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OXFORD ARCHITECTURAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY RICHMOND ROOM, ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM Classified Shelf-List (Brought up-to-date by Tony Hawkins 1992-93) Note (2010): The collection is now stored in the Sackler Library CLASSIFICATION SCHEME A Architecture A1 General A2 Domestic A3 Military A4 Town Planning A5 Architects, biographies & memoirs A6 Periodicals B Gothic architecture B1 Theory B2 Handbooks B3 Renaissance architecture B4 Church restoration B5 Symbolism: crosses &c. C Continental and foreign architecture C1 General C2 France, Switzerland C3 Germany, Scandinavia C4 Italy, Greece C5 Asia D Church architecture: special features D1 General D2 Glass D3 Memorials, tombs D4 Brasses and incised slabs D5 Woodwork: roofs, screens &c. D6 Mural paintings D7 Miscellaneous fittings D8 Bells E Ecclesiology E1 Churches - England, by county E2 Churches - Scotland, Wales E3 Cathedrals, abbeys &c. F Oxford, county F1 Gazetteers, directories, maps &c. F2 Topography, general F3 Topography, special areas F4 Special subjects F5 Oxford diocese and churches, incl RC and non-conformist F6 Individual parishes, alphabetically G Oxford, city and university G1 Guidebooks G2 Oxford city, official publications, records G3 Industry, commerce G4 Education and social sciences G5 Town planning G6 Exhibitions, pageants &c H Oxford, history, descriptions & memoirs H1 Architecture, incl. church guides H2 General history and memoirs H3 Memoirs, academic

J Oxford university J1 History J2 University departments & societies J3 Degree ceremonies J4 University institutions J5 Colleges K Biography and family history K1 General and collective K2 Family histories K3 Individual biographies L Berkshire L1 General L2 Regions, incl. River Thames L3 Particular localities M Buckinghamshire N Gloucestershire O Cambridge P Heraldry and armour Q Miscellaneous F : FOLIO A ARCHITECTURE A1 ARCHITECTURE, general history Aldrich - Elements of civil architecture 1789 Atkinson - Glossary of English architecture 1948 F Architectural association sketch books (10 vols) 1881-1901 Berty - Vocabulaire archéologique 1853 Briggs - Puritan architecture 1946 Briggs - Goths and vandals 1952 Bury - Rudimentary architecture 1867 Caumont - Abécédaire 1853 Choisy - Histoire de l'architecture (2 vols) 1903 Collier - Historic buildings 1973 Colvin - Architectural drawings from Lowther castle, Westmorland 1980 Comite historique des arts et monuments - Instructions 1857 Crosnier - Eléments d'archéologie 1845 Fergusson - Illustrated handbook of architecture (2 vols) 1855 Fergusson - History of architecture (5 vols) 1893-1902 Feriel - Resume d' archéologie 1846 Ferriday (ed.) - Victorian architecture 1963 Freart - Parallel of antient architecture 1664 Freeman - History of architecture 1849 Gardner - Outline of English architecture 1945 Godfrey - Our building inheritance 1945 Goodhart-Rendel - English architecture since Regency 1953 Gwilt - Encyclopaedia of architecture 1842 Hope - Historical essay on architecture 1835 Mortet & Deschamps - Recueil de textes a l'histoire de l'architecture; tome II XII-XIII siècles 1929 Parker - Glossary of terms used in architecture (3 eds) 1836-45 Parker - Concise glossary of terms in architecture 1875 Pilcher - Regency style 1947 Ramee - Manuel de l'histoire de l'architecture 1843 Rosengarten - Handbook of architectural style 1878 Smith - Outline of architecture 1820 Stratton - Orders of architecture 1931 Vitry - Dictionnaire portative d'architecture 1831 Vitry – Vignole de poche 1832-1-

A2 ARCHITECTURE, domestic Billings - Baronial antiquities of Scotland (4 vols.) 1845-52 The new Palace of Westminster 1892 Brayley & Britton - Ancient palace of Westminster 1836 F Burges - Architectural designs 1883 F Clarke - Schools and school houses 1852 Dollman & Jobbings - Analysis of domestic architecture (2 vols) F Garner & Stratton -Domestic architecture, Tudor period 1929 Scott - Remarks on secular and domestic architecture 1858 Turner - Some account of domestic architecture (4 vols) 1851-9 Wilkinson - English country houses 1875 Wood - English medieval house 1965


A3 ARCHITECTURE, military Armitage - The early Norman castles of the British Isles 1912 Clark - Papers on castles 1870 Thompson - Military architecture in England during the middle ages Toy - Castles 1939 Viollet le Duc - Military architecture 1879


A4 ARCHITECTURE, Town planning Hughes and Greening-Lambourn - Towns and town planning 1923 Suddards - Listed buildings: the law and practice 1988 Tout - Medieval town planning 1917 A5 ARCHITECTS, Biographies and memoirs Britton - The autobiography of John Britton (2 vols) 1850 Colvin - Biographical dictionary of English architects 1660 - 1840 1954 Ferrey - Recollections of A. N. Welby Pugin 1861 Harvey - Henry Yevele 1944 Harvey - English medieval architects - a biographical dictionary down to 1550 1954 Hicks - William Searle Hicks, architect 1903 Jackson - Recollections of Thomas Graham Jackson 1950 Rickman - Notes on the life of Thomas Rickman 1901 A6 ARCHITECTURE, periodicals, pamphlets, reports The Church-Builder (4 vols bound in 2) The Ecclesiologist (29 vols bound in 26)

1861-4 1843-68

B GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE B1 GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, theory Barr - Anglican church architecture 1842 Barrington - Tabular display of British architecture 1843î®® Barrington - Manual for students of British architecture 1843 Bloxham - Principles of Gothic architecture (2 eds) 1838-49 Bourasse - Archéologie chrétienne 1841 Brandon (JA & JR) - Analysis of Gothick arch. (2 vols) 1847 Britton - Arch. antiquities of Gt. Britain (5 vols) 1807-26 F Browne - Pugin studentship drawings 1887 F Carter - Ancient architecture of England 1837 Close - Church architecture scripturally considered 1844 F Coney - Ecclesiastical edifices 1842

F Conybeare - Ten canons of proportion c 1870 Eastlake - History of the Gothic revival 1872 Ecclesiastical society handbook 1847 F Francis - Series of original designs 1841 Haggitt - Two letters on Gothic architecture 1813 Hawkins - History of Gothic architecture 1813 Hope - English cathedral 1861 Hopkins - Essay on Gothic architecture 1836 Kendall - Elucidation of principles of English arch. 1818 F Lewin - Design for a small church 1844 Milner - Treatise on ecclesiastical architecture 1835 Neale - Hierologus: a church tour 1843 Paley - Manual of Gothic architecture 1846 Parker - Introduction to the study of Gothic architecture (3 eds) 1849-77 Parker - Series of (3) manuals of Gothic architecture 1855 Parker - ABC of Gothic architecture (2 eds) 1882-1900 F Petit - Remarks on architectural character 1846 Poole - History of ecclesiastical architecture in England 1848 Pugin (AC) - Specimens of Gothic architecture (3 vols.) 1823 Pugin (AWN) - Gothic ornaments selected 1831 Pugin (AC & AWN) - Examples of Gothic arch. (3 vols) 1836-8 Pugin (AW) - Contrasts 1841 Pugin (AWN) - Glossary of ecclesiastical ornament 1844 Pugin (AW) - Apology for the revival of Christian arch. 1843 Reichensperger - L'art Gothique 1867 Rickman-Attempt to discriminate styles of arch.(3 eds.) 1835-81 Scott - Essay on English church architecture 1881 Sharpe - Seve Trimen - Church and chapel architecture 1849 Warton et al - Essays on gothic architecture 1800 Weale (ed.) - Quarterly papers on architecture (4 vols) 1844-5 B2 GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, handbooks Bond - Gothic architecture in England 1905 Bond - Introduction to English church architecture(2 vols) 1913 Clapham - English Romanesque arch. before the conquest 1930 Clapham - English Romanesque arch. after the conquest 1934 Clarke - Church builders of the 19th century 1938 Clinch - Old English churches 1900 Dryden - Catalogue of drawings etc. 1912 Howard - Medieval styles of English parish church 1936 Reports of Architectural Societies 1842-5 Tracts relating to the Gothic revival (3 vols) 1825-81 B3 RENAISSANCE ARCHITECTURE Hakewell - Character of Elizabethan architecture Papworth - Renaissance style of arch. in Gt. Britain

1835 1883

B4 GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, church restoration Bordeaux - Traite de la réparation des églises 1862 Bruton - Handy book on ecclesiastical dilapidations act 1871 Markland - Remarks on English churches 1843 Markland - On the reverence due to holy places 1846 Paley - Church restorers 1844 Poole - Churches, their restoration 1845 Scott - Plea for faithful restoration of churches 1850 Société française pour la conservation des monuments programme


B5 GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, symbolism, crosses etc. Adeline - Les sculptures grotesques et symboliques 1900 Allen - Early Christian symbolism 1887 Brock - The cross 1879 Collingwood - Northumbrian crosses 1927 Ecclesiastical Society - Hierurgia Anglicana 1848 Prior - Gothic art in England 1900 Twining - Symbols of early Christian art 1852-4C CONTINENTAL AND FOREIGN ARCHITECTURE C1 CONTINENTAL ARCHITECTURE, General Faber - Sight and thoughts in foreign churches 1842 Heber Rimmer memorial 1896 F Nesfield - Specimens of medieval architecture in France and Italy Petit - Remarks on church architecture (2 vols) 1841 Webb - Sketches of continental ecclesiology 1848 Whewell - Architectural notes on German churches 1835


C2 ARCHITECTURE, France, Switzerland F Basle cathedral - Description 1842 Bilsen - Vestiges de la cathédrale de Rouen 1927 Bouet - Analyse architecturale de l'abbaye de Ste Etienne de Caen 1868 Britton - Normandy 1832 Clapham - Renaissance of architectural stone carving in France 10th & 11th centuries 1932 F Caumont - Programme des questions archéologiques 1841 Caumont - Cours d'antiquités monumentales (6 vols) 1830-41 Caumont - Histoire sommaire de l'architecture religieuse (2 vol) 1838 Caumont -Statistique monumentale du Calvados (3 vols) 1847 F Cotman - Architectural antiquities of Normandy (2 vols) 1822Deville - Tombeaux de la cathédrale de Rouen 1833 Enlart - Architecture civile et militaire 1904 Enlart - Architecture religieuse 1919 Gardner - French sculpture of 13th century 1905 Knight - Architectural tour in Normandy 1836 Lasterie - l'architecture religieuse en France a l'époque Gothique; Vol. 2 1927 Lasterie - l'architecture religieuse en France a l'époque Romaine 1929 Leroux de Lincy - Essai sur l'abbaye de Fécamp 1840 F Lusson - Château de Neuville 1839 Petit - Architectural studies in France 1854 Schayes - Histoire de l'architecture en Belgique 1851 Viollet-le-Duc - Dictionnaire raisonne de l'architecture française (11 vols) 1858-89 Winkles - French cathedrals 1837-5C3 ARCHITECTURE, Germany Scandinavia F Dahl - Denkmale... Norwegens 1837 Daly - La cathédrale de Cologne 1842 F Lange - Malerische Ansichten am Main, Rhein F Moller - Denkmaler der deutschen Baukunst Moller's Memorials of German-Gothic architecture F Schmidt - Two works on Trier (2 vols; 1 folio) F Zwirner – Vergangenheit des Kölner Dombaues C4 ARCHITECTURE, Italy, Greece

1836 1815 1836 1836,43 1842

F Couchaud - Climix d'églises byzantines en Grèce Knight - The Normans in Sicily 1838 Street - Brick an marble ..... in Italy 1855 Willis - Remarks on architecture especially in Italy



