By BERNHARD WOLF WEINBERGER, D.D.S., New York, N. Y. In the years gone by, those who wrote for dental journals and those who were interested in bibliographical work, feeling the necessity for abbreviating the titles of dental journals, devised many methods, irrespective of the accepted form and standard type. Recently further attempts have been made to classify our dental indices, and here again those interested have fallen into the same errors when they reached the abbreviations. They are again confusing the issue. Unless something is adopted that general librarians can easily interpret, how can those unfamiliar with literature understand what certain letters signify? In the United States, being so far removed from the centers of culture, we unfortunately forget that there are other nations with their various languages that must be considered, and that they are a part of the general plan. Fortunately there exists in the League of Nations an International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation. A sub-committee has prepared a national code of abbreviations for titles of periodicals, and almost every periodical can and should now be properly abbreviated. In 1931 I presented the following plan (adopted by our dental periodicals) to the "Federation Dentaire Internationale Commission of Documentation" for their consideration. The subject, in turn, was referred to the League of Nations. It remains for them to approve of the abbreviation "dent" for dental, and then it can be universally used. Before presenting the abbreviations of dental periodicals, it might be advisable first to set forth the general rules adopted by the abovementioned organization, so that a definite basis for our abbreviations might be understood, and to include the accepted abbreviations so that in the future any further attempt in this direction might be carried out in the proper accepted manner. THE INTERNATIONAL CODE OF ABBREVIATIONS FOR TITLES OF PERIODICALS General Rules 1. As a general rule, titles of periodicals are not abbreviated beyond a point which allows of their easy identification. The order of the words is not varied. Exception: Some of the most common generic names for periodicals (i.e., such words as Journal, Zeitschrift) are abbreviated to a greater degree than this principle permits. A list of these is appended II. Normally, the abridged form retains all words other than articles, conjunctions, prepositions and analogous locutions. These are generally omitted. Exceptions: (a) When the title consists of only two nouns, (neither of which is a generic name) separated by an article, preposition, conjunction or a combination of these parts of speech, the latter are retained. (b) The conjunction is retained between two compound nouns the last part of which is common to both. Read at Dental Round Table at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association, Rochester, N. Y., June 17-19, 1935. 92
(c) In exceptionally long titles, in addition to articles, conjunctions and prepositions, some of the other less important words are omitted. (When the conjunction is preserved "and" is abridged as '&"; "und" as "a'"; and "och" as 'o.' The German definite article is abridged as "d" in all its cases.) III. The normal method of shortening is by abbreviation, the letters omitted being replaced by a full stop. E.g.: Medicine-Med. But certain contracted forms are permitted. A list is appended. IV. Nouns are spelt with a capital, adjectives with a small initial letter. For geographical adjectives either a small or a capital letter may be used as preferred. V. No distinction is made between singular and plural. Blatt, Blatter-Bl. Bericht (e)-Ber. VI. Cognate words in different languages are reduced to the same form when the orthography permits. E.g.: Academie Academy - Acad. Academia Accad. Accademia Akademie Akademi - Akad. Science, Sciencia, Scienza-Sci. Societa, Society, Societe - Soc. Sociedad, Sociedade Sociestas, Societate VII. Titles transcribed in Roman characters are also abbreviated in accordance with the foregoing rules, but more sparingly. Titles of periodicals in oriental languages are not abbreviated. Special Rules I. Only titles consisting of at least two words are abbreviated. When a title consists of only one non-compound word it is given in full. So: Recht-Recht. Avenir-Avenir. II. In compound words each part is abbreviated as when it stands alone, the different elements of the word being connected by hvphens. III. The place of publication is not given except in the following cases, when it is separated by a comma from the title itself. (a) When the resultant abbreviation does not reveal the languagc which has been abbreviated. (b) When the title is in a language other than that of the country in which the periodical is published. (c) When two or more periodicals have the samc abbreviated title. IV. The first word of the title may be less abridged. V. When the title of a review begins with the name of a person, the surname only is kept and the rest of the title is abridged according to the rules. 93
NOMS GENERIQUES-GENERIC NAMES Annual Rcport Blad, Blatt, Blatter Comptes-rendus
poses, finlandais) Monatshefte Schrift Skrifter Tidskrift, Ti;dsohrift Zeidschrift Zurnal (russe)
A. R.
B1. C.(comp.) R.(cnd) G.(ior) Jh.
