Dr. Marcus D. Davidson, Senior Pastor - Mount Olive

Ministry Messages IMPACT YOUTH MINISTRY Impact Youth Ministry invites all middle and high school students to join us for the Encounter Worship service...

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Dr. Marcus D. Davidson, Senior Pastor 400 NW Ninth Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 PHONE 954.463.5126 FAX 954.525.9454 WEB www.mountolive.org

Worship Service


From the Senior Pastor

Devotion Praise and Worship Responsive Reading: Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 Morning Hymn: Lift Every Voice #540 Greeting/Fellowship Ministry of Music Offertory Period Sermon DR. MARCUS D. DAVIDSON, SENIOR PASTOR Invitation to Christian Discipleship

Please call the church office during regular business hours to schedule an appointment with Pastor Davidson. Comment on Pastor’s Blog: pastormarcusdavidson.com Follow Dr. Davidson on Twitter:




Christian & Pastoral Counseling


We offer Christian and pastoral counseling by our Senior Pastor, Dr. Marcus D. Davidson and our Executive Pastor, Rev. Frank Kennedy, Jr. You may call the church during regular business hours to schedule an appointment.

The New Mount Olive Baptist Church will be the Christ-centered church that promotes and participates in Kingdom Building.

MISSION STATEMENT The New Mount Olive Baptist Church will increase the Kingdom of God through Fellowship, Leadership, Ownership and Worship.

PURPOSE The purpose of the New Mount Olive Baptist Church is to worship, witness and work as believers in the body of Christ.

Weekly Church Prayer Lines

Monday Manna From Heaven Mondays at 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Call: 1.605.475.2090 Access Code: 955928 Marriage Enrichment Prayer Line Wednesdays at 6:00 a.m. Call: 1.218.486.1344 Access Code: 65483# Join our Prayer Teams as we share words of meditation, scripture and prayer!

Weekly Bible Reading SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11TH Leviticus 11-12|Matthew 26:1-25 Acts 6:1-7 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12TH Leviticus 13|Matthew 26:26-50 1 Kings 17:7-16 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH

Mark Your Calendar


12TH-17TH— FL East Coast Baptist Assoc. 115TH Annual Session 14TH— Ash Wednesday Service


1ST— Resurrection Sunday 2ND -6TH—FL General Baptist Convention 143RD Annual Session 26TH—Advisory Council Meeting

Leviticus 14|Matthew 26:51-75 Romans 1:1-10 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH Leviticus 15-16|Matthew 27:1-26 John 14:1-14



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Leviticus 17-18|Matthew 27:27-50 1 Kings 19:19-21 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH Leviticus 19-20| Matthew 27:51-66 Leviticus 19:33-34 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH Leviticus 21-22|Matthew 28 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

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Ministry Messages

History is often reduced to a handful of memorable moments and events. In Black



events often include courageous stories like those of The Underground Railroad, and historic moments like the famous “I Have a Dream” speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. But these are only a few of the significant and important events to know and remember. In an effort to honor this expansive and growing history, Black History Month was established by way of a weekly celebration in February known as “Negro History Week” by historian Carter G. Woodson. But just as Black history is more than a month, so too are the numerous events and figures that are often overlooked during it. What follows is a list of some of those “lesser known” moments and facts in Black history.

THE DIVERSE HISTORY OF HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. While Jewish and African American communities have a tumultuous shared history when it comes to the pursuit of civil rights, there is a chapter that is often overlooked. In the 1930s when Jewish academics from Germany and Austria were dismissed from their teaching positions, many came to the United States looking for jobs. Due to the Depression, xenophobia and rising anti-Semitism, many found it difficult to find work, but more than 50 found positions at HBCUs in the segregated South. Originally established to educate freed slaves to read and write, the first of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities was Cheyney University in Pennsylvania, established in 1837. By the time Jewish professors arrived, the number of HBCUs had grown to 78. At a time when both Jews and African Americans were persecuted, Jewish professors in the Black colleges found the environment comfortable and accepting, often creating special programs to provide opportunities to engage Blacks and whites in meaningful conversation, often for the first time.

Conversation Topic “Communication” In the years that followed, the interests of Jewish and African American communities increasingly

diverged, but this once-shared experience of discrimination and interracial cooperation remains a key part of the Civil Rights Movement.

Ministry Messages GRIEF MINISTRY The Grief Ministry will meet on Tuesday, February 20th at 5:30 p.m.

HOSPITALITY MINISTRY The Hospitality Ministry is seeking youth members ages 8 and over to join as Junior Hospitality. All interested candidates may sign up at the S desk after each church service. An informational meeting with parents and newcomers will be scheduled in the near future.

SEASONED SAINTS MINISTRY The Seasoned Saints Monthly Fellowship will be held on Thursday, February 15th at 10:00 a.m. Sign-up at the “S Desk.”





middle and high school students to join us for the Encounter Worship service every 2nd and 4th Sunday at Walker Elementary School. Sign-up for the Impact Praise Team and Step Team!





Encounter parents


guardians is available at the “S Desk.”

Ministry Messages

Ministry Messages Church Denominational Affiliations

National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. (NBCUSA)

American Baptist Churches of the South (ABCOTS)

Florida General Baptist Convention, Inc. (FGBCI)

Florida East Coast Association/Southern District

AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCHES OF THE SOUTH (ABCOTS)(www.abcots.org) April 24-26, 2018 48th Annual Session NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, USA, INC.(www.nationalbaptist.com) June 18-22, 2018 113th Annual Congress of Christian Education September 3-7, 2018 138th Annual Session

Atlanta, GA Oklahoma City, OK Minneapolis, MN

FLORIDA EAST COAST ASSOCIATION(www.floridaeastcoast.org) February 12-16, 2018

115th Annual Session

Christian Fellowship MB Church, Miami, FL

April 26-29, 2018

5th Sunday Union

Location TBA

July 26-29, 2018

5th Sunday Union

Location TBA

September 27-30, 2018

5th Sunday Union

Location TBA

December 27-30, 2018

5th Sunday Union

Location TBA

FLORIDA GENERAL BAPTIST CONVENTION (www.fgbci.org) April 2-6, 2018

143rd Annual Session

Jacksonville, FL

August 6-10, 2018

Annual Congress of Christian Education

Location TBA

December, 2018

Winter Board Meeting

Location TBA

Matthew 28:18-20

Weapons ARE NOT permitted on any New Mount Olive property without prior authorization!

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Sermon Notes

“HALF HOUR OF POWER” Wednesdays at Noon

Bible Study

AWANA CLUB Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Four year-olds—Eighth Grade

SUNDAYS 7:15 a.m., 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

PRAYER MEETING Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.


BIBLE STUDY Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

Worship Services