VOL. 70, NO. 7, 2017
ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00
Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetes Mellitus Jonathan D. Newman, MD, MPH,a Arthur Z. Schwartzbard, MD,a Howard S. Weintraub, MD,a Ira J. Goldberg, MD,b Jeffrey S. Berger, MD, MSa
ABSTRACT Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), the most common cause of death in T2D. Yet, <50% of U.S. adults with T2D meet recommended guidelines for CVD prevention. The burden of T2D is increasing: by 2050, approximately 1 in 3 U.S. individuals may have T2D, and patients with T2D will comprise an increasingly large proportion of the CVD population. The authors believe it is imperative that we expand the use of therapies proven to reduce CVD risk in patients with T2D. The authors summarize evidence and guidelines for lifestyle (exercise, nutrition, and weight management) and CVD risk factor (blood pressure, cholesterol and blood lipids, glycemic control, and the use of aspirin) management for the prevention of CVD among patients with T2D. The authors believe appropriate lifestyle and CVD risk factor management has the potential to significantly reduce the burden of CVD among patients with T2D. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2017;70:883–93) © 2017 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.
hemoglobin (HbA 1c) of 7.5%, a total cholesterol of 200
A 58-year-old Caucasian woman with a 7-year history
of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) is seen by a cardi-
cholesterol (LDL-C) of 100 mg/dl, and triglycerides of
ologist in clinic for cardiovascular (CV) risk factor
300 mg/dl. Routine chemistries including serum
management and counseling. There is no history of
creatinine and complete blood count are normal. Spot
early-onset CV or cerebrovascular disease in her
urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio is 40 mg/g Cr
family. Her only regular medication is 1,000-mg daily
(normal <30 mg/g Cr). The patient and her husband
extended-release metformin. She is a sedentary,
are wondering what options are available to reduce
lifelong nonsmoker with minimal alcohol intake and
her future risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).
no illicit drug use. On examination, her blood pressure (BP) is 135 mm Hg systolic (SBP) and 80 mm Hg
diastolic (DBP); she has a body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg/m 2. Distal pulses are brisk, and monofilament
T2D is a major risk factor for CVD, which remains the
testing of lower extremity sensation is normal.
most common cause of death for adults with T2D (1).
Laboratory testing is notable for a glycosylated
Yet, less than one-half of adults with T2D in the
From the aDivision of Cardiology and the Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, Department of Medicine, New York Listen to this manuscript’s
University Medical Center; New York, New York; and the bDivision of Endocrinology, New York University Medical Center; New
audio summary by
York, New York. Dr. Newman was partially funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National
JACC Editor-in-Chief
Institutes of Health (NIH) (K23HL125991) and the American Heart Association Mentored Clinical and Population Research Award
Dr. Valentin Fuster.
(15MCPRP24480132). Dr. Berger was partially funded by the NHLBI of the NIH (HL114978). Funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; or preparation, review, or approval of the article. Dr. Weintraub has received honoraria from Amgen, Sanofi, and Gilead for consulting; has served on the speakers bureau for Amgen; and has received research funding from Amarin and Sanofi. Dr. Berger has received research funding from AstraZeneca and Janssen. All other authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose. Manuscript received May 10, 2017; revised manuscript received June 30, 2017, accepted July 1, 2017.
Newman et al.
JACC VOL. 70, NO. 7, 2017 AUGUST 15, 2017:883–93
Prevention of CVD in Diabetes
United States meet recommended clinical
baseline was greater at 1 year in the intervention
guidelines for the prevention of CVD (2).
(8.6%) versus usual care (0.7%) groups, a difference
Despite improvements in CVD mortality, the
that was attenuated, but sustained, throughout the
incidence of obesity, metabolic syndrome,
trial (5). In addition to differences in mean weight
and T2D continues to rise, and it is estimated
loss from baseline, patients in the intervention arm
that by 2050, approximately 1 in 3 U.S. in-
had greater improvements in fitness and HDL-C
ADA = American Diabetes
dividuals will have T2D (3). Our goal was to
levels, and greater reduction in waist circumference
synthesize the current evidence and scienti-
and requirements for medication to lower blood
AHA = American Heart
fic statements from the American Diabetes
glucose, pressure, and cholesterol (5). Despite these
Association (ADA), American Heart Associa-
benefits, after nearly 10 years of follow-up, the trial
ARB = angiotensin II receptor
tion (AHA) and American College of Cardiol-
was stopped early for futility to reduce CVD events
ogy (ACC) applicable to CVD prevention for a
(403 CVD events in intervention vs. 418 for usual
ACC = American College of Cardiology
ACE = angiotensin-converting
BMI = body mass index
patient with T2D and risk factors for CVD.
care; hazard ratio [HR]: 0.95; 95% confidence interval
BP = blood pressure
This summation may be broadly useful for
[CI]: 0.83 to 1.09; p ¼ 0.51) (5). Compared with usual
CI = confidence interval
clinicians, including cardiologists, and other
care, the intervention group had decreased use of
CV = cardiovascular
physician specialties caring for patients with
CVD = cardiovascular disease
diabetes (1,4). The increasingly recognized
which may have confounded the potential benefits of
DBP = diastolic blood pressure
important relationship between T2D and
the intensive intervention (1,6).
