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Economic Dispatch Using Classical Methods And Neural Networks Labed Imen1, Boucherma Mouhamed2 , Labed Djamel3 1,3

Laboratory Of Electric Engineering, Department Of Electrical Engineering Constantine University of Constantine 1(Algeria) 1 [email protected], [email protected] 2 Laboratory Of Electric Engineering, Department Of Electrical Engineering Constantine University of Constantine 1(Algeria) 2 [email protected]

Abstract in units of dollars ( $/h).

This paper presents the economic dispatch studies for electrical power systems using two approaches. In the first approach a classical method is used which is the gradient method, whereas, in the second approach a method that belongs to the field of artificial intelligence, which is the neural networks method, is used. In both cases system constraints like line losses and generators limits are included.

2.2. Equality constraints The total generation must be equal to the demand plus the losses thus [4][5][6]: σே ௜ୀଵ ܲீ௜ ൌ ܲ஽ ൅ ܲ௅ ሺʹሻ

1. Introduction

Where: ܲ஽ : total system demand. ܲ௅ : total system loss. N: total number of generators.

The economic dispatch problem is the determination of generation levels, in order to minimize the total generation cost for a defined level of load, it’s a kind of management for electrical energy in the power system in way to operate their generators as economically as possible [1]. So the main aim of the economic dispatch studies is including all variables having effect on costs, such as the electrical network topology, type of fuel, load capacity and transmission line losses .....ext ).Indeed the generator cost is basically represented by four curves: Input/Output (I/O), heat rate, fuel cost and incremental cost curve. The generator cost curves are usually represented by quadratic functions; each plant uses a quadratic cost function such as the Fuel Cost Curve[2]. In this work, the economic dispatch is studied using the gradient and the neural networks methods. Furthermore, a comparison between the results using the above mentioned methods is carried out at the end of this paper.

2.3. Inequality constraints Each plant output is within the upper and lower generation limits inequality constraints [4][5][7]. ܲ௜ሺ௠௜௡ሻ ൑ ܲ௜ ൑ ܲ௜ሺ௠௔௫ሻ ݅ ൌ ͳǡ ǥ ǡ ܰȋ͵Ȍ Where: ܲ௜ሺ௠௔௫ሻ : maximum output of generator i. ܲ௜ሺ௠௜௡ሻ : minimum output of generator i. So the ED can be formulated as an optimization as follows: ே

೒ ‫ ݊݅ܯ‬σ௜ୀଵ ‫ܨ‬௜ ሺܲீ௜ ሻ ே σ௜ୀଵ ܲீ௜ ൌ ܲ஽ ൅ ܲ௅ ܲ௜ሺ௠௜௡ሻ ൑ ܲ௜  ൑ ܲ௜ሺ௠௔௫ሻ ݅ ൌ ͳǡ ǥ ǡ ܰ

2. Economic Dispatch Formula 2.1. The cost function

These three conditions must be realized in order to satisfy the economic dispatch studies [3] [4] [5][6].

The fuel cost function is usually approximated as a second order polynomial, it’s the objective function we need to optimize[3][4][5]: ଶ ‫ܨ‬௜ ሺܲீ௜ ሻ ൌ ܽ௜ ൅ ܾ௜ ܲீ௜ ൅ ܿ௜ ܲீ௜

3. Economic Dispatch Including Transmission Losses The active power transmission losses may reach a rate of 20 to 30% of the total load demand, this is why we should take into account the active power transmission losses and including them into the demand[8].


Where: i = generator i, one of the number of units. ‫ܨ‬௜ = operating cost of unit in $/h. ܲீ௜ =electrical power output of generator i in per unit on a common power base. ܽ௜ ,ܾ௜ and ܿ௜ are the cost coefficients of the generator݅.Expressed

3.1. Losses formula





ൌ Ͳܽ݊݀






ߣ ൌ Fig.1.Radial line with one power generator and one load

ൌ ܲ‫ܨ‬௜

௉ಸ ሺξଷሻ௏ಸ ௖௢௦థಸ


ଵ ௗி ቇ ೔ డ௉ಽ ௗ௉ಸ೔ ൘డ௉ ಸ೔


(13) (14)

ܲ‫ܨ‬௜ is known as the penalty factor of plant ݅ and it’s is given by [9][10]: ܲ‫ܨ‬௜ ൌ


 ൌ ‫ܤ‬


ଵ ങುಽ ങುಸ೔



The penalty factor depends on the location of the plant. The minimum cost is obtained when the incremental cost of each plant multiplied by its penalty factor, is the same for all plants [9]. The incremental transmission loss is obtained from the next formula as: డ௉ಽ

So losses can be expressed by the simple next equation:


ܲ௅ ൌ ‫ ீܲܤ‬ଶ

And we have also:

