environmental assessment report - EPA Tasmania

III. Report summary. This report provides an environmental assessment of McKay Investments Pty Ltd (Trading as. McKay Timber) proposed expansion of a ...

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Bridgewater Saw Mill Expansion 58 Blue Metal Drive Bridgewater McKay Timber

Board of the Environment Protection Authority November 2013

Environmental Assessment Report Proponent

McKay Investments Pty Ltd


Increase in production from 8,000m3 to 13,000m3 per annum of sawn product


58 Blue Metal Drive, Bridgewater



Permit application no.

DA 2013/130 (Brighton Council)





Class of Assessment


Assessment process milestones 26 August 2013

Notice of Intent lodged

9 September 2013

EER Guidelines issued

11 September 2103

Permit application submitted to Council

13 September 2013

Application received by Board

28 September 2013

Start of public consultation period

12 October 2013

End of public consultation period

Environmental Assessment Report

McKay Investments Pty Ltd – Expansion of a sawmill, Bridgewater I

Acronyms Board

Board of the Environment Protection Authority


Environmental Effects Report


Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment


Environmental impact assessment


Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994


Environmental management and pollution control system


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth)


Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993


Resource management and planning system


Sustainable development

Environmental Assessment Report

McKay Investments Pty Ltd – Expansion of a sawmill, Bridgewater II

Report summary This report provides an environmental assessment of McKay Investments Pty Ltd (Trading as McKay Timber) proposed expansion of a saw mill from 8,000m3 production per annum to 13,000m3 production per annum. The proposal involves the construction of a 640m2 building being constructed at the north east corner of the existing mill building to house a relocated saw line from St Helens. The building will have a concrete floor, and be timber framed with corrugated iron cladding. The building will contain a resaw carriage, multi saw edger, recovery saw bench, residue wood chipper and conveyancing and electrical equipment in support of the equipment. There will be the relocation of the existing sawdust bin and a second chipper located in the existing chipper enclosure, refer section B of the Environmental Effects Report (EER). This report has been prepared based on information provided by the proponent in the EER. Relevant government agencies and the public have been consulted and their submissions and comments considered as part of this assessment. Further details of the assessment process are presented in section 1 of this report. Section 2 describes the statutory objectives and principles underpinning the assessment. Details of the proposal are provided in section 3. Section 4 reviews the need for the proposal and considers the alternatives to the proposal. Section 5 summarises the public and agency consultation process. The detailed evaluation of environmental issues is contained in section 6. The report conclusions are contained in section 7. Appendix 1 contains the environmental permit conditions for the proposal. Attachment 2 of the permit conditions contains the table of commitments from the EER. The environmental permit conditions in Appendix 2 are a new set of operating conditions for the entire, intensified activity that will supersede the existing environment protection notice.

Environmental Assessment Report

McKay Investments Pty Ltd – Expansion of a sawmill, Bridgewater III

Table of Contents 1

Approval process ..................................................................................... 1


SD objectives and EIA principles.............................................................. 1


The proposal ............................................................................................ 2


Need for the proposal and alternatives ..................................................... 5


Public and agency consultation ................................................................ 6


Evaluation of environmental issues .......................................................... 7


Report conclusions................................................................................. 15


Report approval...................................................................................... 16

Environmental Assessment Report

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1 Approval process A Notice of Intent in relation to the proposal was received by the Board of the Environment Protection Authority (the Board) on 26 August 2013. An application for a permit under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (LUPA Act) in relation to the proposal was submitted to Brighton Council on 11 September 2103. The proposal is defined as a ‘level 2 activity’ under clause 2(g), schedule 2 of the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPC Act), being wood processing. Section 25(1) of the EMPC Act required Council to refer the application to the Board of the Environment Protection Authority (the Board) for assessment under the Act. The application was received by the Board on 13 September 2013. The assessment has been undertaken by the Director, Environment Protection Authority under delegation from the Board. The Board required that information to support the proposal be provided in the form of an Environmental Effects Report (EER). The EER were submitted to the Department for comment prior to its finalisation and acceptance on behalf of the Board. The final EER was submitted to Council. The EER was released for public inspection for a 14-day period commencing on 28 September 2013. An advertisement was placed in The Mercury newspaper and a notice was placed on the EPA website. The EER was also referred at this time to relevant government agencies for comment. No public submissions were received.