DPP = Diabetes Prevention
congestive heart failure is beyond the scope
The Steno-2 study randomized a total of 160 par-
of this review and is covered in depth else-
ticipants with T2D and albuminuria (30 to 300 mg
GI = gastrointestinal
where (4). This clinical review focuses on 2
urinary albumin in 4 of 6 of the 24-h urine samples) to
HbA1c = glycosylated
major domains for the prevention of athero-
either conventional multiple CV risk factor treat-
sclerotic risk in T2D: lifestyle management
ments from their general practitioner or to a multi-
HDL-C = high-density
and management of CVD risk factors. Life-
factorial intervention overseen by a project team at
lipoprotein cholesterol
style management reviews the roles of exer-
the trial diabetes center that included smoking
HR = hazard ratio
cise, nutrition, weight management, and
cessation courses, restrictions in total and saturated
LDL-C = low-density
smoking cessation. CVD risk factor manage-
fat intake, light-to-moderate exercise 3 to 5 days/
ment reviews the role of aspirin, glycemic
week, and a stepwise intensive regimen that included
control, management of blood pressure and
more stringent control of blood glucose (target
lipoprotein cholesterol
MI = myocardial infarction
RCT = randomized clinical trial
cholesterol, and new directions for risk
HbA 1c <6.5%) and BP (target <140/85 mm Hg for most
SBP = systolic blood pressure
stratification and primary prevention of CVD
of the study), along with angiotensin-converting
T1D = type 1 diabetes
in patients with T2D.
enzyme (ACE) inhibitor regardless of BP and lipidlowering therapy (7,8). Participants randomized to
T2D = type 2 diabetes
the intensive treatment arm had a 53% (HR: 0.47; 95% CI: 0.24 to 0.73) reduction in the composite outcome
of CV death, nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI) or
including increased physical activity and diet control,
stroke, revascularization, or amputation. Intensive
is the cornerstone of clinical care for patients with T2D.
treatment was also associated with a significant
Diet and physical activity are often evaluated together
reduction in microvascular endpoints (nephropathy,
as part of a comprehensive lifestyle intervention. We
retinopathy, and autonomic neuropathy) (7).
first review evidence from lifestyle intervention
Although both the Look AHEAD trial and the Steno-
studies, and then consider evidence from studies of
2 study used multidimensional lifestyle interventions
exercise/physical activity and nutrition/diet alone for
for CVD prevention among T2D patients, the Diabetes
CVD prevention among patients with T2D.
Prevention Project (DPP) provided important data on
L i f e s t y l e . The largest and most extensive trial of
diabetes prevention by comparing a lifestyle inter-
exercise and CV morbidity and mortality among pa-
vention to metformin or placebo (9). Among >3,200
tients with T2D was the Look AHEAD (Action for
nondiabetic participants with impaired fasting and
Health in Diabetes) trial, which randomized 5,145
post-load plasma glucose followed for nearly 3 years,
patients with T2D to an intensive lifestyle interven-
randomization to an intensive lifestyle intervention
tion including caloric restriction, pre-specified caloric
with weight reduction of at least 7% initial body
weight through a low-calorie, low-fat diet and mod-
and $175 min/week of moderate intensity physical
erate intensity physical activity ($150 min/week),
activity by week 26 or to usual care with diabetes
was associated with approximately 60% (HR: 0.42;
support and education (5). Mean weight loss from
95% CI: 0.44 to 0.52) and 40% (HR: 0.61; 95% CI: 0.49
Newman et al.
