excess or deficiency from the weather normalized use per

ALAlq.. B. MINIER, Chairman.A BIMINIER, ha WILLIAM Fa. RUS9ELL, Deputy Chairtnan l,.,. 84 KARA BRIGHTON, Commissioner a?:o ufb d.ARA'A. MILLER, Assist...

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Docket No. 30022-268-GA-16

(Record No. 14371)


(Issued June 27, 2016) This matter is before the Wyoming Public Service Commission (Commission) upon the Application of Black Hills Gas Distribution, LLC d/b/a Black Hills Energy f/k/a SourceGas Distribution LLC (BHE or the Company) for authority to adjust the distribution charges for Small General Service (SGS) and Medium General Service (MGS) customers. The Commission, having reviewed the Application, its files regarding BHE, applicable Wyoming utility law, and otherwise being fully advised in the premises, FINDS and CONCLUDES: 1. BHE is a public utility as defined by w.s. § 37-l-101(a)(vi)(D), subject to the Commission's jurisdiction pursuant to w.s. § 37-2-112. 2. OnAprill5,2016,BHEfileditsApplicationforauthoritytoadjusttheDistributionUse Per Customer Adjustment (DUPCA) rates to implement a decrease of $0.0012 per therm for SGS customers and an increase of $0.0003 per therm for MGS customers, both effective June 1, 2016. 3. The DUPCA applies to customers in the SGS and MGS customer classes in the Company's Wyoming service territory and is applicable for the period June 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017. BHE stated its Application reflects the Company's calculated revenue excess or deficiency that results from a change in the weather normalized use per customer from those levels underlying the determination of base volumetric rates. BHE stated the DUPCA is intended to calculate the revenue

excess or deficiency from the weather normalized use per customer and then to calculate the charge or credit necessary to allow BHE to collect the level of revenues from those customers approved by the Commission in 2010. The proposed rates will result in a projected refund of $260,258.61 to SGS customers and are projected to recover $0.00 from MGS customers during the Company's DUPCA collection period of June 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017. The proposed revisions would result in a projected decrease in the Company's June 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017, SGS revenues of approximately $89,307; and an increase in the Company's June 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017, MGS revenues of approximately $7,200.

4. The proposed DUPCA rate for SGS customers is a credit of $0.0037 per therm, and the proposed DUPCA rate for MGS customers is $0.0000 per therrn, which impacts customer bills as seen in the following table.


Docket No. 30022-268-GA-16

Average Monthly Usage (therms)*

Total Current



Proposed Bill

Casper Division

75 71

Torrington Division


$54.54 $51.61 $56.81

($0.09) ($0.09) ($0.09)


Gillette Division

$54.63 $51.70 $56.90 $505.56 $490.86 $516.93

$505.83 $491.12 $517.18

$0.27 $0.26 $0.25






-0.1 7% -0.16%


Casper Division


Gillette Division


Torrington Division


0.05% 0.05%

* Based on 2015 weather-normalized volumes

s. BHE'sApplicationwasconsideredbytheCornmissionpursuanttoduenoticeatitsopen meeting on May 31, 2016. Jerrad Hammer, Director of Rates and Regulatory, appeared in person on behalf of the Company. Hammer provided a summary of the Application, stating generally the information provided in paragraphs 3 and 4 above. Staff recornrnended approval of the Application for usage on and after June 1, 2016. 6. Based upon the Application, representations by the Company and the analysis and recommendations of Staff, the Commission approves BHE's application to adjust the DUPCA rates by implementing a decrease of $0.0012 per therrn for SGS customers and an increase of $0.0003 per therm for MGS customers, both effective June 1, 2016. 7. Public notice shall be in the following form: PUBLIC NOTICE

The Wyoming Public Service Commission (Commission) has given Black Hills Gas Distribution, LLC d/b/a Black Hills Energy f/k/a SourceGas Distribution LLC (BHE or the Company) authority to adjust the distribution charges for Small General Service (SGS) and Medium General Service (MGS) customers. This approval is subject to notice, protest, investigation, opportunity for hearing, change, refund and such other orders as the Commission may deem appropriate. On April 15, 2016, BHE filed its Application for authority to adjust the Distribution Use Per Customer Adjustment (DUPCA) rates, seeking to implement a decrease of $0.0012 per therm for SGS customers and an increase of $0.0003 per therrn for MGS customers, both effective June 1, 2016. The DUPCA applies to customers in the SGS and MGS customer classes in the Company's Wyoming service territory and is applicable for the period June 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017. BHE stated its Application reflects the Company' s calculated revenue excess or deficiency that results from a change in the weather normalized use per customer from those levels underlying the determination of base volumetric rates established in Docket No. 30022-148-GR-10.