2 SD objectives and EIA principles The proposal must be considered by the Director in the context of the objectives of the Resource Management and Planning System of Tasmania (RMPS), and in the context of the objectives of the Environmental Management and Pollution Control System (EMPCS) (both sets of objectives are specified in Schedule 1 the EMPC Act). The functions of the Board are to administer and enforce the provisions of the Act, and in particular to use its best endeavours to further the RMPS and EMPCS objectives. The Director must undertake the assessment of the proposal in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Principles defined in Section 74 of the EMPC Act.

Environmental Assessment Report

McKay Investments Pty Ltd – Expansion of a sawmill, Bridgewater 1

3 The proposal The proposal involves an increase in maximum production of an existing saw mill from 8,000 to 13,000 cubic metres per year, installation of a second saw line (with associated equipment) and a second chipper. A detailed description of the proposal is provided in Section B1 of the EER. The main characteristics of the proposal are summarised in Table 1. Table 1: Summary of the proposal’s main characteristics Activity The activity is a sawmill (Clause 2g, schedule 2 of the EMPC Act). An annual production limit of 13,000 cubic 2 metres is proposed. Activities proposed under this application include construction of a 640m building at the north east corner of the existing mill building to house a relocated saw line.

Location and planning context Location

58 Blue Metal Drive, Bridgewater, as shown in Figure 1.

Land zoning

The site is zoned as Industrial under the Brighton Planning Scheme 2000.

Land tenure

Private (McKay Timber).

Existing site Land Use

The site has been used as a sawmill for approximately 40 years.


Site is on a gently undulating plain 50m above sea level. The area utilised for the sawmill is almost flat. Genappe Spur is 1700m to the west.


Tertiary basalts from the cenozoic era.


Soil type is vertosol which is a clayey soil.


The north of the site is open pasture/scrubland that falls off into a gully (Crooked Billet Creek), off the Jordan River. Seasonal watercourses are located 100m from the northern boundary (Crooked Billet Creek), 200m from the eastern boundary (Jordan River), and 500m from the southern boundary.

Fauna and flora

The proposal is within the existing footprint of the McKay Timber mill and should not have a significant impact on fauna or flora.

Cultural heritage

No cultural heritage issues have been identified at the site.

Local region Climate

Rainfall approximately 528 mm per annum. westerly.

Surrounding land zoning, tenure and uses

The surrounding land is also zoned industrial or infrastructure. There is an existing residence adjacent to the timber yard within an existing wreckers’ yard that is zoned industrial. The house is approximately 100m from the proposed building. There is rural land surrounding the industrial area.

Species of conservation significance

Not applicable.

Wind direction is predominantly north

Proposed infrastructure Major equipment

The building will contain a re-saw carriage, multi saw edger, recovery saw bench, residue, wood chipper, conveyancing and electrical equipment in support of equipment. The existing saw dust bin will need to be relocated as well as the above ground diesel

Environmental Assessment Report

McKay Investments Pty Ltd – Expansion of a sawmill, Bridgewater 2

fuel tank. A second chipper will be located in the existing chipper enclosure. Other infrastructure

Not applicable.

Inputs Water

Stormwater from runoff.


Mains power, diesel fuel, machinery fuel and hydraulic fuel.

Other raw materials

Timber logs.

Wastes and emissions Liquid

Stormwater runoff from buildings and wood stock piles.


Exhaust emissions from site vehicles, and rogue sawdust emissions.


Solid waste comprises sawmill floor sweepings and non-commercial wood off cuts.

Controlled wastes

There will be no controlled wastes.


The expansion adds a re-saw and edger line, and a second chipper.

Construction, commissioning and operations Proposal timetable

It is expected that construction would take approximately 4 months, with the development operational by mid-2014.

Operating hours (ongoing)

0700 to 1800 hours Monday to Saturday.

Environmental Assessment Report

McKay Investments Pty Ltd – Expansion of a sawmill, Bridgewater 3

Figure 1: Site location (figure 1 of EER)

Environmental Assessment Report

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Figure 2: Site plan (figure 2 of EER)

4 Need for the proposal and alternatives The EER states that the development is in response to an offer under the Intergovernmental Agreement on Tasmanian Forests to close the supply of saw log from NE Tasmania to the McKay Timber St Helens sawmill. To enable McKay’s to meet demand for its product, production from the Bridgewater mill is required to increase beyond the current limit of 8,000 m3 to 13,000 m3 per annum. This is to be achieved by relocating the St Helens saw line to Bridgewater where it will operate in parallel to the existing saw line. There were no alternatives proposed.

