Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español página 1 absent oneself, to ausentarse (9) accustomed to, to be soler (ue) (12) achieve, to log...

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Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español absent oneself, to accustomed to, to be achieve, to add, to adorn, to affection affirm, to afternoon (adj.) afternoon (late); dusk agonizing agricultural all dressed up alley alliance ally almond alone along, through amaze, to amazed ample ancestor anger angry anguish anguished ant appear like, to appear, to appear, to; apple tree appreciate, to approach, to archetype arrangement arrow ash assailant assert, to astonished attack attack, to attentive attribute, to avarice avocado

página 1 ausentarse (9) soler (ue) (12) lograr (11) agregar (ie) (8) adornar (6) cariño (9) aseverar (12) vespertino/a (8) atardecer (5; 9; 11) agónico/a (3) agrícola (8) gala, de (2) callejuela (7) alianza (7) aliado/a (1) almendra (10) solas, a (12) través de, a (1) asombrar (11) maravillado/a (8) amplio/a (1) antepasado/a (1; 11) enojo (1) enfurruñado/a (11) congoja (5) angustiado/a (7) hormiga (9) asemejar (4; 12) asomar (4) aparentar (10) manzano (P) apreciar (3; 4) acercar(se) (6; 10; 11) arquetipo (7) arreglo (1) flecha (2) ceniza (4; 12) atacante (2) aseverar (12) pasmado/a (11) ataque (12) acometer (5) atento/a (7) atribuir (7) avaricia (6) aguacate (4)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español avoid, to badly wounded baking powder; leavening; yeast banner baptism barefoot baroque basis bathed battle bay bay leaf be abundant, to be moved, to beam beast beat, to beaver become a citizen, to become slender, to bed bed bee beg, to beg, to behavior being belief belligerence belong, to belonging belonging to benefit benefit, to benign betrothal bewildered bewitched birth, to give blame blame, to bleed, to blended bloody bloody blow, to

página 2 evitar (7) malherido/a (2) levadura (11) estandarte (5) bautismo (11) descalzo/a (P) barroco/a (10) fundamento (1) bañado/a (7) batalla (P; 5) bahía (8) laurel (8) abundar (10) conmocionar (3) viga (9) bestia (P) batir (10) castor (9) ciudadanizarse (2) adelgazar (2) lecho (4) tálamo (3) abeja (11) rogar (ue) (3) suplicar (7) comportamiento (7) ser (12) creencia (4) beligerancia (1) pertenecer (3; 6; 10) pertenencia (1; 11) perteneciente (8) beneficio (12) beneficiar (10) benigno/a (12) esponsales (5) aturdido/a (11) hechizado/a (3) luz, dar a (7) culpa (7) echar la culpa (3) sangrar (4) sincrético/a (8) ensangrentado/a (5) sangriento/a (4; 5) soplar (5; 12)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español boredom bothered bottom bottom bow; arch box branch bravery break in two, to brick brilliance bring together, to brotherhood bulwark burial burial mound burn, to burning burst out, to bury, to bush butterfly buzz caliphate camp camp, to canoe canyon captive captivity capture capture, to care for, to care, with caress, to carry, to casket cast, to caused ceiling chain chained challenge chaos chapel character

página 3 aburrimiento (2) molesto/a (10) fondo (6) trasero (12) arco (2; 3) caja (11) rama (2; 8; 11) valentía (5) partir(se) (5) ladrillo (10) fulgor (2) convocar (1; 4) hermandad (2) baluarte (5) entierro (3) túmulo (3) quemar (1; 12) ardiente (4) estallar (3) enterrar (3) mata (2) mariposa (8) zumbido (11) califato (11) campamento (5) acampar (8) canoa (8) cañón (11) cautivo/a (5) cautiverio (5) toma (3) captar (7) cuidar de (9) esmero, con (8) acariciar (4) cargar (11) féretro (3) lanzar (2; 7; 12); tirar (12) ocasionado/a (7) techo (9) cadena (8) encadenado/a (P) desafío (1; 11) caos (1) capilla (3) personaje (2)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español character charming chest chew, to chief chivalry choose, to chop, to cider circumvent, to city council clairvoyant clean clothing cloud cloud, to clumsiness codex coffee plantation Colombian indigenous tribe comfort, to commemorate, to complain, to complex con; swindle, to concede, to concede, to conquer, to conqueror conquest consent consolation consume, to container convert convert, to coolness copper cord corner corpse couple courage court cover up, to cover, to

