NEW BUSINESS REPORT ON MEETING WITH DIVISION OF ACADEMIC FACILITIES Dr. Moody told the board that he, Mrs. Holt, Terry Cooper, and Lara Cooper met wit...

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A Meeting of the Board of Education Harrison School District No. 1 MINUTES OF BOARD OF EDUCATION 1 _____ NO.

Regular ___________________ KIND OF MEETING

Administration Bldg. ___________________ MEETING PLACE


6:30 p.m. ________ TIME

April 15 2008 ____________, ______ MO/DAY YEAR


Mrs. Katie Holt ______________________________________________________________________________________ Presiding Officer

Mrs. Gwen Hoffman Mrs. Karen Dezort Mr. John Sherman Dr. Joe Melton Dr. Jerry Moody Mrs. Carlene Morris

Dr. Steven Rae Mr. Bill Boswell

OTHERS PRESENT Pam Jones, Terry R. Cooper, Becky Smith, David Holsted, John Porter, Patty Whorton, Jon Duck, Richelle Gipson, Amber Campbell, Harry Branch, Paul Shrum, Candy Deakins, Mendy Moss, Mitchell Anderson, Tom Dooley, Pam Dooley, Amanda Morrisey, Bill Keaster, Scott McDonald, Vicki White. The Harrison Board of Education met in regular session in the Board Room of Administration Building at 6:30 p.m., April 15, 2008. Mrs. Holt called the meeting to order and Mr. Sherman opened the meeting with prayer. RECOGNITION OF GUESTS Dr. Moody welcomed members of the North Arkansas professional class attending as a requirement for class work to learn the procedures of a board meeting. DISPOSITION OF MINUTES 008-107

Mr. Sherman moved, with a second by Dr. Melton, to approve the minutes of the regularly held meeting on March 11, 2008 and the special meeting held on March 31, 2008. Motion carried.


Mr. Sherman moved, with a second by Dr. Melton, to approve the routine reports as presented. Motion carried.

NEW BUSINESS REPORT ON MEETING WITH DIVISION OF ACADEMIC FACILITIES Dr. Moody told the board that he, Mrs. Holt, Terry Cooper, and Lara Cooper met with Doug Eaton, Director of the Academic Facilities Division on April 2, 2008. The first item of discussion was to determine if the district has any facilities issues relating to; immediate repairs, presence and number of suitability needs of public school academic facilities and immediate needs for facilities to meet student growth. After discussion is was determined the district had no immediate repair needs, however there are some suitability and growth issues. As a result of overcrowding in the K-4 schools they have resorted to the use of temporary buildings and the use of stages, cafeterias, media centers and hallways as classrooms. Rules and regulations call for a second election not later that seven months after the date of the failed election. Arkansas law permits only one millage election per calendar year, the earliest date for the district would be January 13, 2009. The rules also allow the Division to identify the school district as being in facilities distress if within ninety days from the notice provided to the district it does not set an election date. The Division has several options when a school district is identified as being in facilities distress: * Provide on-site technical evaluation and assistance. * Remove the superintendent and appoint an individual in place of the superintendent under the supervision of a panel appointed by the Commissioner. * Remove the current board and call for the election of a new school board or require the school district to operate without a local board under the supervision of the Commissioner. * Require the school district to cease all expenditures related to activities not described in Arkansas law as part of an adequate education and place money that would have been spent on those activities into an academic facilities escrow account and including a clause addressing this contingency in all contract with personnel who are involved with activities not described as part of an adequate education. Our district exceeds the State’s definition of adequacy in many respects. An adequate high school curriculum is 38 credits, we offer twice that number. Four Advance Placement courses are required; we offer seven A/P courses. Our district requires one more credit for graduation than the Stat Mandates. We have more nurses and counselors than are required. Our alternative education program exceeds minimum requirements. Our district provides social workers and school based mental health workers that are not required. There are other programs that we offer above the state mandates, but we do not want to eliminate these programs that are helpful to our students. The first assignment for the district is to determine what it must do to provide adequate K-4 facilities. This could be done by the following: 1) 2) 3)

The number of addition regular grade-level classrooms needed might be reduced by assuming no additional enrollment growth in the future, and/or Lowering the expectation that more student would be able to attend their neighborhood schools. Reduce the number of additional spaces for art, music, PE, G/T, Title I remedial education/tutoring, occupational and physical therapies, speech pathology, conferencing/testing, library, computer lab, nurse’s room, rest rooms and administrative offices by appropriate creative combinations.

A full discussion followed the reading of the options. Each board member was given the attached five documents for the Process and Procedure for the Identification of Districts Academic Facilities Distress. Dr. Moody told the board that Mr. Eaton expects a report within three or four weeks. A special board meeting date was discussed. CONSIDER CERTIFIED PERSONNEL POLICIES PROPOSALS Three Personnel Policy Proposals were presented to the board for their consideration: BOEP 3.303 Supervision of Immediate Family BOEP 3.525 Cell Phone Use BOEP 3.541 School Calendar The administration recommended the approval of the proposed policy changes. 008-109

Dr. Melton moved, with a second by Mr. Sherman to approve the Certified Personnel Policy changes. Motion carried.

