Passport ¿Are you right or

I authorize the Instituto Superior de Morfopsicología, S.L to do a previous...

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Authorization/ Handwritten letter Name and surname______________________________________ID number/ Passport_____________________ ¿Are you right or left-handed? _____________ Approximate weight that you have__________Height__________ Authorization. I authorize the Instituto Superior de Morfopsicología, S.L to do a previous morphographological study of my 4 photographs that I send it according to its instructions, and this handwritten letter. The photographs and this handwritten letter can't be used with other purpose than the shortlist to the job ………………………………………………………………….. the company INVERTIA BUSINESS BROKERS ESPAÑA forcing to destroy these photographs if I am not pre-selected, following the Data Protection Act.

(Write a handwritten letter in the white space of this document, with a hard-tipped pen or a fountain pen, which content and addresse is whatever you want it). It can be a letter offering a product to a costumer or a letter to a friend telling him your holidays, etc. Sign it at the end. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------