página 4 protagonista (10; 12) gentil (5) pecho (10) masticar (2) cacique (6) caballerías, de (6); caballerosidad (7) escoger (6) picar (8) sidra (P) burlar (10) ayuntamiento (10) clarividente (4) limpio/a (1) vestidura (5; 8) nube (2) nublar (10) torpeza (P) códice (7) cafetal (8) muisca (6) reconfortar (2) conmemorar (10) quejarse (2) complejo (7) estafar (6) ceder (11) conceder (3) vencer (4; 6); someter (6) conquistador (6) conquista (7) consentimiento (3) consuelo (1; 9) consumir (1) recipiente (2) converso/a (11) convertir (ie-i) (6; 8) frescor (11) cobre (8) cuerda (1) esquina (7) cadáver (3) matrimonio (11) valor (2) corte (10) recubrir (6) cubrir (6); tapar (8)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español covered coward cowardice cradle craziness crestfallen cricket cross cross, to crossroads crown crush, to cry cry, to cumin cupboard curfew curse, to custom cutlery dagger damaging damned damned, fatal, unfortunate danger danger, out of darkness darkness, in the dawn daybreak day's journey dazzled deafening decapitate, to deceit decree deer defeat dejected delay, to deliver, to delusion demeanor demonstrate, to deny, to deposit, to

página 5 cubierto/a (6) cobarde (4) cobardía (5) cuna (1; 7) locura (3) cabizbajo/a (11) cigarra (11) cruz (pl. cruces) (7) atravesar (ie) (P; 1) travesía (P) corona (4; 10) machacar (2; 8) llanto (7) llorar (10) comino (8) alacena (11) toque de queda (7) maldecir (i-i) (7) costumbre (1) cubierto (9) puñal (7) dañino/a (5; 12) maldito/a (P) funesto/a (3) peligro (2) salvo, a (5) oscuridad (11) oscuras, a (2) amanecer (2; 8; 9); madrugada (8; 9); alba, el (9) amanecer (2; 8; 9) jornada (5) deslumbrado/a (7) sordo (3); ensordecedor/a (8) decapitar (6) engaño (4) decreto (4) ciervo (11; 12) derrota (1; 4; 7; 9) abatido/a (5) demorar (5) entregar (5) ilusión (7) porte (5) demostrar (ue) (8) negar (3; 10) depositar (8)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español deprivation deserve, to desirable desolation despaired destroy, to develop, to die, to direct oneself, to dishonored disillusion, to dismal disrobe, to distress disturbance dive, to dominion donkey, f. doubloon drain, to dramatist dream drink mate, to drown, to drum drunk dumbstruck dusk dust duty dwell, to dweller dwelling dye, to eagle earnestly earthenware eastern edge effort embellish, to ember embrace, to emerald emigrate, to emit, to

página 6 privación (6) merecer (4; 6; 7) deseable (9) desolación (1) desconsolado/a (9; 10) destruir (1) desarrollar (1) fallecer (3; 4) dirigirse (1) deshonrado/a (3) desengañar (9) lúgubre (5) desnudar (6) desconsuelo (10) alboroto (2; 4) zambullir (6) dominio (3) jumento (11) doblón (7) drenar (6); escurrir (P; 8); colar (P) dramaturgo/a (3) ensueño (6) matear (2) ahogarse (6) tambor (P) borracho/a (12) atónito/a (3) anochecer (11) polvo (11) deber (3) morar (1) morador/a (1; 2) morada (11) teñir (4; 6) águila, el (9) encarecidamente (11) talavera (10) oriental (8) borde (1) esfuerzo (1) embellecer (10) ascua (12) abrazar (9) esmeralda (6) emigrar (11) emitir (7)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español emphasize, to empire empty empty, to enable, to enclose, to end of, at the endure, to enjoy, to enriching entertain, to environment envy equatorial erect, to errand eruption event evil exaggerate, to exhausting exile, to expectant expel, to experience, to extend, to facade face fail, to faith faithful fall false convert fame fan, to far away farm fatal (damned, unfortunate) fate fear feat fed up feed, to fertile plain; farm fervently fever

