Developments in NDE Methodologies for Quality ... -

Director, Metallurgy and Materials Group. Dr. T.Jayakumar, Director, Metallurgy and Materials Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR),...

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DR. T J AY AK U M AR Director, Metallurgy and Materials Group

Dr. T.Jayakumar, Director, Metallurgy and Materials Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Department of Atomic Energy, Kalpakkam-603102, India. He is also Professor and Dean (Engineering Sciences at IGCAR), Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI). Educ a t iona l Qua lific a t ions: B.Tech. Metallurgical Engineering. (Regional Engineering College, Warangal, 1977) M.S. Metallurgical Engineering (Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India 1989) Dr. Ing. in Engineering Faculty (University of Saarland, Saarbruecken, Germany, 1996)

Profe ssiona l Ex pe rie nc e : 34 Years M a jor Re se a rc h I nt e re st s: Development of high temperature materials and manufacturing technologies for sodium cooled fast breeder reactors and advanced ultrasuper critical technology Development and application of advanced non destructive evaluation techniques and analysis procedures for characterisation of defects, microstructures, residual stresses, deformation and fracture processes, creep and fatigue damage in several important structural materials Assessment of structural integrity and life extension of engineering components and systems Systematic and comprehensive analysis of several metallurgical failures of engineering components Research on ancient Indian cultural heritage through systematic investigations on Delhi Iron Pillar, South Indian Bronzes, Pallava Coins and Hampi Musical Pillars Public a t ions: Co-author of Three Books Co-editor of Seven Books Papers published in International Journals – 350 Pa t e nt s File d: Six Profe ssiona l M e m be rship: Fellow of INAE; Life Fellow of IIM, ISNTand USI; and Life Member of MRSI, ASI & IIW Aw a rds a nd H onours: Homi Bhabha Science and Technology Award by Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) Group Achievement Award by Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) Outstanding Services Award by the Indian Nuclear Society (INS) National NDT Award by Indian Society for Non Destructive Testing (ISNT) Metallurgist of the Year Award by Ministry of Steel, Government of India and Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) G.D.Birla Gold Medal by Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) SAIL Gold Medal by Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) Sir L.P.Misra Memorial Lecture Medal Award by Indian Institute of Welding (IIW) MS Narayanan Memorial Lecture of Acoustical Society of India (ASI)

Prof. P.Ramachandra Rao Memorial Lecture of Society for Failure Analysis (SFA) Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Division Medal by Institution of Engineers-India (IE(I)) Sir C.V.Raman Award by Acoustical Society of India (ASI) NUCOR Group Award four times by Indian Institute of Welding (IIW) Shri Venkataraman Sundaram Trust Award for Science and Technology

Developments in NDE Methodologies for Quality Assurance and Life Assessment of Engineering Components T Jayakumar and B Purnachandra Rao Metallurgy and Materials Group Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research Kalpakkam-603 102, Tamil Nadu E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Development of advanced materials, efficient component designs, closer tolerance of material properties, and imposition of stringent specifications are placing major emphasis on early detection and accurate sizing of defects that affect the quality assurance and service life of engineering components. Addressing these issues, non destructive evaluation (NDE) discipline is growing steadily upon incorporating the contemporary advances in material science, electronics, sensors, numerical modeling, signal/image processing, and automation, towards ensuring stringent manufacturing quality and safe operation of the components. A clear result of this is the detection and sizing of such defects and material degradations that could not be detected, three decades ago. In this decade, development of array and integrated sensors, imaging modalities, incorporation of image processing techniques and in depth understanding through numerical model based investigations, have significantly enhanced the applicability the NDE techniques for quality assurance and in-service inspection. The reduction in size of NDE sensors and efficient instruments and software, enabling high-resolution imaging and sizing of defects. Wireless sensors and embedded sensors particularly for concrete and composite structures are slowly gaining acceptability. This paper highlights a few case studies that elucidate the developments in NDE techniques for enhanced quality assurance and service life of components. These include, ultrasonic 3D imaging of welds, fiber optic based Raman distributed temperature for measurement of strain and temperature, electromagnetic testing of steam generator tubes, microstructure characterization using Barkhausen emission and XRD techniques, multi-sensor image fusion, phased array ultrasonic imaging of welds, robotic visual inspection, array magnetic flux leakage imaging, under sodium ultrasonic imaging at high temperatures, finite element modeling of pulsed eddy current techniques, and wavelet processing of ultrasonic, eddy current as well as acoustic emission signals. The paper also highlights the future directions, including the computer based smart NDE instruments and dedicated industrial systems, for automated quality assurance and inservice inspection of components. Key words: Array sensors, defects, microstructure characterization, modeling and imaging