JACC VOL. 70, NO. 7, 2017 AUGUST 15, 2017:883–93
Prevention of CVD in Diabetes
T A B L E 1 Guideline-Based Care for CVD Prevention for Patients With Diabetes Mellitus
Risk Factor
Specific Recommendation
Level of Evidence (Ref. #)
Physical activity
$150 min/week moderate intensity (50%–70% MPHR) over $3 days/week with #2 consecutive days without exercise
ADA LOE: A (13)
Mediterranean style diet may improve glycemic control and CVD risk factors Consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and dairy in place of other carbohydrate sources Carbohydrate monitoring as an important strategy for glycemic control
ADA LOE: B (13)
Weight management
Counsel overweight and obese patients that lifestyle changes can lead to a sustained 3%–5% rate of weight loss and clinically meaningful health benefits
ACC/AHA Class I, LOE: A (20)
Cigarette Smoking
Advise all patients not to use cigarettes, other tobacco products, or e-cigarettes Include smoking cessation counseling and other forms of treatment as a routine component of care
ADA LOE: A (13)
Glycemic control
Blood pressure
Antiplatelet therapy
Lower HbA1c #7% in most patients to reduce risk of microvascular disease
ADA LOE: B (13)
Consider HbA1c <6.5% for patients with diabetes of short duration, long life expectancy, and no significant CVD if can be achieved safely
ADA LOE: C (13)
HbA1c <8% or higher for patients with severe hypoglycemia, limited life expectancy, and/or comorbid conditions
ADA LOE: B (13)
Achieve a goal of <140/90 mm Hg for most diabetic patients
ADA LOE: A, JNC-8 LOE: E (13,43)
A goal of <130/80 mm Hg may be appropriate for younger diabetic patients with cerebrovascular disease or multiple CV risk factors,* assuming target can be safely achieved
ADA LOE: B/C (13)
Pharmacotherapy should include either an ACE inhibitor or an ARB; if intolerant to one, substitute the other
ADA LOE: B/C (13,40)
Diabetic patients 40–75 yrs of age with LDL 70–189 mg/dl should receive at least moderate-intensity statin†
ACC/AHA Class I, LOE: A; ADA LOE: A (13,54)
If age 40–75 yrs with CV risk factors,* high-intensity statin‡ should be given
ACC/AHA Class IIa, LOE: B (54)
Aspirin 75–162 mg is reasonable for diabetic patients $50 yrs of age with at least 1 CV risk factor§ without increased GI bleeding riskk
ACC/AHA Class IIa, LOE: B; ADA LOE: C (1,13,30)
Aspirin 75–162 mg might be reasonable for diabetic patients <50 yrs of age with 1 or more CV risk factors¶
ACC/AHA Class IIb, LOE: C; ADA LOE: E (1,13,30)
*One or more of the following major CV risk factors: smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia, family history of premature CVD or albuminuria. †Moderate-intensity statin therapy lowers LDL cholesterol on average by 30% to 50%. ‡High-intensity statin lowers LDL cholesterol on average by >50%. §Corresponds to a 10-year ASCVD risk >10% ( kPrior GI bleed, peptic ulcer disease, or concurrent use of medications that increase bleeding risk (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or warfarin). ¶Corresponds to a 5% to 10% 10-year ASCVD risk. ACC/AHA ¼ American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association; ACE ¼ angiotensin-converting enzyme; ADA ¼ American diabetes Association; ARB ¼ angiotensin II receptor blocker; ASCVD ¼ atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; CV ¼ cardiovascular; CVD ¼ cardiovascular disease; GI ¼ gastrointestinal; HbA1c ¼ glycosylated hemoglobin; JNC-8 ¼ Eighth Joint National Committee; LDL ¼ low density lipoprotein; LOE ¼ Level of Evidence; MPHR ¼ maximum predicted heart rate.
to 0.76) lower incidence of diabetes compared with
were randomized to either aerobic exercise, resis-
placebo and metformin, respectively (9). There have
tance exercise, a combination of both, or none for
not been sufficient events in the DPP Outcomes study
9 months; the outcome was a reduction in HbA1c and
to permit examination by treatment group, but
improved fitness as defined by increases in peak
similar improvements in multiple CVD risk factors
and lean V O2 (oxygen consumption), treadmill time,
have been observed in all treatment groups after 10
and other measures (12). There was a trend toward a
years of follow-up (10).
decreased HbA 1c for all groups, but the decrease in
E x e r c i s e . The Look-AHEAD trial, the Steno-2 study,
HbA1c was significant only in the combined aerobic–
and the DPP all combined different lifestyle parame-
resistance exercise group (0.34%; 95% CI: 0.64%
ters, including weight loss, physical activity and
to 0.03%). Participants in the aerobic–resistance
exercise, and a dietary intervention (5,7,9). Studies
exercise group also experienced significant increases
focused on exercise interventions have also demon-
in V O 2 max and decreases in waist circumference (12).
strated improvements in CV risk factors (BP, dyslipi-
N u t r i t i o n . Each landmark lifestyle intervention trial
demia, and body composition) among T2D patients
for CVD prevention in T2D has included a nutritional
(11). However, no clinical trial of exercise in T2D
component (5,7,9). Nutritional interventions have
patients has demonstrated a reduction in major CVD
also been examined independently for CVD preven-
endpoints or mortality. Current guidelines for exer-
tion in T2D. According to a recent position statement
cise and CVD risk reduction in diabetes are displayed
from the ADA, a holistic approach to nutrition and
in Table 1. In addition to exercise quantity, limited
diet should be used for counseling patients with
evidence suggests exercise type may be important for
diabetes to obtain individualized glycemic, BP, and
cardiovascular prevention. A study of 262 sedentary
lipid goals; to achieve and maintain body weight; and
patients with type 2 diabetes and an HbA 1c $6.5%
to delay or prevent complications of diabetes (13).
