Español I Part 1: 2013-2014 Teacher/ Maestra: Sra. Plager E-mail:
[email protected] Phone: (480) 883- 4624 22 de julio del 2013 Dear Parents and 7th Graders, ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!
Welcome to Spanish class! You have chosen a class that will not only teach you another language, but will expose you to new ideas and different cultures. In Spanish 1 Part 1 you will develop your listening, reading, writing and conversational skills. You will experience different elements of Hispanic culture through drama, role-playing, pair work, writing activities, songs, videos, games and fun projects. I am looking forward to a wonderful year in our Spanish class! Be ready to learn and have fun! Textbook: We will be using the textbook “Así Se Dice” and we will be covering Chapters: Preliminary to 4. Students may go to to practice and have fun with the language. Enter your state (Arizona) and under subject, select “World Languages”. Select “Así se Dice Level 1 2012”. The code to access the online book edition is: B582B71941. This website also provides students with games and activities to practice the language. The following is a sample of the material we will be working on:
Greetings and goodbyes Numbers 0-100 Courteous expressions Expressing the date Describing the weather Telling the time Introducing yourself and others.
Suggested items for Spanish Class. 1’’ binder with 3 dividers Number 2 Pencils Index cards 3”x 5”
Telling your age and where you are from. Talking about school activities. Describing people and family Describing a house or an apartment. Describing daily activities Talking about food Ordering food in a restaurant
Classroom Wish List Donations: Wipes Hand sanitizer Tissue Index cards 3”x 5”
Homework policy (Tarea): Students should complete homework on a nightly basis. They will have at least 10-15 minutes of homework for every day they are in class. It is also highly recommended students study their vocabulary at minimum 10 minutes per day. A foreign language needs to be reinforced in order for optimal learning to take place. You may check the daily Homework (Tarea) and classroom work on the teacher’s website: GRADING POLICY: Your grade will be a reflection of the quality of your work. It will be the average of all class work and homework. Turn in your assignments on time! Warm-ups Projects Class work Quizzes and tests Homework The grading scale is as follows: 90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70- 79% = C
60-69% = D
0-59% = F
Please, check the INFINITE Campus weekly to check your student’s grades and progress.
Late work Policy: Santan JHS Policy is as follows: 1 Day late: 25% off 2 Days late: 50% off 3 Days late: 0 points
Absent Policy: IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILTY to take the necessary steps to make-up all work. STUDENTS HAVE AS MANY DAYS AS THEY ARE ABSENT TO MAKE UP THE WORK. If students miss a quiz, they should take it during tutoring. Daily warm ups should be completed even if the student is absent. When absent, students should check the teacher’s website for missing work and attend tutoring if they have any questions.
When is tutoring? Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 8:15 –8:50. Other days may be available by appointment. Tutoring is recommended if a student is struggling or needs help with homework or classwork. Quizzes are also made up during tutoring. Please make sure your student utilizes this time if needed!
Classroom Expectations: Come to class on time ready to learn! Bring your Spanish binder and materials every class. As soon as you come in, read the board, copy the learning goal and homework on your agenda. Take out the TAREA (Homework) Work on your warm up quietly. Keep your assignments in your Spanish binder. Do your homework every day! Respect yourself, others and school property. Gum is not allowed on campus! Electronic devices are only allowed for educational purposes with teacher permission. Phones and I –Pods should be turned off and kept in your backpack Speak Spanish in class! Feel free to make mistakes. It is part of the learning process! Try your best and never give up! Technology: Santan Jr. High has recently received Wi-Fi internet connection. This will enable your child to use their own technology within classrooms at teacher and parent discretion. Phones are not allowed to be on during the school day, so that students are not distracted by ringing phones or texting. A visible or ringing phone will be taken by the teacher and sent to the office. However, with teacher permission, a phone may be used for instructional purposes, along with tablets or laptop computers brought from home. Inappropriate use of technology can result in the loss of this privilege. Students are fully responsible for any technology that is brought to school. Students and Parents/Guardians: Thank you for taking the time to review this important sheet. I am looking forward to a great year at Santan Junior High. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. Sandra Plager Spanish teacher (480)-883-4624 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: Please, after reading the classroom procedures, complete and sign below and return it to Sra. Plager by Friday, July 26th ¡Gracias! (Cut)__________________________________________________________________________________
I have read and agreed to follow the classroom information, expectations and policies. Please, return this form by Friday, July 26th, 2013. Student’s name (Print) ____________________________ Period___ Day____ Student’s signature____________ Parent’s name (Print) ______________________________Parent‘s signature __________________ E-mail ___________________________________________ Home Phone ________________________
Cell Phone____________________
Comments you would like to share with Sra. Plager: __________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________