C5 ARCHITECTURE, Asia South Kensington Museum - Illustrations of Indian arch. 1870 D CHURCH ARCHITECTURE: SPECIAL FEATURES D1 CHURCH ARCHITECTURE, general Addleshaw - The architectural setting of Anglican worship 1948 Bliss - Specimens of church plate, crosses etc. 1845 F Carter - Specimens of ancient scuplture 1838 Church monuments 1,i1985Church monument society - Newsletter 1,i1985Cottingham - Catalogue of museum of medieval art 1851 Crossley - English church craftsmanship 1941 Ecclesiological society - Instrumenta ecclesiastica (2 vols) 1847,56 English church history exhibition, catalogue 1905 Fowler - Miscellanea 1863-1891; 1874-1918 (2 vols) 1863-1918 Knoop & Jones - Medieval mason 1933 F O.A.H.S - [Catalogue of casts of architectural features and models in possession of O.A.H.S.] n.d. Oman - English church plate 597-1830 1957 Paley - Manual of Gothic mouldings 1845 Royal architecture museum - Catalogue of collection 1877 Society of antiquaries - Sepulchral monuments report 1872 Thompson - Ground plan of the English parish church 1913 F Twopenny - Etchings of capitals 1837 Weale - Archaeology 1858-9 F Wickes - Illustrations of spires and towers (2 vols) 1853-4 Wilson and Hole - Ornaments of churches considered 1761-6-

D2 CHURCH ARCHITECTURE, glass A.A. - Introduction to study of painted glass 1878 Archer, Crewe & Cormack - English heritage in stained glass: Oxford 1988 Arnold - Stained glass in England and France 1913 Bell - Stories for stained glass 1910 Benson - Ancient painted glass in York churches 1915 Binnall - The nineteenth century stained glass in Lincoln Minster 1966 Bright - Herckenrode windows, Lichfield cathedral 1934 Bryans - Stained glass 1910 C (J.M.C.) - Canterbury cathedral glass 1931 Crewe - Stained glass in England, c1180 - c1540 1987 Day - Windows 1897 Day - Stained glass 1903 Drake - History of English glass-painting 1912 Eden - Ancient stained and painted glass 1913 Farrar - Notes on painted glass in Canterbury cathedral 1897 Franks - Ornamented glazing quarries 1849 G (J.S.) - East window in Holy Trinity, Goodramgate, York 1905 Gedde - Book of sundry draughts for glasiers 1615 repr.1898 Gilbert - Fragments towards the history of stained glass and the sister arts of the Middle Ages 1840 Gouda, Explanation of glasswork at c1800 Hardy - Painted glass of Beauchamp chapel at Warwick 1909 Harrison - York Minster glass 1926

F Harrison - Stained glass of York Minster 1938 Heaton - Precious windows of Chartres 1906 Hollaender - Swiss stained glass panels c1938 James and Milner-White - Glass in King's college chapel 1930 Knowles - Essays in history of York school of glass-painting 1936 F Lasteyrie - Histoire de la peinture sur verre (2 vols.) 1853 Le Couteu - Ancient glass in Winchester 1920 Magne - Vitraux de Montmorency et d'Ecouen 1888 Mason - Guide to the glass of Canterbury cathedral 1925 Merson - Les vitraux 1895 Meyrick - C15th glass in St Peter's Mancroft, Norwich 1911-7Newton - Corpus vitrearum mediaevi; County of Oxford; a catalogue of medieval stained glass 1979 Peatling - Ancient stained glass in Surrey 1930 Pitcher - Ancient stained glass in Gloucestershire 1925 Rackham - The ancient glass of Canterbury cathedral 1949 Read - English stained glass 1926 F Rushforth - Stained glass of Gt Malvern priory(5 vols) 1916-35 Rushforth - Glass in east window of Gloucester cathedral 1921 Rushforth - East window of Gloucester cathedral 1922 Rushforth - Medieval imagery in Gt. Malvern glass 1936 Sherrill - Stained glass tours in England 1909 Thomas - Window making as an art 1901 Thornton - Catalogue of two old Dutch painted windows 1879 Vallance - Sir E Burne Jones designs for glass 1910 Wayment - The stained glass of the church of St Mary, Fairford, Glos 1984 F Westlake - History of design in painted glass (4 vols)1881-94 Winston - Inquiry: style in ancient glass paintings (2 vols) 2eds. 1847,67 Winston - Memoirs of art of glass-painting 1865 Woodforde - Stained and painted glass in England 1937 Woodforde - English stained glass of 14th century 1939 Woodforde - Stained glass in Somerset 1250-1830 1946 Woodforde - The Norwich school of glass-painting in C15 1950 Woodforde - The stained glass of New College, Oxford 1951 York, All Hallows church, last 15 days of the world 1930 F York, All Hallows church, stained glass 1934 York, Holy Trinity church, notes on east window 1905 York minster, photographic record of glass (3 box vols.) 1931-8D3 CHURCH ARCHITECTURE, memorials, tombs, crosses Batsford - English mural monuments and tombstones 1916 Blore - Monumental remains of noble persons 1826 Bloxham - Sepulchral effigies in South Yorkshire 1850 Carter - Remarks on Christian gravestones 1847 Crossley - English church monuments, 1150-1550 1921 Cutts - Manual of sepulchral slabs and crosses 1849 Esdaile - English monumental sculpture 1927 Fryer - Wooden monumental effigies of England 1924 Gibbs - Designs for Christian memorials 1857 Hartshorne - Sepulchral remains of Northamptonshire 1840 F Hollis - Monumental effigies of Great Britain 1840-2 Hingston - Ancient Cornish stone crosses 1850 Jones - How to record graveyards 1976 Leach - An investigation into the use of Purbeck marble in medieval England [1974] Markland - Remarks on sepulchral memorials 1840 Nichols - St.Mary, Warwick and Beauchamp chapel c1840 F Oliver - Incised effigies of Staffordshire 1913 Osmond - Christian memorials 1848 Owen - Old stone crosses of Vale of Clwyd 1886 F Richardson - Monumental effigies Temple church 1843

F Richardson - Monumental effigies Elford 1852 Rimmer - Ancient stone crosses of England 1875 F Soc of antiquities sepulchral monuments comm.(2 reports) 1872 Styan - History of sepulchral cross-slabs 1902 Wall - Tombs of the kings of England 1891 Weever - Ancient funerall monuments (2 copies) 1631, 1767 Tracts on tombstones, fonts, tiles: Batty - Baptismal fonts 1848 Harrison - On a Saxon picture in a MS in Cambridge 1893 Paget - Tract upon tomb-stones 1843 Way - Ornamental tiles in Great Malvern church 1844 Winston - Introduction to painted glass 1849 -9D4 CHURCH ARCHITECTURE, brasses and incised slabs Monumental brass society: Transactions 1887F Monumental brass society: Portfolio (3 vols.) 1894-9 Andrews - Memorial brasses in Hertfordshire 1886 Ashmolean Museum - Notes on brass rubbing (4 eds.) 1952-73 Badham, Blair, Emmerson - Specimens of lettering from English monumental brasses 1976 Badham - Brasses from the north east 1979 Beaumont - Ancient memorial brasses 1913 Beaumont - Three interesting Hampshire brasses 1914 Belonge, Greenhill - Some brasses in Germany and Low Countries 1955 Bertram - Lost brasses 1976 Bertram - Rare brass rubbings from Ashmolean collection 1977 Bliss - Sir Hugh Johnys and his brass at Swansea 1845 Busby - The Monumental Brass Society: a short history 1887-1987 1987 Cambridge Camden Society - Monumental brasses 1846 Cameron - Monumental brasses on the continent of Europe (-Addendum with addns.& corrns) 2 pts [in 1] 1970,77 Charlton collection of brass-rubbings, Newcastle-upon-Tyne public library 1967 Clayton - Catalogue of rubbings of brasses and incised slabs, classified and arranged in chronological order (Victoria & Albert Museum) 1929 Coales - The earliest English brasses 1987 Davis - Brasses of Gloucestershire 1899 Druitt - Manual of costume in brasses 1906 Ecclesiastical society - Illustr. of monumental brasses 1846 Fairholt - Costume in England (2 vols.) 1885 Farrer - List of brasses in Norfolk 1890 Felgate - Knights on Suffolk brasses 1976 Felgate - Suffolk heraldic brasses 1978 Greenhill - Scottish notes II and III 1949-52 Greenhill - A note on Foljambe's brass at Chesterfield 1951 Greenhill - Some brasses formerly in Canterbury cathedral 1952 Greenhill - Some Leicestershire indents 1954 Greenhill - Some additions to the Northamptonshire list 1955 Greenhill - Monumental incised slabs in the county of Lincoln 1986-10Greenwood & Norris - The brasses of Norfolk churches 1976 Haines - Manual for study of monumental brasses 1848 Haines - Manual of monumental brasses 1861 Heseltine - The figure brasses of Cambridgeshire 1981 Heseltine - The brasses of Hereford cathedral 1982 Heseltine - The brasses of Huntingdonshire 1987 F Hudson - Monumental brasses of Northamptonshire 1853 Lack - Index to Monumental Brass Society, transactions bulletins and portfolios, 1887-1986 1987 Lewis - Welsh monumental brasses 1974 Macklin - Monumental brasses 1892

Macklin - Monumental brasses; new ed. re-written by J. Page Phillips 2nd ed. 1972 Macklin - Brasses of England 1907 Manning - List of brasses in England 1846 Meara - Victorian memorial brasses 1983 F Monumental brass society - A revised list of monumental brasses in the British Isles. 1. 1977 Morley - Brasses of Berkshire 1924 Nitz - Entstehung und Bedeutung der englischen Messinggrabplatten 1980 Norris - Brass rubbing 1977 Norris - Monumental brasses: the memorials (2 vols.) 1977 Norris - Monumental brasses: the craft 1978 Norris - Monumental brasses: The portfolio plates of the Monumental brass society 1894-1984 1988 Oliver - Notes on brasses 1895-1906 The Oxford journal of monumental brasses 1-2(iii) 1897-1912 F Oxford portfolio of monumental brasses 1950Oxford University Brass-Rubbing Society (afterwards Oxford University Antiquarian Society 18971900) 1893-1902 Page-Phillips - Children on brasses 1970 Page-Phillips - Palimpsests: the backs of monumental brasses (2 vols) 1980 Page-Phillips - Witness in brass 1988 Rensten - Hertfordshire brasses 1982-11Sadler - The lost monumental brasses of West Sussex 1969 Sadler - The lost monumental brasses of East Sussex 1970 Sadler - The indents of lost monumental brasses in Cornwall, Devonshire & Somerset 1975 Sadler - The indents of lost monumental brasses in Dorset & Hampshire (-Appendix) 2 pts. 1975-7 Sadler - The indents of lost monumental brasses in Wiltshire 1975 Sadler - The indents of lost monumental brasses in Surrey & East Sussex 1975 Sadler - The indents of lost monumental brasses in west Sussex 1975 Sadler - The indents of lost monumental brasses in Kent (-Appendix) 3 pts. 1975 Sadler - The indents of lost monumental brasses in southern England (-Appendix) 4 pts. 1976 Sadler - The indents of lost monumental brasses in Cornwall, Devonshire, Somerset and Wiltshire: Appendix 1980 Sadler - The indents of lost monumental brasses in Surrey & Sussex: Appendix 1980 Sadler - The lost monumental brasses of Sussex 1988 Stephenson - Brasses of Shropshire 1894 Stephenson - List of brasses in British Isles 1926,38 Stephenson revision - (sheets), 1(1986) Stephenson - A list of monumental brasses in Surrey 1970 (repr) Thorneley - The monumental brasses of Lancashire and Cheshire 1893 Valentine - Church brasses of Leicestershire 1975 F Waller & Waller - Series of monumental brasses 1842-64 Ward - Brasses 1912 D5 CHURCH ARCHITECTURE, woodwork: roofs screens etc. Bonds & Camm - Roodscreens and roodlofts (2 vols.) 1909 Brandon & Brandon - Open timber roofs of Middle Ages 1849 Bury - Remains of ecclesiastical woodwork 1847 Howard & Crossley - English church woodwork 1917 Minns - Norfolk chancel screens and lofts 1908 Morrell - Woodwork in York 1949 F Pearson - Ranworth rood screen c1925 Pugin A.W.N. - Gothic furniture of 15th century 1835 F Shurlock - Tiles from Chertsey 1885 Vallance - History of roodscreens & lofts in East Riding 1917 Vallance - English church screens 1936 Tracts on medieval painting: Gunn and Husenbeth - Tracts on screens and murals 1852 Mandelgren - Notes: l'exécution de vieilles peintures 1872 Sharpe - Letters on colour in church windows 1871

