Map Navigation Skills

Aug 5, 2016 ... How does knowing your starting location help you figure out where you can go? ○ Restate the learning target and pull out the Seville m...

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Map Navigation Skills Heidi Wilson August 5th, 2016

Overview: This lesson will teach students the basic features of a map, and how to use these features and observational skills to navigate to different locations on a map.

National Geography Standards: The World in Spatial Terms Standard 1: How to use maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information.

Oregon Geography Content Standards 5. Apply geographic skills, concepts, and technologies (e.g., maps, GIS, Google Earth) to gather, display, and analyze spatial information.

Connections to Common Core CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.3.5 Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.3.7 Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur). CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.3.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Objectives: In completing this exercise, students should be able to state: ● I CAN use a map, navigational directions, and geographic landmarks to navigate my way to different locations in a city.

Grade Levels: 3rd

Time: 1 Hour

Materials: Direction labels (North, East, South, West) City map of Sevilla, Spain (1) Monument legend of Sevilla (1) Sevilla Scavenger Hunt worksheet (1) City map of Bend, Oregon (10-15 depending on class size) Bend Scavenger Hunt worksheet (one for each student) Sevilla Scavenger Hunt Answer Key Bend Scavenger Hunt Answer Key

Background: Prior to the start of this lesson students should have a basic understanding of navigational directions (north, east, south, west). They should also understand that city maps represent real places and landmarks and serve to help people navigate the city. Since students engage in partner work and discussions they will need to know how to have collaborative conversations and use guidelines for class/partner discussions. Having students engage in collaborative conversations and partner work is a great way to keep students engaged and pair students to meet the academic needs of a diverse student body.

Procedures: Opening: 5 Minutes ● Play North, East, South West game with students to activate their prior knowledge of directions. ● Explain that directions and geographic landmarks can be used to help them navigate through a city using a map. Activity 1: (Modeling) 20 Minutes ● Pull out the Sevilla, Spain city map and project on the screen. ● Map Analysis Questions: think-pair-share ○ What was the most likely purpose for this map? How do you know? ○ What kind of labels are on this map? ● Let students know that this is a map of Sevilla, Spain and that city maps can be a very helpful tool to help you navigate through a city you may not be familiar with. ○ Discuss the importance of a legend, navigational directions, landmarks, etc.

● State the learning objective for the lesson. ● Work with students to label the directions on the map (north, east, south, west). ● Next pick a starting location on the map by circling it and discussing the significance of knowing your starting point when using a map. ○ Why would it be helpful to circle your starting location? ○ How does knowing your starting location help you figure out where you can go? ● Restate the learning target and pull out the Seville map scavenger hunt worksheet. Project it on the screen and model how to use the navigational directions, legend, and geographic landmarks to make your way to different locations on the worksheet. ○ As you model this activity, be sure to stop and check-in to answer any misconceptions. Activity 2: (Y’all do) 20 Minutes ● Restate the learning target and let students know that a local tour company has called and needs their help to complete the tour route for an upcoming group of international travels. Project the Bend city map, and Bend map scavenger hunt. Let students know they will be working in pairs to navigate the city using clues to help the tour company finish their routes. ● Students work in pairs using a city map of Bend to help the tour guide complete a route. ○ Students fill out the map scavenger hunt answers as they navigate the city. ● When students finish their map scavenger hunt they should work independently to complete the reflective questions at the end of the worksheet. Class Discussion: 10 Minutes ● What was the hardest part about navigating the city using the map? ● What are the most important features a map should have? ● Is there anything not on the map, that you think would make the process easier? ● Do you think you could use a map to navigate a city you have never been to before?

Assessment: Formative Assessments: Formative assessments will occur throughout the lesson to help differentiate and drive instruction. By assessing students’ progression toward meeting the standard the teacher will be able to teach to the class and address any misconceptions as they occur and/or accelerate students learning.

As students are working with their partners to navigate to destinations on a map, the teacher will walk around and formatively assess students ability to use the strategies of counting on and/or multiplication. ○ If you notice a handful of students are struggling pause students and remodel using directions and geographic landmarks to help them understand this concept of navigation. Summative Assessments: At the end of the lesson students will turn in their completed map scavenger hunt questions. The assignment will provide information on each student’s level of understanding of the learning objective and conceptual understanding of the importance of maps.

Extensions and/or Adaptations: In order to best support students in their learning, students should be placed in strategic pairs.Students who assess at the high end of the class can be placed with a student who assessed at the higher/middle level, and students who assess on the lower end should be paired with a lower/medium student. This strategic placement allows the teacher to accommodate and adapt instruction based on the pair of students. In order to accommodate TAG students, and those needing a bit more of a challenge while students are working with their partners to navigate the city using the city local city maps. What was most likely the purpose for creating this map? How do you know? Do you see any bias in this map for places, restaurants, activities? What does that mean about who created the map?