Newman et al.
JACC VOL. 70, NO. 7, 2017 AUGUST 15, 2017:883–93
Prevention of CVD in Diabetes
These guidelines for patients with T2D emphasize
salutary effects of intensive lifestyle interventions,
increased fruit, vegetable, and low-fat dairy con-
dietary counseling and caloric restriction on CV risk
sumption, and decreased consumption of saturated
factor control for patients with T2D, but without im-
fat (13). Multiple options for dietary control in
provements in CVD outcomes (19). However, many
patients with diabetes exist, including the DASH
patients with T2D have difficulty achieving weight
(Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet (14),
loss goals with lifestyle interventions alone. In line
Mediterranean, low-fat, or controlled carbohydrate
with current ACC/AHA/The Obesity Society guide-
diets are all effective in reducing CVD risk factors
lines (20), pharmacotherapy is indicated for weight
(13). The PREDIMED (Prevención con Dieta Medi-
loss among individuals with a BMI of 25 to 30 kg/m 2
terránea) trial is the largest dietary (RCT) to date for
with additional risk factors for CVD, including T2D or
CVD risk reduction. The PREDIMED trial randomized
pre-diabetes, or a BMI >30 kg/m 2, regardless of
nearly 7,500 participants at high risk of CVD, almost
comorbidities. A more complete review of pharma-
50% of whom had T2D, to a Mediterranean diet
cotherapy for weight loss among patients with T2D is
supplemented with either extra-virgin olive oil or
included elsewhere (1).
mixed nuts, or to a control diet (15). The trial was
In contrast to the lifestyle intervention, bariatric
stopped early because of a 30% reduction in the
surgery for severe obesity (BMI $35 kg/m 2) improves
primary composite outcome of CV death, MI, or
control of glycemia and CV risk factors (1,20). More-
stroke observed with the Mediterranean diet (15).
over, compared with nonsurgical management in the
Patients with prevalent diabetes (a pre-specified
Swedish Obese Subjects study, bariatric surgery
subgroup, n ¼ 3,614) had results similar to the main
reduces CVD mortality after nearly 15 years of follow-
trial population, suggesting that a Mediterranean diet
up (adjusted HR: 0.47; 95% CI: 0.29 to 0.76; p ¼ 0.002).
may prevent cardiovascular events in patients with T2D (15). Data from the nondiabetic subgroup of the PREDIMED study also indicates a Mediterranean diet may reduce the risk of developing diabetes among persons with high cardiovascular risk (16). There is also additional evidence that diets with low carbohydrate and low glycemic index foods may improve glycemic control and CVD risk factors (17,18), and may lower future diabetes risk (16). The importance of low carbohydrate diets and use of the glycemic index for CVD risk factor control in T2D warrants further investigation. W e i g h t m a n a g e m e n t . The primary approach to
S m o k i n g c e s s a t i o n . There is robust evidence to support the causal links between cigarette smoking and multiple poor health outcomes, including CVD (13). A routine and thorough assessment of tobacco use with cessation counseling and pharmacotherapy, where appropriate, is strongly recommended for CVD prevention among patients with and without T2D (Table 1). Although some patients may gain weight in the period after smoking cessation, recent research indicates this weight gain does not significantly attenuate the substantial CVD benefit from smoking cessation (13,21).
weight management in patients with T2D includes
T h e m u l t i f a c e t e d a p p r o a c h . As summarized in
Figure 1, programs combining lifestyle interventions
increased energy expenditure through daily physical
and medical therapy for CVD risk reduction are more
activity and regular aerobic activity; and behavior
efficacious than either therapy alone. However, only a
changes related to lifestyle (1). The Look AHEAD trial
few trials have evaluated the effect of multiple
employed these strategies for a trial of intensive
lifestyle management compared with usual care for
Some (7), but not all (5,22), have demonstrated an
patients with T2D (5). In addition to the previously
improvement in CV outcomes with multifactorial
described intervention for physical activity (5), the
interventions. Taken together, these trials suggest
intensive management arm of the Look AHEAD trial
that multifactorial interventions targeting several
also employed multiple dietary strategies (5). At
important risk factors simultaneously result in greater
4 years, participants in the intensive intervention arm
CV risk factor control and likely greater reduction
lost nearly 5% of their initial weight, compared with
in CVD
1% of initial weight among participants in the usual
interventions. An individually tailored aggressive
care group (5). Despite the sustained weight loss and
management program to control multiple CVD risk
improvement in CVD risk factors observed in the
factors simultaneously represents the best potential to
intensive treatment group, the Look AHEAD trial did
prevent CVD morbidity and mortality among patients
not demonstrate a reduction in CVD events for T2D
with T2D (23).
patients assigned to the intensive lifestyle interven-
tion (5). Other clinical trials have also demonstrated
mains of CVD prevention and risk reduction for
risk compared with single
risk factor
Newman et al.