página 7 enfatizar (P) imperio (4; 7) vacío/a (6) vaciar (2) capacitar (P) encerrar (10) fines de, a (P); cabo de, al (5) aguantar (7); soportar (1; 4) disfrutar (1); gozar (10) enriquecedor/a (11) entretener (P) medio ambiente (4) envidia (5) ecuatorial (1) erigir (1) recado (11) erupción (4; 12) acontecimiento (3); suceso (9) maligno/a (12) exagerar (P) agotador/a (8) exiliar (11) expectante (12) expulsar (11) experimentar (P) alargar (1) fachada (10) rostro (2; 3; 7) fracasar (6) fe (8) fiel (5) caída (1) marrano/a (11) fama (4) abanicar (12) lejano (7) hacienda (3); finca (8) funesto/a (3) hado (3) temor (2); pavor (8) hazaña (P) harto/a (2) alimentar (2; 12) vega (5; 8) ahínco, con (11) fiebre (P)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español fierce fight, to figure, doll fill, to filter, to find find out, to finished fire firewood fish fit, to fix, to flee, to flight flight (Arabic) floor flour flower, to fly, to foam following foot force force, by fortress fortune fortune, luck found, to fray, to frigate frightened from Aragón, Spain frontier (adj.) frying pan fulfill, to full moon gallant garden, vegetable garlic garment genre gesture to pacify someone get, to ghostly giddyap

página 8 encarnizado/a (5); fiero/a (12) pelearse (P); luchar (5) muñeco (10) rellenar (3) colarse (11) hallazgo (11) enterar(se) (3; 4; 6; 7) acabado/a (9) fuego (3) leña (11) pez (2) encajar (1) arreglar (12) huir (2; 11) huida (9) hégira (9) piso (10) harina (11) florecer (4; 11) volar (P) espuma (6; 8) siguiente (9) pata (2; 12) fuerza (P) fuerza, a la (11) fortaleza (P) ventura (9) dicha (3; 5; 9; 11) fundar (1; 6; 10) deshilachar (9) fragata (10) asustado/a (8) aragonés/esa (3) fronterizo/a (3) sartén (P; 11) cumplir (4; 10; 12) plenilunio (7) gallardo/a (5) huerto (P) ajo (8) prenda (4) género (11) apaciguamiento (6) conseguir (2) fantasmal (7) arre (11)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español gift give vent, to give, to gloomy go around, to go away, to goal goat goddess, Aztec golden golden goods gossip gossip, to gourd governor gracefulness Granada, from Greek groan groan, to ground grow dark (darken), to growing guess, to guest gun hair half handicraft handsome hanging happen upon, to happen, to happiness happy hardly hardship harmful harvest, to hatred haughty heading headline health store heartrending

página 9 don (P); obsequio (2; 5) desahogar (9) regalar (9) tenebroso/a (7) girar (8) marcharse (3) meta (P) cabra (12) Cihuacoatl (7) áureo/a (6) dorado/a (6) hacienda (3) chisme (7) chismear (3) calabaza (2) alcaide (5) apostura (7) granadino/a (5) griego/a (P) gemido (3; 5) gemir (i-i) (7) suelo (1; 4) oscurecer(se) (4; 9) creciente (11) adivinar (2) huésped (2) fusil (P) cabello (7) mitad (4) artesanía (9) apuesto/a (3; 5); lozano/a (5) pendiente (12) tropezar (3; 11; 9; 12) suceder (5) dicha (3; 5; 9; 11) dichoso/a (1) apenas (3) penalidad (11) dañino/a (5; 12) cosechar (2) odio (P) altanero/a (7) encabezamiento (3) titular (6) centro naturista (2) desgarrador/a (7)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español heavenly heavy heir help help, to herd hermitage hidden hide, to high plateau hill hillside hold fast, to hold of a ship home honor horn horrified host hot house house, to howl humble hunt hunter hurl, to hurried hurry, to; make haste, to hut hybrid illusion (pipedream) immediately impel, to imposing imprison, to in fact incident increase indigenous inhabitant injure, to innovative inquiry insistently install, to

