Another new committee will provide ways to connect with classrooms in your communities. Check the new additions. My vision for KSDAR is to focus on our purpose, build on our past accomplishments, encourage a renewed appreciation for our heritage and engage chapters in meaningful service. You will see new faces on committees and at Duncan Tavern. Engaging the valuable talents of all members is key to success. We begin by charting our course and planning for the future! I look forward to making new friends and representing you as we Move Forward in Service to our nation and our beloved Commonwealth of Kentucky. Psalms 119:105 -Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. 1 Corinthians 14:40 -But all things should be done decently and in order. 1Timothy 6:20 -Guard that which is committed to thy trust.

State Vice Regent

Marsha Kincer Banks 169 Solomon Road, Whitesburg, KY, 41858 [email protected] 606-634-6452

Taking these lines directly from the KSDAR, NSDAR Bylaws, Article VI, Section 3:

“The State Vice Regent shall in the absence or inability of the State Regent, perform the duties of that office. She shall serve on the Finance Committee and shall perform such duties as may be requested by the State Regent. She shall be responsible for planning any event hosted by the Kentucky Society at Continental Congress and shall consult with the State Regent in planning the same. She shall preside over the DAR Summer Workshops and shall, with the State Regent’s approval, set the time and place for Summer Workshops and coordinate the schedule. She shall work with all district directors encouraging growth and DAR training in each district”. She also serves as liaison to several DAR Committees. Having already attended a Summer Retreat, organized by State Regent, Leslie Miller, for the purpose of training new district director and state officers; as well as providing time to become better acquainted with the Miller Team; one requirement has been successfully accomplished. Summer Workshops are just around the corner, and we have plans to add some extra training sessions. These have been set up to assist chapters with new material, and help with better understanding of some older material. The Committees to which this officer has been assigned as liaison are: DAR School, National Defense, Debutant Presentation, Protocol, Resolutions, and Travel (Continental Congress and Special Tours). As we begin a new administration, with new assignments, which brings on new jobs for many of us, please be patient with each other, share the new ideas you have, as members; and help us to help you, by all working together toward the goal we all share. Making THE Kentucky Society grow in membership, develop the talents we all have, and work to our greatest potential for God, Home, and Country.

State Chaplain

Carol Doak Rogow 113 Stoneybrook Drive, Richmond, KY 40475-2270 [email protected] 859-626-9365

State Regent Leslie Miller has selected the following scripture verses to guide us during this administration Psalms 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. 1 Corinthians 14:40 But all things should be done decently and in order. 1 Timothy 6:20 Guard that which is committed to thy trust. They will be ever present in our hearts and minds while we are “Charting Our Course and Planning for the Future” of our state Society. As our founders charted the course for NSDAR, they wrote our moto and developed our mission. They deemed that Daughters should be devoted to God, Home, and Country while promoting education, historic preservation, and patriotism. Although we may have different faith backgrounds, we will respectfully work together to ensure that our founding principles are strengthened and preserved as we move forward in service to America. There are several resources from NSDAR that will be helpful. Check the Members’ Website under Executive Officers, Chaplain General, for an overview of her role and other important information. Chaplain supplies and the NSDAR Ritual and Missal are available to purchase from the DAR Store under the Office of the Corresponding Secretary General. NSDAR rituals are vital traditions of our Society and are to be used by all chapters. They include: • Meeting Opening Ritual, • Welcome to New Members, • Oath of Membership, (used for Units Overseas) and • Installation of Officers (used for Units Overseas). The above may be found in the DAR Handbook and National Bylaws and the NSDAR Ritual and Missal; however, all states and chapters are to use a supplementary version of the NSDAR Ritual-Oath of Membership and Installation of Officers, which is provided in the Forms section of the Members’ Website and in the online PDF editions of the NSDAR Ritual.

