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AFTA WebMAIL 179 agronegocios 571 alternative ... Index book entry system 357 ... convergence 135 cooperative marketing 235...

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A ABCD (Action for Boston Community Development) 475 abstract thinking 121 academic elements 523 accelerated development plan (ADP) 28 access 99, 101 accessibility 722 accommodation 120 action research (AR) 1, 2 methods 1 activity 722 actor network (ANT) 741 ADAPT through RATIO 205 addressing hierarchy 565 administrative metadata 74 adoption of e-commerce 604 adult & Community Education (ACE) 18 learners 465 literacy 400 Africa Dot Edu 519 African governments 576 higher education 576 Africa’s Information Society Initiative 427 AFTA WebMAIL 179 agronegocios 571 alternative SANTE 533 user interfaces 503 Amalgamated Telecom Holdings (ATH) 379 anycast 566 APEC 238 APNA 407 applied management project 434 appropriation 14 AR 5 intervention 2 project 2

archive image 193 Armenia 683 ARPANET 494 ASEAN 674, 739 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 238 assimilation 120 associate stage 114 association 14 Association of South East Asian Nations 674 Astro-Venture 122 asynchronous communication 524 media 527 Australian Consumer and Competition Commission 506 Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA) 7 Institute of Music 523 regional development policy 233 tourism data warehouse 179 tourism SMEs 603 auto-configuration 565 autonomy 577, 605

B B2B 5 interaction 3 B2C 5 Babelfish 260 back office operations 353 bargaining power 234 basic computing 635 Bay Connect 349 Bhoomi System 36 Bioline Eprints Archives 588 Blackboard 583 blue collars 184 IQ initiative 113 body area networks (BAN) 459

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book entry system 357 Boolean search 195 bottom-up approach 216 boundedness 729 braille code 501 brainware 200 bridgescape 405 broad-based training 110 broadband 370, 607 broadcasting 30 builds 553 Bursa Urban Information System (BUIS) 710 business collaboration 236 cooperation contracts (BCC) 736 entry point 179 evolution 399 networks 233 -to-business (B2B) 2, 235, 239, 248, 323, 607 -to-consumer (B2C) 3, 234, 235, 603, 607 -to-customer 248 -to-government (B2G) 239 Buyer Search Costs 83

C CAFRAD 213 CAL (computer-aided learning) 524 Cambodian youth 66 Canadian Telework Association (CTA) 694 capacity building 48, 233, 341 Cape Information Technology Initiative (CITI) 113, 115 Caribbean businesses 79 region 240 CawdNet 367 CD self-contained learning packages 524 -ROM-based learning 488 CDMA2000 456 CDSware 590 central security depository 357 Centre for the Development of Telematics (C-DOT) 737 challenges 108 channel disintermediation 81 chat rooms 583 chats 580 Child Development Project Officers (CDPOs) 439 Citizen Assistance Service Centers (SAC) 571 citizen e-readiness 109 engagement 341 -oriented decision making 96 2

model 96, 101 citizens’ e-readiness 109 jury 97, 101 civic involvement 646 portal 103 space portal 104 society 40, 107 organizations (CSO) 110 client account management 353 cluster 5 CmC 393 Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) 737 Cogprints 588 collaborative learning 90 network outcomes 235 combinational reasoning 121 Committee for Democracy in Information Technology 570 Commonwealth Association for Public Administration 36 communication centres 30 devices 503 communications authority of Thailand 673 gap 714 communities 109 of practice 53, 370 community 91, 94 & regional partnerships (C&RP) 47 based organizations (CBO) 528 centres incorporating ICT 400 development 384 initiatives 400 library 597 informatics 85, 331, 516 systems (CIS) 41 information and learning centre 334 centres (CIC) 388 strategies Australia Inc. 653 learning centre (CLC) 665 media centre (CMC) 665 memory 77 networks (CNs) 138 of learners 92 service obligations 506 service obligations 506 technology centers 16, 445, 483 -based national ICT 29 compatibility 637


competence 99, 102 competitive advantage 5, 233 co-evolution 233 complexity 637 of use 185 computer aid international (CAI) 306 education trust (CET) 306 grid 65 literacy 384 skills 463 -aided learning (CAL) 527 -mediated communication (CMC) 164 -mediated communication (CMC) 90 conferencing programs 580 connectivity 1, 5, 108, 233, 238, 607 consensus conferences 97 Consortium for the Enhancement of Ukrainian Management 295 constructivism 582 constructivist movement 582 Consultative Model, The 263 Content Management Systems (CMS) 106 convergence 135 cooperative marketing 235 strategies 605 copresence 129 corporeal mobility 129 Council for Economic Planning and Development 672 Scientific and Industrial Research (CS 114 creative observation 729 credit cards 81 critical socialscience theory 647 cross cultural profile 394 CTA 346 cultural barriers 148 convergence 136 curriculum goals 583 customer relationship 353 management (CRM) 356 cyber café 657, 677 -crimes 247 cyberdemocratic 251