página 10 paradisíaco/a (5) pesado/a (11) heredero/a (1; 6) auxilio (P) amparar (8) manada (9) ermita (8) escondido/a (11) ocultar(se) (8; 11) altiplanicie (6) cerro (1; 8); colina (1); monte (1; 11) ladera (12) sujetar (P) bodega (6) hogar (8; 9; 11; 12) honra (3) bocina (11); cuerno (7) horrorizado/a (3) anfitrión (2) caluroso/a (11) vivienda (11) alojar (9); hospedar (10) aullido (7; 12) humilde (6; 8) caza (6) cazador/a (P) arrojar (5; 6; 7; 11); lanzar (2; 7; 12); tirar (12) precipitado/a (11) precipitar(se) (3; 8); apresurar (11) choza (2) híbrido (11) quimera (6) enseguida (11) impulsar (6) imponente (1) encarcelar (5) hecho, de (2) lance (3) aumento (8) indígena (6; 7) morador/a (1; 2) herir (ie-i) (5; 7; 12) novedoso/a (1) pesquisa (6) encarecidamente (11) instaurar (1)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español instruct, to intellectual; wise interpreter intimate intrigued invader invigorated irrigation jaguar jealous jealousy Jew(ish) jewel join together, to joke jokester joy joyful judge judgment jungle jury keep keeper key key (island) kingdom kingdom, Arabic knee kneel, to knife knot lace laden lake lake (adj.) lament lance landowner lantern lard last, to law lazy lead leaf

página 11 instruir (1) sabio/a (11) intérprete (7) entrañable (9) intrigado/a (8) invasor/a (10) esforzado/a (5) regadío (1) yaguareté (2) celoso (4) celos (5) judío/a (11) joya (6) unirse (3) broma (10) burlador/a (11) gozo (8) gozoso/a (10) juez (4) juicio (4; 7; 12) jungla (P); selva (6) jurado (10) guardar guardián (12) llave (10) cayo (8) reino (4; 6) califato (11) rodilla (7) arrodillar(se) (4; 7; 8) cuchilla (1) nudo (1) encaje (5; 9) cargado/a (P) lago (6) lacustre (1) lamento (7) lanza (5) terrateniente (12) farol (2) manteca (11) perdurar (4); permanecer (4) ley (1) flojo/a (12) plomo (12) hoja (11)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español leap salto (2) leave, to partir leavening; yeast levadura (11) legacy legado (7) legalize, to legalizar (7) legend leyenda (P) leisure ociosidad (5) lie down, to recostar (4) lie, to yacer (3) life together convivencia (11) light up, to alumbrar (2; 8) lightening relámpago (8) limitation (gradual… of slavery through purchase of freedom) line trazo (9) lineage linaje (1; 5; 10) little window ventanuco (2) live, to habitar (4) location ubicación (3) log tronco (2; 11) loyal leal (10) luck dicha (3; 5; 9; 11) luck suerte (4) magic magia (P) make a toast, to brindis, hacer (2) make an effort, to esforzarse (2) make fun, to burlar (10) make out (see), to divisar (8; 11) make, to fabricar (9) mammoth mamut (4) manners modales (7) mansion casona (9; 12) marble mármol (3) marry, to esposar (1); desposar (3) mash, to machacar (2; 8) massacre matanza (5; 11) master amo (P) master over, to be señorear (1) mate tea yerba mate (2) mausoleum mausoleo (3) mayor alcalde (5; 10) melt, to derretirse (12); fundir (12) memory recuerdo (6) merciless despiadado (4) message mensaje (8) metal straw bombilla (2) middle of mitad, a (8)

página 12

coartación (8)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español mill miracle misfortune mishap mist mistaken mistreat, to mistreatment mixed-race mixture mixture of races moan modesty moneyed monotheistic Moor (Arab); Moorish Moorish descent moral Moslem mountain mountain range mud muezzin (Moslem caller to prayer) naïve narrator native to navel nebulous night owl nightmare not even novel (adj.); innovative nude nugget obtain, to occupation offspring often omen opinion, to have an oppressed opulent outcome outlined over-filled overflowing