South Kensington Museum - List of mural paintings 1872 Stuart - Fresco at church of St Congan, Turriff 1861 D6 CHURCH ARCHITECTURE, mural paintings Bird - Ancient mural paintings of Gloucestershire 1927 Keyser - List of buildings in Great Britain and Ireland having mural and other painted decorations prior to the later part of C18 1883 D7 CHURCH ARCHITECTURE, miscellaneous fittings Baron - Scudamore organs 1858 Cave - Roof bosses in medieval churches 1948 Cole - Church plate of Bristol 1932 Dolman - Examples of ancient pulpits in England 1849 Eden - Black Tournai fonts in England 1909 Freeman - Essay on window tracery 1851 Haberly - Medieval English paving tiles 1937 Horne - Primitive sun-dials or scratch dials 1917 Keyser - List of Norman tympana and lintels 1927 Lambert - Church needlework 1844 F Lavenham Gothic ornaments 1790 Leve - La tapisserie de Bayeaux 1919 Nichols - Examples of decorative tiles; bound with 1845 Church - Patterns of inlaid tiles 1845 Nightingale - Church plate of Dorset 1889 Paley - Illustrations of baptismal fonts 1844 Parker - English medieval embroidery 1848 Sharpe - Treatise on decorated window tracery (2 vols.) 1849 Shaw - Alphabets 1845 Simpson - Baptismal fonts 1828 F Sutton - Medieval organ case at Old Radnor 1866 Victoria & Albert mus.-Picture book of alabaster carvings 1925 Viollet-le-Duc - Dictionnaire raisonne du mobilier Français 1858 Walker - Church plate of Berkshire 1927 D8 CHURCH ARCHITECTURE, bells Andrews - John Briant, bell-founder 1930 Sharpe - The church bells of Berkshire pts 18 & 19. 2pts. [in 1] 1964-70 Sharpe - Church bells of Herefordshire (4 vols.) 1966-70 E ECCLESIOLOGY E1 CHURCHES - England, by county Brandon & Brandon - Parish churches 1848 Clarke & Betjeman - English churches 1964 Daubeny - Ancient Cotswold churches 1921 Hussey - Notes on churches of Kent, Sussex and Surrey 1852 Martin - Historic churches of the Thames Valley 1973 Neale - Views of collegiate and parochial churches 1824 Relton - Sketches of churches 1843 Robinson - West country churches (2 vols) 1914 Whiffen - Stuart and Georgian churches 1947 BED Architectural Institute - Ecclesiastical topography: Bedfordshire 1848 BER Keyser - Norman architecture of Berkshire 1911 Keyser - Notes on the churches of Aldermaston, Papworth Englefield and Tidmarsh 1911

CAM Paley - Churches of Cambridgeshire 1840-3 Tracts: Cambridgeshire 1843,48 CHE Parker - Medieval architecture of Chester 1858 Richards - Old Cheshire churches 1947 COR Tracts: Cornwall (incl. Blight - Antiquities in Kirrier and Penwith) 1850-62 CUM Caine - Churches of Whitehaven rural deanery 1916 DER Cox - Churches of Derbyshire (4 vols.) 1875-9 DEV Cresswell - Churches of Kenn deanery, Devon 1912 Cresswell - Churches of Exeter 1908 Stabb - Some old Devon churches (3 vols.) 1908-16 ESS Buckler - 22 Essex churches illustrated 1856 HAM Treasures of Hampshire churches 1935 HEREF Lewis - Illustrations of Kilpeck church, Herefordshire 1842 HERT Buckler - Views of Hertfordshire, index 1932 KEN Glynne - Notes on the churches of Kent 1877 Oyler - Parish churches of Canterbury diocese 1910 LEI Walker - Church of Stoke Golding, Leicestershire 1844 LIN Sharpe - Churches visited during Lincoln excursion 1870 1871 Tracts - Lincolnshire churches, division of Holland: Scott - Report on Boston church 1843 Account of reopening of St. Botolph's church, Boston 1853 Heckington, St. Andrew's church 1860LON Billings - Architectural illustrations of Temple church, London and Kettering church, Northants 1843 Bumpus - London churches 1883 Burge - The Temple church 1843 F Jackson - Illustrations of bishop West's chapel, Putney 1825 NORF Cautley - Norfolk churches 1849 F Cotman - Specimens of architectural remains, Norfolk (2 vols) 1838 Tracts: Norfolk 1830-50 Britton - Essay on ancient gatehouse at Norwich 1877 Poole - Remarks on Norfolk churches 1849 NORTHAMP Architectural notices of churches of archdeaconery of Northamptam, Higham Ferriers and Haddon 1849 F Barr - Elevations of Strixton church, Northamptonshire 1849 Parker - The church of Fotheringhay 1841 Sweeting - Notes on churches around Peterborough 1868 NORTHUMB F Wilson - Architectural survey of churches of archdeaconery of Lindisfarne 1870 NOT Godfrey -Notes on churches of Nottinghamshire (2 vols) 1887,1907 SHR Cranage - Architectural account of churches of Shropshire (2 vols.) 1894-1912 SKE Christian - Architectural illustrations of Skelton church, Yorkshire 1846 SOM

Brereton - Sixty photographs of Somerset church towers 1930 Church rambler in Bath, Somerset and Wiltshire 1878 Parker - Architectural antiquities of Wells (2 vols.) 1866 Wickham - Churches of Somerset 1952 SUF Cautley - Suffolk churches and their treasures 1938 SUS Nibbs - Churches of Sussex 1851 WAR Staunton & Bloxam - Notes on churches of deanery of Warwick (2 vols.) 1847,58 WOR Miller - Parishes of diocese of Worcester 1889-90 Noake - The rambler in Worcestershire 2 1854 Stanton - Rambles among Worcestershire churches(2 vols) 1884-6 YOR Buckler - Remarks on wayside chapels 1843 Poole - Churches of Yorkshire (2 vols.) 1884,48 F Halfpenny - Fragmenta vetusta, York 1807 Hatton - Churches of Yorkshire illustrated 1880 McCall - Richmondshire churches 1910 Poole & Hugall - Churches of Scarborough, Filey 1848 Shuffrey - Churches of deanery of North Crave E2 CHURCHES, Scotland and Wales Buckler - The cathedral church of Iona 1866 Characteristics of old church architecture in Scotland 1861 Hughes & North - Old churches of Snowdonia 1924 M (T.S.) - Descriptive notes of churches in Scotland 1848 E3 CATHEDRALS, ABBEYS Bell's cathedral series (34 vols.) 1898-1914 Britton - Cathedral antiquities (4 vols.) 1836 Ditchfield - The cathedrals of Great Britain 5th ed. 1932 F Dugdale - Monasticon Anglicanum (8 vols.) 1817-30 Handbook to cathedrals of England (6 vols.) 1876-1903 Handbook to cathedrals of Wales 1887 F SPCK - Cathedrals (2 vols.) c1900 BEV Nolloth - Beverley and its minster 1937 BOL Thompson - Priory of St Mary Bolton in Wharfedale 1830 BRI F Britton - History and antiquities of Bristol cathedral 1830 Ross - The cathedral church of Bristol (13 ed.) 1951 CAN Canterbury cathedral chronicle 1928-75 Friends of Canterbury cathedral reports 1928-72 Gervase's account of Canterbury cathedral 1851 Legg & Hope - Inventories of Christchurch, Canterbury 1902 Somner - The antiquities of Canterbury 1703 Stanley - Historical memorials of Canterbury (1,11 eds) 1855 Willis - Architectural history of Canterbury cathedral (2 vols.) 1845,67 Woodruff - Memorials of Canterbury cathedral 1912 F Woolnoth - Illustration of Canterbury cathedral 1816 CAR Billings - Architectural illustrations of Carlisle cathedral 1840 CHR Ferrey - Antiquities of Christchurch, Hants 1834

DER Cox & Hope - Chronicles of All Saints, Derby 1881 DRY Richardson - Dryburgh abbey, Berwickshire 1948 DUR Billings - Architectural illustrations of Durham 1843 Greenwell - Durham cathedral (6th and 8th eds.) 1904,13 ELG Richardson - Cathedral kirk of Moray, Elgin 1934 ELY Blackburne - Notes on the memorials in Ely cathedral 1946 Ladds - Monastery of Ely 1930 Millers - Description of Ely cathedral 1834 Stewart - On the architectural history of Ely cathedral 1868-17EXE Bishop & Prideaux - Building of Exeter cathedral 1922 Carpenter - Exeter cathedral, 1942 1943 Hewett - Exeter cathedral 1848 Prideaux - Figure sculpture of W front of Exeter 1912 Prideaux & Shafto - Bosses and corbels of Exeter 1910 FON Britton - Fonthill abbey 1823 FOU Oxford - Fountains abbey 1953 GLA F Collie - Plans of Glasgow cathedral 1835 Watson - Double choir of Glasgow cathedral 1916 GLO F Britton - History of Gloucester cathedral 1829 HER Merewether - Condition of Hereford cathedral 1842 Willis - Survey of Hereford cathedral, bound with 1842 Phillipps - Letter to Herefordshire landowners 1847 HEX Hodges & Gibson - Hexham and its abbey 1919 Savage & Hodges - Record of works at Hexham abbey 1907 JER Jervaux abbey 1924 KIL Prim & Graves - History of St. Canice cathedral, Kilkenny 1857 KIR Hope & Bilson - Architectural description of Kirkstall Abbey 1907 LES Clapham - Lesnes abbey, Erith, Kent 1915 LIN Buckler - Description of restoration of Lincoln cathedral 1866 bound with: Nicholson & Fox - Lincoln cathedral 1926 Gardner - Lincoln angels 2nd ed. 1960 Venables - Walk through Lincoln 1902 F Wild -Illustrations of architecture of Lincoln cathedral 1819 NOR Hope - On a painted table at Norwich cathedral 1910 Whittingham - The stalls of Norwich cathedral c 1960 PET Britton - History and antiquities of Peterborough cath. 1828 Sweeting - The cathedral church of Peterborough 3rd ed. 1932 ROM Spence - Essay on Romsey abbey [1841] ST.A Buckler & Buckler - History of abbey church of St. Alban 1847

