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STATS545 545 Data Analysis in Mol Bio /Bioinformatics 545 /Biostat 646 (3 credits) STATS 700 TopicsAppl Stat 1 (1.5-3 credits) SI 515 Material Culture...

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Cognate for CSE

Use toward CSE degree as CSE credit

Recommended cognate courses for CSE graduate students As part of your CSE graduate degree, you are required to take four hours of cognate credit. This is a Rackham requirement. In addition, CSE requires that cognate courses be a graduate level outside of CSE, and that the course does not include content that would otherwise be considered CSE. Graduate-level courses in other departments generally count as cognates as long as they do not significantly overlap with CSE material. Below is a list of approved courses from other departments and colleges that CSE students have used as cognates in the past. Because of the potential overlap with School of Information, we explicitly list all SI that can serve as a cognate. If a SI course is not listed below (or is listed as available for CSE credit) it cannot be used as a cognate. Courses from other departments and colleges can serve as cognates, but you must verify with the department offering the course that it is approved for Rackham graduate credit for the term you are taking it AND you must receive approval from both your academic advisor (via your plan of study, if you’re at the master’s level) and the CSE Graduate Office. Courses listed at the “doctoral level” cannot be used to fulfill any requirements for the master’s degree, per Rackham.

AERO 585 AOSS 749 BIOINF 545 BIOSTAT 646 CMPLXSYS 501 CMPLXSYS 530 CMPLXSYS 535 ECON 409 ECON 442 ECON 601/602/603/604 ENTR 599 IOE 474 IOE 510 IOE 512 IOE 612 LING 545 LING 547 LING 450 MATH 425 MATH 556 MATH 561 MATH 571 MATH 572 MATH 671 PUBPOL 754 PHYSICS 508 PSYCH 547 PSYCH 703 PSYCH 749 ROB 550 STATS 425 STATS 545 STATS 700 SI 515 SI 519 SI 520 SI 529 SI 542 SI 544 SI 545 SI 546 SI 550 SI 551 SI 553 SI 557 SI 562 SI 563 SI 579 SI 580 SI 583 SI 589 SI 603 SI 621 SI 628 SI 629 SI 642 SI 649 SI 650 SI 652 SI 653 SI 654 SI 660 SI 679 SI 680 SI 683 SI 685 SI 686 SI 702 SI 703 SI 705 SI 708 SI 719 SI 721 SI 742 SI 754 SI 757 SI 769 SI 779 SI 786

