Theory of Architecture- I. 3. 0. 0. 3. 4. AR6103. Building Materials - I. 3. 0. 0. 3. STUDIO. 5. AR6111. Architectural Drawing - I. 0. 0. 5. 3. 6. AR6112. Art Studio. 0. 0. 5. 3. 7. AR6113 .... Trigonometric (sine, cosine and tan functions) and expon
Hand drawn drawings on Units 2, 4 and 6; Assignments on units 1, 3, and 5. RECOMMENDED READING. 1. 'Elements of Structure' by Morgan. 2. Structure in Architecture' by Salvadori. 3. 'Building Construction' by Mackay W. B., Vol. 1 – 4. 4 . 'Building Co
The emphasis will be construction details as applicable to Indian climatic conditions. • Site visits and market surveys will be an integral part of sessional work. REFERENCE BOOKS. 1. McKay, W.B., “Building Construction Volume I, II, III and IV”, Lon
Basis of Structural Design Course 3 ... –economical design as longer members ... Bending and shear deformations in a truss Steel plate girder
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'Building Construction' by Mackay W. B., Vol. 1 – 4. 2. 'Building Construction' by Barry, Vol. 1 – 5. 3. 'Construction Technology' by Chudley, Vol. 1 – 6. 4. 'Building construction Illustrated' by Ching Francis D. K.. 5. 'Elementary Building Construc
1. Parker H., Materials and Methods of Architectural Construction, John Wiley & Sons,. Canada, 1958. 2. McKay W. B., Building Construction, Orient Longman 21, London, 1938-44. 3. Barry R., The Construction of Buildings (Vol. I-II), 6/e, Affiliated Ea
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