Sources Source 1: 4-Corners Game Directions

Source 2: Student Sevilla Scavenger Hunt Worksheet

Sevilla, Spain Scavenger Hunt Worksheet: Starting Location: 45 Plaza de Armas ● Head east along Arjona st until you come to a bridge. What is the name of the bridge you will see?________________. ● At this location you hear people talking about visiting a historic bullfighting ring in Sevilla. In order to get there you will need to head Northeast on which street?______________. ● After leaving the bullring on Adriano St. you head North to visit the Tomb of Christopher Columbus in this historical church____________. ● For your last destination you want to head to number 12 on the map. If you make your way to this destination what site will you be at? ______________________.

Source 3: Sevilla, Spain City Map

Source 4: Monument legend of Sevilla

Source 5: Student Bend Scavenger Hunt Worksheet Name:_________________

Bend, Oregon Scavenger Hunt Worksheet: Starting Location: Phil’s Trailhead off Skyliners Road ● After a long day mountain biking at Phil’s trailhead the tour group is ready to explore downtown Bend! First, they head East on Skyliners Rd for two blocks and then turn right at the roundabout onto what street?____________________. ● They continue on this road until it dead ends at a roundabout. How many streets intersect at this roundabout?________. ● From here the group decides they want to head check out the Les Schwab Amphitheater. Based on this information, what street should the tour bus exit onto from the roundabout?______________________. ● From the Amphitheatre the tour company decides to take the group downtown by using the nearby bridge to cross the Deschutes River. Once they cross the bridge they need to decide if they should take Colorado or Arizona. If the group needs to head East, which road should they take?_________________. ● They then turn left onto Bond Street. In order to get to downtown Bend, Oregon (Franklin Street) what direction should to tour group travel on Bond Street? Circle one. ○ North ○ East ○ South ○ West

Observational Questions: 1. What does a red circle within a white circle represent on the map?___________________. 2. What navigational direction is given on the map?_____________________.

Reflective Questions: 1. How could you as an individual use this map?

2. Is the map missing anything that might help you travel from one location to another?

3. If you were traveling to a new city and had the option to choose between a map similar to the Bend map or one similar to the Seville map which one would you choose? Why?

Source 6: Bend, Oregon City Map

Source 7: Sevilla Scavenger Hunt Answer Key

Sevilla, Spain Scavenger Hunt Worksheet: Starting Location: 45 Plaza de Armas ● Head east along Arjona st until you come to a bridge. What is the name of the bridge you will see? Puente de Triana. ● At this location you hear people talking about visiting a historic bullfighting ring in Sevilla. In order to get there you will need to head Northeast on which street? Paseo de Cristobal Colon ● After leaving the bullring on Adriano St. you head North to visit the Tomb of Christopher Columbus in a huge historical church along which street? Av. de la Constitucion. ● For your last destination you want to head to number 12 on the map. If you make your way to this destination what site will you be at? Convento de la Encarnacion.

Source 8: Bend Scavenger Hunt Answer Key

Bend, Oregon Scavenger Hunt Worksheet: Starting Location: Phil’s Trailhead off Skyliners Road ● After a long day mountain biking at Phil’s trailhead the tour group is ready to explore downtown Bend! First, they head East on Skyliners Rd for two blocks and then turn right at the roundabout onto what street? 14th Street. ● They continue on this road until it dead ends at a roundabout. How many streets intersect at this roundabout? Three (3). ● From here the group decides they want to head check out the Les Schwab Amphitheater. Based on this information, what street should the tour bus exit onto from the roundabout? Colorado. ● From the Amphitheatre the tour company decides to take the group downtown by using the nearby bridge to cross the Deschutes River. Once they cross the bridge they need to decide if they should take Colorado or Arizona. If the group needs to head East, which road should they take? Arizona. ● They then turn left onto Bond Street. In order to get to downtown Bend, Oregon (Franklin Street) what direction should to tour group travel on Bond Street? Circle one. ○ North ○ East ○ South ○ West

Observational Questions: 3. What does a red circle within a white circle represent on the map? Roundabouts. 4. What navigational direction is given on the map? North.

Reflective Questions: 4. How could you as an individual use this map? Answers will vary. 5. Is the map missing anything that might help you travel from one location to another? Answers will vary. 6. If you were traveling to a new city and had the option to choose between a map similar to the Bend map or one similar to the Seville map which one would you choose? Why? Answers will vary.