NAB EA campaign outcomes and proposalv2

What about pay? NAB tabled a pay proposal that revealed the cracks in the bank’s pay model that NAB workers ... Levels 1 - 4 By agreement FSU and NAB...

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NAB EB campaign outcomes and proposal for your consideration Where we began

What happened next

At the commencement of negotiations NAB tabled both a low pay offer and a series of changes that would have reduced rights for workers. These were:

Active FSU Reps and campaign volunteers organised a campaign to maintain these entitlements. Because of the pressure applied, NAB took these matters off the table.

Annual Leave

What about pay?

N W A HDR mpaign


Ability to dictate the timing of your leave Ca as well as the removal beofr additional m e week foftleave er Mfor remote locations



Parental Leave

NAB to have discretion to alter Parental ign a p m Leave provisions if the Government er Ca changes bScheme Paid Parental Leave m e ftelifer Mof the agreement overAthe


Meal Allowance

N W A R aign D p Breaks m H a WftIeTr Member C Reduced weekend eligibility

Expansion of the time that meal breaks A could be allocated


Transport for Shift Work

Provide car park in reasonable proximity

Dber Campaig H Shift IWork Hours T Wfter Mem

Option to increase shift hours and the A of shifts per month number


Flexible Part Time Employment aign Option to utilise flexible partmtime p a C without er bank employment across bthe m e M limitations After


NAB tabled a pay proposal that revealed the cracks in the bank’s pay model that NAB workers found unacceptable. There was only 3.5% p.a. on offer for Groups 1 & 2 and nothing guaranteed for Groups 3 & 4. The broken pay model was characterised by secrecy, bias and a bell curve that robbed some in order to pay others. FSU Reps and campaign volunteers organised a petition calling on the bank to fix the broken pay model that attracted 7,000 signatures.

NAB ED TO FIX N G I S S N TITIO 7,000 PE KEN PAY MODEL! THE BRO For Levels 1 and 2, the annual amount is back up to 4% made up of 2% across the board from 1 October + 2% performance pay from 1 January each year. Then there are additional improvements including:  A commitment from NAB to resolve the high numbers of low ratings for Groups 1 and 2 in Personal Bank.  Minimum rates increase for Levels 1 and 2 of 2.25% twice during the life of the EB, leaving NAB with the highest floor rates among the big 4 banks. For Levels 3 and 4:

A revised pay proposal has been achieved as a result of this campaign activity. The main features are:

 Annual TEC increases for Levels 3 & 4 employees will be recommended by workplace performance based on published factors.

For everyone:

 Employees will be able to request a copy of the TEC recommendation generated by workplace performance.

 The bell curve on performance is going!  The “round table” discussions that robbed some to pay others is going!  New absolute performance assessment of ‘Not Meets’, ‘Meets’ and ‘Exceeds’ means you will be measured against what is expected of you given your length of time in a role, not your performance relative to others.  Work to occur over the next 12 months on a new agreed classification structure that includes job categories, remuneration ranges and job sizing in consultation with the FSU and it’s members.

 Each year NAB will consult with FSU on remuneration outcomes for Levels 3 & 4 employees enhancing transparency and accountability.  An improved and expanded appeals process, including the right to representation on the salary offered on appointment as well as salary increases.  Minimum rates increase for Level 3 of 3% three times during the life of the agreement. This measure means approx. a third of Level 3 employees will automatically receive an increase in their take home pay and there will be flow on effects for other employees in these Levels.  A new classification structure with seven levels, including categories in levels 1 to 4 will replace the current four group broadbanded structure.

Authorised by Leon Carter, FSU National Secretary / May 2014

NAB EB 2014 – Summary of Outcomes Classification Review Levels 1 - 4

By agreement FSU and NAB. For transparency and clarity we will include agreed job categories L1 to L4 with TEC references for the agreed job categories. Annual review of salary ranges include FSU consultation. TEC ranges and information will be published on the NAB Intranet. Level 3 and Level 4 remuneration outcomes will be reported annually to the FSU. We have the option of Fair Work Commission conciliation to assist while developing the new classification structure. The fallback position of status quo where agreement cannot be reached.

Pay - Level 1 & 2

4% available each year with 2% up front on 1 October and another 2% from 1 January for those who meet expectation or better. NAB to resolve the disproportionate number of low performance outcomes for Level 1 & 2 employees in Personal Bank. Jobs categories within Levels 1 – 2 to improve transparency.

Pay - Level 3 & 4

On appointment an employee will receive the greater of either the minimum of the relevant TEC range for the role or the Level Floor Rate for Level 3. Salary review process will be centralised – you will no longer have to deal with the no budget response. Employees will have access to their salary recommendation information. An appeal process with right to representation available to employees on appointment and for salary review.

Pay Specialist/ Technology Jobs

The salary review processes to be consistent with your level. Level 1 & 2 refer to Pay Level 1 & 2 Level 3 & 4 refer to Pay Level 3 & 4.

Increases to floor rates

Levels 1 & 2: 2 x 2.25% increases October 2014/2015. Level 3: 3 x 3% increases to resolve internal relativities March 2014/2015/2016.


The bell curve on performance outcomes will no longer be applied from FY2015 performance cycle. New absolute performance assessment of ‘Not Meets’, ‘Meets’ and ‘Exceeds’ means you will be measured against what is expected of you given your length of time in a role, not your performance relative to others. Secret round tables which previously changed outcomes to distorted results in order to fit salary budgets are also gone.

Higher Duties

After at least one working day.

Gender equity

In addition to the existing provision of superannuation payments on periods of parental leave we’ve secured:  Salary review upon return from parental leave.  Period of parental leave to count as service towards long service leave.

Domestic Violence Leave

Domestic Violence Leave now included in the agreement as paid leave.

Representative role allowances

Health and Safety Representative, Safety Warden or First Aid Officer allowance of $100 per calendar month.

Job security and change

FSU meetings to be facilitated by NAB. Consultation periods improved. Consideration must be given to suitably qualified employees “On Deployment” for employment opportunities. Transition Coaches to have an active role in supporting employees impacted by change. “On Deployment” periods suspended when accepted to a secondment. Suspension of the date of retrenchment where an employee has a realistic prospect of being appointed to a position. Selection for retrenchment amongst those employees who have expressed an interest in voluntary retrenchment. Training funds as an alternative to outplacement support accessible for up to 6 months after date of retrenchment.


All allowances have been updated.

Duration of Agreement

A shorter agreement expiring on 31 March 2016. This allows us to develop the new classification structure, bedded in with a subsequent opportunity to campaign for further improvements after 12 months.

Finance Sector Union of Australia | Phone: 1300 366 378 (Monday to Friday, 8am - 6pm AEDT) | FSU Website: | Email: [email protected]