How do I Wire My Stock Plan Proceeds? - Morgan Stanley

As the service provider for your company's stock plans, Morgan Stanley offers an automated way to transfer proceeds directly to your financial institu...

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How do I Wire My Stock Plan Proceeds? As the service provider for your company’s stock plans, Morgan Stanley offers an automated way to transfer proceeds directly to your financial institution of choice. Wire Transfer instructions can be set up on StockPlan Connect, our transaction portal for stock plan participants, as an alternative to receiving a check in the mail. We will deliver your proceeds to your bank, brokerage firm, or other financial institution after the settlement date of your stock option exercise or a sale of shares.

How do I set up Wire Transfer instructions on StockPlan Connect?

a b


a. Click on the Profile Link b. Click on the Payment Instructions Tab


c. Click the Add New button



Morgan Stanley  |  2016

transferring stock plan proceeds


d. Select the Financial Institution. e. Click the Next button




note: You will need different types of information to set up and store Wire instructions on StockPlan Connect, depending on the type of account to which funds will be wired. Refer to the chart below.



U.S. Bank Account

ABA / Routing Transit Number and Bank Account Number

Both numbers are typically at the bottom of your bank checks and deposit slips. In addition, your account number is shown on your bank statement. Please call your bank or look up the numbers on your bank’s website to verify.

Non-U.S. Bank Account

ABA /routing transit number and either the intermediary bank’s account number or SWIFT / U.K SORT code of your financial institution’s U.S. intermediary bank. The intermediary bank is sometimes referred to as the corresponding bank. The SWIFT / U.K SORT code field requires 11 characters; if your code is 8 characters, add XXX at the end of the code to make it 11 characters. Additionally, you will need your international financial institution’s name, address information and your personal account number. If your account number is longer than 28 characters, wire instructions cannot be set up online and you will need to contact the Morgan Stanley Service Center.

You should start by contacting your international bank or referring to your bank’s website. Please ask for the Incoming Wire Department and request the Routing Transit Number of the U.S. intermediary bank. Routing transit numbers can also be looked up on the Federal Reserve Financial Services website http: // /search.cfm; however, please confirm the routing transit number with your bank.

Brokerage Account

Intermediary bank’s ABA /routing number and account number. You will also need your brokerage firm’s name and address, and your personal brokerage account number.

This account is set up and maintained by your broker. You must contact your broker for this information.

Credit Union Account

Intermediary bank’s ABA /routing number and account number. You will also need your credit union’s name and address, and your personal credit union account number.

This account is set up and maintained by your credit union. You must contact your credit union for this information.

STEP 4: enter bank information

f. Enter your bank’s routing number (ABA number) and your bank account number. Remember the fields here will depend on what financial institution type you selected. g. Click the Next button f



Morgan Stanley  |  2016

transferring stock plan proceeds

STEP 5: review and esign

h. Review your receiving financial institution’s information i. Enter your StockPlan Connect password to esign your request


j. Click on the Next button

i j

STEP 6: confirm instructions have been received

Q. What will happen if I forget to enter the bank routing information, account number, or Swift code, or if

k. Review confirmation page

I enter the incorrect information?

A. If you do not enter your bank informa-

tion or enter incorrect information at the time of setup, we will send your transaction proceeds via check. It is important to obtain the correct account number or SWIFT code from your bank to avoid a misdirection of funds.


l. Click the Done button


note: Once you have completed Steps 1 through 6, your U.S. Dollar Wire instructions will be displayed on the Payment Instructions page. You can edit or delete your wire instructions at any time by clicking on the edit or delete links.


Morgan Stanley  |  2016

transferring stock plan proceeds

Q. When I do a stock plan

note: Clicking on the edit/delete Link will take you to the Profile: Payments Instructions screen where you can see or edit your Wire Transfer instructions. However, your transaction will not be saved. You can also edit your Wire Transfer instructions after your trade has been submitted. You have two business days after the order executes (T+2) to edit these instructions. If your edits are not submitted by 4pm two days after the trade, your proceeds will be delivered via the Wire Transfer instructions we have on file.

Q. How much does it cost to wire sale proceeds to my bank account ?

There is typically a $25 fee associated with a federal fund wire, which is deducted from your sale proceeds. This fee is shown under the estimated proceeds section on the Exercise Grants or Sell Shares screen.


transaction on StockPlan Connect, how do I choose a wire transfer of funds for my proceeds delivery ?

A. Once you set up Wire instructions, you can execute your transactions through the Exercise Grants or Sell Shares buttons on StockPlan Connect. On the Sell/Exercise page you will be asked “How Would You Like the Proceeds Delivered?” From the Delivery Method drop-down box, you will select your payment preference. If you have not previously established Wire instructions, you can also do so at this time. If you have equity plans in more than one company, you can now easily copy your wire instructions to all your companies. This can be done at the time of setup or you can click the link, “Use for all companies” and follow the steps to confirm the instructions you want to carry over.

receive your proceeds the day the transaction settles, which is approximately the third business day after your transaction was executed. For wires to international banks, Morgan Stanley releases the funds on the settlement date and the receiving bank will credit the account according to their policy.

Q. How can I get confirmation that my funds have been wired?

A. Once we receive confirmation that your

bank has acknowledged the funds, you can contact the Morgan Stanley Service Center to obtain a confirmation reference number. Q. How long does it take for me to receive my proceeds?

A. For wires to U.S. banks, brokerage, and credit union accounts, you will typically

Q. What are the alternatives to wiring my proceeds?

A. When choosing your proceeds delivery method on StockPlan Connect you can also choose to receive your proceeds by check through regular mail or overnight delivery. If you have a Morgan Stanley brokerage account, you can deposit your sale proceeds to your brokerage account.

Q. I have received less money than the original wire amount; why were additional fees charged?

Morgan Stanley will not charge any additional fees above our standard wire fee. Your receiving bank and any intermediary banks, however, may charge either a flat rate fee or a percentage of the dollar amount transferred. A.

© 2016 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC.

Q. Who can I contact for additional assistance? A. Please contact

the Morgan Stanley Service Center at: 1-866-722-7310 (U.S. participants) or 1-801-617-7435 (non-U.S. participants). CRC1412209  CS 8472027 02/16