See Page 2

State Chaplain – Page 2

In addition, the National Information Packet (NIP) 2016, part II has two pages of important information/forms for chapter chaplains. These may be found online at the NSDAR Members’ Website. They are: • •


Milestone greetings for 90 plus years are sent by the State Chaplain. Please request these birthday greetings three weeks before the birthday by sending the Daughter’s name, address, chapter name, and birthday to the State Chaplain. The Chaplain General will send birthday greetings on 90th and 100th birthdays only. Please use the Chaplain Report form to request these two birthday greetings by the 10th of the month before the birth date. All chapter chaplains are to send birthday greetings to Daughters having special birthdays, and they are encouraged to communicate by card, telephone, or visit with Daughters who are ill or are elderly and cannot attend meetings. (Thank you for making them feel an important part of their chapter.) Use the Updates Section on e-Membership to report all member deaths immediately to the Office of the Organizing Secretary General, the State Regent, and the State Chaplain. Deaths of members who have served or are serving as national officers and on the National Board of Management are reported by the State Chaplain to the Chaplain General. Refer to the Instructions for Chapter Chaplains in the NIP for more information. Also, donations may be sent to a memorial fund to assist in defraying expenses for the KSDAR Memorial Service at the 2017 KSDAR State Conference. Individuals or chapters wishing to make donations should write checks to the KSDAR State Treasurer and mail them to the State Chaplain. On the memo line, please write “KSDAR Memorial Service.” Finally, I will be glad to assist you and your chapter in any way I can. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Together, we will “Chart Our Course as We Plan for the Future.”

P.S. – Please accept my heartfelt thanks in advance for your warm and gracious spirit that will make visitors and new members feel welcome and help elderly and ill Daughters feel connected and needed by their chapter.

KSDAR State Recording Secretary Pam Osborne 61 Ajax Drive, Pikeville, KY 41501 [email protected]

606-432-2690 (office)

The State Recording Secretary compiles the KSDAR Yearbook and Annual Proceedings. Each state officer, district director, state chairman, and chapter regent will have a report to write and submit based on the 2016 calendar year. As you write your report, keep in mind what your want future members to remember about your office, chairmanship, or chapter during the past year – what were your major accomplishments. Some key points to remember: Font: Arial Font Size: 12 pt. Spacing: Single 

The report is to be emailed to the State Recording Secretary as a Word attachment. You may also want to copy and paste the report into the body of the email in case the attachment cannot be opened. Chapter Regent Reports  Deadline for submission: March 1, 2017  Highlight your key programs, projects, and activities. This report should be concise. It is not minutes.  Remember to report only on things your chapter did in 2016.  Length: up to 200 words in body of report  Include a listing of your officers at the end of your report  Email your report to State Regent Leslie Miller, Pam Osborne, and your District Director. State Officers, District Directors, & State Chairmen  Deadline for submission: April 30, 2017  Length: 200-400 words  If you have awards which are presented as part of your position, please list at the end of your report. They are not included in the above word count.

State Corresponding Secretary Claudia Gibson Greenwood 151 McNeil Road, Gray, KY 40734-6515 [email protected]


The Corresponding Secretary shall send out notices of meetings and shall conduct such correspondence as directed by the State Conference, the State Regent, The State Board of Management and the Executive Committee. She shall receive from the chapters the consolidated reports and distribute to the appropriate State Officers and Chairmen. She shall prepare current state directory and shall receive address changes and corrections for the state directory. This office shall maintain the mailboxes that help deliver key information to you at all workshops, board meetings, and state conference. This Office will also print all the award and recognition certificates that are presented during our state conference each year. This maintains uniformity and a more professional standard when the awards are presented. If you will be presenting an award or certificate at State Conference, please make it your responsibility to notify me at the earliest possible date prior to Conference so that the certificates can be printed in a timely manner. (Timely is very important as sometimes there are as many as five hundred certificates awarded.) The following information will be needed: Name of the Recipient, Committee presenting the Award, Name of the Contest (ex. Community Service, Outstanding Junior) Sponsoring Chapter of Recipient, and any other pertinent information. The certificates will then be delivered to the presenter or the chapters during State Conference after all appropriate signatures are placed on the certificates.