N (H.J.B.) - The abbey of St. Alban 1856 bound with Scott restoration report 1871 Neale - Abbey church of St. Alban 1877 R.C.H.M., England - A guide to Saint Albans cath. 2nd ed. 1981 ST.D Briant - Guide to St. David's cathedral 1896 Scott - St. David's cathedral 1873 ST.P Benham & Welch - Medieval London 1901 bound in 1 vol. Benham - Old St. Paul's cathedral 1902 F Dugdale - History of St. Paul's cathedral 1716 SHE Odom - Memorials of Sheffield 1922 SOU F Dollman - Priory of St. Mary Overie, Southwark 1901 TEW Gough - Abbey church of St Mary the Virgin, Tewkesbury 1959 WEL Church - Chapters in history of Wells 1894 Cockerell - Iconography of w front of Wells 1851 F Cole - Sketches of Wells and Glastonbury [1851] Marquet de Vasselot - La crosse de Wells 1936 Parker - Illustrations of architectural antiquities of city of Wells 1866 WES Antiquities of the abbey church of Westminster (2 vols.) 1722 Bradleys - Westminster abbey 1913 Lethaby - Westminster abbey and the king's craftsmen 1906 Lethaby - Westminster abbey re-examined 1925 F Mackenzie - Arch. ant. of St. Stephen, Westminster 1844 Rackham - Nave of Westminster 1909 Stanley - Historic memorials of Westminster abbey 3rd & 6th eds. 1869,89 Westlake - Westminster abbey (2 vols.) 1923 Widmore - History of church of St.Peter,Westminster abbey 1751 YOR F Bayly - Four churches in deanery of Buckrose [1894] F Browne - History of St. Peter York (minster) 1847 Gage - Remarks on York minster (+ Account of subscribers to restoration of York minster,1842) 1831 F Halfpenny - Gothic ornaments in cathedral of York 1831 F Monkhouse - Churches of York [1843] F OXFORD, COUNTY F1 Gazetteers, directories, maps, official lists, bibliographies Bacon's new survey map of Berks, Bucks and Oxon 1900 Cassey - History, gazetteer of Berks and Oxon 1869 Cheyne - Probate records of the courts of the bishop and archdeacon of Oxford (2 vols.) 1981 Cordeaux - A chronological synopsis and index of items in Jackson's Oxford journal 1781-90 (5 vols.) 1976 Cordeaux & Merry - Bibliography of printed works relating to Oxfordshire excluding the university and city of Oxford: supplementary volume 1981 Darbishire & Stanford - Map: the Oxford river; (the Thames from Northmoor to Day's lock) n.d. Davenport - Lords lieutenant and High sherrifs 1868 Davenport - Oxfordshire annals 1869 Davenport - Lords lieutenant, High sherrifs and MPs 1888 Ditchfield & Dale - County biographies Oxon and Berks c -1905 Dutton - Directory & gazetteer of Oxon, Berks & Bucks 1863 Evans - Highways and byways in Oxford and the Cotswolds 1919 Gardner - History, gazetteer and directory 1852 Gelling - Place-names of Oxfordshire (2 vols.) 1953 Greening Lamborn - Index of books relating to topography of Oxford region c1960

Hoffman - Map of Thame area 1925 Kelly - Directory of Oxon 1887 & 1891 Kimball - Oxfordshire sessions of the peace F Map of Oxfordshire 1830 F Oldfield - Parochial index to Bodleian MSS. Oxford county council record publications Parker - Index to MSS collections in Bodleian Taunt's shilling map of river Thames Who's who in Oxfordshire 1936-20-

1983 1929 1948 - 66 1894 1882

F2 OXFORD, COUNTY, Topography, general Allison, Beresford & Hurst - Deserted villages of Oxfordshire 1965 Archaeological Institute - Eccles and archaeological topography of England. Oxfordshire 1850 Barratt & Vaisey - Oxfordshire: a handbook for students of local history 1973 Bloxham - Portrait of Oxfordshire 1982 Bond & Over - Ordnance survey historical guides: Oxfordshire and Berkshire (2 copies) 1988 Brewer - Oxfordshire 1819 Bristol & Glos. arch. soc. meeting - Fairford and Oxford 1911 Brookes - Odds and ends 1960 Butler - Village survey making 1928 Clapinson - Victorian and Edwardian Oxfordshire from old photographs 1978 Cooke - Topographical description of county of Oxfordshire 1830 Cox - Topographical, ecclesiastical and natural history of Oxfordshire 1724 Ditchfield, ed - Memorials of old Oxford 1903 Ditchfield - Oxfordshire 1912 F Domesday book - Oxenefordscire, ed. Farley (2 vols) 1783 F Domesday book - Oxfordshire (facs) (2 vols) 1862 Evans - Highways and byways in Oxford &c. 1919 Falkner - A history of Oxfordshire 1899 Gent's. Mag. - Topogr. history of Notts, Oxon & Rutland 1897 Gullick - A pictorial survey of England & Wales I. Oxford region 1939 Gunther, ed. - Oxford country 1912 Hyde - Leaves from Oxon notebook 1937 Inman - Near Oxford 1904 Jessup - A history of Oxfordshire 1975 Liddell - School history of Oxon. 1908 Liddell - Oxfordshire 1909 Marshall - Oxfordshire by-ways 1935 Martin - History, people and places in new Oxfordshire 1975 Martin & Steel - The Oxford region 1954 Mee - Oxfordshire 1942 Monk - By Thames, Coln and Leach &c. 1927 Monk - A ramble in Oxfordshire n.d. Murray - Handbook for travellers in Berks, Bucks & Oxon. 1872 Murray - Handbook for travellers in Oxon. 1894 OAHS - Guide to arch. antiquities near Oxford (2 copies) 1846 Oxford & dist. footpaths preservation soc. - Short walks round Oxford 1927 Oxford & dist. footpaths preservation soc. - Walks around Oxford 1929 Oxfordshire county official guide 1960 Piper - Oxon [1938] Rhodes - Oxfordshire: a county and its people 1980 Royal Arch. Inst. - Summer meeting at Oxford 1910 Scargill & Crosby - Oxford and its countryside 1982 Sherwood & Pevsner - Oxfordshire 1974 Shrimpton - Rambles and rides round Oxford 1880 Shuffrey - Rural Oxford 1928 F Skelton's engraved illustrations of Oxfordshire 1823 Stevenson - Oxfordshire: Barracuda guide 1977 Turner - Topographical)' memorandums for county of Oxford 1820

Turrell & Graves - Roads round Oxford 1892 Victoria county history of Oxfordshire, Vol 1 1929 Weare - Some remarks on Great Haseley, Fotheringay & Dorchester churches 1839-45 Tracts, Oxon I, II and III 1783-1873 F3 OXFORD, COUNTY, Topography, Specific areas – Chilterns, Cotswolds, Thames Arnold - Scholar gypsy and Thyrsis n.d. Baker - Story of the Chiltern heathlands 1931 Blomfield - History of deanery of Bicester 1882-94 Dunkin - Oxon: Bullington & Ploughley (2 vols.) 1823 Freeburn - 'twixt Cherwell and Glyme 1927 Henderson - Three centuries in north Oxfordshire 1902 Holgate - Neolithic settlement of the Thames basin 1988 Hutton - By Cotswolds and Thames 1901 Kennett - Parochial antiquities of Ambrosden & Burcester (2 vols) 1718 Miller - Rambles round the Edge Hills 1896 Monk - By Thames and Windrush 1926 Monk - Tales that are told on the Cotswolds 1928 Rolt - Thames from mouth to source 1951 Wilson - The Thames - record of a working waterway 1987 Wyfold, lord - Upper Thames valley 1923 Wyndham - A backward glance 1952 F4 OXFORD, COUNTY, Special subjects Ashby - Allotments and smallholdings in Oxfordshire 1917 Beeson - Clockmaking in Oxfordshire 1989 Briggs Cook & Rowley - Archaeology of the Oxford region 1986 Buckler & Hollis - 26 views of churches in Oxon. 1820 Davenport - Oxfordshire bridges 1869 Davis - General view of agriculture in Oxford 1794 Davis – Masons’ marks in Oxfordshire and the Cotswolds 1938 Ettlinger - Novel approaches to folklore of Oxon 1950 Foreman - Oxfordshire mills 1983 Jenkins - The Fairford branch: the Witney and East Gloucestershire railway Leyland & Troughton - Glovemaking in west Oxfordshire 1974 McKinley - The surnames of Oxfordshire 1977 Manning - Stray notes on Oxon folklore (2 parts) 1902 Milne - Catalogue of Oxon C17 tokens ., 1935 Neale - Plates from views of the seats of noblemen in Oxfordshire 1820 F Phillipps - Oxfordshire monumental inscriptions 1825 Pocock - Old Oxfordshire 1982 Raphael - Of Oxfordshire gardens 1982 Robson - Oxon election of 1754 1949 Walker (ed.) - Natural history of Oxford district 1926 Woods - Rural industries round Oxford 1921 Woodward - Oxfordshire parks 1982


F5 OXFORD ,COUNTY, diocese and churches, also Catholic & Nonconformist Bouchier - Monastic remains near Oxford 1905 Bouchier - Notes on stained glass near Oxford 1918 Brookes - Mid-Oxfordshire churches 1970 Evans - Church plate of Oxon 1928 Ford & Hayward - Church treasures in the Oxford district 1984 Greening Lambourn - Armorial glass of Oxford diocese 1949 Headlam - Oxford and neighbouring ch.urches 1925 Howard - Screens and roodlofts in Oxon 1910

Kirk - Church dedications in Oxford diocese 1946 McClatchey - Oxfordshire clergy 1960 Marshall - Oxford, diocesan history 1882 Phillimore - Oxfordshire parish registers, marriages 1909 Sharpe - The church bells of Bicester deanery 1932 Stapleton - Post-reformation Catholic missions in Oxon 1906 Stephenson - List of Oxon brasses 1920 Summers - Congregational churches in Bucks, Berks & Oxon 1905 Thompson ed. - Visitations in the diocese of Lincoln 1940-47 Tiller - Church and chapel in Oxfordshire 1851 1987 F6 OXFORD, COUNTY, Individual parishes (alphabetically) 1987 ADD Gepp - Adderbury 1924 Nares - Adderbury 1949 BAM Giles - History of Bampton 1848 Oswald - Bampton 1946 BAN Victoria history of the counties of England: Oxon, Vol 10. Banbury hundred 1972 Beesley - History of Banbury 1841 Bloxham - The book of banbury 1975 Brinkworth - Old Banbury (1st & 2nd eds.) 1958,1966 Cake & Cockhorse: 3,iv; 4,iii-iv; 4,vii; 4,xi; 5,ii-v 1966Draper - Notes on Caltorpe manor, Banbury 1915 Draper & Potts - Parish church of Banbury 1907 E.W. - Pathways of Banburyshire 1900 Gibson - Banbury baptism & burial record 1653-1723 (BHS9) 1969 Gibson - Burial register of Banbury 1723-1812 (BHS18) 1984 Gibson - Baptism & burial records of Banbury 1813-1838 1988 Harvey & Trinder - New light on Banbury's crosses 1967 Herbert - Shoemaker's window 1st & 2nd eds. 1949,1971 Hodgkins & Bloxham - Banbury and Shutford plush 1980 Johnson - History of Banbury 1865 Potts - Bailiffs and mayors of Banbury 1904 Potts - Banbury in coaching days 1929 Potts - Banbury cross and the rhyme 1930 Potts - Story of Banbury parish church 1935 Potts - A history of Banbury. 1st & 2nd eds. 1958,1978 Renold - Banbury gaol records 1987 Stacey - Tradition and change in Banbury 1960 Trinder - Banbury's poor in 1850 1966 Trinder - Victorian Banbury 1982 Walford - Edge hill 1886 Wood-Jones - The Banbury region 1956 Wood-Jones - Traditional domestic architecture in the Banbury region 1963 BEG Aubertin-Potter - Begbroke: fragments of a history 1984 BEN Pearman - History of Bensington 1896 BER Moreau - The departed village: Berrick Salome 1968 BIC Dunkin - History of Bicester and Alchester 1816 Wing - Brief annals of Bicester poor law union 1877 BLO All Saints' school (3 eds.) 1920,1929,1945 Bloxham 1960 BOA