Lehti (Journal, dans les mots com-
L. Mh. Schr. Skr. T. Z. Z.
SOME EXAMPLES OF WORDS IN FREQUENT USE AND THEIR ABBREVIATION Abh. Abhandlungen Abstr. Abstracts Abt. Abteilung Acad. Academie, Academy Accad. Accademia Act. Actas, Actes Adm. Administration Adv. Adviser Afd. Afdeeling Afh. Afhandlingen Allgemein (e) Allg. Almanach Alm. Anal. Analects An. Analele, Anals Anat. Anatomy Angew. Angewandte Annaler, Annales, Annali, Annuals Ann. Annu. Annuaire, Annuario Anthrop. Anthropology Anu. Anuario, Anuarul Anz. Anzcigen, Anzeiger Arb. Arbeiten Arch. Archives, Archivio, Archiv. Arkiv. Ark. Associacion Assoc. Ass. (o) Asociacion, Associazionc
Coll. College Colon. Colonial Comm. Commission, Committee C.(comp) R.(cnd). Comptes-rendus Congr. Congres Cong. Congress Contr. Contributions Corresp. Correspondence Crit. Critic Cron. Cronica
Beiblatt Bciheft (e) Bcitrage Bericht (c) Bibliografia, Bibliographv Biology Blatter Board Boletim, Boletin Bollettino Bulletin (s), Bulletijn
Faculte Fcstschrift Forhandlinger Fortschritte fur
Catalogue Ccntral Ccntral blatt. Chroniclc
Cientifica Circular Clinical Colcgio Collection, Collected
Denkmaler Denkschriften Dental, Dentairc Department Digest Direction Dissertations Documents Eclectic
Encyclopedic Enzyklopadie Ergcbnis Etudes Experiente, Experimental
Beibl. Beih. Beitr. Ber. Bibliogr. Biol. Bl.
Gaceta Gazette Gazzetta
Bd. Bol. Boll. Bull.
Generale Gesamt (e)
Geschichte, Geschiedenis
Cat. Ccntr. Centralbl. Chron.
Gesellschaft Giornale
Cienc. Clent.
Haandbog Handbok Herold History Hospital
Circ. Clin. Col. Coll.
Denkm. Denkschr. Dent. Dep.
Dir. Diss. Doc.
Ecl. Encycl. Enzykl. Ergebn. Et. Exp. Fac. Festschr. Forh. Fortschr. f. Gac. Gaz. Gazz. Gen. Gen. Ges. Gesch. Gcschr. Ges. (ellesch) Gior. Haandb. Handb. Her. Hist. Hosp.
Periodique Periodische Practical Praktisch Pratica Praxis Problems
Hop. Hopital Hyg. Hygiene Ill. Illustierte, Illustrated Imp. Imperial Inc. Incorporated Industr. Industria, Industriel Inform. Information International, Intcrnazionale Int. (crnat) Invent. Inventions Invest. Investigations
Kalender Klinischc Komitc, Komitcc Kommission Kommitte Kongress Laboratorium, Laboratory Lcttcr Lctturc Libraries Litcrature Littcraturc
Magazin, Magazine Magazijn, Materialien Mechanical
Medical Memoires Memoirs Memoranda Memorial Mensilc, Mensuel Methode Military Minutes Mitteilungen Miscclanea, Miscellany Modern Monatlichc (r) Monatschrift Monografia, Monographics Monthlv Musee, Museum National New Noticias, Notizen Nouveaux Novitates Obscrvacoes, Observations Obscrvcr
Odontological Officc Official, Officicel, Offizielle Orthodontist Orthopedia Pathology
Proceedings Proges Publications, Publicazioni Public, Publiquc Quartalschrift Quarterly Questions
Kal. Klin. Kom. Komm. Komm. Kongr. Lab.