Environmental Assessment Report

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5 Public and agency consultation No public representations were received. The EER was referred to a number of government agencies/bodies with an interest in the proposal. Responses were received from the following: 

Economic Development

Transport Infrastructure Services Division, DIER

The following Divisions/areas of the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment also provided submissions on the EER: 

Noise Specialist, EPA Division

The proponent has also undertaken its own public consultation process. McKay Timber has had discussion with the Minister for Forests, Forestry Tasmania and DIER regarding supply of resource for the expansion and its funding under the Intergovernmental Agreement on Tasmanian Forests. These organisations did not raise any issues against the expansion. McKay Timber has also had discussion with its Bridgewater neighbours as listed below and they also raised no objection to the development. It is understood that no complaints have been received in relation to the operation. BUSINESS Wrecking yard

COMMENTS No objection to any increase in activity and is quite supportive. Rarely hear the mill and the predominant noise comes from the Highway. Don’t perceive any increase in mill activity will affect them. Adjacent Has no problem with the sawmill activities. The road is where the noise residence comes from. Panel & Spray Has no issues with the saw mill and supports more business activity. Shop Hardly knows that the mill is there and perceives any increase in activity would not affect him. Commercial Would welcome and support any increase in commercial activity. Trailer Solution Has no issues and would like to see more activity to support business growth Boral Quarry Has no issues with the proposal.

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6 Evaluation of environmental issues The environmental issues considered relevant to the proposal have been evaluated by the EPA Division. Details of this evaluation, along with the permit conditions required by the Director, are discussed below.

Issue 1: Water quality Description of potential impacts Rainfall on the site may generate stormwater runoff contaminated with suspended sediments, sawdust, leachate, litter, and petroleum products. The additional building will increase storm water flows from buildings by an estimated 30%. Management measures proposed in EER The EER states that the potential impact of the total storm water flow into Crooked Billet Creek and then into the Jordan River is very low. Stormwater from the site is currently trapped in an on-site pond that is used for log watering. Pond overflow is initially piped to the northern boundary and then runs naturally across the ground eventually filtering into Crooked Billet Creek. Crooked Billet Creek flows into the Jordan River approximately 200 metres downstream. Public and agency comment No public or agency responses were received in regard to water quality. Evaluation There is an existing settlement pond to deal with any effluent that comes from an increase in through put from logs to the site. Standard permit condition relating to effluent disposal is considered appropriate (Condition E1). Conclusion The proponent will be required to comply with the following standard (generic) condition: E1 Stormwater

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Issue 2: Noise emissions Description of potential impacts Noise from construction and operation has the potential to impact upon surrounding residences. The EER states that the expanded site noise emissions of 59 dBA adjacent to the nearest residence are expected to be: 

At 2dB above current levels, unlikely to be perceived as a change by most people.

Below the EPN condition of 65 dBA.

Well below the traffic noise level of 69 dBA.

Site noise emissions after the expansion are therefore expected to be acceptable. Management measures proposed in EER The second residue chipper will be housed in a sound enclosure (existing enclosure) (Commitment 2). Public and agency comment No comment received. Evaluation The position presented regarding predicted noise impacts in the EER appears reasonable. The slight increase in noise is as expected. When compared to the prevailing traffic noise, which is about 10 dB(A) higher, the increase is insignificant. The current noise levels imposed on the activity by EPN 7536/2 are 65 dB(A) in the daytime (0700 to 1800 hours) and 40 dB(A) at other times. These limits reflect the daytime commercial nature of the only nearby residence. The noise assessment was based on daytime-only operation of the saw mill and this should be imposed as a (condition N1). Restriction of hours provided by condition N1 does not prevent or restrict the loading of timber, woodchips, sawdust or maintenance occurring outside the permitted hours. Condition N2 provides a noise limit for this period. Standard permit conditions relating to noise emissions are considered appropriate (conditions N2, N3, N4, N5, N6 and N7). The management measures outlined in the EER are considered appropriate. The sound enclosure will attenuate the noise from the residue chipper. Conclusion The proponent will be required to comply with non-standard (generic) condition: N1 Operating hours The proponent will be required to comply with the following standard (generic) condition: N2 Noise emission limits N3 Noise survey requirements N4 Noise Survey method and reporting requirements N5 Noise complaints N6 Log drops N7 Chain saw operation