Rix - Boars Hill 1943 BRIT O'Sullivan - The two Britwells 1969 BRIZ Keyser - Churches of Brize Norton and Black Bourton 1915 BROA Fisher - History of Broadwell..with Filkins, Kelmscottand Holwell 1968 BROU Metcalfe - Broughton and North Newington 1893 BUR Fisher - History of Burford 1861 Gretton - Burford records 1920 Gretton - Burford past and present Hutton - Burford papers 1905 Monk - History of Burford 1891 Monk - Walks and drives round Burford 1902 Monk - The story of Burford 1928 Official guide - Burford 1938 Tucker - Burford parish church 1971 CAV Pearman - Historical notices of Caversham 1894 CHAL Swinstead - Chalgrove and John Hampden 1906 CHAR Kibble - History of manor of Charlbury 1927 Kibble - Charming Charlbury 1930 Payne - Notes on Charlbury 1935 Porter and Spicer - Hedges in our countryside: (the Charlbury hedge survey) (1985) CHAS Dickens - History of Chastleton 1938 Jones M.W. - History of Chastleton house 1893 Jones M.W. - Chastleton house 1932 CHIP Kirtland - Brief memorials of Chipping Norton (2 copies) 1871 Meades - History of Chipping Norton (2 eds.) 1949,1984 Pearson - Chipping Norton in by-gone times 1909 CHU Rose - History of Churchill 1934 CLA Radcot house and Windmill farm Clanfield 1904 COG Steane - Cogges 1980 COM Pearce - Church of St. Laurence, Long Combe 1906,07 COR F Watney - Cornbury 1910-25COT Rayner-Smith - Cottisford and its church 1955 CRO Clack - Short history of Crowmarsh Gifford 1922 CUD Cuddesdon college - mural paintings 1854-1904 Cuddesdon college - record and memorial 1904 CUL Nares - Culham manor 1950 CUX Harvey - A medieval Oxford village, Cuxham 1240-1400 1965 DED Colvin - History of Deddington 1963 Turner - Story of Deddington 1933

Briefs from Deddington registers 1951 Notes on Deddington church tower and bells 1952 DOR Addington - Some account of Dorchester abbey (2 eds.) 1845,60 Macfarlane - Short account of Dorchester 1892 Taunt - Dorchester and its abbey 1906 ELS Clark - Manor of Elsfield 1927 ENS Cobb - Parochial history of Enstone 1936 Cobb - Parish and church of St. Kenelm, Enstone 1946 Jordan - Parochial history of Enstone 1857 Marshall - Account of Church Enstone 1868 EPW Goulburn - The Epwell hunt. Ed. by P.Morgan 1984 EWE Bolton - Guide to St. Mary church, Ewelme 1955 Dodd - Historical guide to Ewelme church 1916 Short guide to Ewelme church 1930 EYN The Eynsham record. 11984 FIF Goshawk - Fifield Merrymouth (1957) FIN Blomfeld - History of Finmere 1887 FOR Barrington-Baker -Story of St. Nicholas'church,Forest Hill 1951 Forest Hill W.I. - The village book 1933 Forest Hill W.I. - Forest Hill with Shotover: a portrait 1983 GAR Garsingto W.I. - Garsington 1937 GLY Barnett - Glympton 1923 GOD Clark (ed.) - English register of Godstow nunnery c1450 1911 Memoirs of antiquities of Great Britain, observations relating to Godstow 1723 Taunt - Godstow 1900 GOR Reade - Allnutt's charity, Goring heath 1877 Stone - Account of church & priory of Goring 1893 Taunt - Goring, Streatley 1894 GT.H Weare - Remarks on Gt.Haseley church 1848 GT.M Ellis - Account of Gt.Milton 1819 GT.T Hussey - Gt.Tew 1949 Loudon - Account of paper roofs at Gt.Tew 1811 HANB Bailey - Hanborough 1953 HANW Keyser - Visit to Croughton, Hanwell, Horley and Hornton churches 1921 HEA Cook & Taylor - A village within a city: Old Headington 1987 Evans - Manor of Headington 1928 Hill - Headington quarry and Shotover 1933 HEN Burn - History of Henley 1861 Climenson - Guide to Henley 1896 Cottingham & Fisher - Henley-on-Thames 1990

Friar Park, Henley-on-Thames, guide 1910 Guide to Henley-on-Thames and its vicinity c 1847,repr.1972 Henley-on-Thames guides (3 eds.) 1826-80 Radford - St.Mary Henley-on-Thames 1933 HEY Pearson - History of Upper Heyford 1907 HOO Dickins - History of Hook Norton 1928 IDB Goshawk - Idbury history 1961 IFF Marshall - Account of Iffley 1870 IPS Baker - Ipsden country 1959 ISL Henman - Islip, Oxfordshire 1987 Miller - The history of the village of Islip, Oxfordshire 1930 KEN Paintin - Kencott, Broadwell,& Langford churches 1911 KIDD Norwood - A squirearchy, Kiddington 1934 Warton - Specimen of history of Oxon., Kiddington 1815 KIDL Freeborn - St.Mary, Kidlington 1950 Offord - A history of Kidlington 1976 Wing - Annals of Kidlington 1881 KING Fowler - Kingham old and new 1913 Lainchbury - Kingham the beloved place 1957 KIR Humphries - Kirtlington 1986 Taunt - Kirtlington 1905 LAU Buxton & Sharpe - St.Mary, Launton 1952 LIT F Underwood - View of Littlemore church 1840 F Underwood - Elevations, sections & details of Littlemore church 1845 MAP Baker - Mapledurham church and village 1955 MAR France - Marston, a case for conservation 1988 MER Major - St.Swithin's church, Merton-on-Otmoor 1951 MID Hussey - Middleton Park 1946 Rahtz & Rowley - Middleton Stoney 1984 MIN F Prichard - Views of Minster Lovell church 1850 Taylor - Minster Lovell and small holdings 1950 Taylor - Minster Lovell hall 1958 NUF Briers - History of Nuffield 1939 OSN Swaine - Memoirs of Osney abbey 1769 OTM Hobson & Price - Otmoor and its 7 towns 1961 Reaney - The class struggle in C19th Oxfordshire: the Otmoor disturbances 1971 Scargill - Otmoor: a case for preservation [1982] Surman - Eliza of Otmoor 1975 PLO

Ploughley rural district, official guide 1955 ROL Lambrick - The Rollright stones 1983 Taunt - The Rollright stones 1907 SAN Marshall - Account of Sandford 1866 Marshall - Sketch of history of Sandford St.Martin 1890 SHIPL Climenson - History of Shiplake 1894 Climenson - History of Shiplake church 1904 SHIPT History of Shipton-under-Wychwood by the W.I. 1934 SHIR Money - Walk to Shirburn castle 1895 SHO Steel - The natural history of a royal forest: (Shotover) 1984 SPE Corbett - History of Spelsbury 1931; 1st & 2nd eds. 1931,62 STA Harcourt (2nd earl) - Account of Stanton Harcourt 1808 STE Brookes - History of Steeple Aston (& review notices) 1929 Wing & Dryden - Antiquities of Steeple Aston,with Souldern 1845 STONE Aston - Stonesfield slate 1974 Pointer - Account of roman pavement at Stunsfield 1713 Powell - Stonesfield 1975 STONO Stonor - Stonor 1952 STU F Croke - Views of Benedictine priory at Studley 1840 SWA Davison - Story of Swalcliffe 1943 Keyser - Account of Swalcliffe church 1900 Swalcliffe Park, sale catalogue 1935 SWI Villiers (E. de) - Swinford bridge, 1769-1969 (2 copies) 1969 SWY Napier - Historical notices of Swyncombe & Ewelme 1858 THA Brown and Guest - History of Thame 1935 F Lee - History of prebendal church of Thame 1883 Lupton - Extracts from churchwarden's accounts of Thame St. Mary 1852History of Thame 1860 Tythrop house, Thame. Sale catalogue 1933 WAR Warborough c.1950 WAT Todd - Waterperry church 1955 WESTC 187  0 Marshall - Memorials of Westcott Barton WESTW Fisher - The history of Westwell, Oxfordshire 1972 WHE Hassall - History of Wheatley stone 1955 WHI Baker - Whitchurch on Thames 1956 Godlee - A village on the Thames: Whitchurch 1926 Slatter - History of Whitchurch 1895 WIG

Price - The Wiggington constables' book, 1691-1836 1971 WIL F Buckler - Elevations of St. Peter's church, Wilcote 1844 WIT Bolton & Maslen - Calendar of the court books of the borough of Witney 1985 Fleming - Witney grammar school 1960 Giles - History of Witney 1852 Monk - History of Witney 1894 Plummer - Witney blanket industry 1934 Plummer and Early - The blanket makers 1969 WOL Carter - Wolvercote mill 1957 Venables - The church and parish of St. Peter, Wolvercote 1960 WOO Radclyffe - Views of Blenheim palace 1842 WOODE Poxon - Church of Holy Rood, Woodeaton 1956 WOODS Ballard - Chronicles of Woodstock 1896 Bond & Tiller - Blenheim: landscape for a palace 1842 Eccles - New guide to Blenheim 1880 Green - Blenheim palace 1951 Marshall - Early history of Woodstock manor,& supplement 1873 Mavor - New description of Blenheim 3 eds. 1789-1811 Neale - 6 views of Blenheim 1823 F Radclyffe - Views of Blenheim palace 1842 Shelmerdine - Introduction to Woodstock (2 copies) 1951 WOOT Ponsonby - Wootton 1947 Victoria History of counties of England: Oxon Vol 12 Wootton hundred 1990 WRO Wroxton Abbey 1957 WYC Kibble - History and notes of Wychwood forest 1928 Schumer - The evolution of Wychwood to 1400 1984 Wychwood's history. 1- (5 vols.) 1985-9 G. OXFORD, CITY AND UNIVERSITY G1 Guidebooks (in order of date of publication) Loggan - Oxonia illustrata c.1700 Beeverell (J) - Les delices de la Grande Bretagne et de l'Irelande. Tome 3. [Engravings of the university of Oxford. Plates only] 1707 Pointer - Oxoniensis academia 1749 New Oxford guide. 4 eds. 1759-86 New pocket companion for Oxford. 7 eds. 1783-1813 Warton - A companion to the guide. 2 eds. 1790,1806 Cooper - New companion for Oxford 1817 Oxford university and city guide. 7 eds. 1820-60 Views of all the colleges, halls &c. 1824 Perambulation of Oxford 1824 Oxford guide in miniature 1825 Stranger guide and handbook to Oxford n.d Handbook for Oxford 1841 Hand-book for visitors to Oxford. 3 eds. 1847,58 F Rundt - Walk round Oxford c.1850 Plan for university and city of Oxford 1860 Oxford and its university 1870 Railway traveller's walk through Oxford 1871

Alden's Oxford guide. 6 eds. 1875-1948 Taunt's catalogue of views 1875 Moore - Historical handbook of Oxford 1878 Parker - Visitor's guide to Oxford 1883 Taunt - Souvenir and pictorial guide 1900 Davis's short guide to Oxford 1906 Oxford souvenir, N.U.T.conference 1907 Alden - Oxford historical, descriptive 1909 Mowbray's guide to Oxford 1912 Church Congress illustrated guide (Paintin) 1924 Ward Lock - New pictorial guide 1925 Oxford official handbook 1926 Fletcher - Handy guide to Oxford 1934 Lamborn - Oxford. 3 eds. 1930-38 Woolley - Clarendon guide to Oxford . 3 eds. 1963-83 Museums association - Conference programme 1952 British architects congress 1957 Mason - Oxford and Cambridge 2nd ed. (Blue Guide). 1982 Hall - Oxford. 2nd ed. 1983 Thorson & Thorson - A pocket companion for Oxford 1988-30 G2 Official publications, records (in order of date of publication) Act for navigable canal 1795 Lord Mayor of London's visit 1826 Acts for amending mileways to Oxford 1771-1847 Turner ed. - Selections from Oxford city records 1880 Royal letters addressed to Oxford 1892 St. Bartholomew's hospital, case for city 1896 Gibson - Abstracts of wills of binders &c. 1907 Ellis - Liber albus civitatis Oxoniensis 1909 Salter - Records of mediaeval Oxford 1912 Salter - Survey of Oxford in 1772 1912 City millenary, suggested arrangements 1912 City of Oxford, schedule of property 1923 Carter - Corporation plate 1926 Salter - Oxford charters 1929 R.C.H.M. - Inventory of historical monuments in the City of Oxford 1939 How Oxford is run 1944 Petter - Oxford almanack, 1674-1946 1946 Briggs & Fermont - The William Clary Oxford collection (2 vols.) 1956,65 Hobson - Oxford council acts, 1752-1801 1957 Oxford city official handbook 1961 Cordeaux & Merry - A bibliography of printed works relating to the City of Oxford (OHS XXV) 1976 Victoria history of counties of England: Oxon Vol 4City of Oxford 1979 Howard-Drake - Oxford church courts. depositions 1542-50 1991 G3 Industry, commerce Allen - Cooper's Oxford. A history of Frank Cooper Ltd. 1989 Andrews & Brunner - Eagle ironworks 1965 Aubertin-Potter & Bennett -Oxford coffee houses,1651-1800 1987 Benfield & Loxley - Pictorial record of 50 years 1952 Bradburn - The old bank, Oxford 1977 Child - The Maygold in Oxford 1977 Crossley, etc - Shopping in Oxford 1983 Earl - The development of the telephone in Oxford, 1877-1977. 2nd ed. Foster - F. Cape & Co. of St. Ebbe's St., Oxford 1973 Gilbert - Industrialisation of Oxford 1947 Graham - Oxford city apprentices 1697-1800 (O.H.S. XXXI) 1987