Lett. Lctt. Libr. Lit. Litt.
Royal Rocntgenology Rundschau
& (en) Sammiun (s), ScienceScinza Scientifc Section
Scmainc Serics Sociedad, Society Southern Special
Statemcnt Station
Stomatology Summary Surgical Survey System, Systeme
Not. Nouv. Novit.
Tcchnic, Technical Tecnisk Therapeutics Tidning Tidsckrift Times Transactions Transaction Tribuna Triennial Trimestralc, Trimestricllc
Obs. Obs. Odont. Off. Offic. Orthodont. Orthop. Path.
Pamphl. 95
Publ. Pubi.
Qu.-Schr. Quart. Quest.
Reg. Rclac. Rep. Rcpr.
Mem. Memor. Mcmor. Mcns. Meth. Mil. Min. Mitt. Misc. Mod. Monatl. Monatschr. Monogr. Month. Mus. Nat.
Rccherchcs Rclacion Report Rcprint (s)
Retrospect Review, Revista, Revue
Med. Mcem
Probi. Proc.
Racc. Rad. Rap. Rapp.
Rcsearch (s)
Pract. Pract. Prat.
Raccolta Radiograph Raport Rapporten, Rapporti
Mater. Mech. Meet.
Period. Period.
Rcv. Riv. Roy. Rdsch.
Roentgenols Samml.
Sci. Scicnt. Sect. Scm. Scr. Soc.
South. Spec. Statem. Stat. Statist. Stomat. Summ. Surg. Surv. Syst. Tcchn. Tckn. Therap. Tidn. Tidski. Tms. Trans. Tr. Trib. Tricnn. Trimestr.
Univ. Universal, Universelle Universitaire Univ. Vcrband. Verb. Ver. Vercin Vcrhandelingen, Vcrhandlungen Verh.(andl) Versch. Vcrschicndene, Vcrschillendc
Wochentlichc Wochenblatt Wochenscrift Year Book
Zahnheilkundc Zahnarztlichen Zcitschrift Zcitung
Vicrtcljahrschrift Vorschriften Vortragc
Vorschr. Vortr.
Woch. Wchnbl. Wchnschr. Ycarb. Zahnh. Zahnarztl. Ztschr.
Board Enginecr Enginecring Hcalth Institution Jaarbericht, Jahrcsbericht Jahrbuch Joint Rcport Monatsbericht Monatsblatt
M (onata) schr. Rdsch. V (rtl) jschr. Vicrteljahrsschrift Wcekblad, Wochenblatt W(chn) bl.
Bd. Engr. Engng. Hlth. Instn. Jber. Jhrb. Jt. R. Mber. Mbl.
Wochenschrift Works World Zcitung Zcntralblatt
Wschr. Wks. Wld.
Ztg. Zbl.
PROPER NAMES OF COUNTRIES, STATES AND CITIES AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS Fla. Alabama Ala. Florida Fr. Alaska France Alas. America Am. Ga. Amsterdam Amst. Georgia Gcr. Arizona Ariz. Germany Grave. Arkansas Ark. Gravenhage Great Britain Australia Austral. G.(t) B.(rit). Baltimore Barcelona Belgium, Belgique Berlin
Budapest Brusscls, Bruxelles
Balt. Barcel. Belg. Beri. Bost. Brit. B. C. Bp. Brux.
California Chicago Cincinnati Colonial Colorado Connecticut
Calif. Chi. Cincin. Colon. Colo. Conn.
Delawarc Deutscher (e., es.) District of Columbia Edinburgh England Europaischer Finland
Del. Dtsch. D. C.
Boston British British Columbia
Hamburg Idaho Illinois India, Indiana Iowa Ireland Kansas Kentucky Kobenhaven, Koben
Lcyden Lisbon Liverpool London Long Island Louisiana
Mafyar Maine
Edinb. Eng.
