Entrepreneurial Marketing, Spring 2006, Final Exam

gained from: a) writing this exam and b) the EEE382 class in general as recorded in your learning log. Remember: be a revolutionary for the sake of ma...

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Entrepreneurial Marketing Spring 2006 Final Exam Dr. Minet Schindehutte Purpose: Over the course of the semester we’ve covered the theory (i.e. topics, definitions, readings, etc.), practice (i.e. cases, inventions) and philosophy (i.e. secrets, book review) of entrepreneurial marketing. You are challenged to go beyond the mere recording or facts and principles of the course in order to demonstrate what you’ve learned about entrepreneurial marketing and indicate how EEE382 is relevant to you as a future entrepreneurial marketer.

Examination Details: Q1: Create your own examination question. State the question clearly and then proceed to answer the question. You have to use at least 10 different concepts/topics from the course in your answer. Q2: Write a reflective statement of 450 to 500 words about specific insights you have personally gained from: a) writing this exam and b) the EEE382 class in general as recorded in your learning log.

Remember: be a revolutionary for the sake of marketing!! Criteria for Evaluation (5C’s): 1. The extent to which your examination question, answer and overall presentation is entrepreneurial and creative (i.e. imaginative/ provocative/ purple cow/ insightful, etc.) (20 points) 2. Your ability to demonstrate that you fully understand the concepts in this course (particularly topics covered during the last 15 sessions of the semester). This would require that you select relevant examples for 10 concepts/topics to illustrate your comprehension and that your questions and answer demonstrates course relevance (i.e. strong ties to key course concepts) (20 points) 3. The extent to which you apply the 10 concepts/topics you select in the context of your own question with clarity (i.e. well-prepared, good style, gracefully expressed, carefully presented) (20 points) 4. The amount of integration you accomplish between disparate topics in order to create a holistic perspective of entrepreneurial marketing, instead of addressing 10 separate and unrelated topics. Evidence of synthesis, the level at which you unify concepts to make a point or establish a position and conscientiousness (i.e. thorough coverage of relevant materials and content) are important. (20 points) 5. The quality of your self-assessment as evidenced by your reflective statement in terms of conciseness (succinct expression that complies with length restrictions). Submit your learning log as supporting material for your reflective statement. (20 points) 6. Your ability to exceed your own expectations. I have no pre-set notion of what you are able to accomplish. Let the unique aspects of “you as the entrepreneurial marketer” guide your approach to this examination. (just because)

Nitty Gritty of the Examination: ■ ■

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Your exam answer does not have to be typed, but if it is, the limit is 2 pages single spacing in TNR 12 font (not including the reflective statement of 500 words). Your final exam submission (answer, reflection and learning log) is due no later than the starting time allocated for your exam session i.e. before 5pm on Friday 5/5/2006. You can drop off your exam submission any time before the relevant due date/time at SOM 532 or at SOM 116. All answers must be submitted in tangible/physical format and cannot be posted on digital drop box. No e-mail submissions will be accepted --- please note this requirement. Please print your name and sign next to it, with a brief statement to confirm that all the work you do for this exam is your own i.e. that you agree to abide by the honor code of SU.