Language Arts Grade: 9 - SharpSchool

Module: A English/Language Arts Grade: 9 READING COMPLEX TEXTS RL9-10.1, RL9-10.2, RL9-10.3, RL9-10.4, RL9-10.5, RL9-10.6, RL9-10.7, RL9 -10.9, RL9-10...

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Module: A

English/Language Arts

Grade: 9

THEME: The Role of Fate ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What is fate? What is the difference between fate and free will? Do we have the ability to make individual choices? What role does fate play in overcoming adversity? Do we have control over our destinies or are we simply victims of fate?



RL9-10.1, RL9-10.2, RL9-10.3, RL9-10.4, RL9-10.5, RL9-10.6, RL910.7, RL9-10.9, RL9-10.10 RI9-10.1, RI9-10.2, RI9-10.4, RI9-10.6, RI9-10.7, RI9-10.8, RI9-10.10

W9-10.1, W9-10.2, W9-10.3 W9-10.4, W9-10.5, W.9-10.6, W910.9 W9-10.10

Literature Extended Text (1): Romeo and Juliet Informational Text (1- Literature Short Texts (2-3) 2) Short Text: 1. Life in Shakespeare's London ife.html 2. Superstition, Alchemy and Astrology in Shakespeare's Day tition.html 3. Ralph Waldo Emerson on Fate “The Conduct of Life” http://www.emersoncentral. com/fate.htm

Poetry: (song) “The Hand of Fate” by The Rolling Stones Excerpt: The Odyssey Short Story: “The Monkey’s Paw” by W.W. Jacobs “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin “The Bet” by Anton Checkhov

Literature Circle/Independent Reading Choices: Moby Dick, Slaughterhouse Five, The Graveyard Book, Life of Pi, Wicked

Routine Writing

RESEARCH PROJECT W9-10.4, W9-10.5, W.910.6,W9-10.7,W9-10.8 W9-10.9

Develop and Convey Understanding

Interactive Notebooks, Literature Circle Roles, Dialectic Journals, Summarizing and Note-Taking History Frame, Frayer Map, Character Charts, Brainstorm Organizer

4-6 Analyses 1. EXPLORE: What is the difference between fate and destiny? THEN ANALYZE: Romeo and Juliet are referred to as "star-cross'd lovers". Discuss the concept of predetermined destiny and how it relates to the play. 2. Analyzing Flat vs Round Characters in Romeo and Juliet (Act I)—Graphic Organizer 3. Analyzing Dramatic Irony in Romeo and Juliet (Act IV)— Graphic Organizer 4. Identifying Cause and Effect in R & J—Graphic Organizer R & J COMMON ASSESSMENT: Task 21: EQ: What role does fate play in Romeo and Juliet? Is fate alone responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, or should certain characters be held accountable? Close reading of “The Conduct of Life: Fate” by Ralph Waldo Emerson with Text-Dependent Questions 1-2 Narratives Convey experiences, events, and/or procedures

Integrate knowledge from sources when composing

Mini Research Task Task 13: What did people believe about the influence of the stars on peoples’ lives during Elizabethan times? After researching 2-3 internet resources on the role of the stars on people’s lives during Elizabethan times, write short essay that describes those beliefs. Support your discussion with evidence from your research.