página 13 molino (11) milagro (8) desdicha (5) infortunio (7) bruma (1) equivocado/a (7) maltratar (P) maltrato (8) mestizo/a (7) mezcla (9) mestizaje (7) gemido (3; 5); quejido (3) pudor (5) adinerado/a (3) monoteísta (1) moro/a (3; 5) mudéjar (3) moraleja (11) musulmán/mana (3; 5) monte (1; 11) cordillera (1); sierra (8; 11) barro (4) almuecín, almuédano (5) ingenuo/a (11) narrador/a (P) oriundo/a (2) ombligo (1) nebuloso/a (7) trasnochador (12) pesadilla (9) siquiera, ni (1; 8) novedoso/a (1) desnudo/a (10) pepita (6) conseguir (2) oficio (11) vástago/a (1) menudo, a (8) augurio (7) opinar (10) oprimido/a (8) opulento/a (7) desenlace (4) perfilado/a (5) caudaloso/a (1) desbordado/a (3)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español overtake, to overthrow, to owing to owl owner pacify, to painful pamphlet passing patch paw penetrate, to perceived perennial perish, to; die, to perjury persist, to persistence pilgrimage pioneer pity placate, to place, to plain plank plantation (Cuba) plaster play (a joke), to plaza (small) plea please, to plow through, to pompous possess, to posthumous pot, large pound, to powerful pray, to predict, to present oneself, to presentiment, to have a pride priest prince (Arabic) prisoner

página 14 adueñarse (5) derrocar (5) debido a (7) búho (2) dueño (P) apaciguar (4) doloroso/a (9) folleto (8) paso (11) parche (12) pata (2; 12) adentrarse (1); internar (11) percibido/a (7) perenne (2) fallecer (3; 4); perecer (6) perjurio (4) persistir (P) persistencia (6) peregrinación (1; 6) pionero/a (P) piedad (11) aplacar (6) colocar (3) llano (1); llanura (1) tabla (8) colonia (8) yeso (10) gastar (una broma) (10) plazuela (7) ruego (5) compadecer (1; 2; 4) surcar (2) pomposo/a (10) poseer (4) póstumo/a (3) caldero (8) golpear (10; 11) poderoso/a (10) rezar (8) predecir (i-i) (7) acudir (5) presentir (ie-i) (7) orgullo (2;10) sacerdote (7) califa (11) preso/a (5)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español profile promote, to pronounce, to prophet prove, to Puebla, from puff up, to pull out, to punishment pupil pursuer Quechuan language quickly quiet, to be rabbi rabbit race radiance raft rage rainbow raise up, to raise, to ranch ransom reach, to record recover, to redden, to reed refinement reflection reign release, to relive, to remember, to renown repentance replace, to report repose, to reproach reside, to resigned resin resolved

página 15 perfil (4) promover (11) sentenciar (11) profeta, el (9) comprobar (11) poblano/a (10) hinchar (10) arrancar (12) castigo (5) pupila (3) perseguidor/a (9) quechua (2) deprisa (8; 10) callarse (P) rabino (2) conejo (12) raza (7) resplandor (5; 8) balsa (6) rabia (10) arco iris (2; 6; 8) elevar (P) criar (8) hacienda (3) rescate (1) alcanzar (6) registro (P) recuperarse (4); recobrar (6) enrojecer (1); arrebolar (10) junco (6) urbanidad (1) reflejo (7) reinado (10) soltar (8) revivir (9) acordarse (P) renombre (4) arrepentimiento (3) reemplazar (9) reportaje (6) yacer (3) reproche (10) residir (5); anidar (9) resignado/a (3) resina (6) resuelto/a (11)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español rest, to result retort, to return reward reward, to ride on horseback, to rider rifle right right away right next to rippled risk risk, to risk, to be at roar roar, to rock, to rocky rod (small) role rolling pin romanticize, to root rotate, to rough terrain round row, to royal ruckus rugged ruined rum sacred sadden, to saddlebag sadness safe safe and sound salt salt mine sand sap sauté, to savanna