D data collection process 649 decentralised communication network 378 decipher 179 ICT system 363 decision-making model 96

Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency 494 deliberative 251 poll 97, 102 demographic characteristics 283 trends 297 demographics 337 demos 251 denial of service (DOS) 725 Department for International Development (DFID) 306 of Science and Technology 468 descriptive metadata 74 design generalisation 742 goals 583 specification 582, 584 desktop publishing (DTP) 618 destination marketing organizations (DMO) 236, 238 development 635 awareness 11 Dewey, John 581 dial-up Internet access 677 diffusion 227 digital city 65 data service obligation 507 divide 88, 188, 310, 316, 335, 445, 475, 580, 687 libraries 189, 193, 593 media-aided learning 332 networks 59 reference service 385 strategy 473 digitally-enabled knowledge networks 53 digitisation 74 direct sequence 459 Directorate General of Post and Telecommunications 736 disadvantaged community 400 discussion group 385 disintermediation 6 disparity 259 distance education 577, 580 distributed learning 90 channel 234 DLXS 196 Domain Name Service (DNS) 566 dominant community 618 DSpace 196, 590 durable digital depository 196 Duxbury DBT 501 Dwars River Valley (DRV) 618 dynamic source routing 495 3


E e-administrator 527 e-Bario 215 e-Bario project 86 e-Bedian project 512 e-business permits and licensing system 469 e-commerce 5, 233, 246, 399, 603, 607, 646, 651 adoption 1, 228 transaction 3 e-consultations 300 e-democracy 102, 350, 263, 299 research 96 e-governance in Africa 210 e-government 40, 103, 263, 270, 299 e-learning 577, 580, environments 119, 581 e-mail attachments 580 e-mail tutorials 524 e-participation 300 e-petitions 300 e-readiness 213 e-real property tax system 469 e-riders 316 e-rollment 527 e-strategy 325 e-tutor 526, 527 e-voting 300 eCertificate 527 economic agents 603 competitiveness 635 development 619 planning board 672 rationale 523 economies of scale 5 education 257 and Research Network 420 policy 328 -on-demand 581 educational dimension 641 system 110 technologies 577, 580 effective use 40 efficient markets hypothesis 353 Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 468 electronic data interchange 229, 350 drop boxes 580 governance seminar, 2004 469 mail (e-mail) 604 town meeting (ETM) 102 -commerce (e-commerce) 603 4

eMAM 527 employability 288 management 283 empowerment 102 end-user experience 147 environmental awareness 413 equilibrium 120 Ethnic Group Online Nodes (EGON) 407 ethnography 729 European Information Technology Observatory’s (EITO) 283 experimenters 184 expression of interest (EOI) 18 external changes 233

F face-to-face 527 fact-finding 649 faculty development 580 of medical sciences (FMS) 382 fair access to Internet report (FAIR) 687 Fantsuam Foundation (FF) 367 far East cultures 23 Fiankoma Project 11 fibre optic 633 field resource group 333 Fiji 378 financial markets 353 sustainability 666 first aid in pictures 190 fixed-line telephony 569 flexible delivery 524 learning 90 FLOSS 316 Food and Agricultural Organization of the Unit, The 342 foreign currency 242 formal reasoning 121 Fraser Innovation Zone 230 frequently asked questions 272 functionalities 85, 367, 405, 704

G GDS 179 gender equality 413 inequalities 109 patterns 132 general agreement of trade and tariffs (GATT) 243 packet radio system (GPRS) 737


public license 190 geographic barriers 188 geographic information systems (GIS) 553, 709, 710, 714 technologies 538 global connectivity 108 information 576 grid 566 system for mobile communication 633, 736 globalization 452 good governance 213 governance 213 government 213 prioritization of software and IT servi 326 Web portal 289 -funding 17 -to-business 323 Grampians Campaign Committee 2 grant information packs 17 Great Singapore Surf, The 637 Green Peace 706 Greenstone 597 gross domestic product (GDP) 164, 205 group discussion 583 formation phase 332 Gulf Savannah region 337