If a second or more than tow power generators are present to supply the load then we can express the transmission losses as the following equation through the B- Coefficients [10]: ଶ ܲ௅ ൌ σே ௜ୀଵ ‫ܤ‬௜௝ ܲீ௜


െ ͳቁ(11)


We can write then: ሺ௖௢௦థಸ ሻమ ȁ௏ಸ ȁమ

డ௉ಽ డ௉ಸ೔

డ௉ಽ డ௉ಸ೔

ൌ ܲ஽ ൅ ܲ௅ Ȃ σே ௜ୀଵ ܲீ௜  డఒ σே ܲ ൌ ܲ ൅ ܲ ஽ ௅ ௜ୀଵ ீ௜


൫ܲீ ଶ ൯

ሺ௖௢௦థಸ ሻమ ȁ௏ಸ ȁమ

ௗி೔ ௗ௉ಸ೔

൅ ߣ ቀͲ ൅



Where: ܲீ ‫׷‬The generated power load power including losses ܸீ : The generated voltage magnitude (line-to-line) ܿ‫ ீ߶ݏ݋‬: The generator power factor. Combining the two previous equations (4) and (5) we get: ܲ௅ ൌ


ൌ Ͳቁ

And in the other side :

ܲ௟௢௦௦ ൌ ͵‫ܫ‬ଶ ܴ (4) Where: R is the resistance of the line in ohms per phase. The current I can be obtained by the following expression ȁ‫ܫ‬ȁ ൌ



డ௅ డఒ

ൌ ʹ σே ௝ୀଵ ‫ܤ‬௜௝ ܲீ௜


ൌ ܾ௜ ൅ ʹܿ௜ ܲீ௜


ௗி೔ ௗ௉ಸ೔

We can find the iterative compact form:




௝ୀ ଵ

Where: Bij are called the loss coefficients, which are assumed to be constant for a base range of loads.


ଶ൫௖೔ ାఒሺೖሻ ஻೔೔ ൯


4. Neural Networks 4.1. Introduction

3.2. Economic Dispatch

The origin of artificial neural networks comes from the biological neuron modelling test by Warren Mc Culluch and Walter Pitts. Initially Neural networks objective was: patterns recognition, classification.... then it becomes very interesting in all domains [11].

In the first place we need to put the three conditions of the economic dispatch: ଶ ே ‫்ܨ‬௢௧௔௟ ൌ σே ௜ୀଵ ‫ܨ‬௜ ൌ σ௜ୀଵ൫ܽ௜ ൅ ܾ௜ ܲீ௜ ൅ ܿ௜ ܲீ௜ ൯ ே σ௜ୀଵ ܲீ௜ ൌ ܲ஽ ൅ ܲ௅ ܲ௜ሺ௠௜௡ሻ ൑ ܲ௜  ൑ ܲ௜ሺ௠௔௫ሻ ݅ ൌ ͳǡ ǥ ǡ ܰ

4.2. Neuron Model

Indeed; the simple architecture of a single neuron with a single layer is composed essentially: First, the scalar input p which is multiplied by the scalar weight w to form the product wp this operation takes place at the inte‫ ܮ‬ൌ ‫்ܨ‬௢௧௔௟ ൅ ߣ൫ܲ஽ ൅ ܲ௅ െ σே ௜ୀଵ ܲீ௜ ൯(9) grator which is one of the important parts of the neuron; the result is again a scalar added to a scalar bias b to form the net  input n. Where  is called Lagrange multiplier. The result n is then transformed by a transfer function f As we know, to get the minimum of a function we have to derive it: which produces the neuron output a [12][13]. The Lagrange function can be constructed as shown bellow [9][10]:


the previous layer as shown in the following f formula: ௔௖௧௨௔௟ ௔௡௧௘௥௜௢௥ ‫ݓ‬௞௝ ൌ ߂‫ݓ‬௞௝ ൅ ‫ݓ‬௞௝


And the total error is known as thee mean square error expressed in the previous equation [13]: ‫ݎ݋ݎݎܧ‬௚௟௢௕௔௟ ൌ

ଵ ଶ௉

ሺ௣ሻ ሺ௣ሻ σ௉௉ୀଵ σே ௄ୀଵ ቀ‫ݕ‬௞ െ ݀௞ ቁ(22)

Where: N is the number of neurons in thhe output layer and ܲ is the number of examples in the trainingg sample. ோ ݊ ൌ σ௝ୀଵ ‫ݓ‬ଵǡ௝ ‫ ݌‬െ ܾ(19)Normally to minimize this criterionn function, is employed learning rule given by the gradient desceending [12][13].

