Download els, 19 September 2016, Oak Ridge, TN, USA. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS. Manuscripts under Review/in preparation. 23. Aziz, H. M. A., H Park, A...

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H M Abdul Aziz, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae

Address: Oak Ridge National Laboratory PO BOX 2008 MailStop 6017, Room D302, Bldg 5700, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6017 Phone: 1.765.491.4787(W), 1.865.245.9940(H) E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Last Updated: June 2017

RESEARCH INTERESTS • Transportation Networks: Network modeling–Dynamic traffic assignment models with heterogeneous users; Integrated activity-based demand and network simulation; Integrating Connected and Automated Vehicles into network models. Network models with energy and emissions minimization goals, carbon pricing, personal mobility carbon allowances. • Smart Traffic Control for Connected & Automated Vehicles: Real-time communication based adaptive control algorithms in Connected and Automated Vehicle environment, Learning based techniques for network-wide control, Designing Green-Waves in cities. • Large Scale Agent-Based Traffic Simulation: Modeling urban dynamics, Evaluation of transportation policies, Extreme events (e.g., hurricane) simulation for disaster preparedness. • Application of machine learning and econometrics using transportation Big Data: Application of Big Data available from connected vehicle environment, Crash frequency and severity analysis using econometric models, Analyzing public data (e.g., US DOT RDE-Exchange data) for safety application.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Research Scientist Oak Ridge National Laboratory–CSED division

April 2017–present

Postdoctoral Research Associate Oak Ridge National Laboratory–CSED division

June 2015–March 2017

Co-Lead at Urban Science Pillar of ORNL (DOE SMART Mobility Multi-lab Initiative)

November 2015–present

Postdoctoral Research Associate Joint Institute for Computational Sciences–University of Tennessee

October 2014–June 2015

Faculty of Engineering Department American International University of Bangladesh

January 2008–August 2008

EDUCATION PURDUE UNIVERSITY Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Transportation Engineering) Dissertation: Integrating Pro-Environmental Behavior with Transportation Network Modeling: User and System Level Strategies, Implementation, and Evaluation. THE UNIVERSITY of TEXAS at AUSTIN M.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Transportation Engineering) BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY of ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

HONORS and AWARDS • Outstanding Civil Engineering Graduate Student Award (by College of Engineering, Purdue University in Spring 2014) 1

August 2014

December 2009

May 2007

Curriculum Vitae: H M Abdul Aziz, Ph.D.


• Graduate School of Engineering Travel Grant (Fall 2013) • Best Poster Award in Shell Energy Day 2012 • Travel Grant from Bangladesh-Sweden Trust Fund (awarded by Economics Relations Division, Ministry of Finance of Govt. of Bangladesh) • Undergraduate merit scholarship-Dean’s List recognition

GRANTS & CONTRACTS • SMART Mobility Urban Science: Assessing Impact and Informing Urban Mobility Futures (Multi lab Connected and Automated Vehicle Consortium of 7 DOE labs) Award Period: 10/2016–10/2019; Sponsor: Vehicle Technology Office (US DOE) Role: PI Grant total: USD 335,000 per FY • Understanding the interactions between global climate change and human activity at the neighborhood level by developing an integrated methodology using data analytics, agentbased modeling and earth system modeling (Early-career proposal writing grant) Award Period: 05/2016–10/2016, Sponsor: UDI and CCSI at Oak Ridge National Lab Role: Co-PI Grant total: USD 100,000 (My Responsibility: 20,000) • Pro-Environmental Behavior in Purdue Students: Education, Insights, and Policies. Award Period: 05/2013–05/2014, Sponsor: Sustainability Council-Purdue University Role: Lead and PI (Student-led project) Grant total: USD 1500

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE • Organizing Committee Member: SMART Mobility Workshop–Department of Energy SMART Mobility consortium of laboratories, Nov 17-18, 206 Oak Ridge, TN, USA • Program Committee Member: 9th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science, 31 October 2016, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA • Organizing Committee Member: Workshop on Human Activity at Scale in Earth System Models, 19 September 2016, Oak Ridge, TN, USA

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Manuscripts under Review/in preparation 23. Aziz, H. M. A., H Park, A Morton, Stewart R. N., M Hilliard, M. Maness., A High Resolution Agent-based Model to Support Walk-Bicycle Infrastructure Investment Decisions: A case study with New York City. Submitted for initial review 22. Aziz, H. M. A. The effects of distraction on driver-injury severities correlating the age, gender, and roadway conditions. Working paper 21. Aziz, H.M.A., and Ukkusuri, S.V. Finding the link driving schedules (LDS) for integrated traffic-emissions (EPA-MOVES) simulator by clustering with dynamic time warping measures. Submitted for initial review 20. Park, BH, Aziz, H. M. A, Morton, A., and Stewart, R.N., A High-performance Massive Agentbased Framework for Data-driven Simulator of the American Population for Urban Dynamics. Submitted for initial review

Curriculum Vitae: H M Abdul Aziz, Ph.D.