H handheld computers 564 hard skills 463 Hervey Bay 348 high frequency (HF) 633 higher education 576, 577 institutions (HEIs) 576 HISP 422 Hispano-American Health Link program (EHAS), 571 HIV/AIDS 384 Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation 507 hospitality 176 hubs 297 Hughes Network Systems (HNS) 629 human capacity 66 factor 201 settlement and redevelopment (HSRP) fund 618 -computer interaction (HCI) 146 hypothetical-deductive reasoning 121

I identity 455 image access 193

impediments 378 implementation phase 636 inclusiveness 99 incubation phase 114 indic@tor project 282 individual subjectivity 127 industry clustering 233 mentors 524, 525 recognized leaders 524 Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) 635 information and communication technologies (ICT) 1, 5, 6, 53, 72, 96, 135, 144, 146, 159, 233, 238, 240, 325, 331, 337, 382, 385, 393, 445, 498, 518, 607, 651, 665, 687, 722 adoption 3 and social interaction 159 benefits 110 development 13 diffusion 587 domain 4 in education 383 in Medical Education 382 infrastructure 108, 326, 610 jargon 605 literacy 110 model 700 networks 109, 236 paradigm shift 3 Professionals 288 systems 360 -based industry 236 information seeking 233 network 236 formation 236 networking 605 -driven sector 235, 604 -led local development 167 -related change 2 employment 108 information channels 233 communication 439 distribution 233 divide 258 economy 325 literacy 445 productivity 108 society 310, 453 stratification 291 systems (IS) 41 5


-Rich Society 551 Infosearchweb 653 initiation phase 332 innovation 524, 525, 577 hub 113 inquiry-training model 119, 582 inscribing 406 instructional development 580 integrated child development services (ICDS) 439 strategy approach 171 system-wide learning 527 integration of ICT 635 intellectual property rights 323 intense periods of study 524 Intensive 525 delivery 524 interactive online delivery 524 interfirm networking 1, 233 intermediary 238 International Association of Science Parks (IASP) 113 International Bank for Reconstruction and Developm 420 Development Research Centre 86 Labour Organization (ILO) 305 Pharmaceutical Abstracts (IPA) 383 Renaissance Foundation 103 Research and Development Center 677 Telecommunication Union 335, 677 Internet 1, 524, 525 access 131, 687 engineering task force (IETF) 565 in Australia 603 protocol (IP) 564 security (IPSec) 564 television (IPTV) 566 version 4 (IPv4) 564 version 6 (IPv6) 565 service provider (ISP) 248, 378, 655 -connected device 564 sensors 565 interpersonal networks 233 IP-based television broadcasting 565 ISP 544 IT-PACNET 473 ivil Society (CS) 41

J Jhai Foundation Project 547 JISC Image Digitisation Initiative 73


K k-economy 87 Khmer diaspora 66 Khmerization of Microsoft Office 69 knowledge 108 management 310 network 289, 310 sharing 233 society 421 -based infrastructure 1, 233 -creation platform 3 -economy business models 1

L labour market supply 283 laissez-faire 701 Land Information System (LIS) 714 language 257 laser printer 388 LCG (The Learning Community Group) of Boston 476 LCG Mobile Media Studio (MMS) 476 leapfrogging 14, 109, 239 development 671 learning by choice 598 community 94 plan 464 least developed country 69 legal deficit 99 framework 327 legitimizing identity 452 less developed countries 35, 135 LINCOS 545 Listserv 385 literacy 463 literature research 649 local area network (LAN) 373, 494, 629, 714 development 529 economic development (LED) 618 language program (LLP) 316 trainers 533 locational patterns 113 long Bedian community 516 longitudinal studies 83 low e-literacy level 32 income networking and communications 316 -income populations 445


M machine-to-machine (M2M) 459 macroeconomic environment 327 Magee Photographic Collection 73 Malaysian Institute of Microelectronic Systems 86 management 178 information systems (MIS) 41, 710 mandatory (online) interaction 94 participation 91, 92, 94 mapping 538 market channel 238, 607 monitoring 548 thinness 651 visibility 605 marketing 652 research 235 mass networking 310 MedCarib 385 medical education 382 Medical Sciences Library (MSL) 382 MEDLINE 383, 385 Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) 18 message boards 580 meta theory 647 metadata 195 method selection 646 metropolitan area networks (MAN) 459 municipality 711 Mexican communities 445 migration 410 Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPT) 736 mobile e-work 498 Internet protocol 494 telephone network (MTN) 306 telephones 30 mobiles phones 564 mobility-related exclusion 722 modern distance education 203 motivation 99, 102 motivational barrier 184 MovingAlps Project 395 MPCC 618 Multi-Purpose Community Telecentre (MPCT) 628, 665 multicast 565 multicultural societies 108

multimedia messaging service (MMS) 737 super corridor 551 multiphase referendum 98 multiplicity 126 multisectorial synergy 110 municipal consulting 293