Fig.2. Artificial neuron moodel

4.3. Neural Network Learning

ο‫ݓ‬௞௝ ൌ  െߟ‫୵׏‬ౡౠ ൫”””‘”୥୪୭ୠୟ୪ ൯

Learning is a process by which the free parrameters from a neural network are adapted, through a simulation prrocess by the environment in which the network is contained [12][133 ][14 ]. The supervised and unsupervised methods arre essentially the two types of learning for a neural network. In ourr case we are going to use the supervised learning where the traininng is controlled by an external agent which watches the answer that the network supposed to generate from the determined entrance. Thee supervisor compares the output of the network with the expected onne and determines the amount of modifications to be made on the weeights [12][13]. The supervised learning can be done throughh the three following Paradigms: • Error correction learning • Reinforcement learning • Stochastic learning.


If ߟ takes a little, value the learrning process is made smoothly which gives as result an incremeent in the time of convergence to a stable solution. In the other hannd if ߟhas an important value the speed of learning gets increaseed but there is the risk that the process has divergence and this causes the instability of the system [11][12][13].

5. Application and compaarison of results 5.1. Data set In this section we are going to apply the two methods on the test grid IEEE 30 – bus

4.4. Error correction Learning

Fig .3. Representation of three layeers network. During the artificial neural network trainning by error correction the weights of the communication links are adjusted trying to minimize a function of cost dependinng on the difference between the desired values and the obtainedd one from the output network [12] [13]. It’s required to determine the modifications on weights using the committed error; the correction error is calcculated as the following expression:

Fig .4. Single line diagrram of IEEE-30bus Table 1. The generatoors characteristics

߂‫ݓ‬௞௜ ൌ ߟ‫ݕ‬௝ ሺ݀௞ െ ‫ݕ‬௞ ሻ(20)  Where,߂‫ݓ‬௞௜ is the weight variation of the connection between the neurons j from the anterior layer and the output layer node k ݀௞ ǣ The desired neuron output. k,‫ݕ‬௝ and ‫ݕ‬௞ are the output values produced in the neuron i and k respectively [12][13]. ߟ : a positive factor denominated the learninng rateͲ ൏ ߟ ൏ ͳ. We can say that the new weight is proportioonal to the committed error produced by the network and the answ wer of the node ݆ in

Bus No 2 5 8 11 13


Regulated Bus Data Voltage Min.M Mvar Magnitude Capaccity 1.043 -40 1.010 -40 1.010 -10 1.082 -6 1.071 -6

Max Mvar Capacity 50 40 40 24 24

Table 2. The generators characteristics N°B




1 2 5 8 11 13

560 300 77 560 300 80

7.91 7.86 7.98 7.91 7.86 8

15.63e-4 19.45e-4 48.10e-4 15.63e-4 19.45e-4 49.00e-4

Pl 3e-5 9e-5 12e-5 3e-5 9e-5 13e-5

Architecture and training phase

Pg min Pg max MW MW 150 500 100 400 50 200 150 500 100 400 60 220

In our paper we are studying a fitting problem in other word a modelization problem this may explain the reason for which we have used a Levenberg Marquardt learning algorithm (trainlm); the network contains two layers: • The first : hidden with 2 neurons. • The second :is the output with 6 neurons • The transfer function at the first layer is tansig. • The transfer function at the second layer is purelin. • The input 'p' is an [1x16] matrice . • The target 't' is an [6x16] matrice.

5.2. Results 5.2. 1.Classical method

Table 5. Economic dispatch with neural network Training phase

Table 3. Economic dispatch with classical method Total Demand (MW) 900 910 920 930 940 950 960 970 980 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

Total Demand (MW) 900 910 920 930 940 950 960 970 980 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

Generation (MW) G1 235.1 237.8 240.4 243.1 245.8 248.4 251.1 253.8 256.4 261.8 288.5 315.3 342.3 369.4 396.5 423.8

G2 152.71 154.34 155.97 157.60 159.23 160.86 162.49 164.12 165.75 169.01 185.29 201.56 217.80 234.02 250.22 266.40

G3 69.807 70.635 71.464 72.293 73.122 73.951 74.781 75.611 76.441 78.102 86.424 94.772 103.15 111.55 119.98 128.43

G4 226.70 229.34 231.98 234.63 237.27 239.92 242.57 245.21 247.86 253.17 279.74 306.41 333.19 360.08 387.07 414.17

G5 160.91 162.56 164.20 165.85 167.50 169.14 170.79 172.43 174.08 177.37 193.82 210.25 226.66 243.05 259.42 275.78

G6 64.240 65.039 65.838 66.637 67.436 68.236 69.035 69.835 70.636 72.237 80.257 88.299 96.365 104.45 112.57 120.70

Total Generation (MW) 909.5262 919.7300 929.9400 940.1500 950.3600 960.5800 970.7900 981.0100 991.2300 1011.7000 1114.1000 1216.7000 1319.5000 1422.5000 1525.8000 1629.3000

