Present Simple Present Continuous

present simple present continuous ... presente, como now, ... con la forma correcta del present simple o el present continuous de...

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Present Simple vs. Present Continuous present simple 

Verdades universales que no cambian con el tiempo

present continuous 

Dogs bark.

Actividades que están ocurriendo en el momento presente.

I am learning English.

(Los perros ladran)

(Estoy aprendiendo Inglés.)

Situaciones habituales y hechos que se repiten con frecuencia.

Situaciones temporales (no habituales).

Every summer we go to England, but this summer we are staying at home.

I get up at 7.

(Me levanto a las 7.)

(Todos los veranos vamos a Inglaterra, pero este verano nos quedamos en casa.)

Va acompañado de los adverbios de frecuencia. She is always late.

(Ella siempre llega tarde.)

Va acompañado de expresiones temporales relacionadas con el presente, como now, today o at the moment.

Where are you living at the moment? (¿Dónde vives ahora?)

Con los verbos de sentimiento o pensamiento.

I hate Mondays.

No se usa este tiempo con los verbos de sentimiento o pensamiento.



(Odio los lunes.)

© Gonzalo Orozco 2011

Ejercicio 1 Mira los dibujos y subraya la opción correcta.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Peter drives / is driving a taxi in London. He works / is working 12 hours a day. He isn’t working / doesn’t work now. He is reading / reads a newspaper.

5. Kate is a teacher. She teaches / is teaching physics. 6. She isn’t teaching / doesn’t teach now. 7. She has / is having a coffee. 8. She learns / is learning Greek because ... 9. …she is going / goes to Greece every summer.

Ejercicio 2 Une preguntas y respuestas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

What do you do? Are you at university? What are you studying? Do you live at home? Where are you living? Who are you living with? Are they studying Law1 too? Do you go out a lot?

a b c d e f g h

Mathematics. Two other students. No, they aren’t. I’m a student. In a flat, near the university. Yes, we do – every night. No, I don’t. Yes, I am.

1 ____ 2 ____ 3 ____ 4 ____ 5 ____ 6 ____ 7 ____ 8 ____



© Gonzalo Orozco 2011


1. A: Where__are you going______ (you/go)? B: I _______________________ (go) to Mark’s house. 2. A: How _______________________ (you/go) to school every day? B: I _______________________ (walk) to school. 3. A: What _______________________ (Paul/have)? B: He _______________________ (have) some tea. He _______________________ (love) tea.


Ejercicio 3 Completa las siguientes mini-conversaciones con el present simple o el present continuous de los verbos entre paréntesis.

4. A: What _______________________ (Amy/do)? B: I _______________________ (think) she’s an engineer but she _______________________ (not work) right now.

Ejercicio 4 James está de vacaciones en Italia. Completa los huecos con la forma correcta del present simple o el present continuous de los verbos entre paréntesis. James (1) __works____ (work) in London, but he (2) _____________ (not live) there. Every morning he (3) _____________ (get up) at 6.00 and he (4) _____________ (go) by train to London. The journey (5) ___________ (take) an hour and he (6) _____________ (not get) home until 8.00 in the evening. Then he (7) _____________ (watch) TV and (8) _____________ (go) to bed. He (9) _____________ (have) a good job, but he (10) _____________ (work) very hard. He (11) _____________ (not work) now. He (12) _____________ (have) a holiday. He (13) _____________ (stay) in a hotel near the beach in Rimini. He (14) _____________ (meet) a lot of interesting people. He (15) _____________ (learn) some Italian and he (16) _____________ (eat) a lot of good Italian food. James (17) _____________ (enjoy) his job, but he (18) _____________ (enjoy) his holiday so much that he (19) _____________ (not want) to go back to work next week.

© Gonzalo Orozco 2011


1. Kylie se acuesta todos los días después de las 11. __________________________________________________ 2. Me encanta tu vestido. __________________________________________________ 3. ¿Qué haces? Soy profesora. __________________________________________________ 4. ¿Qué haces? Los deberes. __________________________________________________ 5. ¿En qué estás pensando? __________________________________________________


Ejercicio 5 Traduce al inglés las siguientes oraciones.