página 16 reposar (3; 8) fruto (P) replicar (7) retorno (P) recompensa (4) premiar (2) cabalgar (5) jinete (5) fusil (P) derecho (8; 10) acto seguido (6) juntito a (2) rizado/a (1) riesgo (4) arriesgar (8) peligro, correr (9) rugido (2; 4) rugir (8) mecer (2) rocoso/a (1; 2) varilla (1) papel (11) rodillo (11) romantizar (P) raíz (1) girar (8) vericueto (2) redondo/a (8) remar (6; 8) regio/a (6) alboroto (2; 4) abrupto/a (11) acabado/a (9) ron (P) sagrado/a (1; 7) entristecer (4; 5; 7) alforja (11) pena (7) salvo/a (4) sano y salvo (12) sal (6) salina (8) arena (6) savia (6) sofreír (i-i) (8) sabana (6)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español save, to saw scary scimitar screech, to sculpt, to search seed seem like, to seem, to seize, to Sephardic sepulcher set fire, to set out for, to settler shade shadow shadows shake, to shame sheet (of metal) shelter, to shining shiver, to shore (lake); bank (river) shortening sieve sigh, to sight signal, to silly similar sink, to size skillful slash the throat of, to slaughter slave slave (adj.) slavery smallpox smiling smoke, to snowy soak, to

página 17 salvar (P) sierra (8; 11) espantoso/a (12) cimitarra (5) chillar (12) esculpir (5) pesquisa (6) semilla (P) semejar (1); asemejar (4; 12) aparentar (10) apoderarse (11) sefardita (11) sepulcro (3) incendiar (1) encaminarse (8) poblador (1; 8) penumbra (11) sombra (2) tinieblas (1) agitar (11) vergüenza (10) plancha (1) refugiarse (8) reluciente (6); refulgente (6) estremecerse (8) orilla (1; 6) manteca (11) colador (2) suspirar (5) vista (1) señalar (P) necio/a (3) semejante (P) hundir (1) tamaño (9; 12) diestro/a (2) degollar (5) matanza (5; 11) esclavo (P) negrero/a (P) esclavitud (P) viruela (P) risueño/a (9; 11) humear (4) nevado/a (1) remojar (8)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español sob, to soften, to sorrow soul sow, to spark speech spend time, to spent spider spider web spider web (guaraní) spill, to spirit spite of, in splendor sprinkle, to sprout, to spur stair step (terrace) stand out, to star starboard startled statue stay stay awake, to steamy steel step upon, to stick in, to stick into, to sticky stir, to stony stop stop, to storm story strange, to find strange, to seem strangle, to stream stretch, to stricken strive to; endeavor, to

página 18 sollozar (4) ablandar (8) pesar (1; 5); pena (7) alma, el (5; 9) sembrar (P) chispa (5) discurso (P) ocupar (9) acabado/a (9) araña (9) telaraña (9) ñandutí, el (9) derramar (1); verter (ie) (4) espíritu (P) pesar de, a (8) resplandor (5; 8) espolvorear (6) brotar (3) espuela (5) escalonada (1) destacar (1; 3) estrella (2) estribor (8) sobresaltado/a (3); sobrecogido/a (8) estatua (P; 8) estancia (4) desvelar (2) vaporoso/a (7) acero (5) pisar (3; 7) fisgar (2) clavarse (2) pegajoso/a (6; 11) revolver (ue) (8) pedregoso/a (1) alto (5) parar (P); detener (1) temporal (8); vendaval (8) relato (7; 8; 9) extrañar, de (5) extrañar (4; 9) estrangular (1) riachuelo (9) estirar (11) dolorido/a (7) procurar (9)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español stucco stupefied subdue, to subject submerge, to submitted suffer, to suffering sugar cane harvest sugar mill summarize, to summit summon, to sumptuous sunset superimposed supernatural surface surround, to survive, to svelte swallow, to swear, to sweep, to swell swift swindle, to sword symbiosis sympathize with, to synagogue syncretism, blending syrup tablecloth take advantage of, to take for granted, to take note of, to take out, to take pity, to tax tea tear tear, to temperate terrified thick