N national digital divide 657 information policy 294 National Communications Authority (NCA) 29 Competition Policy 506 Computer Center 468 Council of Women (NCW) 379 Curriculum Centre (NCC) 306 Informatics Centre (NIC) 388 IT Literacy Program (NITLP) 635 Office for the Information Economy (NOIE) 348 needs assessment 580 NEPAD 213 Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research 282 NetTel@Africa 518 network address translation (NAT) 564 building 233 culture 605 formation 233 lifecycle 48 protocol 564 training workshop 630 networking 233 the nation (NTN) 482, 611 neuron assemblies 119 new economy 107, 228 New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) 210, 429 Zealand Institute of Management (NZIM) 434 NGO 317 nongovernment organizations (NGO) 106, 109, 332, 528, 677 spatial (attribute) Data 714 tariff Mechanisms (NTMs) 243 normal (online) participation 94 participation 91 Nortel Networks Ltd, 456



O Obruni 12 octets 564 Office of Naval Research 494 offline-to-online 732 Oke-Ogun Community Development Network 367 One City, One Site (OCOS) 481 One Village One Computer (1V1C) 528 online adoption 605 community of learners 94 education 90 environment 1, 605 instruction 580 learning 90, 95 communities 90 environment (OLE) 95 network 236 tutors 202 OPAC (online public access catalogue) 384 open archives initiative 589 education 580 learning 577, 580 source software 316 operations management 353 opportunities 109 optical character recognition 194, 503 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 152, 305, 383 organizational flexibility 524 memory system 436 structures 577 orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) 459

P P3DM 539 PAC report 38 Pacific Islands forum 473 information and communications technologies 472 regional ICT consultation 472 telecommunications association 473 umbrella Initiative 472 pagination 194 paradigm 490 participant observation 729 participation 91 deficit 99 8

participative action research (PAR) 647, 652 model 648 participatory 3D Modelling 539 action research 206, 215 passive people 184 pay phones 29 PC (personal computer) 624 peace building and reconciliation 413 peripheral sub-alpine regions 393 personal area network (PAN) 459 computers 200, 331, 569 personal empowerment 466 PFnet Project 412 physical infrastructure 577 Piaget, Jean 120, 582 Piaget’s cognitive development theory 119 PICO 179 plain old telephone systems (POTS) 723 planning cells 97 plazas comunitarias 445 POCs 559 political online communities 557 portable document file 194 portal 5, 265, 607 technology 2 Poschiavo Project 394 post-industrial society 451 poverty reduction 570 pre-incubation phase 114 problem definition phase 636 statement 583 -based learning 581 problem-based learning 382, 385, 581, 582 procedural schemata 120 process of selection 121 Prodem Private Financial Fund (Prodem FFP) 571 product and service delivery 235 distribution 178 promotion 604 professional competence 288 project identity 452 -based communities 58 promotion 178 property tax collection 712 propositional reasoning 121 psychological plane 582 public access points 657 distribution system (PDS) 389


participation GIS 538 PubMed 386 Central 588 Punjabi Network 407 punjabiyat 407

Q Quality of Service (QoS) 565, 723 quantitative resections (QR) 243 Quiz make 333

R radio 31 rurale fotouni 533 recognition 14 recruitment 525 referendum 102 refreshable braille displays 502 regimented learning contexts 90 regional communities 593 development 233 agencies network 290 requirement 233 growth 233 innovation environments 109 networks 233 partnership 605 specialization 233 telecommunications infrastructure fund (RTIF) 482 tourism 176, 360, 603, 604 networks 235 SMEs 234 regionally-based tourism SMEs 234 reintermediation 84 representation deficit 99 Republic of the Fiji Islands 471 requency hopping 459 research and development (R&D) 96 methodology 647 resistance identity 452 retribalization 405 rights, tenancy and cultivation (RTC) 36 risks 108 RMIT LearnLinks 47 project 47 root directory 193 rural 683 evelopment 646 Searchlight (RUSEL) 367