Published works

Year 2016 19. Aziz, H.M. A., Ukkusuri, S.V., 2016. Network traffic control in cyber-transportation systems accounting for user-level fairness. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (1), 4-16. 18. Aziz, H. M. A., Nagle, N.N., Morton, A.M., Hilliard, M.R., White, D.A., Stewart, R.N., 2016. Effects of Traffic Safety, Walk and Bike Infrastructure, and Land Use on Active Transport: Findings from a random parameter model using New York City commute data. Accepted for publication in Transportation (Planning - Policy - Research - Practice) 17. Aziz, H. M. A., and Ukkusuri, S. V., Zhan, X., Investigating the transportation system performance under personal mobility carbon allowance scheme using network equilibrium models. Accepted for publication in Networks and Spatial Economics. 16. Aziz, H. M. A., Zhu, F., and Ukkusuri, S. V., Learning Approaches Based Traffic Signal Control Algorithms in Connected Vehicle Environment: An Application for Sustainable Mobility. Accepted for publication in Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. 15. Aziz, H.M.A., Chinthavali, S., Lee, S. 2016. Identifying the Critical Links in Road Transportation Network: Centrality-based approach utilizing structural properties. ORNL Report no. ORNL/TM-2016/118.

Year 2015 14. Aziz, H.M.A., Ukkusuri, S.V., and Romero, J., 2015. Understanding short-term travel behavior under personal mobility credit allowance scheme using experimental economics. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 36, 121-137 13. Zhan, X., Aziz, H. M. Abdul, Ukkusuri, S. V. An efficient parallel sampling technique for Multivariate Poisson-Lognormal model: Analysis with two crash count datasets, 2015. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 8, 45-60. 12. Zhu, F., Aziz, H. M. A., Qian, X., and Ukkusuri, S. V., 2015. A Junction-Tree Based Learning Algorithm to Optimize Network Wide Traffic Control: A Coordinated Multi-agent Framework. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 58, 487-501

Year 2014 11. Aziz, H. M. A., and Ukkusuri, S.V., 2014. Exploring the trade-off between greenhouse gas emissions and travel time in daily travel decisions: Route and departure time choices. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 32, 334-353. 10. Aziz, H.M.A., 2014. Integrating pro-environmental behavior with transportation network modeling: User and system level strategies, implementation, and evaluation. Doctoral Dissertation. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. 9. Aziz, H. M. A., and Momtaz, S., A random-parameter (mixed logit) model to explain why more households in Dhaka city are deciding to purchase cars in recent years. In proceedings of 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC., 2014 (no. 14-1140).

Year 2013 8. Ukkusuri, S. V., Doan, K., and Aziz, H. M. A., 2013. Bi-level formulation for signal control and dynamic user equilibrium problem. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 80, 729-752. In 20th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT) conference, The Netherlands.

Curriculum Vitae: H M Abdul Aziz, Ph.D.


7. Aziz, H. M. A., Ukkusuri, S. V., and Hasan, S., 2013. Exploring the determinants of pedestrianvehicle crash severity in New York City. Accident Analysis & Prevention 50, 1298-1309. 6. Aziz, H. M. A., Ukkusuri, S.V., 2013. Tradable emissions credits for personal travel: a marketbased approach to achieve air quality standards. Int Journal of Adv. Engineering Science and Applied Math. 5, 145-157. 5. Aziz, H. M. A., and Ukkusuri, S.V., 2013. An approach to assess the impact of time varying congestion in vehicle routing problems. Advances in Dynamic Network Modeling in Complex Transportation Systems, (Ukkusuri, Satish V.; Ozbay, Kaan, Eds.), Springer.

Year 2012 and earlier 4. Aziz, H. M. A., and Ukkusuri, S. V., 2012. Integration of environmental objectives in a system optimal dynamic traffic assignment Model. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 27 (7), 494-511. 3. Aziz, H. M. A. and Ukkusuri, S. V., 2012. Unified framework for dynamic traffic assignment and signal control with cell transmission model. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2311, 73-84. 2. Ukkusuri, S. V., Hasan, S., and Aziz, H. M. A., 2011. Random parameter model used to explain effects of built-environment characteristics on pedestrian crash frequency. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2237, 98-106. 1. Aziz, H.M.A., Ukkusuri, S.V., 2011. An analytical framework for vehicular traffic signal control integrated with dynamic traffic assignment using cell transmission model, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2011 14th International IEEE Conference on, pp. 1355-1360.