página 19 estuco (5) estupefacto/a (11) rendirse (5); someter (6) súbdito (10) sumergir (1) sometido/a (3) penar (1; 7); padecer (5) sufrimiento (P) zafra (8) ingenio (8) resumir (4) cima (4; 8); cumbre (4) convocar (1; 4) suntuoso/a (8) puesta del sol (8) superpuesto/a (7) sobrenatural (2) superficie (1) rodear (1) sobrevivir (11) esbelto/a (7) tragar (1) jurar (3) barrer (8) oleaje (8) veloz (8) estafar (6) espada (5) simbiosis (9) compadecer (1; 2; 4) sinagoga (11) sincretismo (4) almíbar (8) mantel (11) aprovechar (1) sentado, tomar por (8) fijarse (5; 6; 7) sacar (9; 11) compadecer (1; 2; 4) impuesto (11) infusión (2) lágrima (1) rasgar (7) templado/a (10) aterrado/a (3; 9) grueso/a (8)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español thin threat threshold throat throne through, along throw (down), to throw oneself, to throw, to thunder thunder, to tie, to tied tile tile roof time period time period; epoch toast, to tolerate, to tomb top torn, broken tortoise touch trace, to traitor transmit, to travel through, to tread, to; step upon, to treason treasure treaty tree tremble, to trembling tribe trip over, to triumph, to troop of riders trunk trunk(of a tree) trust (in), to truthful twilight twin UFO

página 20 fino/a (11) amenaza (11) umbral (11) garganta (4) trono (1; 4) través de, a (1) arrojar (5; 6; 7; 11) abalanzarse (2) lanzar (2; 7; 12); tirar (12) trueno (8) atronar (10) atar (P) ligado/a (6) azulejo (5; 10) tejado (11) plazo (3); rato (10) época (3; 5; 9) tostar (ue) (2) soportar (1; 4) tumba (P; 3; 4); sepultura (3) cima (4; 8) roto/a (P; 3) tortuga (9) toque (P) trazar (P) traidor/a (4; 7) transmitir (P) recorrer (2) pisar (3; 7) traición (4) tesoro (6) tratado (11) árbol (11) temblar (ie) (4) estremecimiento (1) tribu (P; 6) tropezar (11) triunfar (10) cabalgada (5) baúl (9) tronco (2; 11) fiarse (en) (P;11) verídico/a (P; 3) crepúsculo (2) gemelo (4) OVNI (objeto volador no identificado) (4)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español uncover, to undergrowth undone unfortunate unfortunate (damned, fatal) union unsettle, to upset vain, in valuable value vanity vanquished vein vice royal viceroy viceroyalty victor villager voracious vow wake walled wander, to warn, to warning warrior wash, to watch over, to watch, to wave (air) wave (water) wave, to wave; undulate, to weaken, to wealth weave, to weaving well-being western wet, to whip whip, to whirl, to whirlpool whisper, to

página 21 descubrir (3); destapar (11) maleza (11) deshecho/a (9) desdichado/a (3; 5) funesto/a (3) sindicato (12) intranquilizar (8) arrebatado/a (3) balde, en (9) preciado/a (4) valor (5; 6) vanidad (10) vencido/a (5) vena (1; 3) virreinal (7) virrey (12) virreinato (7) vencedor/a (5) lugareño/a (8) voraz (1) voto (3) estela (8) amurallado/a (3) vagar (7) advertir (7); amonestar (7) advertencia (12) guerrero/a (P;4) fregar (9) guardar (4; 12); velar (por) (8; 12) vigilar (5) onda (9) ola (8) agitar (11) ondear (5) flaquear (5) bienes (3) tejer (9) tejido (9; 10) bien (1); bienestar (4) occidental (5) mojar (8) látigo (P) azotar (8) arremolinar (9) remolino (9) susurrar (3; 4; 5; 8)

Leyendas del mundo hispano, 2e Glosario Inglés-Español wild will wing wondering wood woodland worked by hand world (adj.) world view world; sphere; orb (fig.) worn out worth the trouble, to be worthy wound, to wrapped up you (lit. your mercy) young woman

página 22 salvaje (P) voluntad (3) ala, el (P) extrañado/a (8) madera (10; 11) monte (1; 11) labrado/a (5) terráqueo/a (adj.) (8) cosmovisión (10) orbe (1) gastado/a (9) merecer la pena (6) digno/a (3) herir (ie-i) (5; 7; 12) envuelto/a (1) vuestra merced (3) doncella (3)