AERO 585 Aerospace Seminar (1 credit) AOSS 749 A and S Seminar (1 credit) BIOINF 545 Data Analysis in Mol Bio /Stat 545 /Biostat 646 (3 credits) BIOSTAT 646 Data Analysis in Mol Bio /Stat 545 /Bioinformatics 545 (3 credits) CMPLXSYS 501 Intro Complex Systems (3 credits) CMPLXSYS 530 Computer Modeling (3 credits) CMPLXSYS 535 Network Theory /Physics 508 (3 credits) ECON 409 Game Theory (4 credits) ECON 442 International Finance (4 credits) ECON 601, 602, 603, 604 Microecomic Theory I, II, III, IV (1.5 credits each) ENTR 599 Special Topics Entrepreneurship (3 credits) Sections 008, 011, 014, 018, 019, 020, and 030 only IOE 474 Simulation (4 credits) IOE 510 Linear Programming /Math 561/TO 518 (3 credits) IOE 512 Dynamic Programming (3 credits) IOE 612 Network Flows (3 credits) LING 545 Cognitive Ling (3 credits) LING 547 Exper Language Proc /Psych 547 (3 credits) LING 450 Persptive 2nd Lang /ELI 450 (3 credits) MATH 425 Intro Probabil /Stat 425 (3 credits) MATH 556 Appl Fin Analysis (3 credits) MATH 561 Linear Programming /IOE 510/TO 518 (3 credits) MATH 571 Num Linear Algebra (3 credits) MATH 572 Num Meth (3 credits) MATH 671 Numerical Meth 1 (3 credits) PUBPOL 754 Res Seminar in Science, Tech & Pub Policy (J. Duderstadt instructor) (1-3 credits) PHYSICS 508 Network Theory / Comp Syst 535 (3 credits) PSYCH 547 Exper Language Proc /Ling 547 (3 credits) PSYCH 703 Cognition & Environ (3 credits) PSYCH 749 Cognitive Functioning (3 credits) ROB 550 Robotic Sys Lab (4 credits) STATS 425 Intro Probabil /Math 425 (3 credits) STATS 545 Data Analysis in Mol Bio /Bioinformatics 545 /Biostat 646 (3 credits) STATS 700 Topics Appl Stat 1 (1.5-3 credits) SI 515 Material Culture. (1 to 6.5 credits) SI 519 Intel Prop&Info Law (3 credits) SI 520 Graphic Design (1 to 6.5 credits) SI 529 Online Communities (3 credits) SI 542/BIOINF 668/HMP 668 Health Informatics. Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing (3 credits) SI 544 Intr Stat&Data Analy (3 credits) SI 545 Info Tech & Dev. (3 credits) SI 546 Personal Privacy. (3 credits) SI 550 Sem On Info Policy. (3 credits) SI 551 Info Seek Behav. (3 credits) SI 553 Multimedia Productn. (3 credits) SI 557 Visual Persuasion. (3 credits) SI 562 Microecon Inf Prof. (1.5 credits) SI 563 Game Theory. (3 credits) SI 579 Gov Info&Policy. (3 credits) SI 580/HISTORY 600 Records & Archives (3 credits) SI 583 Recommender Systems. (1.5 credits) SI 589 Hist of Cmp&Internet. (3 credits) SI 603 Economics of Sust Digtl Inf. Advisory pre-requisite: SI 581 (1.5 credits) SI 621/PUBPOL 720 Inf, Eth&Applied Pol. Advisory pre-requisite: SI 500 (3 credits) SI 628/PUBPOL 728 Inf Tec,Emg Law&Pol. Advisory pre-requisite: SI 501 or taken concurrently; permission of instructor (3 credits) SI 629 Access Sys Archives. Advisory pre-requisite: SI 502 or permission of instructor (3 credits) SI 642/HMP 696/BIOINF 555 Adv Topics Hlth Info. (3 credits) SI 649 Info Visualization Advisory pre-requisite: One of the following SI 622, 682, 539 or permission of instructor (3 credits) SI 650 Information Retrieval Advisory pre-requisite: SI 502 (3 credits) SI 652 Electronic Commerce (3 credits) SI 653/HMP 670/HBEHED 653 DecMaking HealthCare. (3 credits) SI 654/HMP 649 Pol Issues in HIT. Advisory pre-requisite: SI 542 or permission of instructor (3 credits) SI 660/PUBPOL 660 Comp Strat&Policy. Advisory pre-requisite: permission of instructor (3 credits) SI 679 Agg & Pred Markets. Advisory pre-requisite: SI 563 or permission of instructor (1.5 credits) SI 680 ICD: Contracting. Advisory pre-requisite: SI 562 & SI 563 or equivalent course in intermediate microeconomics (1.5 credits) SI 683 Reputation Systems. Advisory pre-requisite: An introduction to game theory, such as SI 563; or SI 652. Others need permission of instructor. (1.5 SI 685 Entrepreneurship. Advisory pre-requisite: SI 663 or equivalent (3 credits) SI 686 User-Gen Content. Advisory pre-requisite: SI 563 or permission of instructor (1.5 credits) SI 702/BA 840 Sem Orgnztl St. Advisory pre-requisite: Doctoral Student Status (1 to 4 credits) SI 703 Foundations of Info. Advisory pre-requisite: Doctoral student status (3 credits) SI 705 Learning Sciences. Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of Instructor (3 credits) SI 708/CMPLXSYS 608 Netwrk Thry Cmplxsys. Advisory pre-requisite: Doctoral student status (3 credits) SI 719/HISTORY 619/RACKHAM 619 Science Tech&Med. Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. (3 credits) SI 721 Data Mining. (3 credits) vs 671 with lots of prereqs… SI 742 Concepts in Hlth Inf. Advisory pre-requisite: Doctoral standing (3 credits) SI 754 Data Curation. Required pre-requisite: Doctoral Level Advisory pre-requisite: For Open Data IGERT fellows, doctoral standing and permission of SI 757 Info Tech and Inter. (3 credits) SI 769/PUBPOL 802/AAS 769 Global Elec Commerce:Inf Pol. Advisory pre-requisite: Doctoral Students. (3 credits) SI 779 Agg&Pred Markets. (1.5 credits) SI 786 User-Gen Content. Advisory pre-requisite: SI 563 or permission of instructor (1.5 credits)

last updated: August 2017