Massachusetts Michigan
Ida. Ill. Ind. Ia. Irc. Kans. Ky. (Kbh)
Lpz. B. B. Lisb. Lpool. Lond. L. I. La.
M(agy) Me. Md.
Minnesota Missouri Mississippi Montana
Minn. Mo. Miss. Mont.
Portugal Prussia
Qd. R.I.
Ncbraska Nederlandsch Netherland Nevada New England New Hampshire New Jersey Ncw Mexico Ncw Orlcans New South Wales Ncw York New Zealand North Carolina North Dakota Norway
Neb. Nederl. Ncth. Ncv. N.E. N.H. N.J. N.M. N.O. N.S.W. N.Y. N.Z. N.C. N.D. Norw.
Rhodc Island Rio de Janeiro Russia San Francisco Saxony Scotland Schweizcrischc Scrbia Spain Sweden Syria Tcnnessec Texas
Oesterreich Oesterreichisch Ohio Oklahoma
Ost. Oesterr. 0. Okla. Ore.
United Kingdom United States
Oregon Paris Pennsylvania Philadelphia Philippine Islands
Dent. Ass. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Statc Dental Society. Bulletin of the North Carolina Dental Society.
Un ar. U.S.
Vcrmont Virginia
Vt. Va.
Wash. W.Va.
Wcst Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
JOURNALS AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS Am.Dcnt.J. American Dcntal Journal Am.Dent.Surg. American Dental Surgeon AmJ.Stomat. American Journal of Stomatolo*y Am. Soc. Orthodont. American Society of Orthodonusts Anglc Orthodont. Anglc Orthodontist. Apollonian Bull. Alameda County Bulletin Alameda County Dental Dcnt. Soc. Socicty Bulletin, Alabama Dcntal Association. Bull. Ala. Dent. Ass. Bulletin of the Chicago Dcntal Socicty Bull. Chi. Dent. Soc. Bulletin of the Clcvcland Dental Society Bull. Cleveland Dent. Soc. Bulletin of the Colorado State Dental Bull. Colo. Dcnt. Asso. Association. Bulletin of the District of Columbia Bull. D.C. Dent. Soc. Dcntal Socicty Bulletin of the Florida Statc Dental Society.
Rio de Jan. Russ. S.F. Sax. Scot. Schweiz. Serb. Sp. Sw. Syr. Tcan. Tex.
Par. Penn. Phila. P.I.
Bulletin of the Georgia Statc Dcntal Society. Bulletin of thc Intcrnational Dental Federation Bulletin of the Maryland Statc
Port. Pru.
Chi. Chi. N.Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. Bost. Montgomery Chic. Cleveland Denvcr
Bull. Fla. Statc Dent. Soc.
Bull. Ga. Statc Dcnt. Soc.
Bull. Intcr. Dent. Fcd.
Bull. Md. State Dcnt. Ass.
Bull. Mass. Statc Dent. Soc.- Bost. Bull. N.C. Dcnt. Soc.
Bulletin of the Ohio State Dental Society. Bullctin of the Oklahoma State Dental Society Bulletin of the Pacific Coast Socicty of Orthodontists. Bulletin of the Pennsylvania State Dental Societv. Bulletin of the Wcst Virginia State Dental Society. Columbia Dental Revicw. Connecticut State Dental Association Bulletin Dental Bulletin, Army Dental School, Army Mcdical Center. Dental Cosmos. Dental Digest. Dcntal Hygicnc Quarterly Dental Items of Intercst Dental Outlook Dental Rcview; Temple Univcrsity Dcntal School. Dcntal Survey Federation Dentairc Internationale Hygicnc Commission. Harvard Dental Record. Illinois Dental Journal International Association for Dcntal Research; scicntific proceedings of the . . annual meeting. Intcrnational Journal of Orthodontia. Journal of the American College of Dentists. Journal of the American Dental
Association. Journal of the Amcrican Dental Hygicnists Association Journal of the California State Dental Journal of the California State Dental Association. Journal of the Dcntal Hygicnists Association of the City of Ncw York Journal of Dental Research Journal of the Indiana State Dcntal Association. Journal of the Maryland State Dental Association and the Clarence J. Grieves Library Foundation. Journal of the Michigan State Dcntal Society. Journal of the Missouri State Dcntal Association. Journal of the Nebraska State Dcntal Society Journal of the New York Acadcmy of Dcntistry. Journal of the Ohio Statc Dcntal Societv Journal of the Oregon Statc Dcntal Association Journal of the South Carolina State Dental Association.
