Physical and Occupational Therapy REFERRAL PROCESS

Physical and Occupational Therapy REFERRAL PROCESS 1. Physical and occupational therapy and related services. As a part of the school program,...

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Physical and Occupational Therapy REFERRAL PROCESS 1.

Physical and occupational therapy and related services. As a part of the school program, teachers should base referral on the need for support from therapy in order to meet classroom goals and objectives. In order for a student to be eligible for these services, the student must be served in some area of special education. If student is already served in Special Education, skip #2 and continue with #3.


Refer regular education students whose gross and fine motor difficulties interfere with classroom performance to the Building Based Student Support Team (BBSST), and if determined necessary, refer to Special Education for further testing. If no other testing is recommended but motor problems continue to significantly interfere with learning, the BBSST may contact the Special Education Coordinator to determine if OT/PT can be utilized for consultation.


Send copy of the attached letter/permission form to parents for permission for PT therapy evaluation to determine if therapy is indicated.


IEP meeting must be conducted and Consent for Reevaluation and Notice of IEP Team’s Decision Regarding Reevaluation must be signed.


Complete the attached teacher referral form.


Attach copies of the following to the OT/PT referral: BBSST information (required for students not in special education) Current IEP IEP from former school for transfer students Pertinent Therapy/Medical records Work samples documenting motor difficulties


Return parental permission and referral packet to Khristie Goodwin at Oxford City Board of Education, 310 East 2nd Street, Oxford, AL 36203-1799 (256) 831-0139. No action will be taken without these documents.


Additional medical information may be required for some students. In this case, you or a school nurse will be notified.


When the evaluation is completed, you will be notified of the results, and the IEP must be revised if eligible for related services.