Organizing Secretary

Laura Snyder Jones 218 Club Oak Court, Louisville, KY 40223 [email protected] 502-419-4418

I am honored to be elected as KSDAR State Organizing Secretary during the Miller Administration. Kentucky is 85 Chapters strong and it is the goal of this administration to keep and build on the chapters and membership we proudly already have. This officer assists with the formation of new chapters and the strengthening of chapters that may need to build their membership. With the guidance of committee chairmen and District Directors, we offer aid to any chapter, large or small that feel they need help maintaining and revitalizing their membership. With the help of the Chapter Development and Revitalization Chairman and Membership Chairman, we are so pleased to work together with your chapter. Kentucky Daughters have much to be proud of and I know we will continue to make Kentucky shine. If you know of a chapter that would like to organize in your area, please let me know. Likewise, if you feel your chapter needs a little pick me up, we are here for you. It is my opinion, the more you get your chapter members involved in this amazing society, the more excited they will become and the more they will want to be involved. Remember we are here to help. Just because you may have a very large membership, that doesn’t mean there isn’t more we can do to increase participation. Some very small chapters do very large things because they have an active membership. Please don’t hesitate to call on this officer. I look forward to serving KSDAR as we are Charting Our Course, Planning for the Future!

State Registrar

Ann Pennington 509 Boone Trail Rd., Danville, KY 40422-1551 [email protected] 859-236-4728

We’ve been challenged! Our new Registrar General has asked chapters to accept a challenge, and that challenge is for each chapter to have no more than 10% AIRS! What, you ask, is an AIR?? AIR is a new acronym which means “Additional Information Request.” It’s what we have been calling, “Have written.” So, if your chapter has submitted ten applications, and you’ve received only one AIR, then your chapter has met the challenge! Let’s see how many of our chapters can get there.

In addition, each chapter should have at least two members who are totally competent to prepare applications. If often happens in a chapter that one member, having developed expertise over the years, prepares all the applications. Then, the person becomes ill, or dies, or becomes involved in a family situation which makes her unavailable for DAR work. Thus, a critical vacancy will exist in the chapter. To avoid that possibility, have at least two members become proficient in application preparation.

To help in these matters, I will be working with the Volunteer Genealogists Committee and the Lineage Research Committee to provide workshops for each of our districts. We hope to survey all chapter registrars to see just what the needs are. In the summer workshops we will provide a reference of sources which is available to all chapter registrars and her associates.

State Treasurer

Michaela “Mikie” Gupton McKelway – KSDAR State Treasurer

1112 Fontaine Road, Lexington, KY 40502-1830 [email protected] 859-268-8739

It is an honor for me to welcome all of you to the first year of the Miller Administration. I applaud your interest, and extend a “Thank You” to those who are new to this position and to those who are continuing to serve as treasurer! The tasks you do as treasurer are so important to your chapter and to the Kentucky and National Societies. My job is to provide assistance to you as needed. Like many of you, this will be my first year in this position, so we will be learning together. As with any new administration there are changes to the various forms you will be filing. I have tried to include all the forms that you should use for 2016-17. You can also download National’s forms yourself on the DAR Members’ Only Website, http://members.dar.org. You will find these forms under “Frequently Visited” and then go to “NIP Forms”. You can also download on the KSDAR website, http://kentuckydar.org/daughters, forms that you will use for your chapter on the state level. There is a wealth of information on both of these sites. There are changes this year on the National level. Delegates at the 125th Continental Congress voted to amend the Bylaws for a dues increase. National Dues are now $40.00 per regular member instead of $37.00. Member-At-Large dues are now $55.00. Your chapter’s National Dues Invoice and Worksheet will be sent to you electronically by mid-August. You should send all National Dues directly to National, postmarked no later than December 1, 2016. All state dues, which remain $15.00 per member, are requested by November 1, 2016, however, they must be postmarked on or before December 1, 2016, and sent directly to State Treasurer. The additional change made at the National level was an increase of the President General’s Project donation from $2.00 per member per year to $2.50. The date of record for the chapter membership count will be taken from the official count as of January 1, 2017. A current Sales Tax Exemption Certificate (Purchase Exemption Certificate) is included in this manual for your chapter’s use during the Miller Administration, so that your chapter will not have to pay Kentucky sales tax. The Certificate should be used by the chapter when purchasing goods,

See Page 2

State Treasurer – Page 2 etc. for chapter’s use and should be used in conjunction with a chapter check for payment of such goods. Please also know that in order to maintain a tax exempt status each chapter must annually file Form 990, 990EZ (chapters with gross revenues above $50,000) or a form 990N (chapters with gross revenues below $50,000) with the IRS. These filings are due no later than the 15th of the 5th month following the end of the chapter’ fiscal year. Most importantly, please remember we are custodians of our chapter members’ monies…. I know we will all do our best to do our best job! Let us “Chart our Course and Plan for the Future.”