CONSIDER CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL POLICIES PROPOSALS There were two Classified Personnel Policies proposed for board consideration: BOEP 4.303 Supervision of Immediate Family BOEP 4.525 Cell Phone Use The administration recommended the approval of the proposed policy changes. 008-110

Mr. Sherman moved, with a second by Mrs. Dezort to approve the Classified Personnel Policy changes as presented. Motion carried.

CONSIDER SECONDARY TEXTBOOK ADOPTION The Secondary &-12 Social Studies Textbook Committee recommended the adoption of the following textbooks: Grade/Course 7-8 History 8 History 9 Civics 10-12 American History 10-12 World History 11-12 Government 11-12 AP-US Government 11-12 Psychology 11-12 Sociology

Textbook Journey Across Time The Arkansas Journey Civics Today The American Vision Glencoe World History Unites State Gov.-Democracy in Action The American Pageant Understanding Psychology Sociology and You

Publisher Glencoe Glencoe Glencoe Glencoe/McGraw Glencoe/McGraw Glencoe/McGraw Houghton Mifflin Glencoe/McGraw Glencoe/McGraw

The administration and the Textbook Committee recommended the approval of these textbooks. 008-111 Mrs. Dezort moved, with a second by Mr. Sherman to approve the textbook selection as presented. Motion carried. CONSIDER TECHNOLOGY PLAN

It is required by ADE that all public schools submit Technology Plans for 2009-20012 in order to comply with the No Child Left Behind legislation and e-rate application requirements. The Harrison District Technology Coordinator is presently writing the plan that will be submitted on or before May 2, 2008. The administration recommended the approval of the 2009-2012 Technology Plan. 08-112

Mr. Sherman moved, with a second by Mrs. Dezort to approve the Technology Plan and that it will be available to them to review upon completion. Motion carried

CONSIDER PETITIONS FOR TRANSFER OF STUDENTS The following petitions for Transfer of Students were presented for the consideration of the board: Student Outgoing

Incoming ** Bryce Flower * Anna K. O’Bryan * Black S. Lewis




15 4 6

Mike & Brenda Flower Ashley O’Bryan Tiffany Lewis

Alpena Omaha Lead Hill


Harrison Harrison Harrison

Administration recommended the approval the endorsed incoming transfers as presented. 008-113 Mr. Sherman moved, with a second by Mrs. Dezort to approve the transfers as recommended by the administration. Motion carried.

The administration recommended that the Board go into executive session for the purpose of considering employment, appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplining, or resignation of employees.

PERSONNEL RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS The following resignation was presented to the board for their consideration: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

Mr. Bill Burge, Teacher/Coach, Jr. High, Retirement, effective end 2007-08 Nanci Caillouet, Speech/Drama, Sr. High, effective end 2007-08 Sara Fast, Math, Sr. High, Resignation, effective end 2007-08 Melanie Gilliam, Kindergarten, Skyline, effective end 2007-08 Clare Lesieur, Academic Coach, Eagle/Forest, effective end 2007-08 Barbara Martin, Media Specialist, Eagle, Retirement, effective end 2007-08 Angela Parson, Third Grade, Skyline, effective end 2007-08 Elaine, Reed, Sixth Grade, Middle School, effective end 2007-08 Paul Renfroe, Keyboarding, Jr. High, Retirement, effective end 2007-08 Cheryl Satterfield, Biology/Physics, Sr. High, effective end 2007-08 Tracy Yocham, Fourth Grade, Forest, effective end 2007-08 Mandy Mistler, Paraprofessional, Skyline, effective March 31, 2008 Janet Sappenfield, Cook, Eagle, effective April 15, 2008 Tommye Williams, Paraprofessional, Sr. High, effective April 1, 2008


Mrs. Hoffmann moved, with a second by Dr. Melton resignation/retirEment request as presented. Motion carried.




TRANSFER OR REASSIGNMENT REQUESTS The following transfer/reassignment request was presented to the board for their consideration: (1) 08-115

Don Price, Teacher/Coach to Teacher with supplemental salary for golf only Mrs. Hoffmann moved, with a second by Dr. Melton to approve the transfer/reassignment as presented. Motion carried.

ELECTIONS The following elections were presented to the board for their consideration: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 008-116

Classified Personnel Contract Renewals (see attached list) Rachel Barger, English/Drama, Sr. High, effective 2008-09 Megan Cochran, Math, Sr. High, effective 2008-09 Jennifer Conditto, Sixth Grade, Middle School, effective 2008-09 Rebecca Crow, English/Journalism, Sr. High, effective 2008-09 Emily Magness, First Grade, Forest, effective 2008-09 Dione Mays, Speech Pathologist, District, effective 2008-09

Mrs. Hoffmann moved with a second by Dr. Melton, to approve the elections as presented. Motion carried.




Approved: __________________________________ Date ___________________________________________ President or Chairman

______________________________________ Secretary