JACC VOL. 70, NO. 7, 2017 AUGUST 15, 2017:883–93
Prevention of CVD in Diabetes
F I G U R E 1 Primary Prevention of CVD Events in Patients With T2D
Aspirin (28)*
SBP Lifestyle + Statin (53)† <140 mm Hg (40)† Nutrition (15) Lifestyle Tx (5)‡ Medical Tx (7)† –5% (–17,9)
% Reduction in CVD Events (95% CI)
–21% (–28,–14)
–29% (–47,–4)
–53% (–76,–27)
–60 Pharmacologic
CVD events are defined as cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke and: *all-cause mortality; †revascularization or amputation; ‡hospitalization for angina. CI ¼ confidence interval; CVD ¼ cardiovascular disease; SBP ¼ systolic blood pressure; T2D ¼ type 2 diabetes; TX ¼ treatment.
patients with T2D include the use of aspirin, and the
antioxidant therapy was more effective than placebo
control of blood pressure, cholesterol, and glycemia.
in reducing incident CVD in 1,276 U.K. participants
A s p i r i n . Despite a clear benefit of aspirin for the
>40 years of age with diabetes and asymptomatic
secondary prevention of CVD among patients with
peripheral artery disease, defined by an ankle
and without T2D (24), the use of aspirin for primary
brachial index #0.99 (26). After a median follow-up of
6.7 years, the primary cardiovascular composite
controversial. Three trials to date specifically examined CVD
outcome was 18.2% in patients randomized to aspirin or to placebo, respectively (26).
prevention with aspirin among patients with T2D
The JPAD study was an open label, primary pre-
(25–27), only 1 of which (JPAD [Japanese Primary
vention study of 81 to 100 mg of aspirin among 2,539
Prevention of Atherosclerosis With Aspirin for Dia-
Japanese participants with T2D (25), 26% of whom
betes]) (25) was a primary prevention study. The
were also taking statins (25). Despite a broad compos-
ETDRS (Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy
ite outcome that included angina, multiple forms of
Study) randomized over 3,700 participants 18 to
peripheral vascular disease, and other outcomes not
70 years of age with either type 1 diabetes (T1D) or
included in the secondary prevention ETDRS and
T2D and retinopathy, approximately one-third of
POPADAD trials (26,27), the annual event rate was
whom had prior CVD, to 650 mg of aspirin daily
nearly 50% lower in the JPAD trial compared with the
versus placebo. With a 5-year combined event rate of
ERDRS and POPADAD trials (25). After 4.4 years of
20% in the placebo group, aspirin use was associated
follow-up, there was no difference in the primary CV
with a significant 17% reduction in fatal or nonfatal MI
composite between participants in the aspirin group
(HR: 0.83; 95% CI: 0.65 to 1.03; p ¼ 0.04) and a
(68 events, 5.4%) versus no aspirin group (86 events,
nonsignificant increase in stroke (27).
6.7%; HR: 0.80; 95% CI: 0.58 to 1.10). The incidence of
The POPADAD (Prevention of Arterial Disease and
fatal coronary and cerebrovascular events, a pre-
Diabetes) trial used a factorial design to investigate
whether daily aspirin 100 mg with or without
reduced in the low-dose aspirin group (p ¼ 0.0037).
Newman et al.
JACC VOL. 70, NO. 7, 2017 AUGUST 15, 2017:883–93
Prevention of CVD in Diabetes
Through 2012, a number of meta-analyses have
by a 2% absolute increase in significant adverse
synthesized data on the effects of aspirin for the
events, including hypotension, bradycardia, and
prevention of CVD patients in patients with diabetes
hyperkalemia (36). In contrast to a strategy of tar-
(28–30). Although these meta-analyses differ in the
geting a specific BP, the ADVANCE trial randomized
included trials, the overall results suggest a modest
patients with diabetes to either a single-pill, fixed-
10% relative reduction in CVD events and $2-fold
dose combination ACE inhibitor and diuretic or pla-
relative increase in the risk of bleeding, predomi-
cebo, regardless of baseline blood pressure. Diabetic
nantly gastrointestinal (GI) in origin, with low-dose
participants in the ADVANCE trial randomized to
(75 to 162 mg) daily aspirin (1). In summary,
active treatment demonstrated significant reductions
low-dose aspirin is reasonable for diabetic patients
in the primary composite of macro- and microvas-
with increased CVD risk (10-year risk >10%), without
cular events, along with significant reductions in all-
an increased risk of GI bleeding (Table 1) (1,13,30).
