Kinetic and Potential Energy Webquest - WSD - Blogs

Name: Kinetic and Potential Energy Webquest Potential energy is the same as stored energy. The "stored" energy is held within the gravitational field...

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Kinetic and Potential Energy Webquest Potential energy is the same as stored energy. The "stored" energy is held within the gravitational field. The word "kinetic" is derived from the Greek word meaning to move, and the word "energy" is the ability to move. Thus, "kinetic energy" is the energy of motion --its ability to do work.

Objective(s): Distinguish between kinetic and potential energy. Describe how energy is conserved when changing from one form to another. Apply the law of conservation of energy to familiar situations.

Introduction: You are an energy engineer employed by the National Amusement Park Services. Your job is to learn about and research the different energies that exist within various amusement park rides mostly kinetic and potential energy. In doing so, you will learn about the transfer between potential and kinetic energy. If you don’t already know, this is the key to building thrill seeking rides all around the nation. In today’s activity, you will encounter several links that are provided for research, quizzes, reallife experiments, and online activities. Theses links will help development an understanding of what Potential and Kinetic energy are and how they can be found in the world around you.

Task: You will navigate through several links and answer questions. You will place your answers in the blanks provided. Each website is designed to demonstrate information about both kinetic and potential energy. Through interactive activities, your knowledge of potential vs. kinetic energy will be reinforced

Process 1: Go to 

Click on “Concept Map”

Complete a Venn Diagram using the information given on the concept map of this website. You can enlarge the diagram below and complete it digitally or you can also feel free to do this on your own sheet of paper. If you do it on your own sheet, you can hand it in separately to the box. You decide.

[Type a [Type a quote [Type a quote from the quote from from the document or the document the summary of document or the an interesting or the summary point. You can summary of of an position the an interesting text box interesting point. You anywhere in the point. You can document. Use can position position the Text Box the text box the text Tools tab to anywhere in box change the the anywhere formatting of document. in the the pull quote Use the Text Process 2: document. text box.] Box Tools Use the tab to Go back to Text Box change the Tools tab  Click onformatting “Practice Test” and answer questions 1-6 from Part 1 to change of the pull the  Write your answers quote text here: formatting box.] 1) of the pull quote text 2) box.] 3) 4) 5) 6)

Process 3: Go to .

Take the Potential vs. Kinetic Quiz

Click on “Click here to begin”

Answer the questions

Click “check answers”. Correct any incorrect answers

Click “next exercise” and answer the following questions

Click “check answers”. Correct any incorrect answers

Click “next exercise” and answer the following questions

Once you have collected 3 coins, you may exit and go on to the next task.

Process 4. Now I think that you are ready for the “Big League”!!! Go to: .

Play “Who Wants to be a Millionaire: 

Energy Edition

You only get TWO chances to try and win $1,000,000

 Click on “Click here to begin”  Answer the questions (You may receive hints from the computer)  Write the amount of money won from the 1st and the 2nd attempt.


 Once you have attempted twice to win the $1,000,000 move on to the next task.

Process 5

Roller coasters, like other amusement park rides, are designed using physics laws. View the following clip about roller coasters and the laws of physics. Go to: 

Click on: Roller Coaster Physics

Open the file

Read the information or view the clip on Roller Coasters & Physics

**In 1 paragraph (4-5 sentences) summarize the information about the “Fahrenheit” roller coaster from your readings or the video clip.

Process 6 Now try your hand at designing your own roller coaster. Build your coaster using the concepts of physics and what you have learned about kinetic and potential energy. Go to: and create your own roller coaster. 

Click “Begin”

Select the “Height of the First Hill”

Then click “next piece”

Select the “Shape of the First Hill”

Then click “next piece: exit path”

Select the “Exit Path”

Then click “next piece”

Select the “Height of the Second Hill”

Then click “next piece”

Select the “Loop”

Click “See Your Roller Coaster” 

Draw your roller coaster on a blank sheet of paper.

Label the points where GPE and KE occur on your drawing. Turn your drawing into the box in the classroom (at the end of the period).

What were your safety ratings?

What was your fun rating? 

Click on “your safety inspections” and tell whether or not your roller coaster passes safety inspections.

Summarize each step’s explanation of your ratings

Process 7 Before your energy quest assignment is complete, you are to take the Potential vs. Kinetic Energy Quiz Go to: 

Begin answering the questions

Complete the quiz, without starting over, and write your score here:


Reflections… Your final task is to write a summary (at least 1 paragraph (4-5 sentences) of what you have learned through this webquest. Include ways that this webquest has helped you gain a better understanding of kinetic and potential energy.