2016-2017 CHAPTER TREASURER’S CALENDAR OF DEADLINES August ___ Receive National Chapter Dues Invoice electronically.

October ___ Bring your dues to a close in October ___ October 15, 2016: Reminder: All donations for credit on State Honor Roll and National Chapter Achievement Award must be submitted on All Contributions Form and postmarked to State Treasurer, no later than November 1, 2016. Remember, if you leave things out of the All Contributions Form you lose points. Donations for DAR Newsletter co-op ads ($40/chapter) are included on the All Contributions Form. Check payable to KSDAR. ___ October 15, 2016: All State dues are requested by November 1, 2016 to ensure timely processing, however, all State dues must be postmarked on or before December 1, 2016 to State Treasurer. Check payable to KSDAR. Send with a COMPLETE copy of the National Chapter Dues Invoice AND the State Dues Form.

November ___ November 1, 2016: All donations for credit on State Honor Roll and National Chapter Achievement Award must be submitted on the All Contributions Form and postmarked to State Treasurer by November 1, 2016. Include donations for DAR Newsletter co-op ads ($40/chapter). Check payable to KSDAR. ___ November 1, 2016: All State dues are requested by November 1, 2016 to ensure timely processing, however, all State dues must be postmarked on or before December 1, 2016 to State Treasurer. Check payable to KSDAR. Send with a COMPLETE copy of the electronic National Chapter Dues Invoice and the State Dues Form. ___ November 15, 2016: Reminder: National dues must be sent to Membership Services, Office of the Organizing Secretary General showing a federal postal service or other carrier cancellation date no later than December 1, 2016. Check payable to NSDAR, Treasurer General. Be sure to submit your electronic forms using this time line also.

December ___ December 1, 2016: Dues must be postmarked no later than December 1, 2016 and the electronic forms filed. After this date, members whose dues are unpaid are in arrears, and may not: 1) resign; 2) transfer; 3) represent the chapter at Continental Congress. ___ December 31, 2016: End of NSDAR Fiscal Year.

December - June

___ By the last day of each month for December through June: State dues for all New and Reinstated Members admitted at December – June Boards of Management must be submitted to State Treasurer. Check payable to KSDAR. Send with copy of the National “Dues Remittance Form” AND Supplemental State Dues Form. Check off the months below as you check for new members: Dec. ____ Jan. ____ Feb. ____ Mar. ____ Apr. ____ May ____ June ____

January ___ January 15, 2017: President General’s Project Contributions must be paid to the State Treasurer by this date. Remember, the membership count for the Dillon President General’s Project is the official count as of January 1, 2017, for chapters in existence on that date. Once the official membership count is set, it remains the same throughout the three-year administration, even if a chapter gains or loses members.

February ______February

28/29, 2017: All members whose dues for the year have not been received at National Headquarters are automatically dropped from membership by National Society.

March ___ March 1, 2017: State Conference Assessments and Hospitality Contributions due to State Treasurer. Check payable to KSDAR. Send with copy of KSDAR State Conference Assessment and Hospitality Contribution Form. (This year mandatory only to chapters in Districts 1 and 2). ____March 1, 2017: Deadline for Postmarked “KSDAR-State Honor Roll” – send to Keitt M. Wood, 4211 Maryknoll Lane, Louisville, KY 40207

May ___ May 15, 2017: The Annual Chapter Financial Report, Audit Letter and copy of IRS Form 990-n, epostcard filing due to State Treasurer.