Horn - Agricultural trade unionism in Oxfordshire 1872-81 (O.R.S. XLVIII) 1974 Paintin - The Oxford mercat 1977 Prior - Fisher Row 1982 Turner & Vaisey - Oxford shops and shopping 1972 Walker - Reminiscences of an Oxford builder 1960 Wilson - The cordwainers and corvesors of Oxford G4 Education and social services Butler - Social conditions in Oxford 1912 Hargrave - St.Denys schoool 1957 Johnson - Oxford and industrial education 1943 Oxford and working-class education, report 1908 Oxford city emergency organisation 1926 Parry-Jones - The Warneford hospital, Oxford, 1826-1976. 1976 White - Main drainage of Oxford 1877 G5 Town planning 'Carfax' - Christ Church mall 1948 Collison - The Cutteslowe walls 1963 Curl - The erosion of Oxford 1977 Dale - Towards a plan for Oxford city 1946 Greene - Urban and rural community planning 1937 Hansard - House of Lords debate on Oxford by-pass 1955 Lang - Cambridge and Oxford reformed (by Hawksmoor) c.1931 Newman - The road and Christ Church meadow 1988 Oxford city - Plans for the future 1943 Oxford preservation trust report (2 parts) 1942 Oxford waterways action group - Oxford's waterways (1974) Rayson - The king is in his counting house 1946 Scargill - Oxford's green belt 1983 Sharp - Oxford replanned 1948 Smith (A.H.) - Town planning in Oxford 1954 Sturdy - How to pull a town down [1972] Tatham - Oxonia explicata et ornata 1820 F Warren - Oxford as it might be (Architect's Review) 1919 G6 Exhibitions, pageants etc., Buckler - Drawings of Oxford 1810-30 City festival exhibition, Oxford through the ages 1951 Franco-British Exhibition - Oxford university exhibit 1908 Johnson (J.de M.) -The John Johnson collection: catalogue 1971 Three loan exhibitions of portraits 1904-06 London, Goldsmiths Hall - Treasures of Oxford (2 vols.) 1953 O.A.H.S - Loan exhibition 1894 Oxford millenary exhibition catalogue 1912 Oxford millenary exhibition, Book of words 1912 Oxford music festival 1922 Oxford pageant, Book of words 1907 Oxford pageant, Comic history of 1907 Oxford pageant, Souvenir 1907 Oxon W.I. Old times exhibition 1937 H OXFORD, HISTORY, DESCRIPTIONS & MEMOIRS H1 Architecture, including church guides Alden - 48 selected photographs of Oxford


Alden's new plan of the city of Oxford 1917 Arkell - Oxford stone 1947 Bischoff - St. Aloysius 1875-1955 1955 Black Hall, sale catalogue 1925 Brewer - Mediaeval Oxford 1891 F Britton - History and antiquities of Oxford cathedral 1821 Case - St. Mary's clusters 1893 Colvin - Unbuilt Oxford 1983 Cowley road Methodist church souvenir 1954 F Cranstoun - Elevations of saint Bartholomew, Oxford 1844 Delamotte - Remains of ancient splendours in Oxford 1837 Ffoulkes - St. Mary the virgin 1892 Fletcher - History of Carfax church 1896 France - Look before you change: guidelines on keeping Oxford's older houses in character 1985 Gee - Oxford masons 1953 Graham - Ecclesiae Oxonienses illustratae 1825 Gretton - Ancient remains of Oxford castle 1925,36 Hanson - Halifax builders in Oxford 1928 F Harrison - Views and details of St. Giles 1842 Harrison - 2 pamphlets on the cathedral 1890 Harrison - Pre-Norman date of Oxford cathedral 1890,91 Hassall - Oxford castle [1971] Hassall - Oxford: the city beneath your feet (2 copies) 1972 Hibbert - Vanbrugh house, Oxford (1982) Hinton - Oxford buildings, from medieval to modern exteriors 1972 Howard & New - List of architectural fragments Town Hall, Oxford Howard and Salter - Old houses in Oxford 1914 Ingram - Memorials of Oxford (3 vols.) 1837 Jackson - Church of St. Mary the virgin 1897 Jewitt - On debased Gothic buildings of Oxford 1850 1980 Kersting & Ashdown - The  buildings of Oxford King - Vestiges of Oxford castle 1796 Lamborn - Architecture in Oxford stone 1952 Lowe - The cathedral handbook 1955 Martin - St. Michael at the Northgate 1967 Mackenzie & A.C.Pugin - Specimens of Gothic architecture 1825 Nicholson - Can we not save architecture in Oxford? 1910 Oakeshott - Oxford stone restored: the work of the Oxford Historic Buildings Fund 1957-74 1975 Oxford city wall, photograohs 1899 Paintin - Under the shadow of All Hallows 1911 Paintin - 2 articles from Oxford journal 1917 Paintin - Some account of St. Ebbe 1928 Pantin - Recently demolished houses in Broad Street 1937 Reed & Opher - New architecture in Oxford 1977 Rigaud - Old Oxford 1885 Royal Commission on Historic Monuments - City of Oxford 1939 St.Clement's, 125th anniversary 1953 St.Martin and All Saints 1965 St.Mary the Virgin - 4 guidebooks F St.Mary the Virgin and St.Bartholomew 1900 St Peter-in-the-East - 2 guidebooks Salter - Historic names of Oxford streets 1921 F Skelton - Oxonia antiqua restaurata (2 vols.) 1823 SPAB - 62nd annual report including Oxford 1939 Stanier - Oxford heraldry for the man in the street [n.d.] Thompson - Church of St.Mary the virgin 1903 Warner - Oxford cathedral 1924 Watson - Christ Church cathedral 1935 1831,35 Whessell - Oxford delineated   2 copies) Whittaker - Sights and scenes on Oxford city & university 1896?

Whittaker - Sights and scenes on Oxford Whittock - Microcosm of Oxford

1900 1830

H2 General history and memoirs Alexander - St.Giles’ Fair, 1830-1914 1970 Archaeologia Oxoniensis 1895 Badcock - The making of a Regency village: Summertown in 1832 1983 Ball ed. - Oxford garland 1909 Balsdon - Oxford now and then 1970 Betjeman & Vaisey - Victorian and Edwardian Oxford from old photographs 1971 Blair - St.Frideswide: patron of Oxford 1988 B.M.A. - Book of Oxford 1936 Bardoux - Memories of Oxford 1899 Boase - Oxford 1887 Bone - Come to Oxford 1952 Bourget - Some impressions of Oxford 1901 Canziani - Oxford in brush and pen 1949 Charles - Zac's Oxford 1988 Clark - Oxford and the Civil War [1976] Davidson - Things seen in Oxford 1914 Dawson - Mirror of Oxford 1912 Dick & Kersting - Portrait of Oxford 1956 Fasnacht - History of the city of Oxford 1954 Fasnacht - How Summertown started 1969 Fasnacht - Summerown since 1820 1977 Freeborn - Kings and queens at Oxford 1953 Fyfe - Oxford 1916 Gaunt - Oxford 1965 Gifford (ed.) - Pages from the diary of an Oxford lady 1928 Goldie - Bygone Oxford 1881 Graham - Henry Taunt of Oxford 1973 Graham - Oxford old and new 1976 Grappe - Pierres d'Oxford 1906 Green - Oxford during the last century 1859 Green - Records of fires in Oxford 1894 Green - Oxford studies 1901 Hanson - Halifax builders in Oxford 1929 Headlam - Story of Oxford 1907 Hobhouse - Oxford 1939 Judge' Oxford in the 18th century 1908 Karaka - Pulse of Oxford 1933 Lascelles - University and city of Oxford 1821 Lock - Oxford memories 1932 Longmate - Oxford triumphant 1954 Madan (ed.) - Excerpta academica 1934 Pycroft - Oxford memories (2 vols.) 1886 Richards - Oxford: a sketchbook 1913 Steadman - Oxford, its life and schools 1887Tuckwell - Reminiscences of Oxford 1900 Wells (ed.) - Oxford and Oxford life 1906 H3 Memoirs, academic Anon - The Oxford spy in four dialogues 1819 Betjeman - Oxford university chest 1938 Blair-Fox - Oxford ways 1925 Cox - Recollections of Oxford 1868 Fulleylove & Thomas - Oxford 1903 Fulleylove - Oxford water-colours 1916

Godley - Oxford past and present (2 copies) 1970 Lang - Oxford (2 eds.) 1890,1922 Leach - Memoirs of an Oxford freeman 1941 Madan - Oxford outside the guidebooks 1925 Marriott - Oxford in national history 1933 Masse - Oxford 1908 Merian - Bd 23, Heft 6.6 (Oxford and Cambridge) 1970 Murray - Making of Oxford 1912 Neville & Slogett - Oxford as it was 1979 Oorthuys & Bullock - Term in Oxford 1963 Oxford millenary, lectures 1912 Oxford Times centenary - This Oxford 1962 Oxoniana ed. J.Walker 4 vols. c.1807 Panton - Farewell St.Ebbes 1980 Popkin - Oxford inscriptions 1990 Quelch - Early recollections of Oxford 1900 ice-Oxley - Oxford renowned 1925 Rowse - Oxford in the history of the nation 1975 Salter - Map of mediaeval Oxford 1934 Sharp - Oxford observed 1952 Sherwood - Oxford yesterday 1929 Spiers - Round about 'The Mitre' at Oxford (2 eds.) 1926,29 Squires - In West Oxford 1936 Taunt - Oxford illustrated by camera and pen 1911 Taylor G.R.S. - Oxford 1923 Uffenbach - Oxford in 1710 1932 Varley - Siege of Oxford (& supplement) 1932,35 Wade - Walks in Oxford (2 vols.) 1824 Wood - Ancient and present state of Oxford 1773 Woolley - Oxford university and city 1951 J OXFORD UNIVERSITY J1 History Anstey (ed.) - Munimenta academica 1868(1963) Aston (ed.) - The history of the univ. of Oxford; 1,3,5 1984-6 Ayliffe - Antient and present of Oxford university (2 vol) 1714 Bill - University reform in C19th Oxford 1973 Brodrick - History of Oxford university 1900 Burrows - Oxford university: Register of visitors,1647-58 1881 Chalmers - History of Oxford university (2 vols.) 1810 Cox - Black gown and red coats; Oxford in 1834 1834 Feingold - The mathematician's apprenticeship 1984 FitzRandolph - The origins of Oxford 2 eds. 1944,66 FitzRandolph - Oxford university today 1955 Gibson - The great charter of Charles I to the university of Oxford (1636) n.d. Green - A history of Oxford university 1974 Griffiths - Index to wills proved in Chancellor's court 1862 Griffiths - Enactments in Parliament concerning universities of Oxford and Cambridge 1869 Gunther - Early science in Oxford vols. 3-15 repr. 1925 Gutch (ed.) - Collectanea curiosa (2 vols.) 1781 Jeafferson - Annals of Oxford (2 vols.) 2 eds. 1871 Lindsay - The government of Oxford (2 copies) 1931 Mallet - History of Oxford university 1924-7 Maxwell Lyte - History of Oxford university 1886 Oxford Society - Oxford university appeal 1937 Oxford university - Scrapbook of cuttings &c. 1810-30 Oxford university - Programmes of university functions 1907-23 Oxford university - State of the university 1907