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Issue 3: Air emissions Description of potential impacts Emissions of dust from the sawmill and from vehicle movements on unsealed surfaces on the property may result in dust being carried off site, creating environmental nuisance to nearby residents and those passing the property. Management measures proposed in EER The EER states that the addition of another saw line will not change the potential impact of air emissions from the site as:  The new saw line will similarly use an enclosed saw dust conveyance system.  The new saw line is contained inside a building so wind does not disperse the sawdust.  The number of onsite vehicles will remain the same and the number of heavy vehicle movements increases to 11 per day. The emission of vehicle exhausts therefore remains insignificant compared to that produced by the adjacent Midland Highway. Public and agency comment No comment received. Evaluation Sawdust should be captured at the source and transported to the hopper or other storage facility by means which prevent fugitive dust emissions. Roads around the property should be watered when necessary. Loads of sawdust and/or woodchips being removed from the site should be covered. Good housekeeping practices should be employed to minimise dust generation. Standard permit conditions relating to air emissions are considered appropriate (conditions A1, A2, A3 and A4). Management measures provided in the EER are considered adequate. Conclusion The proponent will be required to comply with the following standard (generic) conditions: A1 Covering of vehicles A2 Dust emissions from traffic areas A3 Control of fugitive emissions – Sawdust A4 Restrictions for burning on-site

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Issue 4: Waste management Description of potential impacts Sawmill residues, disused plant and equipment, waste oil and general waste can accumulate on site and may cause site contamination, reduced visual amenity and reduced site safety. Poor timber conversion efficiencies can create waste timber offcuts, in addition to the generation of normal mill waste such as sawdust. Poor storage and removal of solid waste can cause nuisance for nearby residents. Management measures proposed in EER The EER states that the current saw mill does not generate liquid effluent/waste, and the expanded operation will similarly generate no liquid waste. Solid waste comprises sawmill floor sweepings and non-commercial wood off cuts, of which a portion is re-processed by others as garden mulch, with the remainder disposed of at the Glenorchy landfill site. The expansion will increase the solid waste taken to landfill each year from some 20 tonnes to 35 tonnes. Public and agency comment No comment received. Evaluation The existing site is generally in a tidy condition. The proposed management measures are considered adequate. Construction waste should be dealt with as per the waste requirements of a construction site. Conclusion No conditions required. Information on the waste management hierarchy is to be included in the information schedules of the permit.

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Issue 5: Hazardous substances/site contamination Description of potential impacts Accidental spillage of fuels, oils used on site may contaminate surface and groundwater and/or soil. Management measures proposed in EER The EER states that currently the onsite hazardous substances are diesel fuel, machinery oil, and hydraulic oil. All are stored in above ground, bunded, storage facilities. The expanded operations will not be introducing any new hazardous substances, and the current storage quantities are sufficient to service the expanded operation. There will therefore be no impact from hazardous substances due to the expanded operations. McKay timber also advised that:  Soil contamination will not be an issue when constructing the new building, as the above ground fuel storage tank was established on an existing concrete slab as was the fuelling apron which will contain any potential spill.  When McKay purchased the Bridgewater Sawmill the company inherited an above ground fuel storage tank that was located within a bund but the bund was not quite compliant with the revised building standard so a new bund was constructed at a suitable location on an existing concrete slab.  Should the sawmill expansion project proceed McKay Timber will relocate the above ground storage tank and bund to be adjacent the new chip storage bin to the standard required to ensure there will be no occurrence of contamination.  The above ground storage tank and bund are as one and can be easily transported to its new location by forklift without any risk of spillage. Public and agency comment No comment received. Evaluation The measures outlined above are considered adequate. Non-standard condition H1 has been included to reflect the existing condition on EPN 7536/2. This condition was determined at a planning appeal hearing in 2009 and has been placed on three McKay Timber sites. Standard permit conditions relating to hazardous substances are considered appropriate (conditions H2 and H3). Conclusion The proponent will be required to comply with non-standard (generic) condition: H1 Storage and handling of hazardous materials The proponent will be required to comply with the following standard (generic) conditions: H2 Hazardous material (< 250 litres) H3 Spill kits

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Issue 6: Heritage Description of potential impacts Construction activities on site may disturb or destroy artefacts Management measures proposed in EER The EER states that there are no cultural and aboriginal heritage environmental issues associated with McKay Timber Bridgewater site. Public and agency comment No comment received. Evaluation The site has been a timber yard for 40 years. Due to the small footprint of the extension of the shed and the modified nature of the site there should be no heritage issues. Conclusion No conditions required. Information on the aboriginal relics requirements is to be included in the information schedules of the permit.