Conference proceedings & presentations 16. Aziz, H.M.A., Nagle, N.N., Morton, A.M., Hilliard, M.R., White, D.A., Stewart, R.N., February 2016. Modeling Active Transportation Mode Choice Decisions for Home-to-Work Trips in New York City. Poster presented at Science Advisory Board Meeting Urban Dynamics Institute, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 15. Aziz, H.M.A., and Ukkusuri, S.V. Finding the link driving schedules (LDS) for integrated traffic-emissions (EPA-MOVES) simulator by clustering with dynamic time warping measures. Presented at the 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC., 2015 . 14. Aziz, H.M.A., Personal mobility carbon allowance: toward energy-efficient and green transportation systems. Geographic Information Science and Technology Seminar, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2014. 13. Zhu, F., Aziz, H. M. A., Qian, X., and Ukkusuri, S. V., Junction Tree-Based Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Coordinated Multiagent Systems to Solve Network-Level Signal Control. Presented at 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC., 2014. 12. Aziz, H. M. A., and Ukkusuri, S. V., Exploring the trade-off between GHG emissions and travel time in daily transport related choices: an econometric approach applying random parameter models. Presented at 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC., 2014. 11. Zhan, X., Aziz, H. M. A., and Ukkusuri, S. V., A multivariate Poisson-lognormal (MVPLN) model for pedestrian-vehicle crashes in New York City accounting for general correlations among the severity levels. Presented at 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC., 2014.

Curriculum Vitae: H M Abdul Aziz, Ph.D.


10. Aziz, H.M.A., Ukkusuri, S. V. Exploring the trade-off between emission and travel time in daily transport related choices. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2013. 9. Aziz, H.M.A., Ukkusuri, S. V. Determining the Traffic State Under Tradable Energy Quotas (TEQs): Dynamic User Equilibrium Model with Path Based Cell Transmission Model. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2013. 8. Aziz, H.M.A., Ukkusuri, S. V. Exploring the Market of Tradable Energy Quotas for Personal Travel through Experimental Games. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2013. 7. Aziz, H.M.A., Zhu, F. and Ukkusuri, S.V. Reinforcement learning based signal control using RMarkov Average Reward Technique (RMART) accounting for neighborhood congestion information sharing. In Proceedings of 92nd Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington D.C., January 2013 (no. 13-3227) . 6. Aziz, H.M.A., and Ukkusuri, S. V. Environmental objectives within a dynamic traffic assignment framework: A step towards green transportation. In Proceedings of 90th Transportation Research Board Meeting, National Academies, Washington D.C., January 2011. 5. Aziz, H.M.A., Ukkusuri, S. V. Equity based real time traffic signal control at network level using historical delay information: An application of vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, 2012. 4. Aziz, H.M.A., Ukkusuri, S. V. Tradable emission credits in stochastic user equilibrium with heterogeneous users: A market-based approach to achieve air quality standards. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, 2012. 3. Aziz, H.M.A., Doan, K., Ukkusuri, S. V. A unified bilevel mixed integer program integrating traffic control and dynamic traffic assignment using cell transmission model. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2011. 2. Aziz, H.M.A., Doan, K., Ukkusuri, S. V. Implementation of traffic signal control in an agent based traffic flow model using Java based tool Repast-Simphony. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2011. 1. Aziz, H.M.A., Ukkusuri, S. V. Moving towards green transportation: A multi-objective model to minimize CO emission and travel delay. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, 2010.

Curriculum Vitae: H M Abdul Aziz, Ph.D.


RESEARCH PROJECTS Role and Potential of Signaling Infrastructure with Connected & Automated Vehicles; Agency: VTO Office, US Department of Energy

October 2016–present

Predicting Propagation Consequences of Perturbations in Synergistically Interacting, Infrastructure Networks Agency: LDRD Fund, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Agent-based simulation for active transportation in New York City; Agency: LDRD Fund, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

February 2016–present

October 2014–September 2016

Development of adaptive traffic control schemes using real time information and wireless communication Agency: U.S. National Science Foundation.

January 2010–August 2014

Implementation of real time traffic control schemes in agent-based traffic simulation (Repast Simphony). Agency: U.S. National Science Foundation

January 2010–August 2014

Development of traffic control strategies using reinforcement learning techniques in large scale network Agency: U.S. DOT & NEXTRANS Center

August 2011–December 2013

Safety analysis of vehicular-pedestrian crashes :frequency and severity analysis Agency: NYC DOT

January 2010–December 2010

Sensitivity of four-Step versus activity based models to transportation system changes Agency: Ohio State DOT

August 2008–August 2009

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP & SERVICE • Member of Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) • Associate member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) • Member Connected Vehicle Initiative Forum (US DOT) • Referee service – Elsevier Transportation Research Journals (Part B, Part D, Part C) – Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board – IEEE Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems – European Transport Research Review – Network and Spatial Economics • Affiliation with Transportation Research Board committees: – Transportation and Air Quality Committee (ADC20) – Network Modeling Committee (ADB30)

Curriculum Vitae: H M Abdul Aziz, Ph.D.

– Transportation Sustainability Committee (ADD40) – Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems (ABJ30)

REFERENCES Can be provided upon request.