G2 152.71 154.34 155.97 157.60 159.23 160.86 162.49 164.12 165.75 169.01 185.30 201.56 217.80 234.02 250.22 266.40

G3 69.807 70.635 71.464 72.292 73.121 73.951 74.781 75.611 76.441 78.102 86.426 94.775 103.15 111.55 119.98 128.43

G4 226.70 229.34 231.99 234.63 237.27 239.92 242.56 245.21 247.86 253.16 279.74 306.41 333.19 360.08 387.07 414.17

G5 160.91 162.56 164.20 165.85 167.50 169.14 170.79 172.44 174.08 177.37 193.83 210.25 226.66 243.05 259.42 275.78

G6 64.242 65.040 65.838 66.637 67.436 68.235 69.035 69.835 70.635 72.237 80.257 88.300 96.364 104.45 112.57 120.70

Table 6. The total: Losses, Generation and Cost

Table 4. The total: Losses, Generation and Cost Total losses (MW) 9.5262 9.7319 9.9399 10.1500 10.3630 10.5770 10.7940 11.0130 11.2350 11.6840 14.0660 16.6700 19.4980 22.5490 25.8230 29.3210

Generation (MW) G1 235.17 237.82 240.48 243.14 245.80 248.46 251.13 253.79 256.46 261.79 288.54 315.38 342.34 369.40 396.57 423.85

Total losses (MW) 9.5262 9.7319 9.9399 10.1500 10.3630 10.5770 10.7940 11.0130 11.2350 11.6840 14.0660 16.6700 19.4980 22.5490 25.8230 29.3210

Total Cost ($) 9372.6 9460.2 9547.8 9635.6 9723.5 9811.5 9899.6 9987.8 10076.0 10253.0 11143.0 12044.0 12953.4 13873.0 14803.0 15744.0

Total Generation (MW) 909.5262 919.7300 929.9400 940.1500 950.3600 960.5800 970.7900 981.0100 991.2300 1011.7000 1114.1000 1216.7000 1319.5000 1422.5000 1525.8000 1629.3000

Total Cost ($) 9372.5 9460.1 9547.8 9635.6 9723.5 9811.5 9899.6 9987.8 10076.0 10253.0 11143.0 12043.0 12953.0 13873.0 14803.0 15743.0

After the training phase the network is ready. Now we will introduce a real input matrice we can get from the electrical load

5.2.2. Neural network


curve for example. Let’ see our results at real time.

space to compute the exact values of generated demand power in every point on the electrical load curve .

Table 7.Economic dispatch with neural network at real time Total Demand (MW) 905 915 925 935 945 955 965 975 985 1005 1155 1270 1390 1463 1533 1605


Generation (MW) G1 236.49 239.15 241.81 244.47 247.13 249.80 252.46 255.13 257.79 263.13 303.29 334.24 366.68 386.50 405.57 425.25

G2 153.53 155.16 156.79 158.42 160.04 161.67 163.30 164.93 166.56 169.82 194.24 212.93 232.40 244.23 255.56 267.21

G3 70.221 71.050 71.878 72.707 73.536 74.366 75.195 76.025 76.856 78.517 91.014 100.63 110.71 116.86 122.77 128.87

G4 228.02 230.66 233.30 235.95 238.59 241.24 243.89 246.54 249.19 254.49 294.40 325.15 357.38 377.07 396.01 415.57

G5 161.74 163.38 165.03 166.67 168.32 169.96 171.61 173.26 174.90 178.19 202.86 221.74 241.41 253.36 264.82 276.59


G6 64.640 65.439 66.237 67.036 67.835 68.635 69.435 70.235 71.035 72.637 84.677 93.942 103.64 109.56 115.25 121.12






Table 8. The total: Losses, Generation and Cost Total losses (MW)

Total Generation (MW)

Total Cost ($)

9.640 9.840 10.040 10.250 10.460 10.686 10.890 11.110 11.340 11.790 15.487 18.637 22.226 24.583 26.983 29.608

914.64 924.84 935.04 945.25 955.46 965.68 975.89 986.11 996.34 1016.80 1170.50 1288.60 1412.20 1487.60 1560.00 1634.60

9416.4 9504.0 9591.7 9679.5 9767.5 9855.5 9899.6 10032.0 10120.0 10297.0 11637.0 12680.0 13781.0 14458.0 15113.0 15791.0






6. Conclusion In this paper the economic dispatch has been investigated using two different methods which are the gradient and the neural network methods. Both methods have been explored and tested. The comparison between these two methods shows that the neural networks method gives better results than the classical gradient method. We can see clearly the utility and the importance of the neural network in this case by looking directly to accuracy and speed of results and the effect of this two characteristics on the optimization of fuel in very short time, that gives as more large




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