Send checks and reports to: Mikie McKelway 1112 Fontaine Road Elkton, KY 42220-9732

KSDAR Historian Sally Hayes Whittington P. O. Box 502, Eddyville, KY 42038 shwhittington@gmail 270-388-7777 . We are indeed fortunate in Kentucky to have so many who are willing to go above and beyond the norm to draw attention to and celebrate our rich history as a nation. NSDAR offers two programs for chapters to use to honor outstanding citizens who have contributed to the study and promotion of our American history: OUTSTANDING TEACHER OF AMERICAN HISTORY and the DAR HISTORY AWARD MEDAL. The deadline for a 2016 applicant submission will be Wednesday, November 9, 2016, to my home mailing address. Four copies of a submission are required. Information on these can be found on our Members’ Web Site members.dar.org. If your chapter would like to reserve the slide presentation available from NSDAR Americana Collection for a chapter program, please write or email [email protected]. Please consult the website [email protected] for guidelines and information on the placing of DAR Historical/Commemorative Markers. Forms to be used are available on the website as well as what is required in the way of documentation that is to be reviewed. This process generally requires at least six months. There is a form that you will fill out and send to both the Historian General and State Historian following the actual marking. Following the placing of a DAR insignia grave marker at the site of a member’s grave, please send the lower portion of the reporting form to my mailing address.

State Librarian

Cindy Darling Codell 16 Hampton Avenue, Winchester, Kentucky 40391-2337 [email protected] (859) 744-7208

The State Librarian’s primary focus is upon the NSDAR Library in Washington, D.C., and the John Fox, Jr. Genealogical Library, 323 High Street, Paris, Kentucky 40361. The phone number of our Fox Library is (859) 987-1786. Our libraries are deserving of your assistance. The NSDAR Library is one of the largest genealogical libraries in the world. Admission is free, and much information is available online. The Genealogical Research System is a wonder! It is easily understood with an online tutorial. Should you need record copies in online form or paper form, arrangements may be made for a small fee. Consider volunteering for copying your local source records and preparing them for library use, or participate in the Genealogical Records Collections Indexing Program. Look into qualifying for the Library Volunteer Bookworm pin. This work can be done via computer. Check out the Friends of the Library pin and the Life Member Library pin. The John Fox, Jr. Genealogical Library is free for members of DAR, SAR, and CAR. Others pay a small fee. There are small charges for copies and queries. At the present time the holdings and catalog of the library may be found at http://www.duncantavern.com/libraryholdings.html. While there is much Kentucky based information, much also may be found about other states. Researchers come from many places, and seeing the delight and gratitude they feel upon gaining information about their families is most rewarding! Chapters are encouraged to seek volunteers for our library. There is a great need for both regular and substitute volunteers. Please consider donating genealogical books, volunteer time, and funds to these libraries. Before doing so, check the websites for forms and instructions. Please do not ship or deliver books until you have checked the online catalogs, filled out the forms, and received notification that the books are needed. The Fox Library Chairman is Rogers Barde. She may be reached at [email protected]. Be sure and look for the sale of genealogical books at the State Conference. The KSDAR Reading Contest rules (http://kentuckydar.org/images/contestrules.pdf) and reading list (http://www.kentuckydar.org/images/KSDAR%20Book%20List.pdf) are posted online on the KSDAR member’s website and will be handed out at the Summer Workshops. During the construction of the website, there were some incorrect postings. If you downloaded this information early, please check the current website to be sure you have the correct rules and list. If you are unable to download the rules and list, please send this chairman a self addressed and stamped business size envelope so a printed copy can be mailed to you. The deadline for the reading contest is February 15, 2017. This officer is eager to assist in any way.

State Curator

Linda Couch Conrad 107 Beverly Lane, Dry Ridge, KY 41035 [email protected] 859-428-2990

The State Curator serves on the KSDAR Executive Board: A. Maintain the flags for all meetings including State Conference, summer workshops, Fall Board of Management B. Arrange for the Fall Board of Management hotel accommodations C. Serves on the Duncan Tavern Board D. Serves as liaison officer to DAR Lot in Frankfort Cemetery DAR Museum/Kentucky Room Duncan Tavern Museum American Heritage The Flag of the United States of America Pages E. Organizing the materials in the State Archives F. Incorporate the archival materials for the State Regent into the storage units G. Jury donations to the museum and ask for state officers’ vote for acceptance