PraiseCharts Worship Band Series - Angelfire

Parts included in the PraiseCharts Worship Band Series Lead Sheet Œ for worship leader and vocalists Piano/Vocal Œ includes ... I Give You My Heart Wo...

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PraiseCharts Worship Band Series

I Give You My Heart W ords & music by Reuben Morgan Integrity Stock # 24285

Arranged for

This arrangement has been created to synchronize with the Integrity iW ORSH!P DVD series.

DVD F – Song 7

by Dan Galbraith and David Shipps

Based on the popularrecordi ng from the Hi llsong album “God Is In the House”

The PraiseCharts Worship Band Series i s a uni que and growi ng seri esofarrangementsbysome oftoday’ s top new arrangers. Iti s geared towards a contemporary“R&B horns”prai se band sound whi le atthe same ti me bei ng scalable to a medi um-si zed church orchestra. The core parts (rhythm,vocals,and brass) maybe enhanced wi th the otherpartsi n any combi nati on. The layoutand look was verycarefullychosen to provi de a fresh and relaxed,yetprofessi onal lookforthe player.

Rhythm section: The Rhythm partisforthe section player(pianist,guitarist,ordrumm er) with all the specificrhythm sand chords necessaryforthe arrangem ent. The Lead Sheet i sa com bi nati on rhythm and vocal chartm eantforthe vocali sts,worshi p leader,orrhythm playerneedi ng m ore vocal cues. Piano,Vocali ncludes a full pi ano parti n “song-bookstyle”forthose notcom fortable wi th playi ng from a chord chart. Iti swri tten to stand alone,so when playi ng wi th a complete band the pi ani stm i ghtsi m pli fythi sparti n orderto "stayoutofthe way".

Vocals: The vocal arrangem entshould be sung asSAT (Soprano,Alto,Tenor) with the baritone/bassessinging the m elody(soprano) down an octave – anyexcepti ons are li sted on the score. W hen the parti swri tten i n uni son,the m en should si ng i tdown one octave ori tm aybe done as a solo. Thi sm ethod provi des a contemporarysound i n an easy-to-learn fashi on. Alternate keys: There is one alternate keyincluded to accommodate eithera keyboard-based band ora guitar-based band,to give the orchestra a m ore playable key,orto m ake the vocal range a li ttle more accessi ble i fnecessary. Other notes: Rehearsal num bers are given in the form of“1”,“2”,and “3”,providing the easyuse offingersignalsbythe worship leaderwho m aywantto m ake i m prom ptu changes duri ng worshi p. Norm ally,“1”i sthe verse ofthe song,“2”i sthe chorus,and “3”i sa bri dge orother secti on,butthere are excepti ons. All endi ngs and repeatsare clearlynotated to faci li tate these i m promptu changes. Also,each i nstrum ental parti ncludeslyri ccuesto ai d the playeri n keepi ng thei rplace.

Parts included in the PraiseCharts Worship Band Series Lead Sheet – forworshi p leaderand vocali sts Piano/Vocal– i ncludeswri tten-outpi ano partand vocals Rhythm – m ore detai led chartforkeyboard,gui tars,and drums.

Core W orship Band instrumentalparts (written as a section): Trum pet 1-2 Alto Sax Trom bone 1-2

Trum pet 3 (doublesAlto Sax) Tenor Sax 1-2 (doublesTrom bone)

Brass stylings: Form osttitles,the brasspartsshould be i nterpreted wi th j azzarti culati ons and styli ngsi n mi nd. They have been notated verycarefullyto ai d the playeri n thi s i nterpretati on.

AdditionalOrchestralparts (these enhance the arrangement,but the W orship Band parts may also stand alone): Written with core brass Written as a section Written as a section

Bass Trom bone/Tuba Percussion (Ti mpani ,Bells,Sus. Cym bal,etc) Bari Sax (doublesBass Trom bone) Horn 1-2 (French Horn) Flute/Oboe 1-3 Clarinet (doubles 3rd Flute) Synth (Strings) -maybe played bya synth orbya full stri ng secti on (Vi oli n/Vi ola on top staff, Cello/DB on bottom staff)