cause and CV mortality (34). Although both SBP and
This includes most diabetic men and women, $50
DBP were lower with active treatment compared with
years of age, with at least 1 major CVD risk factor.
placebo, the ADVANCE trial was not intended to be a
Low-dose aspirin might be reasonable for patients at
comparison of CV risk reduction with more versus
intermediate CVD risk (5% to 10% 10-year risk)
less intensive BP targets (34). In addition to the SBP
(Table 1) (1,13,30).
targets of the ACCORD trial, there are earlier studies
B P c o n t r o l . BP control, in particular control of sys-
evaluating “lower” versus “standard” DBP targets in
tolic blood pressure (SBP) is a major objective of CV
diabetic patients (33,37–39). There are limitations in
risk reduction for patients with T2D. Seventy percent
these earlier studies that, taken together, do not
to 80% of T2D patients have comorbid hypertension,
clearly demonstrate a benefit with lower versus
the presence of which increases the risk of many
standard DBP targets in patients with diabetes (35).
adverse health outcomes, including MI, stroke, and
Although differing in analytic structure, recent
all-cause mortality, in addition to heart failure, ne-
meta-analyses are largely in agreement and confirm
phropathy, and other microvascular outcomes (1).
the protective effect of BP treatment for SBP
Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a pro-
>140 mm Hg in diabetic patients, and show that this
benefit decreases with decreasing BP (40,41). There
disease risk among patients with T2D with increasing
may be a cerebrovascular benefit to commencement
SBP from approximately 115 mm Hg (31). Trials such
as the UKPDS (United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes
SBP <140 mm Hg and treatment to a SBP <130 mm Hg,
Study), HOT (Hypertension Optimal Treatment), and
but uncertainty remains around these estimates
the ADVANCE (Action in Diabetes and Vascular
(40–42). Current recommendations are a goal BP
Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified-Release
of <140/90 mm Hg for most diabetic patients (Table 1)
Controlled Evaluation) studies have unequivocally
(13,43), but recognize that lower
demonstrated that antihypertensive drug therapy for
SBP <130 mm Hg) may be appropriate for younger
hypertensive diabetic patients reduces CVD risk
patients with diabetes and a history of cerebrovascular
(32–34). Despite the abundance of clinical studies, the
disease or multiple CV risk factors, assuming this lower
appropriate threshold for initiating medical therapy
target can be reached safely (13,40,44).
and treatment goals for BP reduction for T2D patients remains much less clear. disease,
tients with diabetes (45–47). However, evidence is
nephropathy) associated with lowering BP in diabetic
more consistent that the achieved BP, rather than the
patients to <140 mm Hg systolic and <90 mm Hg
specific drug or drug class used, is the principal
diastolic (35). Evidence supporting lower BP targets is
determinant of this benefit (43). Despite this, an ACE
limited. The ACCORD trial examined whether a SBP
inhibitor or ARB may still be preferred as initial
of <120 mm Hg provided greater CV risk reduction
therapy in the hypertensive diabetic patient due to
compared with a SBP of 130 to 140 mm Hg (36), and
the renal-protective effects and benefits for CVD risk
reduction and risk factor control (13). Angiotensin
endpoint (nonfatal MI, nonfatal stroke, and CV death)
inhibition with either an ACE inhibitor or ARB should
with intensive compared with standard BP control
be considered for patients with T2D and an abnormal
(36). Intensive versus standard SBP reduction in the
urinary albumin excretion (urinary albumin-to creat-
CV benefits for the treatment of hypertension in pa-
Some trials have indicated ACE inhibitor or angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) use may have unique
RCTs have demonstrated the benefit (reduced coronary
targets (e.g.,
ACCORD trial was associated with a 1% absolute
decrease in stroke, but this benefit was outweighed
is <140 mm Hg (46).
Newman et al.
JACC VOL. 70, NO. 7, 2017 AUGUST 15, 2017:883–93
Prevention of CVD in Diabetes
C o n t r o l o f b l o o d c h o l e s t e r o l . Patients with dia-
CVD events, including MI (56). However, the corre-
betes have a number of lipoprotein abnormalities,
lation between glycemia and microvascular disease is
including increased triglycerides, low HDL-C, and
stronger than for macrovascular disease, with a 37%
low, normal, or elevated LDL-C, with increased
increase in retinopathy or nephropathy per 1%
numbers of dense LDL particles (48). Multiple clinical
increase in HbA 1c (57).