Issue 7: Natural values Description of potential impacts Potentially may impact upon natural values. Management measures proposed in EER The development entails building on currently clear land in a central area of the site and as such has no impact on flora or fauna of the site. Public and agency comment No comment received. Evaluation The site has been a timber yard for 40 years. Due to the small footprint of the extension of the shed and the modified nature of the site there should be no fauna and flora issues. Conclusion No conditions required.

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Issue 8: Transport impacts Description of potential impacts Truck movements to and from the site can potentially cause dust and noise nuisance and have road traffic and infrastructure impacts. Management measures proposed in EER The EER states that trucks reach the site from the Midland highway taking the exit to the Industrial Estate East and then Blue Metal Drive to the site. All trucks enter the site via the northern entrance, are loaded/unloaded at the appropriate point and then move through the site and exit from the southern gate. The vehicle route is indicated on the site plan in Figure 2. Trucks do not park off site. The total number is small and will not impact on the access routes it uses. Total truck movements will increase from 7.5 to 11.25 per day. Public and agency comment Advice from the traffic engineer at DIER is that provided McKay Timber continues to use the service road and does not want direct access to the Highway, there is no objection from DIER’s point of view. The service road is now connected to the arterial network via a roundabout and grade separation. It used to be more directly joined at-grade but now with on and off-ramps the Bypass works have made it much safer and less stressful on drivers. DIER doesn’t plan to do any more/anything about minimising traffic noise emanating from State Roads in this area, DIER doesn’t generally retro-fit. This is only a consideration when building new roads or doing significant road upgrades (e.g. duplicating, like done at South Arm Hwy). Developer should be made aware of this. Evaluation McKay Timber were advised of DIER’s advice in the EER guidelines. Due to the limited increase in truck movements per day transport impacts should not be an issue. Dust impacts are covered under Issue 3. Conclusion No conditions required.

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Issue 9: Decommissioning and Rehabilitation Description of potential impacts Inappropriate decommissioning procedures at the end of the sawmill’s life may contribute to future degradation of the site. Management measures proposed in EER The project does not have a finite life and as such, no management measures are proposed in the EER. Public and agency comment No comment received. Evaluation Standard permit conditions relating to decommissioning and rehabilitation are considered appropriate (conditions DC1, DC2, DC3 and DC4). Conclusion The proponent will be required to comply with the following standard (generic) conditions: DC1 Notification of cessation DC2 DRP requirements DC3 Temporary suspension of activity DC4 Rehabilitation following cessation

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7 Report conclusions This assessment has been based on the information provided by the proponent, McKay Investment Pty Ltd (trading as McKay Timber), in the permit application, EER and in correspondence and discussion between the EPA Division and the proponent and the proponent’s representatives. This assessment has incorporated specialist advice provided by EPA Division scientific specialists and regulatory staff and other government agencies. It is concluded that: 1. the RMPS and EMPCS objectives have been duly and properly pursued in the assessment of the proposal; and 2. the assessment of the proposed activity has been undertaken in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Principles. It is concluded that the proposed activity is capable of being managed in an environmentally acceptable manner such that it is unlikely that the objectives of the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (the RMPS and EMPCS objectives) would be compromised, provided that the Permit Conditions - Environmental No. 8952 appended to this report are imposed and duly complied with and its requirements are duly complied with, including commitments made by the proponent in the EER. The environmental conditions appended to this report are a new set of operating conditions for the entire, intensified activity that will supersede the existing environment protection notice.

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10 Appendices Appendix 1

Permit conditions, includes Attachment 2 - EER commitments

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Appendix 1

Permit conditions - Environmental

Environmental Assessment Report

McKay Investments Pty Ltd – Expansion of a sawmill, Bridgewater