Oxford university - Oxford and the nation 1907 Oxford university - Catalogue of loan exhibition of silver plate 1928 Pantin - Oxford life in Oxford archives 1972 Poole - History of Oxford university archives 1912 Rashdall - The universities of Europe in the middle ages. A new ed. 3 vols. Sutherland - The university of Oxford in the eighteenth century. [1973] Wellcome - Oxford medical lore 1904 Wood - History of colleges and halls of Oxford 1786,90 Wood - History of university of Oxford (ed. Gutch) 1792-6


Tracts - Oxford university and city (ed. Gutch) J2 University Departments & Societies Davidson - Medicine in Oxford 1953 Dept of botany - Opening of new building 1951 Firth - The faculties and their powers 1909 Gunther - Daubeny laboratory register 1904-24 Hollis - The Oxford Union 1965 Macan - Religious change in Oxford 1917 Motett and madrigal society reports 1847-53 Oxford Society - Oxford 19341951 Sinclair & Robb-Smith - Anatomical teaching in Oxford 1950 Union society - Rules and regulations 1967 J3 Degree ceremonies &c. Buxton & Gibson - Oxford university ceremonies 1935 F Derby - Oratio ad Edwardum principem Walliae 1863 Venables & Clifford - Academic dress of Oxford university; 1st & 6th eds. 1957,85 J4 Oxford university institutions Acland - Remarks on Oxford museum 1860 Acland & Ruskin - The Oxford museum 1893 Blackwood - The origin and development of the Pitt Rivers Museum [1970] Bodleian library - List of books exhibited 1881 Bodleian library - Tercentenary proceedings 1902 Bodleian library - Trecentale Bodleianum 1913 Bodleian library, opening by King George VI 1946 Bodleian library - Biblioteca Radcliviana 1949 Bodleian library in 17th century, exhibition 1951 Bodleian library - Bodleian picture books 1951.52 Bodleian library - Liturgical MSS, exhibition 1952 Bodleian library in photographs 1952 Bodleian library - History of Oxford univ., exhibition 1953 Bodleian library - William Shakespeare, exhibition 1953 The future of the Bodleian 1926 Botanic Gardens - Guide 1971 Brittain - Women at Oxford 1960 Colvin - Sheldonian theatre & Divinity school 1964 Craster - History of Bodleian library 1845-1945. 1952 Cranstone & Seidenburg - The general's gift: a celebration of the Pitt Rivers Museum centenary, 18841984 1984 Davis & Hull - The zoological collection of the Oxford University Museum 1976 F Gibbs - Bibliotheca Radcliviana 1747 Gibson - Some Oxford libraries 1914 Gunther - Historic instruments for the advancement of science 1925 Harcourt - Oxford museum and founder 1910 Huddesford - Catalogus librorum MSS A a Wood 1761

Legge - Divinity school 1923 Macray - Annals of the Bodleian library 1890 Morgan - Oxford libraries outside the Bodleian 1973 Museums in Oxford 1953 Museum of the history of science - Brief guide 1949 Oxford University Press - Minute book, 1668-1756 1943 F Oxford University Press - Specimens of Fell types 1925 Philip - The Bodleian library in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries 1984 Pietas Oxoniensis: In memory of sir Thomas Bodley 1902 The new Pitt Rivers Museum and proposed centre for the study of anthropology and human environment c.1969 R Lane Poole - Architecture of the Schools 1922 The Sheldonian theatre: record of the restoration, 1958-63 1969 Simcock - The Ashmolean museum and Oxford science, 1683-1983 1984 Smith - A history of the Hope entomological collection in the University museum 1986 Sutcliffe - The Oxford University Press 1978 F Taunt - Excavation 1899 (Bodleian) 1899 University Parks - Guide to the trees and shrubs in the University Parks, Oxford 1977 Vernon - History of Oxford museum c.1930 Wilcock - The building of Oxford University Examination Schools, 1876-82 1983 J5 Colleges General Ackermann' Oxford 1954 Barnard & Shepard - Arms and blazons of Oxford colleges 1929 Batey - Oxford gardens 1982 Bellamy Oxford and Cambridge college stamps 1921 Catalogue of loan exhibition of college silver plate 1928 Clark,ed. - Colleges of Oxford 1891 Cummings - College stamps of Oxford and Cambridge 1904 Gunther - Oxford gardens 1912 Hussey - Oxford 1932 Neale - Academiae Oxoniensis 1882 New - New Loggan guide to Oxford colleges 1932 Oxford University Design Society - New Oxford 1961 Richards - Recent buildings in Oxford and Cambridge 1952 Smith - Oxford and her colleges 1895 Sturdy - Twelve Oxford gardens [1982] F Vallance - Old colleges at Oxford 1912 ALL.S Burrows - Worthies of All Souls 1874 Colvin & Simmons - All Souls, an Oxford college and its buildings (2 copies) 1937 Craster (H.H.E.) - The history of All Souls Library 1971 Eason & Snoxall - The last of their line: the Bible clerks (2 copies) 1976 Faber - Notes on All Souls bursarships 1950 Hutchinson - Medieval glass at All Souls 1949 Jacob - The founder and his college 1937 Oman, ed. - Old betting book of All Souls 1912 Robertson - All Souls college 1899 BAL Arnold - Glass in Balliol college chapel 1912 Balliol college record, 1933, 1964, 1965(supplement) Davis - Balliol college 1899 Elliott - Balliol college register 1953 de Paravicini - Early history of Balliol college 1891 Prest - Balliol studies 1982 BAR Butler - Barnett House 1964 BLA

Blackfriars, Oxford 1937 BRA Collis - Aeneinasensiana 1941 Madan ed. - Phoenix common room 1888 Madan ed. - Brasenose college monographs Vol.1 1909 Prior ed. - Brasenose ale 1878 CH.CH Carol - Wren and Tom Tower, l974 [gap] Letters to Fell 1923 F Crotch - Six etchings of ruins of fire 1809 Denholm-Young - Cartulary of medieval archives 1931 F Beynon - Portfolio of Christ Church [1902] Feiling - In Christ Church hall 1960 Haverfield - Brief guide to portraits in hall 1904 Hiscock - Christ Church miscellany 1946 Plan of old foundations, Christ Church 1893 Trevor-Roper - Christ Church, Oxford 1950 COR Allen & Allen (ed.) - Letters of Richard Fox 1929 Milne - Early history of Corpus Christi, Oxford 1946 Ovenell - Brian Twine's library 1952 Pattenden - Sundials at an Oxford college 1979 EXE Stride - Exeter college 1900 HER Goudie (ed.)- 700 years of an Oxford college: Hertford college 1284-1984 1984 KEB Proceedings of laying foundation stone, Keble 1868 LMH Bailey (ed.) - Lady Margaret Hall 1923 LIN Green - The commonwealth of Lincoln college, 1427-1977 1979 John Wesley's rooms in Lincoln college 1929 Lincoln college Oxford (2 copies) 1948 Lincoln college directory 1962 Paintin - Brief notes on Lincoln college 1910 Warner - Lincoln college Oxford 1908 MAG Buckler - Observations on original architecture in St. Mary Magdalen college Oxford 1823 Gunther - Description of brasses in chapel 1914 Harriss, Brockliss & Macintyre - Magdalen college and the crown 1988 Macray - Muniments of St. Mary Magdalen college 1882 Magdalen College 1950 Tuckwell - Old Magdalen days 1913 F Warren - Magdalen college Oxford 1907,28 MANCH Manchester coll. - Opening of college building, addresses 1894 MANS Mansfield college Oxford, origin and opening 1890 MER F Allen (ed.) - Merton college muniments 1928 Bott - Monuments in Merton college chapel 1964 Bott - Baptisms and marriages at Merton college 1981 Fletcher - Registrum annalium Collegii Mertonensis, 1567-1603 1976 Garrod - Ancient painted glass in Merton 1931 Henderson - Merton college Oxford 1910 Kilwardby - Merton college injunctions 1276 1929 Paintin - Brief notes on Merton college 1912 Woodward - Monument to Sir Thomas Bodley 1954 NEW

Buxton & Williams - New college, Oxford, 1379-1973 1979 George - New college 1856-1906 1906 Hobson - Catalogue of manorial documents of New college 1929 Prickard - New college Oxford 1906 Rashdall & Rait - New college 1901 Smith (A.H.) - New college Oxford 1952 Steer - Misericords at New college, Oxford 1973 Whittingham - Medieval portrait busts at New college 1973 Winston - Painted glass in New college 1855 OR Emden (C.S.) - Oriel papers 1948 Jones - Catalogue of the plate of Oriel college Oxford 1944 Mozley - Reminiscences, chiefly of Oriel college and Oxford movement (2 Vols.) 1882 Richards & Shadwell - Provosts and fellows of Oriel 1922 Watt - Oriel college Oxford 1950 QU Hodgkin - Six centuries of an Oxford college, Queens, 1340-1940 1949 F Magrath (ed.) - Liber obituarius Aulae Reginae 1910 Magrath - The Queen's college (2 vols.) 1921 Taunt - The boar's head at Queen's college c1900 RHO Cecil Rhodes and Rhodes house 1932 Rhodes house, Oxford 1929 RUS New - Ruskin college Oxford 1909 ST.ANN Butler (ed.) - Society of Oxford home students,1879-1921 1930 Butler - History of St.Anne's society, Vol II, 1921-46 1949 Reeves - St.Anne's college, Oxford 1979 St.Anne's college, Oxford 1960 ST.ANT Saint & Kaiser - St.Antony's college, Oxford 1973 ST.B McCann - Saint Benet's hall Oxford 1926 ST.E Emden (A.B.) - An Oxford hall, St.Edmund Hall 1927 ST.H Griffin - St.Hugh's 1986 ST.J Briggs & Farrer - St.John's college Oxford 2 eds 1951,59 Colvin - St.John's college, Oxford - The Canterbury Quadrangle, 1636-1986 1986 Hutton - S. John Baptist college 1898 St.John Baptist college, Canterbury Quadrangle 1936 ST.P Smith - St.Peter's 1978 TRI Blakiston - Trinity college 1898 Maclagan - Trinity college 1555-1955 1955 UNI University college record 1953 University college, Oxford (photos.) 1949 WAD Glasgow - Sketches of Wadham college 1958 Jackson - Wadham college Oxford 1893 Wells - Wadham college 1898 WOR Devereux & Griffiths - Worcester college Oxford 1952 K BIOGRAPHY & FAMILY HISTORY

K1 General and collective Grant - Berkshire and Oxfordshire, biographical 1912 Hobhouse - Walter de Merton 1659-1800, bound with, 1859 Cockerell - William of Wykeham 1860 Jenkins - The correspondence of Bishop Secker 1991 Lives of Leland, Hearne and Wood 2 vols. 1772 Mansfield - Famous women of Oxfordshire. Series 2 1933 Mordaunt - Jackson's Oxford journal 1753-1853: index 1904 Nasmith - Itineraria Symonis Simeonis et Willelmi de Worcestre Oxford county visitations 1871 Oxford univ. Catalogue of all graduates 1801 K2 Family histories BLOU Brooks - Sir Thomas Blount and the Blounts 1929-31 BLOX F Pedigree of Bloxham family 1850 BRO Burrows - Family of Brocas 1886 CHE John Cheney and his descendents 1936 DAS Townsend -The Oxfordshire Dashwoods 1922 DRU Druce - Genealogical account of Druce family 1853 HARC F Harcourt-Bath - Harcuria 1930 HARW Fletcher & Whittaker - The Harwell trail 1981 HEM The Hemmings of Alcester 1931 LEN Paintin - Burford priory and the Lenthall family 1907 NOR O'Conor - Godes peace and the queens 1939 QUA Carter - The Quartermains of Oxfordshire 1936 K3 Individual biography ALD Hiscock - Henry Aldrich 1960 ASH Humphreys - Elias Ashmole 1925 Josten - Elias Ashmole and the 1685 election 1954 CAN Candy - A tapestry of life 1984 COL Stokes (ed.) - Blecheley diary of rev.William Cole, 1765-7 1931 CRO Diary of Thomas Crosfield 1935 DOB Rogers - William Dobson, 1611-46 1983 EGL Magrath - Fresh light on Robert de Eglesfield 1916 FRE Bickerton - Fred of Oxford 1954 GRO