Rural Women’s Association of Sekhukhuneland (the R 646

S S3 model 481 Sabda Sanchari 333 satellite 131 phones 609 scale mapping 538 schema 119 SchoolCast 625 SchoolNet 370 SchoolSat 131, 624, 625 scientific journals 587 screen readers 502 second-order effects 38 secondary orality 406 sector partnership fund (SPF) 115 self-organization 300 semantic grid 65 Web 65 short message service 527, 553 SIG (Special Interest Group) 368 sketch mapping 538 Skunk Works 527 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) 1, 5, 221, 227, 238, 321, 288, 350, 482, 603, 607 business networks 1 cluster culture 4 clustering 1 enterprise telecommunications centre 229 island states 269 level 605 network research 4 positioning 2 tourism business 605 firms 605 (virtual) clustering 2 smart community 434 SMS (short message service) 524 social acceptability 147 access 657 capital 159, 337 networks 339 construct theory 558 dimension 641 exclusion 722 interaction 159, 646 modernization 289 plane 582 9


policy 722 value 299 sociocultural identity 393 systems 135 urban construction 705 socioeconomic features 337 soft skills 463 software design 316 South Australian Common Knowledge Community Project 653 East Asia 671 Pacific island states’ governments 271 Southern African Development Community (SADC) 518 Cross Cable Network (SCCN) 379 Education and Research Alliance (SERA) 114 Sparsha 501 spatial and temporal distances 396 data 714 spread spectrum 459 strategic regional leverage 605 structural convergence 135 metadata 74 structure supply 552 student feedback 526 sub-saharan Africa 427 supply chain 607 -side stakeholders 38 sustainability 423, 546 failure 714 development 652, 666 sustainable resource management 413 Swaziland Post and Telecommunication Corporation ( 306 Swiss Regional Development 394 synchronous communication 524 media 527 systemically embedded culture 605 systems of innovation (SOI) 360

T target audience goals 583 TD-SCDMA 456 teaching and learning business index (TALBI) 433 technical resource group 332 technological convergence 135 10

expertise 578 innovation 2 revolution 576 technology 578 integration 577 networks 210 -enabled landscape 233 -enhanced environment 578 tele-work 497 telecenter 209, 445, 512, 628, 665, 677 movement 665 operators 657 users 445 Telecom Fiji Ltd (TFL) 379 telecommunication 735 needs assessment 659 problems 683 revolution 339 sector 687 sphere 299 Telecommunications Action Plan for Remote Indigeno 611 teledemocracy 102 teledemocratic 251 Telephone Organization of Thailand 673 TELEVOTE 102 telnet 629 Telstra’s 2-way satellite service 609 temporality 729 territorial separation 399 territory-related ontology 65 tertiary education 587 text to braille translations 501 Thai literacy 257 third generation (3G) 737 way 206 threaded discussion 583 thumbnail image 193 TIM 362 time economy 124 Timeframes 595 top-down approach 217 tourism 176 and technology 234 firms 233 information marketplace 361 networks 235, 236 operators 605 SMEs 603, 605 tourist information centers 234 Trade and Development Agency (TDA) 711 training methods 90 trans-urban communities 704


translation 743 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 568 travel time 125 Trinidad and Tobago 382 true learning community 90

U Uconnect 628 Uganda Communications Commission 657 Ukrainian Internet 289 ultra wide band (UWB) 459 UN-APSA model 272 unbridgeable 214 UNCITRAL 243 UNCTAD 244 underprivileged communities 528 UNDESA/DPADM 213 UNDP 22 UNDP-UNOPS project 412 Unicast 565 UNIMAS 516 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, The 79 Developing Program (UNDP) 164, 305, 420, 427 Education Science and Cultural Organizations 307 Population Fund 371 uniting 407 University of the Third Age (U3A) 18 untraded interdependencies 53 urban development 712 information system (UIS) 709 USAID 518 utility services 712

V value chain 5, 607 -added networks 235 vertical portals 481 very small aperture terminal 89, 723 technology 370 video conferencing 524, 583 on Demand (VoD) 565 -compression technology 457 Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications (VNPT) 736 village accountant 36 viral marketing 643 virtual clustering 1 mobilty 722 private network (VPN) 726

Virtual Institute of Management Sciences 524 Music 524 visual resources association 73 visually Impaired 501 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) 69, 135, 545, 688, 723 Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) 367 VSAT 89, 388 satellite system 217 Vygotsky 582

W wasta 22 Web portals 481, 605 site presence 604 technologies 235, 605 -assisted instruction 580 -based forums 557 -enabled 238 cluster structures 1 -Sat 624 WebCT 386 Webmail system 6 wide area network (WAN) 373, 459, 714 willpower 110 wireless Internet connectivity 544 mobile services 677 Technologies 458 women groups 533 WoredaNet 370 workaround 741 working population 288 World Bank 66 Food Programme 628 Trade Organisation 456