BHE stated the DUPCA is intended to calculate the revenue excess or deficiency from the weather normalized use per customer and then to calculate the charge or credit necessary to allow BHE to collect the level of revenues from those customers approved by the Commission in 2010. The proposed rates will result in a projected refund of $260,258.61 to SGS customers and to recover $0.00 from MGS customers during the Company' s DUPCA collection period of June 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017. The proposed revisions would result in a projected decrease in the Company's June 1, 2016, through May -2-

DocketNo. 30022-268-GA-16

31, 2017, SGS revenues of approximately $89,307; and an increase in the Company's June 1, 2016,

through May 31, 2017, MGS revenues of approximately $7,200.

The proposed DUPCA rate for SGS customers is a credit of $0.0037 per therrn. The proposed DUPCA rate for MGS customers is $0.0000 per therrn.

BHE's Application is available for inspection by any interested person during regular business hours at the Commission's offices in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and at the Company's Wyoming business offices.

Anyone desiring to file an intervention petition, request for a public hearing, statement, public comment or protest in this matter must file in writing with the Commission on or before July 27, 2016. The petition shall set forth the grounds for the proposed intervention or request for hearing and the position and interest of the petitioner in this proceeding.

If you want to intervene in this matter or request a public hearing that you will attend, or want to make a statement, a protest or a public comment, and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, please contact the Commission at (307) 777-7427, or write to the Commission at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyemie, Wyoming 82002, to make arrangements. Communications impaired persons may also contact the Commission by accessing Wyoming Relay at 711. Please mention Docket No. 30022-268-GA-16 in your communications. Dated: June 27, 2016. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED:

1. PursuanttoopenmeetingactiontakenonMay31,2016,theApplicationofBlackHills Gas Distribution, LLC d/b/a Black Hills Energy f/k/a SourceGas Distribution LLC to implement the DUPCA rates as discussed above, for a decrease of $0.0012 per therm for Small General Service customers and an increase of $0.0003 per therm for Medium General Service customers is approved, both effective for usage on and after June 1, 2016. 2. This Order is effective immediately.


DocketNo. 30022-268-GA-16

MADE and ENTERED at Cheyenne, Wyoming, on June 27, 2016. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WYOMING

? E . ?a'L?b .A BIMINIER, ha ALAlq.. B. MINIER, Chairman

WILLIAM Fa. RUS9ELL, Deputy Chairtnan

l,.,. 84 KARA BRIGHTON, Commissioner

a?:o ufb ARA'A. MILLER, Assistant Secretary d.


Docket No. 30022-268-GA-16


The Wyoming Public Service Commission (Commission) has given Black Hills Gas

Distribution, LLC d/b/a Black Hills Energy f/k/a SourceGas Distribution LLC (BHE or the Company) authority to adjust the distribution charges for Small General Service (SGS) and Medium General Service (MGS) customers. This approval is subject to notice, protest, investigation, oppottunity for

hearing, change, refund and such other orders as the Commission may deem appropriate. On April 15, 2016, BHE filed its Application for authority to adjust the Distribution Use Per Customer Adjustment (DUPCA) rates, seeking to implement a decrease of $0.0012 per therm for SGS customers and an increase of $0.0003 per therm for MGS customers, both effective June 1, 2016. The DUPCA applies to customers in the SGS and MGS customer classes in the Company's Wyoming service territory and is applicable for the period June 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017. BHE stated its Application reflects the Company' s calculated revenue excess or deficiency that results from a change in the weather normalized use per customer from those levels underlying the determination of base volumetric rates estab)ished in Docket No. 30022-148-GR-10.

BHE stated the DUPCA is intended to calculate the revenue excess or deficiency from the weather normalized use per customer and then to calculate the charge or credit necessary to al?ow BHE to collect the level of revenues from those customers approved by the Commission in 2010. The proposed rates will result in a projected refund of $260,258.61 to SGS customers and to recover $0.00 from MGS customers during the Company's DUPCA collection period of June I, 2016, through May 31, 2017. The proposed revisions would resu]t in a projected decrease in the Company's June 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017, SGS revenues of approximately $89,307; and an increase in the Company's June 1, 2016, through May 3 ?, 2017, MGS revenues of approximately $7,200.

The proposed DUPCA rate for SGS customers is a credit of $0.0037 per therm. The proposed

DUPCA rate for MGS customers is $0.0000 per therm.

BHE's Application is available for inspection by any interested person during regular business hours at the Commission's offices in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and at the Company's Wyoming business offices.

Anyone desiring to file an intervention petition, request for a public hearing, statement, public comment or protest in this matter must file in writing with the Commission on or before July 27, 2016. The petition shall set forth the grounds for the proposed intervention or request for hearing and the position and interest of the petitioner in this proceeding.

If you want to intervene in this matter or request a public hearing that you will attend, or want to make a statement, a protest or a public comment, and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, please contact the Commission at (307) 777-7427, or write to the Commission at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002, to make arrangements. Communications impaired persons may also contact the Commission by accessing Wyoming Relay at 711. Please mention Docket No. 30022-268-GA-16 in your communications. Dated: June 27, 2016.