trials and meta-analyses have demonstrated the
Earlier RCTs of patients with T1D and T2D
benefits of statins for primary and secondary pre-
demonstrated a 25% to 70% reduction in microvas-
vention of CVD (49). Subgroup analyses of patients
cular disease along with nonsignificant reductions in
with diabetes in larger lipid-lowering statin trials
macrovascular disease (58,59), that required 10þ
(50), and trials restricted to patients with diabetes
years of follow-up to reach statistical significance for
(51,52), demonstrate significant reductions in CV
CVD risk reduction (60). Three major RCTs of diabetes
events and death with statin use. A large meta-
and macrovascular disease studied middle age or
analysis including >18,000 patients with diabetes
older (mean age 60 to 68 years) participants with
(>95% T2D) from 14 randomized trials of statin
established T2D for 8 to 11 years, with either CVD or
therapy followed for a mean of 4.3 years demon-
multiple CVD risk factors (61–63). These studies
strated about a 9% proportional reduction in all-
compared intensive glucose control with an HbA 1c of
cause mortality and a 13% reduction in vascular
6.4% to 6.9% versus 7.0% to 8.4% in the standard
mortality per 1 mmol/l (39 mg/dl) reduction in LDL-C
glucose control groups. None of the 3 studies could
(53). Outcomes were similar to those achieved in
demonstrate a benefit on macrovascular outcomes
patients without diabetes mellitus. Moreover, the
with intensive therapy compared with standard gly-
outcomes of proportionate LDL reduction were
cemic control (61–63). The ACCORD trial was stopped
similar for patients with T2D with and without a
early because of a 22% increase in all-cause mortality
history of vascular disease (53).
(HR: 1.22; 95% CI: 1.01 to 1.46), driven by predomi-
Consistent with the ACC/AHA guidelines on the
nantly CV mortality (62). Reasons for the increased
management of blood cholesterol (54), the ADA
mortality associated with intensive glucose control in
has revised its treatment guidelines for the use of
the ACCORD trial are unclear and are discussed in
statin therapy in patients with diabetes (13), a
detail elsewhere (64,65).
summary of which is presented in Table 1. Current
Current recommendations emphasize individuali-
guidelines indicate that all patients with diabetes
zation of glycemic goals and suggest that for most
40 to 75 years of age with an LDL-C >70 mg/dl should
patients with T2D, an HbA 1c of <7% is a reasonable
be treated with a statin (13,54). Patients with diabetes
target to reduce future risk of microvascular disease
and an LDL-C <70 mg/dl may still benefit from
events (AHA/ACC Class IIb, Level of Evidence: A;
primary prevention statin use if the 10-year risk
ADA Level of Evidence: B) (13,64). More (e.g.,
of atherosclerotic CVD is $7.5% (54). In general,
HbA1c <6.5%) or less (HbA1c <8% or slightly higher)
the statin dose should be at least of moderate
may be appropriate depending on patient character-
intensity (30% to 50% LDL-C reduction), unless
istics and medical history (13).
clinical CVD or CV risk factors are present, in which
Glucose-lowering agent selection for CV risk
case high-intensity statin (>50% LDL-C reduction)
r e d u c t i o n . Based on improved primary prevention
therapy should be considered (13,54). Lowering
of macrovascular disease in a subset of patients
other lipoproteins such as triglycerides for CVD
(n ¼ 342) from the UKPDS trial, metformin is generally
risk reduction in patients with diabetes has not
considered to be first-line therapy for glycemic
proven beneficial (1), although subgroup analyses
control (66). Recent trials have suggested other
of diabetic patients with hypertriglyceridemia and
pharmacological strategies may also reduce vascular
low HDL-C may benefit from fibrate use on a back-
risk for patients with diabetes. In particular, a sodium
ground of statin therapy (55). Current ACC/AHA
glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitor (empagli-
guidelines continue to endorse the treatment of
flozin) and glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 analogues
patients with fasting triglycerides >500 mg/dl to
(liraglutide and semaglutide), have recently demon-
strated a reduction in mortality (67,68) and CVD
pancreatitis (54).
events (67–69) among patients with diabetes and pre-
G l y c e m i c c o n t r o l . T2D is associated with a 2- to 4-
existing CVD or multiple CVD risk factors. Further
fold increased risk of CVD, with event rates corre-
study in primary prevention populations are needed
lating with the degree of hyperglycemia (1). After
to demonstrate whether these agents are superior or
adjustment for other CVD risk factors, a 1% increase
additive to the CVD risk reduction reported with the
in HbA 1c was associated with a 21% increased risk of
use of metformin.
Newman et al.
JACC VOL. 70, NO. 7, 2017 AUGUST 15, 2017:883–93
Prevention of CVD in Diabetes
C E NT R AL IL L U STR AT IO N Pathways of Cardiovascular Risk in Patients With T2D
Newman, J.D. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017;70(7):883–93.
CVD ¼ cardiovascular disease; T2D ¼ type 2 diabetes.
AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY. I n i t i a t i o n a n d g o a l s o f B P
T 1 D v s . T 2 D . Management of CV risk for patients
r e d u c t i o n . Although the evidence is most robust to
with T1D relies largely on the evidence base for CV
initiate pharmacotherapy when BP is >140/90 mm Hg,
risk in T2D, despite the longer duration of disease in
and to treat to a goal of <140/90 mm Hg for most
T1D vs. T2D and notable differences in the underlying
patients with diabetes (43), other evidence supports
pathophysiology (71). Following the results of land-
initiating BP lowering below a SBP of 140 mm Hg and
mark trials in T1D including the DCCT (Diabetes
treating to a SBP <130 mm Hg (40,44). More aggressive
Control and Complications Trial) and its follow-up
BP goals could be considered in diabetic patients with
observational study EDIC (Epidemiology of Diabetes
a history of cerebrovascular and/or microvascular
Interventions and Complications), intensive glycemic
disease, such as retinopathy or nephropathy (40). A
control became the standard of care (72,73). However,
recent meta-analysis suggests the reduction in major
the basis of our understanding of CV risk factors and
CV events, MI, and stroke among patients at high CV
disease in T1D predates widespread intensive glyce-
risk, including diabetes, with early treatment and
mic control in T1D. There is growing interest to better
intensive BP reduction may outweigh the increased
understand the effects of intensive glycemic control
risk of adverse events with intensive therapy (44).
and weight gain on blood lipids in patients with T1D,
Further study in high-risk stroke populations, with or
the types of lipid abnormalities in T1D, and the
without microvascular disease, is necessary to validate
prognostic role of albuminuria and renal function and
these findings and to determine whether a lower BP
BP control in T1D (71). Future study will help deter-
target is beneficial in this subpopulation of patients
mine whether CV risk reduction strategies differ be-
with diabetes mellitus (1,70).
tween patients with T1D versus T2D.
Newman et al.
JACC VOL. 70, NO. 7, 2017 AUGUST 15, 2017:883–93
Prevention of CVD in Diabetes
T r i g l y c e r i d e l o w e r i n g . Lipid guidelines indicate
if persistently elevated, to begin either an ACE in-
the efficacy of statin treatment to lower LDL-C con-
hibitor or an ARB. Moderate-intensity statin therapy
centrations and reduce CV events in patients with
was prescribed (atorvastatin 20 mg), and the patient
T2D (54). However, the efficacy of treating other li-
was counseled that if her BP increases or persistent
poprotein abnormalities remains unproven. Low
albuminuria is confirmed, a high-intensity statin
levels of HDL, often in association with elevated tri-
would be recommended. Because she has no history
glycerides, are the most prevalent pattern of dyslipi-
of GI bleeding, peptic ulcer disease, or use of medi-
demia in patients with T2D (13). Triglyceride-rich
cations increasing bleeding risk, she was also started
lipoproteins are often elevated in patients with T2D,
on 81 mg of aspirin daily. The patient was counseled
appear to be atherogenic, and may be a secondary
to increase her metformin dose and/or initiate other
target for lipid-lowering therapy (1). The most selec-
glucose-lowering therapies, but she preferred to
tive of the triglyceride-lowering drugs are the
discuss these options with her endocrinologist.
fibrates. Clinical trials of fibrates conducted to date do
Additional use of an SGLT-2 inhibitor or a GLP-1
not support triglyceride reduction in the presence or
analogue could be considered, even though the
absence of T2D as a means to reduce CV risk. Unfor-
benefit in recent trials favored participants with
tunately, these trials are few in number and have
established CVD at baseline (67–69).
methodological limitations rendering the overall
CV risk reduction is critically important for the care
findings hypothesis generating (1). The definitive trial
of patients with diabetes, with or without known CVD
of triglyceride lowering among patients with T2D and
and CV risk factors (Central Illustration). Use of sta-
elevated triglycerides, with or without low HDL-C, on
tins, aspirin, glucose-lowering therapies, and BP
a background of statin therapy, has yet to be con-
reduction should be considered on a background of
ducted. Although combination therapy with a statin/
intensive lifestyle management including exercise,
fibrate is generally not recommended, it may be
nutrition, and weight management, in all patients
considered for men with elevated triglycerides and a
with T2D. The uniform use of proven medical thera-
low HDL-C (1,13).
pies could meaningfully impact the morbidity and
mortality for the diabetic patient over his or her lifetime.
The patient discussed in the Clinical Vignette was referred to a nutritionist for dietary counseling and
weight loss planning, along with a combined resis-
Newman, Division of Cardiology and the Center
tance and aerobic exercise training program. She was
amenable to treating her borderline BP with lifestyle
Prevention of
Cardiovascular New
Disease, University
modification, including the DASH diet. Because of the
School of Medicine, TRB Room 853, 227 East 30th
variability in urinary albumin excretion (13), she was
Street, New York, New York 10016. E-mail: Jonathan.
advised to repeat a urine collection in 3 months, and
[email protected].
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KEY WORDS cardiovascular disease, primary prevention, type 2 diabetes