Bull. O.State Dent. Soc.
Bull. Okla. State Dent. Soc. Bull. Pacific Coast Soc.
Orthodont. Bull. Penn. State Dent. Soc.
Sacramento, Cal.
Bull. W.Va. State Dent. Soc. Buckhannon N. Y. Columbia Dent. Rev.
Conn. Statc Dent. Ass. Bull. Dent. Bull. Army Dent.
Hartford Wash.
Dcnt. Cosmos Dent. Dig. Dent. Hyg. Quart. Dental Items Interest Dent. Outlook
Phil. Chi.
Dent. Rev. Phila.
Phila. Minneap.
Dcnt. Surv.
N.Y. N.Y.
Fcd. Dent. Int. Hyg. Comm. Amst. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard Dent. Rec. Oak Park Ill. Dent. J. Int. Ass. Dent. Rcs. Proc. Int. J. Orthodont.
Baltimore. St. Louis
J. Am. Coll. Dent.
J. Am. Dent. Ass.
J. Am. Dent. Hyg. Ass. J. Calif. State Dent. Ass.
Augusta, Mc. S. F.
Calif. State Dcnt. Ass.
S. F.
J. Dcnt. Hyg. Ass. City N.Y. N. Y. Balt. J. Dent. Res. J. Ind. State Dcnt. Ass.
J. Md. State Dent. Ass.
J. Mich. Dent. Statc Soc.
J. Mo. Statc Dcnt. Ass.
J. Neb. Statc Dcnt. Soc.
J. N.Y. Acad. Dcnt.
J. 0. Statc Dent. Soc.
Columbus, 0.
J. Orc. Statec Dcnt. Ass.
J. S.C. State Dent. Ass.
Kentucky State Dental Association Bulletin. Michigan State Dental Societv Journal Minneapolis District Dcntal Journal. New Jersey State Dental Journal New York Journal of Dentistry Oral Hygiene Practical Dcntal Journal Review of dentistry for children. Transactions of the dental society of the state of New York Transactions of the Illinois statc dental society
Ky. State Dent. Ass. Bull. Mich. Statc Dent. Soc. J. Minneap. Dis. Dent. J. N.J. State Dent. j. N.Y. J. Dent. Oral Hyg. Pract. Dent. J. Rev. dent. childrcn
Louisville Chi. Minneap. Jersey City N.Y. N.Y. and Albany San Antonio Fulton, Mo.
Tr. Dent. S. Statc N.Y.
Tr. Ill. State Dent. S.
UNITED KINGDOM Australian Journal of Dentistry British Dental Journal British Journal of Dcntal Scicnce & Prosthetics Commonwcalth Dental Rcview Dental Journal of Australia Dental Magazinc & Oral Topics Dcntal Record Dcntal Scicnce Journal of Australia Dcntal Surgeon Indian Dental Journal Indian Dcntal Rcview New Zealand Dental Journal Preventive Dentistry Royal Dcntal Hospital Magazine Royal Society of Medicine Section of Odontology Transactions British Society for the Study of Orthodontics
Austral. J. of Dcnt. Brit. Dcnt. J.
Mclbournc London
Brit. J. Dent. Sci.
Dent. J. Austral. Dcnt. Mag. & Oral Topics Dcnt. Rec. Dcnt. Sc. J. of Austral. Dcnt. Surg. Ind. Dent. J. Ind. Dent. Rev. N.Z. Dent. J.
Sydncy Sydney London
Roy. Dent. Hosp. Mag. Roy. Soc. of Med. Sect. of Odonc. Trans. Br. Soc. for the