Thomas Hodge Grose 1906 JEW Carter - Orlando Jewitt 1962 JON Poulton - John Viriamiu Jones 1911 KEN Dormer - John Kendrick of Reading 1927 LEE Chambers - Sir Henry Lee 1936 MAL Mallinson - Quinquagesimo Anno 1974 MIL Wood & Hawkes - Sanderson Miller of Radway 1969 NEW Newman and Littlemore 1945 POW Passages from diaries of Mrs Lybbe Powys 1899 PRI Prior - Berkshire bachelor's diary 1936 RAD Hone - Life of dr John Radcliffe 1950 SAL Pantin - Herbert Edward Salter 1952 WAY Chandler - Life of William Waynflete 1811 WES Green - The young mr Wesley 1961 WYK Lowth - Life of William of Wykeham 1777

L BERKSHIRE L1 General Berkshire W.I. - Berkshire book 1951 Betjeman & Piper - Murray's Berkshire architectural guide 1949 Cox - Magna Britannia ... Berkshire 1720 Clanchy - The roll and writ file of the Berkshire Eyre of 1248 1973 Ecclesiastical and architectural topography of England: Berkshire 1849 F History of Berkshire 1803 Humphreys - Berkshire parishes; bibliography 1923 Lamborn - Stories of Berkshire 1908 Roberts - Guide to magistracy & lieutenancy of Berkshire 1855 Wise - Antiquities in Berkshire 1738, 1742 1742 Tracts 2 vols. 1827, 1856 1874 L2 Regions, including River Thames F Clarke - Parochial topography of hundred of Wanting 1824 Hayden - Islands of the Vale 1908 Rivington - Punting: its history and techniques 1983 Thacker - Stripling Thames 1909 Thacker - Thames highway 1914 Thacker - Locks and weirs 1920 F C.P.R.E. - Thames valley from Cricklade to Staines 1929 Williams - Villages of the White Horse 1913 L3 Particular localities

AB Abingdon, Berks: Official guide. 2nd ed. 1924 Abingdon, notes on St. Helen, St. Nicholas and St. Michael churches 1922 Baker - Historic Abingdon 1963 Challener - Abingdon, selections from municipal chronicles 1898 Chronicon monasterii de Abingdon (2 vols.) 1858 Lambrick & Slade - Two cartularies of Abingdon abbey 1990-2 Little - Monument of Christian munificence 1871 Liversidge & Liversidge - Abingdon essays 1989 Preston - Christ's hospital, Abingdon 1929 Preston - Church of St. Nicholas, Abingdon 1929 Preston - C14th painted ceiling, St. Helen’s, Abingdon 1936 Preston - Abingdon abbey 1949 Preston & Baker - Historic Abingdon 1929 Preston & Baker - Abingdon corporation plate 1958 Townsend - History of Abingdon 1910 Townsend - Abingdon on Thames 1912 Townsend - News of a country town 1914 ARD Havinden - Estate villages, a study of Ardington and Lockinge 1966 BAG Oxford university St. John's college - Bagley wood 1949 BAS Jackson-Stope – Basildon park, Berkshire 1980 BLE Northeast - This venerable village: some notes on Blewbury (2nd ed.) 1975 Whitechurch - St. Michael Blewbury 1911 BUR Butterworth & Lobb - Excavations in the Burghfield area 1992 CHO Clarke - A history of Cholsey church 1982 Cole - St.Mary Cholsey 1911 CUM Bartlett - Historical account of Cumnor place 1850 HEN Humphreys - East Hendred 1923 FAR Goodrich - Great Faringdon 1928 Sheffield - All Saints Faringdon 1920 GTC Nichols - Great Coxwell 1783 HAR Harwell - Village for a thousand years ed. McIlroy 1985 HAT Goodrich - History of Hatford 1927 HINK Harvey - Memories of a country childhood in North Hinksey village 1975 Swayne - The story of North Hinksey (1973) HINT Howse - Hinton Waldrist through the centuries 1965 HUN Summers - Story of Hungerford 1926 LAM Footman - History of St. Michael Chipping Lambourn 1894 LON Burk Jewess - The parish of Long Wittenham, 1800-1920 1984 MAI Gorham - Account of chapel, chantry and guild, Maidenhead 1838 MIL Milton house, sale catalogue 1910

NEW Gray - History of Newbury 1839 Money - History of Newbury 1887 PAD Sharp - Record of Padworth 1911 PUS Howse - Pusey 1972 REA Hurry - Reading abbey 1901 Hurry - Rise and fall of Reading abbey 1906 Hurry ed. - Sumer is icumen in 1914 Hurry - Octocentenary of Reading abbey 1921 SON Pearson - Memorials of Sonning church 1890 SHO F Butterfield - Elevations of Shottesbrooke church 1844 SHR Hill - Record of Shrivenham 1929 SWA Russell, lady - Swallowfield and its owners 1901 THA Barfield - Thatcham 2 vols. 1901 WAL Field - Guide to Wallingford c.1902 Field - Historical notes on antiquities of Wallingford (2 copies) Martin - History of Wallingford c.1930 WAN Gibbons & Davey - Wantage past and present 1901 Philip - Victorian Wantage 1968 WAR Reid - History of Wargrave 1885 WIN Collier - Windsor guide c.1890 Halford - Opening of king Charles' coffin 1813 Harwood - Windsor old and new 1929 F Hope - Windsor castle (2 vols + plans) 1913 Pote - History of Windsor 1749 Roberts - St. George's chapel Windsor 1947 Willement - Collegiate chapel of St. George, Windsor 1844 WOK Long - Beaver monument in Wokingham church 1928 Long - Records of parish of Wokingham 1937 WOOL Hadow - The village of Woolstone 1975 WOOT Evans, sir A - Jarn mound Wootton 1933 WYT Grayson & Jones - Notes on history of Wytham 1955 Insall - Wytham: how to save the village 1969 Oxford preservation trust - Wytham 1943 Wytham abbey, sale catalogue 1956 YAT 1929 Smith-Masters - Yattendon and its church


M BUCKINGHAMSHIRE M1 General Archaeological Institute - Ecclesiastical and architectural topography: Buckinghamshire 1849 Betjemann & Piper - Murray's Buckinghamshire guide 1948

Bibliotheca Buckinghamiensia 1890 Mawer & Stenton - Place-names of Buckinghamshire Tracts 1855-61-


M2 Particular localities CHI Pace - Education in Chilton 1966 CLA National Trust - Claydon house, Buckinghamshire 1984 DES Langley - History of hundred of Desborough and deanery of Wycombe DOD Eland ed. - Papers from an iron chest at Doddershall 1937 HAM Stanton - On Chiltern slopes, Hambledon 1927 HAR Smyth - AE des Hartwellianae + addendum 1851,64 HUG Hughenden - S. Michael and All Angels n.d. WAD Moreton - Waddesdon and Over Winchendon 1929 WHI Holloway - Two lectures on Whitchurch 1889 WIN Clear - King's village, Winslow 1894 WYC Ashford - History of High Wycombe to 1880 1960 Mayes - History of High Wycombe since 1880 1960 1960 Mayes - History of chairmaking in High Wycombe


N GLOUCESTERSHIRE Middleton - 4 offprints: Bishops Cleeve; manor and parish church, Cheltenham; Deerhurst; Stanley St.Leonards 1879-85 BRI Hulin - Bristol's buses 1974 Winstone - Bristol as it was 1958 CAM Rushen - History of Chipping Campden 1911 CIR Baddeley - History of Cirencester 1924 Cirencester, the Cotswold tradition 1951 DEE Butterworth - Deerhurst 1887 Gilbert - A guide to the priory church and Saxon chapel, Deerhurst (reprint) 1977 FAI Powell - Handbook to Fairford church. 5th ed. 1893 Farmer - Fairford church and its stained glass windows 1890 Taunt - Fairford church. 4th ed. 1893 GLO Gloucester cathedral, 2 pamphlets c 1840 HAY Hayles abbey, 2 pamphlets c 1904 ICO Icomb, 1 pamphlet 1869 LEC Williams - Lechlade 1888 TEW Bennett - History of Tewkesbury 1830 WOT

Lindley - Wotton under Edge: men and affairs of a Cotswold wool town 1962 O CAMBRIDGE Atkinson - Cambridge described and illustrated 1897 Guide through the University of Cambridge 1814 Willis & Clark - History of Cambridge university (3 vols) 1886 P HERALDRY & ARMOUR (In order of date of publication) P1 Heraldry Dugdale - Antient usage of bearing arms 1682 Fisher - Atchievements of the kings and queens 1682 Fisher – Synopsis of heraldry 1682 Gibbon - Introductio ad Latinam blasoniam 1682 Baron - L'art héraldique (ed. Playne) 1717 Clark & Wormull - Introduction to heraldry 1794 Dobson - Historical anecdotes of heraldry 1795 Willement - Regal heraldry 1821 Willement - Heraldic notes of Canterbury 1827 Berry - Encyclopaedia heraldica (4 vols.) 1828-40 Robson - History of heraldry 1830 Willement - Roll of arms of Richard II 1834 Montagu - Guide to the study of heraldry 1846 de Vigne - Recherches historiques sur les costumes 1847 arker - Glossary of terms in heraldry 1847,94 Burke - Roll of Battle abbey 1848 Boutell - Heraldry. 2nd ed. 1863 Palliser - Historical devices, war cries 1870 Papworth - Alphabetical dictionary of arms (2 vols.) 1879 Society of Antiquaries - Illustrated catalogue of heraldry exhibition 1896 Bedford - Blazon of episcopacy 1897 Aveling - Heraldry ancient and modern 1898 King - National arms of United Kingdom 1887 Burlington Fine Arts Club - Catalogue of collection of heraldic art 1916 Meurgey - Verdun 1918 Grant - Manual of heraldry 1924 Hope - Grammar of English heraldry 1931,53 Birmingham museum and art gallery 1936 Messenger - Heraldry of Canterbury cathedral 1939 Rybot - Leopards of England and Channel Isles 1943 Wagner - Record of College of Arms 1952 Summers - Hatchments in Britain, 4 1983 P2 Armour (In order of date of publication) F Dugdale, sir Wm - Monasticon Anglicanum 1817-30 F Meyrick - General enquiry into armour (3 vols.) 1824 F Skelton - Engraved illustrations of antient arms (2vols) 1830 F Shaw - Dresses and decorations of Middle Ages 1784 Hewitt - Ancient armour and weapons of Europe (3 vols + chart) 1860 Meyrick - Catalogue of the armour and miscellaneous objects of art exhibited at the South Kensington museum 1869 Laking - Catalogue of armour in Wallace collection 1900 ffoulkes - Armour and weapons 1909 ffoulkes - Armourer and his craft 1912 ffoulkes - European arms and armour 1912 Prelle de la Nieppe - Musée royal d'armes de la Porte de Hal 1918 Sotheby - Wilton suits 1918

Laking - Record of European armour (5 vols.) 1920-22 ffoulkes - Inventory of armouries of Tower of London (2 vols.) 1926 Florence - Mostra delle armi in Palazzo vecchio 1938 Mann - Etched decoration of armour 1940 Q MISCELLANEOUS Bassett - The origins of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms 1989 Mills - A dictionary of English place-names 1991 Steane - The archaeology of medieval England and Wales 1985 Wormald - English drawings of the 10th and 11th centuries 1952